Article OXFORDSHIRE. ← Page 5 of 15 →
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bury , by which SirWatkin and numbers of the Craft in Shrewsbury and vicinity left for Ludlow about twelve o'clock , a 6 which place they arrived about a quarter to one , where they were greeted with merry peals from the bells of St . Lawrence ' s , and the firing of signals at the station , which was gaily decked with flags , and studded with crowds of spectators . The proceedings of consecration commenced shortly after one o ' clock , the Brethren being attired in full Masonic costume , and the Lodge room was magnificently decorated with the various symbols of the
Order , together with the arms of noblemen of the Craft . The E . W . Prov . G . M ., Sir W . W . Wynn , presided , on his right being the E . W . Dep . Prov . G . M . Dymoek , and on the left the V . W . G . Chap . Guise . The Lodge was opened in due form by the R . W . Dep . Prov . M ., when the Warrant of Constitutions and the proceedings of the Lodge under dispensation were read by the V . W . Prov . G . Sec . Charles Wigan . The work then commenced with the solemn consecration , delivered by the V . W . G . Chap , with great feeling . At its conclusion , the M . W . elect , Bro . Bach , was presented by Bro . Pitt , of the Eastern Division of
the county of Lancaster as M . C . ; ancl Bro . Minton Beddoes having taken the chair , proceeded to deliver the ancient charges . A hoard of Installed Masters was then formed , and the installation was completed by the Brethren saluting the W . M . according to ancient custom . The Brethren , in the interval between the Lodge and the banquet , visited the splendid remains of Ludlow Castle , the fine old church , Broad Gate , the antique wainscotted room at the " Feathers" hotel , the public buildings , and other places of interestAt five o'clock dinner was announcedand the Craft sat down to a
. , sumptuous repast , provided by Bro . Morris ; the E . W . Prov . G . M . did the honours of the Chair , being supported at the cross-table by the R . W . Dep . Prov . G . M . Dymoek ; the V . W . Brethren Eev . G . C . Guise , W . J . Clement , J . N . Heathcote , J . L . Rowland , J . P . White , T . Onions , J . Broughall , H . Bloxam , the W . M . of the Lodge of the Marches , SS 7 , W . H . Nichols , & c . The Vice-chair was ably occupied by Bro . Minton Beddoes , S . W . 8 S 7 , and the south by Bro .
AstwoTth , J . W . 887 . Amongst the Brethren we observed Bro . Benjamin Urwick ( late Mayor of Ludlow ) , the W . Masters and AVai-dens of the two Salopian Lodges , together with Bros . Glyn Mytton , R . Haycock , G . Gordon , T . Brightwell , Pickering , Pitt ( of Manchester ) , and a very numerous muster of blue collars . The gallery was graced with a number of elegantly dressed ladies , who appeared to view the tout ensemble with great delight , while the vocal talents of Bros . Hay , Puxcell , and Baker , discoursing sweet sounds , threw an illusory mantle over the whole spectacle . The Tylers present were Bros . Mallard and Cureton . nobis Domine chanted in
On the cloth being drawn , the " Non " was a very pleasing manner , the company standing . Then followed the loyal aud popular toasts in succession , viz . : "The Queen ancl the Craft ; " Song— - "God save the Queen . " "Prince of Wales , Prince Albert , & c . ; " Glee— "Long Life to the Prince ancl the Queen . " "The Mayor , Blagistrates , and Town Council of the Borough of Lndlow j" Glee— "Hail , Smiling Morn . " The last toast was responded to by Bro . TTrwick . The health of LadW was next in the when the Lodwas to be
y ynn programme , ge symbolized , but as the ladies in the gallery seemed to enjoy the music , SirWatkin put aside the programme to afford them as great a share of enjoyment as possible ; but after several more toasts , songs , and glees , came the health of "Lady Wynn and the Ladies , " which was given by Bro . Bach , with some brief Yenm-ks on . the blessings conferred on humanity by the creation of woman—those blessings being now so ° greatly shared by their E . W . Prov . G . M ., Sir Watkin . A bumper was called for to the health of Lady Wynn and the ladies , and nobly responded to with raptures of lause . This was followed by a song from Bro . Barker— "The
app Maids of Merry England . " Sir Watkin , in a very feeling response , assured the company that though Lady Wynn had spent a large portion of her life abroad , it had been in those countries where Masonry was held in high esteem ; and deservedly so , as it inculcated loyalty to the Sovereign and obedience to the laws of any state which might become a Mason ' s residence , or afford him its protection . He strongly urged the ladies in the gallery to recommend to their friends , whether brothers , sons , or
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
bury , by which SirWatkin and numbers of the Craft in Shrewsbury and vicinity left for Ludlow about twelve o'clock , a 6 which place they arrived about a quarter to one , where they were greeted with merry peals from the bells of St . Lawrence ' s , and the firing of signals at the station , which was gaily decked with flags , and studded with crowds of spectators . The proceedings of consecration commenced shortly after one o ' clock , the Brethren being attired in full Masonic costume , and the Lodge room was magnificently decorated with the various symbols of the
Order , together with the arms of noblemen of the Craft . The E . W . Prov . G . M ., Sir W . W . Wynn , presided , on his right being the E . W . Dep . Prov . G . M . Dymoek , and on the left the V . W . G . Chap . Guise . The Lodge was opened in due form by the R . W . Dep . Prov . M ., when the Warrant of Constitutions and the proceedings of the Lodge under dispensation were read by the V . W . Prov . G . Sec . Charles Wigan . The work then commenced with the solemn consecration , delivered by the V . W . G . Chap , with great feeling . At its conclusion , the M . W . elect , Bro . Bach , was presented by Bro . Pitt , of the Eastern Division of
the county of Lancaster as M . C . ; ancl Bro . Minton Beddoes having taken the chair , proceeded to deliver the ancient charges . A hoard of Installed Masters was then formed , and the installation was completed by the Brethren saluting the W . M . according to ancient custom . The Brethren , in the interval between the Lodge and the banquet , visited the splendid remains of Ludlow Castle , the fine old church , Broad Gate , the antique wainscotted room at the " Feathers" hotel , the public buildings , and other places of interestAt five o'clock dinner was announcedand the Craft sat down to a
. , sumptuous repast , provided by Bro . Morris ; the E . W . Prov . G . M . did the honours of the Chair , being supported at the cross-table by the R . W . Dep . Prov . G . M . Dymoek ; the V . W . Brethren Eev . G . C . Guise , W . J . Clement , J . N . Heathcote , J . L . Rowland , J . P . White , T . Onions , J . Broughall , H . Bloxam , the W . M . of the Lodge of the Marches , SS 7 , W . H . Nichols , & c . The Vice-chair was ably occupied by Bro . Minton Beddoes , S . W . 8 S 7 , and the south by Bro .
AstwoTth , J . W . 887 . Amongst the Brethren we observed Bro . Benjamin Urwick ( late Mayor of Ludlow ) , the W . Masters and AVai-dens of the two Salopian Lodges , together with Bros . Glyn Mytton , R . Haycock , G . Gordon , T . Brightwell , Pickering , Pitt ( of Manchester ) , and a very numerous muster of blue collars . The gallery was graced with a number of elegantly dressed ladies , who appeared to view the tout ensemble with great delight , while the vocal talents of Bros . Hay , Puxcell , and Baker , discoursing sweet sounds , threw an illusory mantle over the whole spectacle . The Tylers present were Bros . Mallard and Cureton . nobis Domine chanted in
On the cloth being drawn , the " Non " was a very pleasing manner , the company standing . Then followed the loyal aud popular toasts in succession , viz . : "The Queen ancl the Craft ; " Song— - "God save the Queen . " "Prince of Wales , Prince Albert , & c . ; " Glee— "Long Life to the Prince ancl the Queen . " "The Mayor , Blagistrates , and Town Council of the Borough of Lndlow j" Glee— "Hail , Smiling Morn . " The last toast was responded to by Bro . TTrwick . The health of LadW was next in the when the Lodwas to be
y ynn programme , ge symbolized , but as the ladies in the gallery seemed to enjoy the music , SirWatkin put aside the programme to afford them as great a share of enjoyment as possible ; but after several more toasts , songs , and glees , came the health of "Lady Wynn and the Ladies , " which was given by Bro . Bach , with some brief Yenm-ks on . the blessings conferred on humanity by the creation of woman—those blessings being now so ° greatly shared by their E . W . Prov . G . M ., Sir Watkin . A bumper was called for to the health of Lady Wynn and the ladies , and nobly responded to with raptures of lause . This was followed by a song from Bro . Barker— "The
app Maids of Merry England . " Sir Watkin , in a very feeling response , assured the company that though Lady Wynn had spent a large portion of her life abroad , it had been in those countries where Masonry was held in high esteem ; and deservedly so , as it inculcated loyalty to the Sovereign and obedience to the laws of any state which might become a Mason ' s residence , or afford him its protection . He strongly urged the ladies in the gallery to recommend to their friends , whether brothers , sons , or