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Critical Notices Of The Literature Of The Last Three Months,
ON MATTEES CONNECTED WITH SCIENCE AND ART . " Why should not divers studies , at divers hours , delight , when the variety is alone able to refresh and repair us V—Ben Jonson ' s Discoveries . AMONGST the many delights and attractions Avith whichnotwithstanding
, the constant labour and continual drudgery incident to the calling , the path of the critic and reviewer is strewn / the pleasure of marking the rapid increase of literary tastes in the masses of the people , ought undoubtedly to hold a foremost rank . It is true that the judgment may he , not unfrequently , startled by the nature and character of the nourishment offered to this species of intellectual growth ; but still , the contemplation of the vast means and resources of self-instruction and amusement now dail y
opening up to all classes and conditions of the people , is , to us at least , a source of congratulation . Out of this profusion of books , works of art , and scientific appliances , good must come , although , may be , not wholly unmixed with evil . We confess ourselves sanguine as to the result , and the perusal of Mr . Knig ht ' s " Old Printer and Modern Press , " * confirms us in our already preconceived opinion . The latter part of this work is a clever historical sketch of the numbers , prices , and circulation of hooks from the first invention of printing to the present time , showing how they have gradually passed from the exclusive grasp of one class and from high prices , into the cosmopolitan hold of
every other at low prices , which , m numerous instances , we fear must have proved wholly nnremunerative . The great error , however , that this rage for cheap books has engendered , appears to us to spring from the undue prominence and importance which is attached to the issue , at a ridiculously low price , of new copyright works . This has an undoubted tendency to depreciate the labours of the author by underpaying him , and thus a mass of hastily written and undigested works , by inferior men , are forced upon
the market , which , though they may , from their mere numbers and cheapness , stimulate the popular " taste for reading , " cannot fail to lower the standard of popular " literary taste . " We believe it impossible to publish at too low a figure , consistent , of course , with fair trade dealing , reprints of standard Avorks ; and we cannot too highly approve , or too sincerely desire the success of such valuable selections from the current literature of bygone clays as are to be found in Messrs . Longman ' s " Travellers '
Library , " and Messrs . Chapman and Hall ' s "Beading for Travellers . " This is the class , of cheap reading which will alone stand the test of criticism , as well as furnish more wholesome food for the mind of every class of readers , than all the American novels and low-priced romances of the last or present century . Perhaps no work that has appeared during the last trimestre , will be read by military men , and indeed by the great mass of readers who are
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Critical Notices Of The Literature Of The Last Three Months,
ON MATTEES CONNECTED WITH SCIENCE AND ART . " Why should not divers studies , at divers hours , delight , when the variety is alone able to refresh and repair us V—Ben Jonson ' s Discoveries . AMONGST the many delights and attractions Avith whichnotwithstanding
, the constant labour and continual drudgery incident to the calling , the path of the critic and reviewer is strewn / the pleasure of marking the rapid increase of literary tastes in the masses of the people , ought undoubtedly to hold a foremost rank . It is true that the judgment may he , not unfrequently , startled by the nature and character of the nourishment offered to this species of intellectual growth ; but still , the contemplation of the vast means and resources of self-instruction and amusement now dail y
opening up to all classes and conditions of the people , is , to us at least , a source of congratulation . Out of this profusion of books , works of art , and scientific appliances , good must come , although , may be , not wholly unmixed with evil . We confess ourselves sanguine as to the result , and the perusal of Mr . Knig ht ' s " Old Printer and Modern Press , " * confirms us in our already preconceived opinion . The latter part of this work is a clever historical sketch of the numbers , prices , and circulation of hooks from the first invention of printing to the present time , showing how they have gradually passed from the exclusive grasp of one class and from high prices , into the cosmopolitan hold of
every other at low prices , which , m numerous instances , we fear must have proved wholly nnremunerative . The great error , however , that this rage for cheap books has engendered , appears to us to spring from the undue prominence and importance which is attached to the issue , at a ridiculously low price , of new copyright works . This has an undoubted tendency to depreciate the labours of the author by underpaying him , and thus a mass of hastily written and undigested works , by inferior men , are forced upon
the market , which , though they may , from their mere numbers and cheapness , stimulate the popular " taste for reading , " cannot fail to lower the standard of popular " literary taste . " We believe it impossible to publish at too low a figure , consistent , of course , with fair trade dealing , reprints of standard Avorks ; and we cannot too highly approve , or too sincerely desire the success of such valuable selections from the current literature of bygone clays as are to be found in Messrs . Longman ' s " Travellers '
Library , " and Messrs . Chapman and Hall ' s "Beading for Travellers . " This is the class , of cheap reading which will alone stand the test of criticism , as well as furnish more wholesome food for the mind of every class of readers , than all the American novels and low-priced romances of the last or present century . Perhaps no work that has appeared during the last trimestre , will be read by military men , and indeed by the great mass of readers who are