Article EIGHT DA\ r CLOCKS. TO STRIKE THE HOURS ... Page 1 of 1 Article WATCHES, PLATE, AND JEWELLERY. J P. ACKL... Page 1 of 1 Article THE GRAPHIC AI u will be found an invalu... Page 1 of 1 Article PATENT LEVER WATCHES. With Silver double... Page 1 of 1
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Eight Da\ R Clocks. To Strike The Hours ...
EIGHT DA \ CLOCKS . TO STRIKE THE HOURS AND HALF-HOURS , FIVE GUINEAS EACH . rpHEY are in elegant cases , about 7 ^ inch es high , suitable either to stand on a bracket ¦ *• or mantel-piece . Warranted at T . Cox SAVORY ' Working Goldsmith , & c . 17 , Cornhill , London .
Watches, Plate, And Jewellery. J P. Ackl...
WATCHES , PLATE , AND JEWELLERY . J P . ACKLAM respectfully solicits those Brethren and Friends in want of any of the above Articles , to inspect his STOCK , which consists of WATCHES of every Description , particularly the Small Fashionable Gold Watch , with Gold or Silver Dials , Six ancl Seven Guineas each , Horizontal Gold Watches , four holes , jewelled , from Nine to Twelve Guineas each , all warranted in performance ; Silver Plate in every diversity of Articles , both Chased and Plain , New ancl Second hand ; every Item of Fashionable Jewellery at Moderate Prices ; best Sheffield Plated Articles , & c . 138 , Strand , opposite Catherine-street .
The Graphic Ai U Will Be Found An Invalu...
THE GRAPHIC AI u will be found an invaluable auxiliary on the writing tables of the LEGAL PROFESSION ' , NOBLEMEN , MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT , MERCHANTS , BANKERS , EDITORS , REPORTERS , WRITERS , and others , superseding the necessity of a portfolio , and possessing all the advantages of a file , the papers being firmly secured and detached from it with the greatest facility . "An article of recent invention has been submitted to our inspection , which we do not hesitate to pronounce a very convenient ancl useful one . It is a copyholder , to which various springs are affixed , by which documents and papers are securely kept together ,
and any arrangement which may have been given to them is effectually protected from disturbance . It is portable , may be manufactured of any size , and is susceptible of any desired degree of elegance in material or decoration . The title given to it by the inventor is 'Sheath ' s Graphic Aid . '"—Morning Post . " So simple is this invention , that we are struck by the general exclamation , ' why has it not been invented before ? ' It is an admirable companion to the filter inkstand ; nay , it is its superior , for it makes lit ( t ) erary men tidy—a hitherto Utopian notion . It is portable and convenient , and is admirably adapted to the study and to the escrutoire of the Bas Bleu . We thank Mr . Sheath for the valuable aid it affords us . "—Freemasons ' Quarterly Review .
' Very simple , yet very useiul , is this little companion to the writing table , especially to those engaged in letter writing , & c . ; the advantage of it is that the papers are firml y seemed and detached with the greatest facility by means of a well-managed spring . "Blackwood's Lady ' s Magazine . " This is the simple application of the spring , but therein consists its value and utility . It can never get deranged or out of repair , and it is out of the power of any accident , short of downright force , to disorder it . No Lady ' s boudoir should be without it for its beauty—no counting-house or officepublic or privateshoidd be without it for its utility .
, , Its cheapness places it within the reach of every person , and forms the least advantage connected with it . "—Dispatch . May be had of the Inventor , 28 , Wilmington-square . Sold by PAINTER , 342 , Strand ; LAKING , 48 , Curzon-street , Mayfair ; STOCKEN , 53 , Quadrant , Regent-street ; Smith , 102 , Strand ; LIMBIRD , Mirror Office , 143 , Strand ; MUDIE , 15 , Coventry-street ; and by all Booksellers , Stationers , & c . Price , in handsomely embossed cloth , 3 s . ancl 5 s . each .
Patent Lever Watches. With Silver Double...
PATENT LEVER WATCHES . With Silver double-bottom Cases , Gl . 6 s . ; with Silver Hunting Cases , 16 s . Gd . extra . r piIIS celebrated construction ( the most accurate on which a Watch can be made ) is . now offered with the latest improvements , i , e ., the detached escapement , jewelled in four holes , capped , hand to mark the seconds , bard enamel dial , and maintaining power to continue going while winding up , at the above price . Vertical Silver Watches , two guineas each . A variety of upwards of a hundred Second-hand Watches , some of them jewelled , all with movements that can be warranted , to be sold for two guineas each . T . COX SAVORY , Working Goldsmith , Silversmith , and Watchmaker , 47 , Cornhill , London . —N . B . Second-hand Watches purchased in exchange .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Eight Da\ R Clocks. To Strike The Hours ...
EIGHT DA \ CLOCKS . TO STRIKE THE HOURS AND HALF-HOURS , FIVE GUINEAS EACH . rpHEY are in elegant cases , about 7 ^ inch es high , suitable either to stand on a bracket ¦ *• or mantel-piece . Warranted at T . Cox SAVORY ' Working Goldsmith , & c . 17 , Cornhill , London .
Watches, Plate, And Jewellery. J P. Ackl...
WATCHES , PLATE , AND JEWELLERY . J P . ACKLAM respectfully solicits those Brethren and Friends in want of any of the above Articles , to inspect his STOCK , which consists of WATCHES of every Description , particularly the Small Fashionable Gold Watch , with Gold or Silver Dials , Six ancl Seven Guineas each , Horizontal Gold Watches , four holes , jewelled , from Nine to Twelve Guineas each , all warranted in performance ; Silver Plate in every diversity of Articles , both Chased and Plain , New ancl Second hand ; every Item of Fashionable Jewellery at Moderate Prices ; best Sheffield Plated Articles , & c . 138 , Strand , opposite Catherine-street .
The Graphic Ai U Will Be Found An Invalu...
THE GRAPHIC AI u will be found an invaluable auxiliary on the writing tables of the LEGAL PROFESSION ' , NOBLEMEN , MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT , MERCHANTS , BANKERS , EDITORS , REPORTERS , WRITERS , and others , superseding the necessity of a portfolio , and possessing all the advantages of a file , the papers being firmly secured and detached from it with the greatest facility . "An article of recent invention has been submitted to our inspection , which we do not hesitate to pronounce a very convenient ancl useful one . It is a copyholder , to which various springs are affixed , by which documents and papers are securely kept together ,
and any arrangement which may have been given to them is effectually protected from disturbance . It is portable , may be manufactured of any size , and is susceptible of any desired degree of elegance in material or decoration . The title given to it by the inventor is 'Sheath ' s Graphic Aid . '"—Morning Post . " So simple is this invention , that we are struck by the general exclamation , ' why has it not been invented before ? ' It is an admirable companion to the filter inkstand ; nay , it is its superior , for it makes lit ( t ) erary men tidy—a hitherto Utopian notion . It is portable and convenient , and is admirably adapted to the study and to the escrutoire of the Bas Bleu . We thank Mr . Sheath for the valuable aid it affords us . "—Freemasons ' Quarterly Review .
' Very simple , yet very useiul , is this little companion to the writing table , especially to those engaged in letter writing , & c . ; the advantage of it is that the papers are firml y seemed and detached with the greatest facility by means of a well-managed spring . "Blackwood's Lady ' s Magazine . " This is the simple application of the spring , but therein consists its value and utility . It can never get deranged or out of repair , and it is out of the power of any accident , short of downright force , to disorder it . No Lady ' s boudoir should be without it for its beauty—no counting-house or officepublic or privateshoidd be without it for its utility .
, , Its cheapness places it within the reach of every person , and forms the least advantage connected with it . "—Dispatch . May be had of the Inventor , 28 , Wilmington-square . Sold by PAINTER , 342 , Strand ; LAKING , 48 , Curzon-street , Mayfair ; STOCKEN , 53 , Quadrant , Regent-street ; Smith , 102 , Strand ; LIMBIRD , Mirror Office , 143 , Strand ; MUDIE , 15 , Coventry-street ; and by all Booksellers , Stationers , & c . Price , in handsomely embossed cloth , 3 s . ancl 5 s . each .
Patent Lever Watches. With Silver Double...
PATENT LEVER WATCHES . With Silver double-bottom Cases , Gl . 6 s . ; with Silver Hunting Cases , 16 s . Gd . extra . r piIIS celebrated construction ( the most accurate on which a Watch can be made ) is . now offered with the latest improvements , i , e ., the detached escapement , jewelled in four holes , capped , hand to mark the seconds , bard enamel dial , and maintaining power to continue going while winding up , at the above price . Vertical Silver Watches , two guineas each . A variety of upwards of a hundred Second-hand Watches , some of them jewelled , all with movements that can be warranted , to be sold for two guineas each . T . COX SAVORY , Working Goldsmith , Silversmith , and Watchmaker , 47 , Cornhill , London . —N . B . Second-hand Watches purchased in exchange .