Article OXFORDSHIRE. ← Page 4 of 15 →
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Valentia , Hon . Florence Boscawen , Lady Brooke Pechell and the Misses Pechell , Hon . It-. Temple , the Hon . F . and Lady Georgiana ancl Miss Bertie , Hon . Mr . Lushingtou , Hon . 0 . Leigh , Hon . W . and Lady Emily Bathurst , Hon . Mr . and Lady Adelaide West , Col ., the Hon . Mrs ., and Miss Bowles , Lady and the Misses Hampson , Sir E . L . Bulwer Lytton , Sir Archibald ancl Lady Alison , Professor Aytoun , Hon . H . Woodhouse , Eev . P . H . Nind , Prov . G . C , and the Misses - Vinci , Mrs . and the Misses Thornhill , John Weyland , Esq ., and Lady C . Weyland , Lady ShalfordSir John GibbonsLadM . de BurghHon . C .
CanningHonLCan-, , y , , . . ning , Sir W . and Lacly and Mr . and Miss Curtis , Miss Pleydell Bouverie , S . Eawson , Esq ., the Prov . Grand Master of China , Rev . Edward Moore , Brasenose , Grand Chaplain , Alderman E . J . Spiers , Past Grand Sword Bearer of England , and Miss Joy , Mrs . Harington , Mrs . Thompson , Mr . Gray , J . Burton , Esq ., P . G . R . of Staffordshire , Hon . and Eev . Mr . and Mrs . Spencer , Dr . ancl Mrs . Jackson , Hon . Mr . ancl Misses Annesley , Hon . Miss Dillon , Capt . and Mrs . and the Misses Style , Capt . James , Capt . Drake , E . JST ., and Miss Drake , Mr . J . Tyrwhitt DrakeCapt . Bowyer and Miss BowyerDr . ElveyDr . Ole and the
, , , g Misses Ogle , Capt . Smythe , Mr . and Mrs . Frederick Symonds , Mr . Coleridge , Mr . and Mrs . and the Misses Powys , Mr . and the Misses Durell , Mr . and Sirs . F . Morrell , Mr . and Mrs . Owen , Mr . Sidebotham , Prov . G . S ., and Miss Day , Mr . Leslie , etc . Weipperfc's band was engaged for the occasion , and played without intermission until five o ' clock in the morning , for the party were loth to leave this fairy sceneand seemed resolved to make tlie most
, of the passing hours . The following Brethren were the stewards on the occasion : —The W . M . Bro . T . Best , P . Prov . G . Eegistrar , President ; Bvo . J . W . Malcolm , J . W . Prov . Sup . of W . Vice-President ; Bros . A . W . Adair , Ch . Ch . ; G . E . Ashley , J . D . Prov . G . St ., Oriel Coll . ; Sir E . J . Buxton , Bart ., Ch . Ch . ; W . W . Beach , Prov . G . S . W ., Ch . Ch . ;
Hon . F . E . C . Byng , Ch . Ch . ; G . E . Biber , D . C . Prov . G . St . , Merton Coll . ; W . F . Curtis , Merton ; W . J . Evelyn , M . P ., Bnlliol ; Viscount Fordwick , Ch . Ch . ; Sir J . Fergusson , Bart . ; E . W . Gordon , Ch . Ch . ; E . W . Goodlake , Balliol ; E . J . Hansard , Trinity ; T . G . Fullarton , Ch . Ch . ; Viscount Ingestre , Merton ; the Earl of Lincoln , Ch . Ch . ; A . Mitchell , Ch . Ch . ; H . A . Pickard , S . D . Prov . G . St ., Ch . Ch . ; H . H . Still , P . Prov . G . St ., Exeter ; ancl Hon . W . J . V . Vernon , Ch . Ch .
All _ the stewards were present , and were unremitting in their attention to their guests , who appeared to enjoy most thoroughly this the most brilliant ball of the week . So great was the desire on the part of the public to view the decorations , both before and after the ball , that the stewards granted admission by tickets , and some thousands of persons availed themselves of this kind and considerate privilege .
SALOP . LUDLOW . —Consecration ofthe Lodge of the Marches . —The Brethren of theMystie Tie assembled in Grand Lodge at the "Lion" hotel , Ludlow , on Monday , June 13 th , to consecrate the new Lodge of the Marches , SS 7 , Province of North Wales and Shropshire , and to install Bro . J . Bach , as its First Master . The E . W . Prov . G . M . Sir Watkin William Wynn , Bart ., M . P ., having intimated his pleasure to open the Lodge , gave considerable interest to the occasion , and attracted a large number of the Brethren of this and the adjoining provinces . The management of the Shrewsbury and Hereford Railway kindly put on a special train from Shrews-
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Valentia , Hon . Florence Boscawen , Lady Brooke Pechell and the Misses Pechell , Hon . It-. Temple , the Hon . F . and Lady Georgiana ancl Miss Bertie , Hon . Mr . Lushingtou , Hon . 0 . Leigh , Hon . W . and Lady Emily Bathurst , Hon . Mr . and Lady Adelaide West , Col ., the Hon . Mrs ., and Miss Bowles , Lady and the Misses Hampson , Sir E . L . Bulwer Lytton , Sir Archibald ancl Lady Alison , Professor Aytoun , Hon . H . Woodhouse , Eev . P . H . Nind , Prov . G . C , and the Misses - Vinci , Mrs . and the Misses Thornhill , John Weyland , Esq ., and Lady C . Weyland , Lady ShalfordSir John GibbonsLadM . de BurghHon . C .
CanningHonLCan-, , y , , . . ning , Sir W . and Lacly and Mr . and Miss Curtis , Miss Pleydell Bouverie , S . Eawson , Esq ., the Prov . Grand Master of China , Rev . Edward Moore , Brasenose , Grand Chaplain , Alderman E . J . Spiers , Past Grand Sword Bearer of England , and Miss Joy , Mrs . Harington , Mrs . Thompson , Mr . Gray , J . Burton , Esq ., P . G . R . of Staffordshire , Hon . and Eev . Mr . and Mrs . Spencer , Dr . ancl Mrs . Jackson , Hon . Mr . ancl Misses Annesley , Hon . Miss Dillon , Capt . and Mrs . and the Misses Style , Capt . James , Capt . Drake , E . JST ., and Miss Drake , Mr . J . Tyrwhitt DrakeCapt . Bowyer and Miss BowyerDr . ElveyDr . Ole and the
, , , g Misses Ogle , Capt . Smythe , Mr . and Mrs . Frederick Symonds , Mr . Coleridge , Mr . and Mrs . and the Misses Powys , Mr . and the Misses Durell , Mr . and Sirs . F . Morrell , Mr . and Mrs . Owen , Mr . Sidebotham , Prov . G . S ., and Miss Day , Mr . Leslie , etc . Weipperfc's band was engaged for the occasion , and played without intermission until five o ' clock in the morning , for the party were loth to leave this fairy sceneand seemed resolved to make tlie most
, of the passing hours . The following Brethren were the stewards on the occasion : —The W . M . Bro . T . Best , P . Prov . G . Eegistrar , President ; Bvo . J . W . Malcolm , J . W . Prov . Sup . of W . Vice-President ; Bros . A . W . Adair , Ch . Ch . ; G . E . Ashley , J . D . Prov . G . St ., Oriel Coll . ; Sir E . J . Buxton , Bart ., Ch . Ch . ; W . W . Beach , Prov . G . S . W ., Ch . Ch . ;
Hon . F . E . C . Byng , Ch . Ch . ; G . E . Biber , D . C . Prov . G . St . , Merton Coll . ; W . F . Curtis , Merton ; W . J . Evelyn , M . P ., Bnlliol ; Viscount Fordwick , Ch . Ch . ; Sir J . Fergusson , Bart . ; E . W . Gordon , Ch . Ch . ; E . W . Goodlake , Balliol ; E . J . Hansard , Trinity ; T . G . Fullarton , Ch . Ch . ; Viscount Ingestre , Merton ; the Earl of Lincoln , Ch . Ch . ; A . Mitchell , Ch . Ch . ; H . A . Pickard , S . D . Prov . G . St ., Ch . Ch . ; H . H . Still , P . Prov . G . St ., Exeter ; ancl Hon . W . J . V . Vernon , Ch . Ch .
All _ the stewards were present , and were unremitting in their attention to their guests , who appeared to enjoy most thoroughly this the most brilliant ball of the week . So great was the desire on the part of the public to view the decorations , both before and after the ball , that the stewards granted admission by tickets , and some thousands of persons availed themselves of this kind and considerate privilege .
SALOP . LUDLOW . —Consecration ofthe Lodge of the Marches . —The Brethren of theMystie Tie assembled in Grand Lodge at the "Lion" hotel , Ludlow , on Monday , June 13 th , to consecrate the new Lodge of the Marches , SS 7 , Province of North Wales and Shropshire , and to install Bro . J . Bach , as its First Master . The E . W . Prov . G . M . Sir Watkin William Wynn , Bart ., M . P ., having intimated his pleasure to open the Lodge , gave considerable interest to the occasion , and attracted a large number of the Brethren of this and the adjoining provinces . The management of the Shrewsbury and Hereford Railway kindly put on a special train from Shrews-