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that the blessing of the Almighty Master will continue to descend upon us . " The R . AV . M . thereafter proceeded separately to address the following worthy Brethren , whom he was pleased to invest , agreeably to the ancient usages of the Order , with the various insignia of office in Lodge Perseverance , for the ensuing year ; viz ., Brother John Mullaly , as Past Master ; Bros . William Blowers , and J . H . Chalmers , Wardens ; Bros .
H . J . Barr , and T . Gardiner , Secretary and Treasurer ; Bros . W . AVillis , and J . Harrison , Deacons ; Bros . AV . K . Fogerty , and T . Burrows , Guards ; Brother G . Kingston , Lodge Steward . Brother Blowers , S . W . having , on behalf of himself and the other officers , rendered a highly Masonic and suitable acknowledgment , the following trusty Brethren were appointed , in addition to the Office-bearers , members of the Board of Stewards of L . P . until next St . John ' s day , viz ., Bros . R . Frith , Geo . Rowley , Frederick P . Webb , J . C . Ibbs , and Robert McKim .
It was then proposed by the Past Master : —That , on the present occasion , the officers and members of the Lodge Perseverance feel it their duty to acknowledge , with sentiments of deep-felt gratitude , the many claims which the R . AV . Brother Dr . James Burnes , K . H ., P . G . M . for the Western Provinces of India , has upon them for the warm interest , and the kind and Brotherly consideration which have , in a peculiar manner , marked his conduct towards the Lodge since his connexion with it ; and , although they feel that any testimonial which could
be offered to so exalted and excellent a Brother Mason as our R . W . M ,, would but very inadequately convey a due sense of his merits , or their obligations to him ; still , that he be solicited to accept , as an humble mark of the high estimation in which he is held by the Brethren of Lodge Perseverence , of a gold badge , or some other token that may be deemed more appropriate . This motion having been supported by Bros . Blowers , S . AV ., Chalmers , J . W ., and Wellis , S . D ., was unanimously adopted by the Lodge .
The Lodge Perseverance had , on the occasion of this festival , the proud satisfaction of seeing within her walls nearly a hundred " Brethren of the mystic tie , " including many of the most distinguished members of society of Bombay . Such a Masonic assemblage never having before occurred in AVestern India . Brethren at a distance will readily believe that they were not forgotten ; and that the evening was spent in that spirit of "freedom , harmony , and love , " which has characterised ,
throughout all ages , the meetings of the Craft . VOL . VII , « J
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that the blessing of the Almighty Master will continue to descend upon us . " The R . AV . M . thereafter proceeded separately to address the following worthy Brethren , whom he was pleased to invest , agreeably to the ancient usages of the Order , with the various insignia of office in Lodge Perseverance , for the ensuing year ; viz ., Brother John Mullaly , as Past Master ; Bros . William Blowers , and J . H . Chalmers , Wardens ; Bros .
H . J . Barr , and T . Gardiner , Secretary and Treasurer ; Bros . W . AVillis , and J . Harrison , Deacons ; Bros . AV . K . Fogerty , and T . Burrows , Guards ; Brother G . Kingston , Lodge Steward . Brother Blowers , S . W . having , on behalf of himself and the other officers , rendered a highly Masonic and suitable acknowledgment , the following trusty Brethren were appointed , in addition to the Office-bearers , members of the Board of Stewards of L . P . until next St . John ' s day , viz ., Bros . R . Frith , Geo . Rowley , Frederick P . Webb , J . C . Ibbs , and Robert McKim .
It was then proposed by the Past Master : —That , on the present occasion , the officers and members of the Lodge Perseverance feel it their duty to acknowledge , with sentiments of deep-felt gratitude , the many claims which the R . AV . Brother Dr . James Burnes , K . H ., P . G . M . for the Western Provinces of India , has upon them for the warm interest , and the kind and Brotherly consideration which have , in a peculiar manner , marked his conduct towards the Lodge since his connexion with it ; and , although they feel that any testimonial which could
be offered to so exalted and excellent a Brother Mason as our R . W . M ,, would but very inadequately convey a due sense of his merits , or their obligations to him ; still , that he be solicited to accept , as an humble mark of the high estimation in which he is held by the Brethren of Lodge Perseverence , of a gold badge , or some other token that may be deemed more appropriate . This motion having been supported by Bros . Blowers , S . AV ., Chalmers , J . W ., and Wellis , S . D ., was unanimously adopted by the Lodge .
The Lodge Perseverance had , on the occasion of this festival , the proud satisfaction of seeing within her walls nearly a hundred " Brethren of the mystic tie , " including many of the most distinguished members of society of Bombay . Such a Masonic assemblage never having before occurred in AVestern India . Brethren at a distance will readily believe that they were not forgotten ; and that the evening was spent in that spirit of "freedom , harmony , and love , " which has characterised ,
throughout all ages , the meetings of the Craft . VOL . VII , « J