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BENGAL . —A Quarterly Communication of the District Grand Lodge Avas held at the Freemasons' Hall , Calcutta , on Monday , the 22 nd of March , 1852 , Avhen the following Brethren Avere present : —R . AV . S . Smith , Officiating Prov . G . M . ; J . J . L . I-Ioff , D . P . G . M . ( N . W . P . ) & P . G . S . ; J . King , P . D . P . G . M . & P . P . G . T . ; J . Chaunce , P . D . P . G . M . & P . G . T . ; J . W . II . Ilbery , P . S . G . AV . ; O . P . L . Watson , P . J . G . W . ; J . M . Harris ,
P . G . R . ; W . II . Hoff , Asst . P . G . Sec . ; C . Hogge , P . J . G . D . as S . G . D . ; J . N . Bullen , P . G . S . as J . G . D . ; J . Bathurst , P . G . Sup . of Works ; J . B . Roberts , P . G . Dir . of Cer . ; J . Gray , P . G . S . B . ; W . Clark , P . G . 0 . ; J . E . Clinger , P . P . G . 0 . ; Aga Mahomed Shoostree , P . G . Pur . ; M . R . CraAvford and W . J . Sinclair , Prov . Grand SteAvards ; D . J . Daniel , P . G . T ., together Avith the Masters , Past Masters , and Wardens of several Lodges .
Amongst the most important business transacted on this occasion , that of the Officiating Prov . Grand Master ' s allusion to the granting of Dispensations for conferring Degrees on Brethren at an interval of one Aveek instead of four Aveeks , as authorized by Resolution of the Grand Lodge of England of 1 st December , 1847 , Avas most important ; in the course of his remarks , the Prov . G . M . observed , that "such Dispensations should not be applied for by Masters of Lodgesexcept in cases of sufficient urgency ; which urgency should
, be clearly specified , ancl Avould , as a general rule , only apply in the event of a Brother intending to go to a place Avhere he could not have an opportunity of receiving a higher degree . " The Officiating Prov . Grancl Master further remarked , that " in order to check applications for Dispensations on frivolous grounds , the Grand Lodge of England had imposed a fee , and had authorized Prov . Grand Masters to do the same . Such fee Avas noAv levied in this district ;
but still , the mere payment of the fee would not , as a matter of course , entitle a Lodge to a Dispensation unless it be applied for on certified grounds , as already explained , to the satisfaction of the Prov . Grand Master . "
Freemasonry in the State of California . — -We have received a copy of the proceedings of the Grand Lodge in Sacramento , from Avhich it appears that Freemasonry is making great progress in that section of the globe . At a meeting , on the 4 th day of November last , R . W . B . D . Hyam , Dep . G . M . presided in the absence of M . W . J . A . Tutt , G . M ., Avho addressed the Brethren at considerable length . As one of the Fraternity in the state , he said that he rejoiced in the rapid extension of this time-honoured Order throughout his jurisdiction ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
BENGAL . —A Quarterly Communication of the District Grand Lodge Avas held at the Freemasons' Hall , Calcutta , on Monday , the 22 nd of March , 1852 , Avhen the following Brethren Avere present : —R . AV . S . Smith , Officiating Prov . G . M . ; J . J . L . I-Ioff , D . P . G . M . ( N . W . P . ) & P . G . S . ; J . King , P . D . P . G . M . & P . P . G . T . ; J . Chaunce , P . D . P . G . M . & P . G . T . ; J . W . II . Ilbery , P . S . G . AV . ; O . P . L . Watson , P . J . G . W . ; J . M . Harris ,
P . G . R . ; W . II . Hoff , Asst . P . G . Sec . ; C . Hogge , P . J . G . D . as S . G . D . ; J . N . Bullen , P . G . S . as J . G . D . ; J . Bathurst , P . G . Sup . of Works ; J . B . Roberts , P . G . Dir . of Cer . ; J . Gray , P . G . S . B . ; W . Clark , P . G . 0 . ; J . E . Clinger , P . P . G . 0 . ; Aga Mahomed Shoostree , P . G . Pur . ; M . R . CraAvford and W . J . Sinclair , Prov . Grand SteAvards ; D . J . Daniel , P . G . T ., together Avith the Masters , Past Masters , and Wardens of several Lodges .
Amongst the most important business transacted on this occasion , that of the Officiating Prov . Grand Master ' s allusion to the granting of Dispensations for conferring Degrees on Brethren at an interval of one Aveek instead of four Aveeks , as authorized by Resolution of the Grand Lodge of England of 1 st December , 1847 , Avas most important ; in the course of his remarks , the Prov . G . M . observed , that "such Dispensations should not be applied for by Masters of Lodgesexcept in cases of sufficient urgency ; which urgency should
, be clearly specified , ancl Avould , as a general rule , only apply in the event of a Brother intending to go to a place Avhere he could not have an opportunity of receiving a higher degree . " The Officiating Prov . Grancl Master further remarked , that " in order to check applications for Dispensations on frivolous grounds , the Grand Lodge of England had imposed a fee , and had authorized Prov . Grand Masters to do the same . Such fee Avas noAv levied in this district ;
but still , the mere payment of the fee would not , as a matter of course , entitle a Lodge to a Dispensation unless it be applied for on certified grounds , as already explained , to the satisfaction of the Prov . Grand Master . "
Freemasonry in the State of California . — -We have received a copy of the proceedings of the Grand Lodge in Sacramento , from Avhich it appears that Freemasonry is making great progress in that section of the globe . At a meeting , on the 4 th day of November last , R . W . B . D . Hyam , Dep . G . M . presided in the absence of M . W . J . A . Tutt , G . M ., Avho addressed the Brethren at considerable length . As one of the Fraternity in the state , he said that he rejoiced in the rapid extension of this time-honoured Order throughout his jurisdiction ,