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The Charities. Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution
Sustentation Fund for Building , Consols 521 14 9 And a Cash Balance at Bankers of £ 16 13 3 . For Building , £ 700 in Exchequer Bills , and a Cash Balance at Bankers of £ 33 5 s . lOd . ( Signed ) E . H . PATTEN , V . P . Grand Secretary's Office , Freemasons' Hall , Chairman . London , 11 th May , 1853 . "
Eesolved—That the thanks of the Governors and Subscribers be recorded to the ~ W . Bro . Thomas L . Henley , Honorary Surgeon to the Institution , for his valuable professional services to the inmates of the Asylum at Croydon during the past year . The Noble Chairman stated that the Brethren would have to elect , to form part of the Committee of Managementthree Brethrenin
, , lieu of Bros . Henry Faudel , Thomas Parkinson , and Henry Bellamy "Webb , who go out in accordance with the 6 th Article of the Eules , but who are eligible to be re-elected . Also three Brethren as Auditors for the ensuing year . The following Brethren were proposed to fill the vacancies in the Committee of Managemeut : Louis Lemanski , J . Stohwasser , and
John Francis "White . _ N " o others being put in nomination , they were declared elected . The following are on the Committee of Management for the ensuing year , viz .: —J . N . Bainbridge , M . D . P . M ., 329 ; John Hill , 212 ; John Leach , 109 ; Herbert Lloyd , "W . M ., 14 ; Louis Lemanski , P . M ., 778 ; William Stephenson , P . M ., 14 ; J . Stohwasser , W . M ., 8 ; John Vink , P . M ., 66 ; George "Wakerbath , P . M ., 66 ; John Francis White . P . M .. 36 .
Bros . Nicholas Bradford , Henry Faudel , and Charles Eobinson , being severally proposed and seconded , were declared elected Auditors for the ensuing year . Brethren were then nominated to receive and examine the balloting papers , and other Brethren to act as Scrutineers . Eesolved , Unanimously—That the thanks of this meeting be Grand Master
given to the Et . Hon . The Earl of Zetland , M . W . , for his kindness in presiding over this meeting , and for the interest he continues to manifest for the prosperity of this Institution . His Lordship being obliged to retire , he requested the "W . Bro . Johh * Savage , a Vice-President of the Institution , to take the Chair . The Scrutineers Eeported the result of the Ballot as follows : —
No . Polled . No . Polled . Total . 1852 . 1853 . James Price . . . 2180 3050 5230 "William Simcox 4371 4371 Edward Dann . . . 324 3450 3774 JohnWifcham . . . 186 3555 3741 EalphOrd 3207 3207 Eesolved—That the thanks of this meeting be given to the Scrutineers . Eesolved—That the result of the Ballot as to the successful
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Charities. Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution
Sustentation Fund for Building , Consols 521 14 9 And a Cash Balance at Bankers of £ 16 13 3 . For Building , £ 700 in Exchequer Bills , and a Cash Balance at Bankers of £ 33 5 s . lOd . ( Signed ) E . H . PATTEN , V . P . Grand Secretary's Office , Freemasons' Hall , Chairman . London , 11 th May , 1853 . "
Eesolved—That the thanks of the Governors and Subscribers be recorded to the ~ W . Bro . Thomas L . Henley , Honorary Surgeon to the Institution , for his valuable professional services to the inmates of the Asylum at Croydon during the past year . The Noble Chairman stated that the Brethren would have to elect , to form part of the Committee of Managementthree Brethrenin
, , lieu of Bros . Henry Faudel , Thomas Parkinson , and Henry Bellamy "Webb , who go out in accordance with the 6 th Article of the Eules , but who are eligible to be re-elected . Also three Brethren as Auditors for the ensuing year . The following Brethren were proposed to fill the vacancies in the Committee of Managemeut : Louis Lemanski , J . Stohwasser , and
John Francis "White . _ N " o others being put in nomination , they were declared elected . The following are on the Committee of Management for the ensuing year , viz .: —J . N . Bainbridge , M . D . P . M ., 329 ; John Hill , 212 ; John Leach , 109 ; Herbert Lloyd , "W . M ., 14 ; Louis Lemanski , P . M ., 778 ; William Stephenson , P . M ., 14 ; J . Stohwasser , W . M ., 8 ; John Vink , P . M ., 66 ; George "Wakerbath , P . M ., 66 ; John Francis White . P . M .. 36 .
Bros . Nicholas Bradford , Henry Faudel , and Charles Eobinson , being severally proposed and seconded , were declared elected Auditors for the ensuing year . Brethren were then nominated to receive and examine the balloting papers , and other Brethren to act as Scrutineers . Eesolved , Unanimously—That the thanks of this meeting be Grand Master
given to the Et . Hon . The Earl of Zetland , M . W . , for his kindness in presiding over this meeting , and for the interest he continues to manifest for the prosperity of this Institution . His Lordship being obliged to retire , he requested the "W . Bro . Johh * Savage , a Vice-President of the Institution , to take the Chair . The Scrutineers Eeported the result of the Ballot as follows : —
No . Polled . No . Polled . Total . 1852 . 1853 . James Price . . . 2180 3050 5230 "William Simcox 4371 4371 Edward Dann . . . 324 3450 3774 JohnWifcham . . . 186 3555 3741 EalphOrd 3207 3207 Eesolved—That the thanks of this meeting be given to the Scrutineers . Eesolved—That the result of the Ballot as to the successful