Article TO THE EDITOR. ← Page 2 of 2 Article TO THE EDITOR. Page 1 of 3 →
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To The Editor.
SIR AND BROTHER , —On reading the last number of your valuable Freemasons' Quarterly Review , I am sorry to see an intimation that if its circulation does not increase , your editorial labours will close in December next ; in order to do my part to prevent such a loss to the Fraternity at large , in addition to the copy now taken by our Lodge , I will ( D . V . ) take another for myself . I amSir and Brothervery fraternally yours
, , , J . T . SHAPLAND , NO . 610 . We insert this , as one of a numerous list of correspondents on the same subject . The Review is in the hands of the Craft , to be supported for their good , or to be abandoned at their pleasure .
To The Editor.
IMPORTANT QUERIES . 1 . A Brother wishes to know what the punishment is for a Lodge of Masons not a year old , insisting to instal a Mason who has been protested against by an old Member as ineligible ? 2 . What is the punishment of permitting a Brother to be present at installation , who has not himself been installed ? 3 . Whether a man can hold the office of 1 st . Principalor Zwhose
, , name is not registered in Grand Chapter ? 4 . And if he cannot legally fill the office ; whether the 2 nd Principal can summon a Chapter for the dispatch of business ? 5 . What is the punishment of a Mason ' s accepting the Mastership , though voted by the Lodge , who knows himself never to have been appointed a Warden ? 6 . Whether an open and public avowal of immoral acts , be not a
disqualification for the office of Warden in a Lodge ? 7 . Whether a royal Arch Mason can legally claim to be present at Installation , having never served the office of Master ? 8 . Whether EXALTATION is a qualification for the chair of a Lodge , fn one who has not been appointed as a Warden ? M . M . As a proof of the necessity of a systematic Code of regulations , as to , discipline , and practice , we submit the above out of many , from a budget lately received .
SIR , —Your Review being the onl y medium through which Masons can obtain information , or communicate any matter that may tend to the improvement or benefit of the Craft , I " take this opportunity of calling your attention to the very high price of the Masonic Calendar or Almanac , the cost of which is 3 s . I am well aware that the profits arising from its sale are applied to the Charities ; my object in addressing you , is to state my firm conviction , that if its price were reduced to Is . 6 d its sale would be fourfold at least .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
To The Editor.
SIR AND BROTHER , —On reading the last number of your valuable Freemasons' Quarterly Review , I am sorry to see an intimation that if its circulation does not increase , your editorial labours will close in December next ; in order to do my part to prevent such a loss to the Fraternity at large , in addition to the copy now taken by our Lodge , I will ( D . V . ) take another for myself . I amSir and Brothervery fraternally yours
, , , J . T . SHAPLAND , NO . 610 . We insert this , as one of a numerous list of correspondents on the same subject . The Review is in the hands of the Craft , to be supported for their good , or to be abandoned at their pleasure .
To The Editor.
IMPORTANT QUERIES . 1 . A Brother wishes to know what the punishment is for a Lodge of Masons not a year old , insisting to instal a Mason who has been protested against by an old Member as ineligible ? 2 . What is the punishment of permitting a Brother to be present at installation , who has not himself been installed ? 3 . Whether a man can hold the office of 1 st . Principalor Zwhose
, , name is not registered in Grand Chapter ? 4 . And if he cannot legally fill the office ; whether the 2 nd Principal can summon a Chapter for the dispatch of business ? 5 . What is the punishment of a Mason ' s accepting the Mastership , though voted by the Lodge , who knows himself never to have been appointed a Warden ? 6 . Whether an open and public avowal of immoral acts , be not a
disqualification for the office of Warden in a Lodge ? 7 . Whether a royal Arch Mason can legally claim to be present at Installation , having never served the office of Master ? 8 . Whether EXALTATION is a qualification for the chair of a Lodge , fn one who has not been appointed as a Warden ? M . M . As a proof of the necessity of a systematic Code of regulations , as to , discipline , and practice , we submit the above out of many , from a budget lately received .
SIR , —Your Review being the onl y medium through which Masons can obtain information , or communicate any matter that may tend to the improvement or benefit of the Craft , I " take this opportunity of calling your attention to the very high price of the Masonic Calendar or Almanac , the cost of which is 3 s . I am well aware that the profits arising from its sale are applied to the Charities ; my object in addressing you , is to state my firm conviction , that if its price were reduced to Is . 6 d its sale would be fourfold at least .