Article OXFORDSHIRE. ← Page 14 of 15 →
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Her Most Gracious Majesty QUEE . VICTORIA , and in the year of our Lord 1853 . " Here followed the names of the Council of tbe Societ 3 ' , & c . & c . The Prov . G . Secretary then concluded by saying , " E . W . Prov . G . M ., at your command , I have placed the inscription plate over the mouth of the cavity , in whicli the bottle containing the coins is deposited . " Cement was then spread hy an operative mason on tho face of the lower stonethe Prov . G . M . adjusting the same with a
, silver trowel , presented to bim by Bro . C . Frost , F . S . A ., the President of the Literary ancl Philosophical Institution , which he executed in a most expert and workmanlike style . The upper stone was then slowly lowered , the band playing " Eule Britannia . " The Prov . J . G . W . then tested the stone with the plumb ; the Prov . S . G . W . with the level ; and the Dep . Prov . G . M . with the
square ; and severally reported that the Craftsmen had clone their duty . The E . W . Prov . G . M . then took the square , level , ancl plumb , and having therewith tested the stone , said , " I declare this stone to be correctly laid , according to the rules of our ancient Craft ; " he then gave three raps with his gavel , ancl returned to the platform . The cornucopia was then handed to the Prov . G . M ., who
taking a handful of corn therefrom , sprinkled it on the stone , saying , " I sprinkle this corn as an emblem of plenty ; may tbe blessings of bounteous Heaven be showered down upon us , and may our hearts be filled with gratitude . " To which the Brethren responded , " So mote it be . " The ewer contahiing wine was next presented to him ; he poured it on the stone , saying , " I pour this wine as an emblem of joy and gladness ; may our hearts be made glad bthe influence
y of divine truth , and may virtue flourish as the vine . " To which the Brethren again responded , " So mote it be . " He then took the ewer with oil , and sprinkling it in like manner on the stone , said , "I pour this oil as an emblem of peace ; may peace and harmony , good will and brotherly love , abound among us . " To which the Brethren responded , " So mote it be . "
The Prov . G . M . then addressed the Brethren as follows : — " Brethren , having now , by permission of our M . W . G . M ., and with the assistance of the Freemasons of the Worth ancl East Eidings of Yorkshire , didy laid , according to the rules of our ancient Craft , this first stone of the ' Literary and Philosophical Institution , ' it now remains to supplicate the blessing of the Great Architect of the " Universe upon this our undertakingand to implore that He will be
, pleased to bless this great building , and to grant that it may tend to the glory of God , the advancement of science ancl learning , ancl to the promotion of the interests of this great town . Bro . the Eev . J . H . SUTTOX , the Prov . G . Chap ., then offered the following prayer . — " May the Omnipotent ancl Merciful Father of allthe bounteous Author of all goodbless this townand this land
, , , in general , with corn , wine , and oil , and all the necessaries and conveniences of life ; and may the same Almi ghty Power make us humbly grateful for all His mercies . " - The Prov . G . M ., who had stood uncovered , then put on his hat , and
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Her Most Gracious Majesty QUEE . VICTORIA , and in the year of our Lord 1853 . " Here followed the names of the Council of tbe Societ 3 ' , & c . & c . The Prov . G . Secretary then concluded by saying , " E . W . Prov . G . M ., at your command , I have placed the inscription plate over the mouth of the cavity , in whicli the bottle containing the coins is deposited . " Cement was then spread hy an operative mason on tho face of the lower stonethe Prov . G . M . adjusting the same with a
, silver trowel , presented to bim by Bro . C . Frost , F . S . A ., the President of the Literary ancl Philosophical Institution , which he executed in a most expert and workmanlike style . The upper stone was then slowly lowered , the band playing " Eule Britannia . " The Prov . J . G . W . then tested the stone with the plumb ; the Prov . S . G . W . with the level ; and the Dep . Prov . G . M . with the
square ; and severally reported that the Craftsmen had clone their duty . The E . W . Prov . G . M . then took the square , level , ancl plumb , and having therewith tested the stone , said , " I declare this stone to be correctly laid , according to the rules of our ancient Craft ; " he then gave three raps with his gavel , ancl returned to the platform . The cornucopia was then handed to the Prov . G . M ., who
taking a handful of corn therefrom , sprinkled it on the stone , saying , " I sprinkle this corn as an emblem of plenty ; may tbe blessings of bounteous Heaven be showered down upon us , and may our hearts be filled with gratitude . " To which the Brethren responded , " So mote it be . " The ewer contahiing wine was next presented to him ; he poured it on the stone , saying , " I pour this wine as an emblem of joy and gladness ; may our hearts be made glad bthe influence
y of divine truth , and may virtue flourish as the vine . " To which the Brethren again responded , " So mote it be . " He then took the ewer with oil , and sprinkling it in like manner on the stone , said , "I pour this oil as an emblem of peace ; may peace and harmony , good will and brotherly love , abound among us . " To which the Brethren responded , " So mote it be . "
The Prov . G . M . then addressed the Brethren as follows : — " Brethren , having now , by permission of our M . W . G . M ., and with the assistance of the Freemasons of the Worth ancl East Eidings of Yorkshire , didy laid , according to the rules of our ancient Craft , this first stone of the ' Literary and Philosophical Institution , ' it now remains to supplicate the blessing of the Great Architect of the " Universe upon this our undertakingand to implore that He will be
, pleased to bless this great building , and to grant that it may tend to the glory of God , the advancement of science ancl learning , ancl to the promotion of the interests of this great town . Bro . the Eev . J . H . SUTTOX , the Prov . G . Chap ., then offered the following prayer . — " May the Omnipotent ancl Merciful Father of allthe bounteous Author of all goodbless this townand this land
, , , in general , with corn , wine , and oil , and all the necessaries and conveniences of life ; and may the same Almi ghty Power make us humbly grateful for all His mercies . " - The Prov . G . M ., who had stood uncovered , then put on his hat , and