Article UNITED GRAND LODGE. ← Page 3 of 3 Article THE GRAND BANQUET. Page 1 of 1
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United Grand Lodge.
Edward H . Snell . Augustus H . Novelli . Francis D . M . Dawson . William Lenchars Thomas Taylor
Richard Banks AVilliain Gregory Smith Thomas Brook Joseph Skilbeck . James Morris AViHiartt Major John Henry Johnstone
Alexander G . Campbell William Simpson . Archibald J . Brunton . The Grand Lodge was then Brethren then proceeded to
St . George ' s and Corner Stone Lodge , No . 5 . Lodge of Friendship , No . 6 . British Lodge , No . 8 . Tuscan Lodge , No . 14 . Lodge of Emulation , No . 21 .
Globe Lodge , No . 23 . Castle Lodge of Harmony , No . 21 . St . Alban ' s Lodge , No . 32 . Old Union Lodge , No . 54 . Lodge of Felicit y , No . 66 . Lodge of Peace and Harmony , No . 72 .
Lodge of Regularity , No . 108 . Shakspeare Lodge , No . 116 . Jerusalem Lodge , No . 233 . Prince of AVales Lodge , No . 324 . closed in ample form ; ancl the
The Grand Banquet.
THE banquet took place immediately after the closing of the Grand Lodge , and vras attended by about 300 of the Brethren . The M . AV . the G . M . presided . The usual procession having gone twice round the Great Hall , the Brethren went to their seats , ancl grace having been said by Bro . the Rev . J . E . Cox , the Grand Chaplain , the Brethren sat down , to , we will venture to say , one of the best dinners ever provided for this grand occasion . The cloth having been removed , a musical grace was sung h y the professional Brethren , under the able direction of Bro . Costa , the Grand Oreanist .
The GEAND MASTEB then rose , ancl in addressing the assembled Brethren , said he was sure they would anticipate the toast he was about to propose , and that they would drink it with more than usual enthusiasm , when they recollected that Her Majesty had only lately recovered from her confinement . He would therefore propose that they shoidd , on that account , drink the health of Her Majesty ,
if possible , with more than then- usual good wishes . The toast was responded to ivith great cheering . The National Anthem was then sung with great effect ; Miss Louisa Pyne and Miss AVilliams taking the solo parts . The GRAND MASTEB next gave the health of Prince Albert , AlbertPrince of AValesancl the rest of the Royal Famil
, , y . This toast was drunk with great applause . Bro . H . R . LEWIS , P . G . M ., of Sumatra , and acting on this occasion as D . G . M ., then rose and said , that he would occupy the attention of the Brethren but for a very few minutes , although he had a
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United Grand Lodge.
Edward H . Snell . Augustus H . Novelli . Francis D . M . Dawson . William Lenchars Thomas Taylor
Richard Banks AVilliain Gregory Smith Thomas Brook Joseph Skilbeck . James Morris AViHiartt Major John Henry Johnstone
Alexander G . Campbell William Simpson . Archibald J . Brunton . The Grand Lodge was then Brethren then proceeded to
St . George ' s and Corner Stone Lodge , No . 5 . Lodge of Friendship , No . 6 . British Lodge , No . 8 . Tuscan Lodge , No . 14 . Lodge of Emulation , No . 21 .
Globe Lodge , No . 23 . Castle Lodge of Harmony , No . 21 . St . Alban ' s Lodge , No . 32 . Old Union Lodge , No . 54 . Lodge of Felicit y , No . 66 . Lodge of Peace and Harmony , No . 72 .
Lodge of Regularity , No . 108 . Shakspeare Lodge , No . 116 . Jerusalem Lodge , No . 233 . Prince of AVales Lodge , No . 324 . closed in ample form ; ancl the
The Grand Banquet.
THE banquet took place immediately after the closing of the Grand Lodge , and vras attended by about 300 of the Brethren . The M . AV . the G . M . presided . The usual procession having gone twice round the Great Hall , the Brethren went to their seats , ancl grace having been said by Bro . the Rev . J . E . Cox , the Grand Chaplain , the Brethren sat down , to , we will venture to say , one of the best dinners ever provided for this grand occasion . The cloth having been removed , a musical grace was sung h y the professional Brethren , under the able direction of Bro . Costa , the Grand Oreanist .
The GEAND MASTEB then rose , ancl in addressing the assembled Brethren , said he was sure they would anticipate the toast he was about to propose , and that they would drink it with more than usual enthusiasm , when they recollected that Her Majesty had only lately recovered from her confinement . He would therefore propose that they shoidd , on that account , drink the health of Her Majesty ,
if possible , with more than then- usual good wishes . The toast was responded to ivith great cheering . The National Anthem was then sung with great effect ; Miss Louisa Pyne and Miss AVilliams taking the solo parts . The GRAND MASTEB next gave the health of Prince Albert , AlbertPrince of AValesancl the rest of the Royal Famil
, , y . This toast was drunk with great applause . Bro . H . R . LEWIS , P . G . M ., of Sumatra , and acting on this occasion as D . G . M ., then rose and said , that he would occupy the attention of the Brethren but for a very few minutes , although he had a