Article OXFORDSHIRE. ← Page 15 of 15 Article SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 1
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inspected the plans of the building , which were presented to him b y Bro . Plows , the Prov . G . Architect , and said , — "Bro . Prov . Grand Architect , I return you these plans ; and I desire that you will be p leased to proceed with all possible despatch in the erection of this building . " The square , level , and plumb , were then presented to the ProvGArchitect by the respective officers .
. . Tbe band then struck up the " _ N " ational Anthem ; " after which the Prov . G . M . turning to the assembly added , " iSfow , Brethren , three times three cheers for our gracious Queen , " which was responded to with that fervent loyalty which has always characterized the Craft ;
he then gave three cheers for the good old town of Hull , and prosperity to its trade ; three cheers w ere then given for the Mayor ; three cheers for the Prov . G . M . ; three for the Earl of Carlisle ; and three times three for the Ladies . The ja-ocession was again formed , and returned to the Public Eooms , where upwards of 120 Brethren sat down with the ladies and corporate bodies , & c . & e . at a public breakfast .
This being the first public procession of the Prov . G . L ., which had ever taken place in the recollection of any Brother now living , there was a large attendance of the Craft from different parts of the Province , as well as from the adjoinuig counties . The day beiug remarkably fine , thousands of spectators witnessed the imposing ceremony , and every one seemed highly gratified with the day ' s proceedings .
LEEWICK . —Morton Lodge , 89 . —The election of Office-bearers took place , as usual , on St . Andrew ' s-day , when the appointments were as follow : —Bro . William Sievwright , Worshipful Master ; Bro . Gilbert Tait , S . W . ; Bro . S . Goudio , J . W , ; Samuel Hunter , Treas . ; Eobert Hicks , Sec . ; William Alex . Grant , S . D . ; James Goudie , J . D . ; S . Goudie , Steward . This Lodge is represented at the Grand Lodge of Scotland by Bro . Henry Cheyne , Edinburgh .
The Brethren met m their Hall on 27 th December ( St . J ohn sday ) , when the usual business of the Lodge was transacted , and several sums bestowed in charity . From the state of the weather , there was no procession , as usual in former years . At five o ' clock the Brethren , to the number of about thirty , sat down to a wellserved dinner , and spent the evening in harmony . This Lodge has held a charter from the Grand Lodge of Scotland for nearly 100 years . During the last eighteen months upwards of twenty new Brethren bave been initiated .
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inspected the plans of the building , which were presented to him b y Bro . Plows , the Prov . G . Architect , and said , — "Bro . Prov . Grand Architect , I return you these plans ; and I desire that you will be p leased to proceed with all possible despatch in the erection of this building . " The square , level , and plumb , were then presented to the ProvGArchitect by the respective officers .
. . Tbe band then struck up the " _ N " ational Anthem ; " after which the Prov . G . M . turning to the assembly added , " iSfow , Brethren , three times three cheers for our gracious Queen , " which was responded to with that fervent loyalty which has always characterized the Craft ;
he then gave three cheers for the good old town of Hull , and prosperity to its trade ; three cheers w ere then given for the Mayor ; three cheers for the Prov . G . M . ; three for the Earl of Carlisle ; and three times three for the Ladies . The ja-ocession was again formed , and returned to the Public Eooms , where upwards of 120 Brethren sat down with the ladies and corporate bodies , & c . & e . at a public breakfast .
This being the first public procession of the Prov . G . L ., which had ever taken place in the recollection of any Brother now living , there was a large attendance of the Craft from different parts of the Province , as well as from the adjoinuig counties . The day beiug remarkably fine , thousands of spectators witnessed the imposing ceremony , and every one seemed highly gratified with the day ' s proceedings .
LEEWICK . —Morton Lodge , 89 . —The election of Office-bearers took place , as usual , on St . Andrew ' s-day , when the appointments were as follow : —Bro . William Sievwright , Worshipful Master ; Bro . Gilbert Tait , S . W . ; Bro . S . Goudio , J . W , ; Samuel Hunter , Treas . ; Eobert Hicks , Sec . ; William Alex . Grant , S . D . ; James Goudie , J . D . ; S . Goudie , Steward . This Lodge is represented at the Grand Lodge of Scotland by Bro . Henry Cheyne , Edinburgh .
The Brethren met m their Hall on 27 th December ( St . J ohn sday ) , when the usual business of the Lodge was transacted , and several sums bestowed in charity . From the state of the weather , there was no procession , as usual in former years . At five o ' clock the Brethren , to the number of about thirty , sat down to a wellserved dinner , and spent the evening in harmony . This Lodge has held a charter from the Grand Lodge of Scotland for nearly 100 years . During the last eighteen months upwards of twenty new Brethren bave been initiated .