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assembled , Avith their gay and varied colours , the effect of the Avhole Avas most brilliant . Among other distinguished Masons present , Avere Bro . Sheriff Alison , P . G . M . ; Bro . G . AV . Arnott ; Bro . Rattray ; Bro . J . Miller , P . M ., St . Mark's Lodge ; Bro . Gemmill ; Bro . J . Binnie , P . M . ; Bro . Houstottn ; Bro . Graham , & c . & c . Large deputations from the folloAving Lodges Avere also present , viz ' . : Hamilton Kilwinning , No . 7 ; Doric KilwinningPort Glasgow
, , No . 68 ; GlasgoAv Thistle ancl Rose , No . 73 ; GlasgoAv Thistle , No . 87 ; GlasgoAv St . Mark's , No . 102 ; Royal Arch , Pollokshaws , No . 153 ; Caledonian St . John ' s , R . A ., Campsie , No . 195 ; Glasgow Star , No . 219 ; Glasgow Shamrock ancl Thistle , No . 275 ; GlasgoAv Commercial , No . 360 . The Lodge having been opened by Bro . J . G . Houlstoun , the R . W . M . who presided on the occasion , the following toasts were iven Avith Masonic honoursviz .: " The
g , Queen ancl Royal Family ; " " The Grand Lodge of Scotland ;" " The Grand Lodge of England ; " " The Grand Lodge of Ireland ;" " Freemasonry over the Globe ; " " The Provincial Grancl Lod"e and Bro . Alison , P . G . M ., " by the R . W . M . ; " The Glasgow Kilwinning Lodge , " by Bro . Alison , P . G . M ., AVIIO , in a most brilliant speech ,
pointed out the many advantages and benefits of Freemasonry , as a science , both at home and abroad ; " Bro . Rattray , " b y Bro . Clark , S . AV . ; " The R . W . M . of the Glasgow Kilwinning Lodge , " by Bro . Alison , P . G . M ., AA'I IO referred to the great exertions made by that Brother in advancing the cause of Freemasonry in that part of the country , Avhich had been croAvned Avith complete success ; " The British army in so far as connected with Freemasonry , " by Bro . Gemmill ; " The neutral World" by Bro . Houstonn & c . & c . The
, , evening Avas enlivened by many songs and sentiments , and a fine instrumental band , conducted by Bro . J . AgneAv , and also by the strains of the bagpipe , played by a Brother in the full Highland costume . The Brethren separated at IOAV twelve , much delighted ¦ with the evening ' s proceedings . The arrangements of the purveyor , Bro . M'Crostie , of the Albert , gave great satisfaction . As a display of the strength and harmony of Masonry in the Avest of Scotland
, we are informed that this assembly has not been ecru ailed , and Ave have no doubt it Avill do much to strengthen the Masonic body , and advance the cause of Masonry in that part of the country . So large a turn-out of the Brethren was at the same time a most flattering compliment to the distinguished Lodge , under Avhose auspices the Festival took place .
CORK . —First Lodge of Ireland . —In consequence of the change of residence of Bro . Anthony Perrier to London , this Lodge has presented him Avith a complimentary address , on account of the untiring energy and ardour Avhich he has constantly displayed , in promoting the interests of his Lodge , and of Masonry generally . We consider that it is but a proper tribute to his Avorth to make this VOL . III . 2 M
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assembled , Avith their gay and varied colours , the effect of the Avhole Avas most brilliant . Among other distinguished Masons present , Avere Bro . Sheriff Alison , P . G . M . ; Bro . G . AV . Arnott ; Bro . Rattray ; Bro . J . Miller , P . M ., St . Mark's Lodge ; Bro . Gemmill ; Bro . J . Binnie , P . M . ; Bro . Houstottn ; Bro . Graham , & c . & c . Large deputations from the folloAving Lodges Avere also present , viz ' . : Hamilton Kilwinning , No . 7 ; Doric KilwinningPort Glasgow
, , No . 68 ; GlasgoAv Thistle ancl Rose , No . 73 ; GlasgoAv Thistle , No . 87 ; GlasgoAv St . Mark's , No . 102 ; Royal Arch , Pollokshaws , No . 153 ; Caledonian St . John ' s , R . A ., Campsie , No . 195 ; Glasgow Star , No . 219 ; Glasgow Shamrock ancl Thistle , No . 275 ; GlasgoAv Commercial , No . 360 . The Lodge having been opened by Bro . J . G . Houlstoun , the R . W . M . who presided on the occasion , the following toasts were iven Avith Masonic honoursviz .: " The
g , Queen ancl Royal Family ; " " The Grand Lodge of Scotland ;" " The Grand Lodge of England ; " " The Grand Lodge of Ireland ;" " Freemasonry over the Globe ; " " The Provincial Grancl Lod"e and Bro . Alison , P . G . M ., " by the R . W . M . ; " The Glasgow Kilwinning Lodge , " by Bro . Alison , P . G . M ., AVIIO , in a most brilliant speech ,
pointed out the many advantages and benefits of Freemasonry , as a science , both at home and abroad ; " Bro . Rattray , " b y Bro . Clark , S . AV . ; " The R . W . M . of the Glasgow Kilwinning Lodge , " by Bro . Alison , P . G . M ., AA'I IO referred to the great exertions made by that Brother in advancing the cause of Freemasonry in that part of the country , Avhich had been croAvned Avith complete success ; " The British army in so far as connected with Freemasonry , " by Bro . Gemmill ; " The neutral World" by Bro . Houstonn & c . & c . The
, , evening Avas enlivened by many songs and sentiments , and a fine instrumental band , conducted by Bro . J . AgneAv , and also by the strains of the bagpipe , played by a Brother in the full Highland costume . The Brethren separated at IOAV twelve , much delighted ¦ with the evening ' s proceedings . The arrangements of the purveyor , Bro . M'Crostie , of the Albert , gave great satisfaction . As a display of the strength and harmony of Masonry in the Avest of Scotland
, we are informed that this assembly has not been ecru ailed , and Ave have no doubt it Avill do much to strengthen the Masonic body , and advance the cause of Masonry in that part of the country . So large a turn-out of the Brethren was at the same time a most flattering compliment to the distinguished Lodge , under Avhose auspices the Festival took place .
CORK . —First Lodge of Ireland . —In consequence of the change of residence of Bro . Anthony Perrier to London , this Lodge has presented him Avith a complimentary address , on account of the untiring energy and ardour Avhich he has constantly displayed , in promoting the interests of his Lodge , and of Masonry generally . We consider that it is but a proper tribute to his Avorth to make this VOL . III . 2 M