Article THE ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE. ← Page 3 of 7 →
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The Ancient And Accepted Rite.
The first patent of constitution that Avas before him was that of "the Vernon Chapter of Sov . Prince Rose Croix ; and as the Most AVise Sov . Col . Vernon , and his two principal Officers , the 111 . Bros . Dee ancl Thomas Ward Avere present , he would deliver the patent into such good keeping . The next patent Avas for the Palatine Chapter of Sov . Prince Rose Croix , Avhich authorized the holding of a Sov . Chapter of Rose Croix at stated times at Boltonat
Manches-, ter , and at Liverpool , Avhich he Avas glad to deliver over to the 111 . Bro . Dawes as Most Wise Sovereign . The next patent before him Avas the Coryton Chapter of Sov . Prince Rose Croix , Avhich the 111 . Sov . Grand Inspr . William Tucker had undertaken to preside over as Most Wise Sovereign . He had before him a patent for AVeymouth , but as the Most Wise Sovereign Avas not present , the patent must be delivered out at another time . He congratulated the
Brethren assembled that the degrees of the Order Avould , in the places mentioned , be given in a legal and constitutional manner . The illustrious Brethren Avho Avere placed at the head of these divisions of the Order , as Avell as those A \ ho Avould be associated Avith them as their principal Officers , had distinguished themselves hitherto as strict disciplinarians , and he had no doubt that the poAA'er noAv confided to them Avould be exercised for the advantage of the Ancient
and Accepted Rite . It Avould be observed , that these patents had been put in the custody of Brethren \ A 1 IO exercised official authority in Freemasonry in other departments , either as Prov . Grand Masters of Craft Masons , Prov . Grand Superintendents of lloyal Arch Masons , or Prov . Grand Commanders of Knights Templars , and in one instance the Avhole of such Offices Avere united in the same Most
Wise Sovereign , to Avhom a patent had been delivered . The 111 . Bros . Col . Vernon , Tucker , and Davies severally addressed the Convocation , stating it to be their determination , in every Avay that they could , to keep up the discipline of the Order , and extend the sound principles of Freemasonry , as developed in the Ancient and Accepted Rite . The 111 . Sov . Inspector Henry Udall said , as the laAvs of the Order Avere given to them Avith great precisionand as the Grand Lodges of
, Perfection , Princes of Jerusalem , and Sov . Chapters Avould have to abide by them , he Avould state to the Convocation the organization that they , as Sov . Grand Inspectors , must see enforced . The constitution of the Order was thus handed to them by their predecessors . He then read as follows : The intention of the Illustrious Founder
of the 33 rd Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Rite Avas to secure to every Council the exclusive jurisdiction over sublime Freemasonry in the country in Avhich it should be established , and to protect it against foreign interference . It is your duty not to sanction or permit it on any grounds whatever . The system of sublime and ineffable Masonry does not encroach upon or interfere Avith Craft or symbolic Masonry . In the arrangement and number of its degrees it begins from that of the Master Masonbecause no person under that degree
, can be received in any of its subordinate bodies . It is the duty of those bodies to see that no person irregularly admitted as Masons should be received by them , but that the degrees of Entered Apprentice , FelloAv-Craft , and Master Mason have been conferred in a Avarranted . Lodge . When the system of the Ancient and Accepted "Rite is complete , it consists of the following bodies : —
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The Ancient And Accepted Rite.
The first patent of constitution that Avas before him was that of "the Vernon Chapter of Sov . Prince Rose Croix ; and as the Most AVise Sov . Col . Vernon , and his two principal Officers , the 111 . Bros . Dee ancl Thomas Ward Avere present , he would deliver the patent into such good keeping . The next patent Avas for the Palatine Chapter of Sov . Prince Rose Croix , Avhich authorized the holding of a Sov . Chapter of Rose Croix at stated times at Boltonat
Manches-, ter , and at Liverpool , Avhich he Avas glad to deliver over to the 111 . Bro . Dawes as Most Wise Sovereign . The next patent before him Avas the Coryton Chapter of Sov . Prince Rose Croix , Avhich the 111 . Sov . Grand Inspr . William Tucker had undertaken to preside over as Most Wise Sovereign . He had before him a patent for AVeymouth , but as the Most Wise Sovereign Avas not present , the patent must be delivered out at another time . He congratulated the
Brethren assembled that the degrees of the Order Avould , in the places mentioned , be given in a legal and constitutional manner . The illustrious Brethren Avho Avere placed at the head of these divisions of the Order , as Avell as those A \ ho Avould be associated Avith them as their principal Officers , had distinguished themselves hitherto as strict disciplinarians , and he had no doubt that the poAA'er noAv confided to them Avould be exercised for the advantage of the Ancient
and Accepted Rite . It Avould be observed , that these patents had been put in the custody of Brethren \ A 1 IO exercised official authority in Freemasonry in other departments , either as Prov . Grand Masters of Craft Masons , Prov . Grand Superintendents of lloyal Arch Masons , or Prov . Grand Commanders of Knights Templars , and in one instance the Avhole of such Offices Avere united in the same Most
Wise Sovereign , to Avhom a patent had been delivered . The 111 . Bros . Col . Vernon , Tucker , and Davies severally addressed the Convocation , stating it to be their determination , in every Avay that they could , to keep up the discipline of the Order , and extend the sound principles of Freemasonry , as developed in the Ancient and Accepted Rite . The 111 . Sov . Inspector Henry Udall said , as the laAvs of the Order Avere given to them Avith great precisionand as the Grand Lodges of
, Perfection , Princes of Jerusalem , and Sov . Chapters Avould have to abide by them , he Avould state to the Convocation the organization that they , as Sov . Grand Inspectors , must see enforced . The constitution of the Order was thus handed to them by their predecessors . He then read as follows : The intention of the Illustrious Founder
of the 33 rd Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Rite Avas to secure to every Council the exclusive jurisdiction over sublime Freemasonry in the country in Avhich it should be established , and to protect it against foreign interference . It is your duty not to sanction or permit it on any grounds whatever . The system of sublime and ineffable Masonry does not encroach upon or interfere Avith Craft or symbolic Masonry . In the arrangement and number of its degrees it begins from that of the Master Masonbecause no person under that degree
, can be received in any of its subordinate bodies . It is the duty of those bodies to see that no person irregularly admitted as Masons should be received by them , but that the degrees of Entered Apprentice , FelloAv-Craft , and Master Mason have been conferred in a Avarranted . Lodge . When the system of the Ancient and Accepted "Rite is complete , it consists of the following bodies : —