Article TO THE EDITOR. ← Page 6 of 6 Article THE ANNALIST. Page 1 of 4 →
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To The Editor.
and benevolent to effect a bettor treatment of the brute animals , whose labour is of such great service to mankind ; but the effect has not as yet been so successful as Could be wished , and I fear will not be satisfactorily felt , until our lower orders of subjects are , by a public and moral education , taught to exchange their brutal feelings towards the inferior of God ' s created beings , into that kind . and humane conduct which is so essentially conducive to human happiness . May the wise plan for giving our fellow subjects of the labouring class a moral and religious education be generally adopted , free from abject party feeling , ancl the desired object of the humane and benevolent will soon be accomplished .
The Annalist.
( WITH AN ENGRAVING . ) THIS feature , a novel one in this miscellany , possesses the united advantage of combining traditionary lore , with the removal of prejudice . The antiquarian will be pleased with a subject capable , by still deeper exploration , of awakening the energies of our readers , and the modern Mason will derive added confidence in the most comprehensive system of modern ethics ; which , if he shall have respected for its traditonary
antiquity , he will still more admire for the indisputable proofs of its connection with the very earliest records . The attention of the curious in Masonry is invited , arid their contributions to the Annalist earnestly solicited .
It is now above four years since a Masonic Centenary was held in Amsterdam , ancl an account of the proceedings was published in a very elaborate form for presentation ancl distribution amongst the leading authorities in Freemasonry , in order that it mi ght exist as a record in the Craft , and as a reference for all time . A copy of this valuable work was presented to His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex , Grand Master of Englandand another to Brother John CBurckhardtWe
, . , have been favoured by the latter Brother with a perusal of his copy . It is gratifying to remark , that the Lodge whose centenary we are about to record , originally derived its warrant from England , and even to this day , conforms to the same form of clothing as was directed on its original constitution—a blue silk robe , ornamented with silver . The work is entitled
THE FESTIVAL OF THE LODGE " LA BIEN AIMEE , " FORMERLY " LA PAIX , " HELD IN COMMEMORATION OF THE CHARTER OF COLOGNE , BEING THE THIRD CENTENARY OF ITS EXISTENCE . The preface explains the general contents of the work . The discourse , or oration , is characteristic of the peculiar circumstances of the Order , and developes considerable talent and equal judgment . The additions or appendices explain various epochs , and contain many interesting remarks , with some general references . Allegorical and poetic descriptions , with some pleasing lyrical effusions , conclude this valuable presentation to Freemasonry .
EXPLANATION OF THE MEDAL . The discovery made in this country ( Holland ) in the year 1818 , of an interesting document ^ concerning the Order of Freemasons , has
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To The Editor.
and benevolent to effect a bettor treatment of the brute animals , whose labour is of such great service to mankind ; but the effect has not as yet been so successful as Could be wished , and I fear will not be satisfactorily felt , until our lower orders of subjects are , by a public and moral education , taught to exchange their brutal feelings towards the inferior of God ' s created beings , into that kind . and humane conduct which is so essentially conducive to human happiness . May the wise plan for giving our fellow subjects of the labouring class a moral and religious education be generally adopted , free from abject party feeling , ancl the desired object of the humane and benevolent will soon be accomplished .
The Annalist.
( WITH AN ENGRAVING . ) THIS feature , a novel one in this miscellany , possesses the united advantage of combining traditionary lore , with the removal of prejudice . The antiquarian will be pleased with a subject capable , by still deeper exploration , of awakening the energies of our readers , and the modern Mason will derive added confidence in the most comprehensive system of modern ethics ; which , if he shall have respected for its traditonary
antiquity , he will still more admire for the indisputable proofs of its connection with the very earliest records . The attention of the curious in Masonry is invited , arid their contributions to the Annalist earnestly solicited .
It is now above four years since a Masonic Centenary was held in Amsterdam , ancl an account of the proceedings was published in a very elaborate form for presentation ancl distribution amongst the leading authorities in Freemasonry , in order that it mi ght exist as a record in the Craft , and as a reference for all time . A copy of this valuable work was presented to His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex , Grand Master of Englandand another to Brother John CBurckhardtWe
, . , have been favoured by the latter Brother with a perusal of his copy . It is gratifying to remark , that the Lodge whose centenary we are about to record , originally derived its warrant from England , and even to this day , conforms to the same form of clothing as was directed on its original constitution—a blue silk robe , ornamented with silver . The work is entitled
THE FESTIVAL OF THE LODGE " LA BIEN AIMEE , " FORMERLY " LA PAIX , " HELD IN COMMEMORATION OF THE CHARTER OF COLOGNE , BEING THE THIRD CENTENARY OF ITS EXISTENCE . The preface explains the general contents of the work . The discourse , or oration , is characteristic of the peculiar circumstances of the Order , and developes considerable talent and equal judgment . The additions or appendices explain various epochs , and contain many interesting remarks , with some general references . Allegorical and poetic descriptions , with some pleasing lyrical effusions , conclude this valuable presentation to Freemasonry .
EXPLANATION OF THE MEDAL . The discovery made in this country ( Holland ) in the year 1818 , of an interesting document ^ concerning the Order of Freemasons , has