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Sonora . . . Tuolumne Lodge , No . 8 . „ .... Temple Lodge , No . 14 . San Jose . . . San Jose Lodge , No . 10 . Marysville . . . Marysville Lodge , No . 9 . Portland , 0 . T . . . Williamette Lodge , No . 11 . Napa City . . . Yount Lodge , No . 12 . Nevada . . . Nevada Loclge , No . IS .
Lafayette , 0 . T . . . Lafayette Lodge , No . 16 . Grey Eagle City . . Eivreka , TJ . D . In section 5 of the Constitution it is enacted , " that no Lodge shall confer the three degrees of Masonry for a less sum than seventy-five dollars ( 15 / . 12 s . 6 d . ) , and the fee for each degree , as may be regulated by the Lodge , shall be invariably paid in advance ; " and further , " that there shall be paid into the hand of the Grand Secretary , for the use of the Grand Lodge , five dollars ( 205 . 10 c ? . ) for every diploma granted to a member of a subordinate Lodge . "
FRANCE . —We have received tAvo letters , dated Paris , April 18 th , and May 22 nd , 1852 , from Bro . Hubert , contradicting that of Bro . Leblanc de Marconnay , inserted in our last number of The Freemasons' Quarterly Magazine and Review . We cannot give our opinion on the difference existing betAveen these two excellent Brethren , but Ave most sincerely hope that the misunderstanding , Avhich has induced them to send their correspondence to this publication , will speedily be adjusted , and that the mediation of some of the French Brethren Avill tend to reconcile two old friends , Avho were born to love and cherish each other .
BERLIN . —The agitation against the Order of Freemasons , Avhich is supported by the Government in Saxony , appears to be beginning here , though it has not yet found any official countenance . The Saxon pamphlets , denouncing the whole Order as revolutionary and irreligious , have been inclosed anonymously to some of the members of the Cabinet . In Prussia the Freemasons have members among the highest ranks , and it is asserted that the influence of
the Order here has been decidedly conservative . The subject will , perhaps , be taken up Avith some degree of zeal , for the Avant of any other question for controversy , the dearth of matter of political interest being extreme . —Correspondent of The Times , June 25 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Sonora . . . Tuolumne Lodge , No . 8 . „ .... Temple Lodge , No . 14 . San Jose . . . San Jose Lodge , No . 10 . Marysville . . . Marysville Lodge , No . 9 . Portland , 0 . T . . . Williamette Lodge , No . 11 . Napa City . . . Yount Lodge , No . 12 . Nevada . . . Nevada Loclge , No . IS .
Lafayette , 0 . T . . . Lafayette Lodge , No . 16 . Grey Eagle City . . Eivreka , TJ . D . In section 5 of the Constitution it is enacted , " that no Lodge shall confer the three degrees of Masonry for a less sum than seventy-five dollars ( 15 / . 12 s . 6 d . ) , and the fee for each degree , as may be regulated by the Lodge , shall be invariably paid in advance ; " and further , " that there shall be paid into the hand of the Grand Secretary , for the use of the Grand Lodge , five dollars ( 205 . 10 c ? . ) for every diploma granted to a member of a subordinate Lodge . "
FRANCE . —We have received tAvo letters , dated Paris , April 18 th , and May 22 nd , 1852 , from Bro . Hubert , contradicting that of Bro . Leblanc de Marconnay , inserted in our last number of The Freemasons' Quarterly Magazine and Review . We cannot give our opinion on the difference existing betAveen these two excellent Brethren , but Ave most sincerely hope that the misunderstanding , Avhich has induced them to send their correspondence to this publication , will speedily be adjusted , and that the mediation of some of the French Brethren Avill tend to reconcile two old friends , Avho were born to love and cherish each other .
BERLIN . —The agitation against the Order of Freemasons , Avhich is supported by the Government in Saxony , appears to be beginning here , though it has not yet found any official countenance . The Saxon pamphlets , denouncing the whole Order as revolutionary and irreligious , have been inclosed anonymously to some of the members of the Cabinet . In Prussia the Freemasons have members among the highest ranks , and it is asserted that the influence of
the Order here has been decidedly conservative . The subject will , perhaps , be taken up Avith some degree of zeal , for the Avant of any other question for controversy , the dearth of matter of political interest being extreme . —Correspondent of The Times , June 25 .