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Asylum For The Aged And Decayed Freemason.
although the latter may be framed for relieving temporary distress , and not the continual wants of age , yet , as it contains no regulation to prevent old as well as young partaking of its benefits , it only remains to be seen , whether it is not altogether the best mode that can be devised for ridding us of the importunities of old men , with the least trouble , and at the least possible expense .
1 here are but one or two objections to this Board , as applied to old age , which have come to my knowledge ; viz ., That being restricted by its rules , from granting relief to the same individual but once in a year , and , by its practice , rarely above once or twice in his life , it is not calculated to be of permanent advantage to the aged , whose infirmities require continued , and not temporary assistance ; and that it is unwise to give applicants of that class sums of money , which may be greater than their present wantsand therebliable to be misspentwhilst it is
, y , unjust to refuse further assistance , when their wants may be as great , and their character as good , as at the first application . But these objections are trifling , compared with the simplicity of the process . It is not to be expected that fifty or sixty Masters of Lodges can devote their time to doling out quarterly allowances to troublesome old men . It is surely labour enough to vote 51 . or 10 / . at once , ancl if the applicant should misapplhis moneyand ive to the publican what ought to
y , g have gone to the baker , we have no right , in this age of liberty , to enquire in what way it is spent . By the present mode , he knows that when his 51 . or 10 ? . is gone , he can get no more ; and it is his own fault if he starves . But this is not the only advantage of the present mode . In voting 10 / . at once , the item looks larger than 9 , 1 . 10 s . a quarter ,
although at the year ' s end the amount will be the same , with the disadvantage , that in the latter case , a similar sum will be required the year following ; so that the old system has the advantage of procuring for us greater credit for charity : and at the same time , of economising our funds to such an extent , that I am informed , the Board has , by this excellent working , accumulated in stock nearly 10 , 000 / .
I had forgotten another objection to the Board , which , in fairness , I ought to state : viz .. That , sitting hut once every calendar month for granting sums above Si ., a man may possibly wait nearly four , and sometimes five weeks before his wants can be relieved ; but then it cannot be expected that all the Masters of London Lodges should be summoned oftener , and as it is clear that less than the whole number cannot be safely intrusted with the power of voting such large sums as 51 . or 10 / ., I am afraid this inconvenience must remain . It is satisfactory , however , to know that this annoyance is only felt by the recipients of our bounty , who have no right to complain of waiting for it .
un the whole , whether for simplicity , economy , or the appearance of liberality , it must be admitted no charity could be devised , so admirably adapted for relieving Aged Masons as the Board of Benevolence . It seems somewhat surprising that , with a full knowledge of these facts , a body of Masons , I admit rather considerable , should have formed themselves into a Society for building an Asylum , or , as I should call it , an Almshouse or Workhouse , for old Masons ; who , they say , have no home of their own , and granting Annuities to the inmates ; at the
same time proposing to grant the Annuities separately to such of the applicants as might reside at a distance , or , for other reasons , prefer living with their friends ; and that in defiance of the objections and remonstrances of those who believed the old system as near perfection
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Asylum For The Aged And Decayed Freemason.
although the latter may be framed for relieving temporary distress , and not the continual wants of age , yet , as it contains no regulation to prevent old as well as young partaking of its benefits , it only remains to be seen , whether it is not altogether the best mode that can be devised for ridding us of the importunities of old men , with the least trouble , and at the least possible expense .
1 here are but one or two objections to this Board , as applied to old age , which have come to my knowledge ; viz ., That being restricted by its rules , from granting relief to the same individual but once in a year , and , by its practice , rarely above once or twice in his life , it is not calculated to be of permanent advantage to the aged , whose infirmities require continued , and not temporary assistance ; and that it is unwise to give applicants of that class sums of money , which may be greater than their present wantsand therebliable to be misspentwhilst it is
, y , unjust to refuse further assistance , when their wants may be as great , and their character as good , as at the first application . But these objections are trifling , compared with the simplicity of the process . It is not to be expected that fifty or sixty Masters of Lodges can devote their time to doling out quarterly allowances to troublesome old men . It is surely labour enough to vote 51 . or 10 / . at once , ancl if the applicant should misapplhis moneyand ive to the publican what ought to
y , g have gone to the baker , we have no right , in this age of liberty , to enquire in what way it is spent . By the present mode , he knows that when his 51 . or 10 ? . is gone , he can get no more ; and it is his own fault if he starves . But this is not the only advantage of the present mode . In voting 10 / . at once , the item looks larger than 9 , 1 . 10 s . a quarter ,
although at the year ' s end the amount will be the same , with the disadvantage , that in the latter case , a similar sum will be required the year following ; so that the old system has the advantage of procuring for us greater credit for charity : and at the same time , of economising our funds to such an extent , that I am informed , the Board has , by this excellent working , accumulated in stock nearly 10 , 000 / .
I had forgotten another objection to the Board , which , in fairness , I ought to state : viz .. That , sitting hut once every calendar month for granting sums above Si ., a man may possibly wait nearly four , and sometimes five weeks before his wants can be relieved ; but then it cannot be expected that all the Masters of London Lodges should be summoned oftener , and as it is clear that less than the whole number cannot be safely intrusted with the power of voting such large sums as 51 . or 10 / ., I am afraid this inconvenience must remain . It is satisfactory , however , to know that this annoyance is only felt by the recipients of our bounty , who have no right to complain of waiting for it .
un the whole , whether for simplicity , economy , or the appearance of liberality , it must be admitted no charity could be devised , so admirably adapted for relieving Aged Masons as the Board of Benevolence . It seems somewhat surprising that , with a full knowledge of these facts , a body of Masons , I admit rather considerable , should have formed themselves into a Society for building an Asylum , or , as I should call it , an Almshouse or Workhouse , for old Masons ; who , they say , have no home of their own , and granting Annuities to the inmates ; at the
same time proposing to grant the Annuities separately to such of the applicants as might reside at a distance , or , for other reasons , prefer living with their friends ; and that in defiance of the objections and remonstrances of those who believed the old system as near perfection