Article THE MASONS OF THE MIDDLE AGES. ← Page 10 of 14 →
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The Masons Of The Middle Ages.
left full of thought , — " Jean , " added she , " our father would have repudiated his children ' s work , if it had not been their OAvn . Do not lose courage ; persevere with the same energy ancl the same hope , and the joy of our enemies will yet be of short duration . " Jean shook his head mournfullypressed the cold hand of
, Ms sister , and draAving Bernhard after him , AAiio seemed irresolute , retired to the chamber Avhich he occupied on the same floor with that of Sabina . Sabina watched their departure , and silently closing the door after them , sloivly seated herself at the table , on Avhich Avas spread a Avhite sheet of parchment .
At the moment that Bernhard and Jean left the atelier of Sabina , the old woman , Avhom the reader has already seen with the Jewess , ascended the stairs , and stopping the Silesian , as he was entering the room of Jean Erwin , thus addressed him in a low voice : — " TAA ' O Avordsmy handsome friend" whilst at the same
, , time she placed her long bony hand upon his shoulder . Bernhard stopped , and shuddering at the contact , demanded , in a harsh tone of voice , " What do you want Avith me ?" " I come from Sarah , " said the hag . "The Jewess ?"
" Herself . " " What does she require ?" " She asks if you have reflected , and if you are disposed to accept her proposition ?" " On no account . " " But Sarah is beautiful , my good young man . " " What is that to me ? " said Bernhard .
" Sarah possesses supernatural secrets , Avhich Avould give to Bernhard Saunder , the Silesian , ivhat they have already imparted to Polydore , the Boulognais . " "And upon Avhat condition would she give them ? " asked Bernhard , for a moment thrown off his guard . " The same conditions , " replied the old Avoman .
Bernhard took a step towards Jean ' s apartment . " You still refuse ? " asked the crone . " I refuse , " replied Bernhard . And without deigning to cast another glance at her , he left her no less stupified at his reply than at his sudden departure . Sabina , wearied with the emotions of the day , was now well-nigh overwhelmed . But she Avould not permit herself to -be overcome with sleep Avithout making one more effort . She
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masons Of The Middle Ages.
left full of thought , — " Jean , " added she , " our father would have repudiated his children ' s work , if it had not been their OAvn . Do not lose courage ; persevere with the same energy ancl the same hope , and the joy of our enemies will yet be of short duration . " Jean shook his head mournfullypressed the cold hand of
, Ms sister , and draAving Bernhard after him , AAiio seemed irresolute , retired to the chamber Avhich he occupied on the same floor with that of Sabina . Sabina watched their departure , and silently closing the door after them , sloivly seated herself at the table , on Avhich Avas spread a Avhite sheet of parchment .
At the moment that Bernhard and Jean left the atelier of Sabina , the old woman , Avhom the reader has already seen with the Jewess , ascended the stairs , and stopping the Silesian , as he was entering the room of Jean Erwin , thus addressed him in a low voice : — " TAA ' O Avordsmy handsome friend" whilst at the same
, , time she placed her long bony hand upon his shoulder . Bernhard stopped , and shuddering at the contact , demanded , in a harsh tone of voice , " What do you want Avith me ?" " I come from Sarah , " said the hag . "The Jewess ?"
" Herself . " " What does she require ?" " She asks if you have reflected , and if you are disposed to accept her proposition ?" " On no account . " " But Sarah is beautiful , my good young man . " " What is that to me ? " said Bernhard .
" Sarah possesses supernatural secrets , Avhich Avould give to Bernhard Saunder , the Silesian , ivhat they have already imparted to Polydore , the Boulognais . " "And upon Avhat condition would she give them ? " asked Bernhard , for a moment thrown off his guard . " The same conditions , " replied the old Avoman .
Bernhard took a step towards Jean ' s apartment . " You still refuse ? " asked the crone . " I refuse , " replied Bernhard . And without deigning to cast another glance at her , he left her no less stupified at his reply than at his sudden departure . Sabina , wearied with the emotions of the day , was now well-nigh overwhelmed . But she Avould not permit herself to -be overcome with sleep Avithout making one more effort . She