Article COMMITTEE OF MASTERS. ← Page 3 of 3 Article QUARTERLY COMMUNICATION.—MARCH 4, 1840. Page 1 of 2 →
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Committee Of Masters.
S . C . Norris , R . T . Crucefix , A . Dobie , J . L . Stevens , J . Bigg , H . Udall —and that three be a quorum . " Brother Warriner gave notice that he should move that the following names be added to such committee : —Bros . B . B . Cabbell , Philipe , J . C . M'Mullen . Brother Philipe gave notice of a motion , "that in future written notices of motion must be personall y delivered in at the Committee of Masters . " The list of petitioners was unusually pressing .
Quarterly Communication.—March 4, 1840.
PRESENT . His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex , M . W . G . M . on the throne . The Rt . Hon . the Earl of Zetland , D . G . M . R . W . J . Ramsbottom , M . P ., Prov . G . M . for Berks . " S . M'Gillivray , Prov . G . M . as S . G . W . " Captain Deans Dundas , R . N . J . G . W . PAST GRAND WARDENS . —R . W . J . Easthope , ilf . P ., B . B . Cabbell , D . Pollock , G . StoneHebelerBurmester .
, , GRAND TREASURER . —R . W . R . Percival , Jun . GRAND CHAPLAIN . —V . W . Rev . J . Fallowfield . PAST GRAND REGISTRAR . —V . W . John Henderson . GRAND SECRETARY . —V . W . William Henry White . GRAND DEACON . —W . S . C . Norris . PAST GRAND DEACONS . —W . J- C . Burckhardt , F . W . Bossy , W . CuthbertJ . GascoignA . B . GranvilleM . D . ; R . T . JCrucefixM . D .
, , , , W . Shadbolt , W . Silvester , T . F . Savory , B . Lawrence , A . Dobie . GRAND SUP . WORKS . —W . P . Hardwick . Ass . DIR . CER . —XV . R . W . Jennings . GRAND SWORD BEARER . —W . J . C . M'Mullen . PAST GRAND SWORD BEARERS . —W . C . Simpson , J . Lawrence , G . Philipe . GRAND ORGANIST , —W . Sir G . Smart .
The Grand Lodge was opened in ample form and with solemn prayer . The minutes of the last Grand Lodge were read and confirmed . His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex , was unanimously elected Grand Master for the ensuing year ; a compliment which the illustrious Brother acknowledged as graciously as gracefully . His Royal Hi g hness the Grand Master then moved an address of congratulation to Her Most Excellent Majesty , the Queen , on her
marriage , which was unanimously agreed to ; and the Grand Master stated that he should present the same at the Levee on the following Friday . His Royal Highness then moved the appointment of a Grand Pursuivant , as an honorary Grand Officer . Brother B . B . Cabbell , moved that an address of congratulation should be presented to the illustrious Grand Master , His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex , on the marriage of his Royal niece , the Queen of England , which was carried unanimously * .
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Committee Of Masters.
S . C . Norris , R . T . Crucefix , A . Dobie , J . L . Stevens , J . Bigg , H . Udall —and that three be a quorum . " Brother Warriner gave notice that he should move that the following names be added to such committee : —Bros . B . B . Cabbell , Philipe , J . C . M'Mullen . Brother Philipe gave notice of a motion , "that in future written notices of motion must be personall y delivered in at the Committee of Masters . " The list of petitioners was unusually pressing .
Quarterly Communication.—March 4, 1840.
PRESENT . His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex , M . W . G . M . on the throne . The Rt . Hon . the Earl of Zetland , D . G . M . R . W . J . Ramsbottom , M . P ., Prov . G . M . for Berks . " S . M'Gillivray , Prov . G . M . as S . G . W . " Captain Deans Dundas , R . N . J . G . W . PAST GRAND WARDENS . —R . W . J . Easthope , ilf . P ., B . B . Cabbell , D . Pollock , G . StoneHebelerBurmester .
, , GRAND TREASURER . —R . W . R . Percival , Jun . GRAND CHAPLAIN . —V . W . Rev . J . Fallowfield . PAST GRAND REGISTRAR . —V . W . John Henderson . GRAND SECRETARY . —V . W . William Henry White . GRAND DEACON . —W . S . C . Norris . PAST GRAND DEACONS . —W . J- C . Burckhardt , F . W . Bossy , W . CuthbertJ . GascoignA . B . GranvilleM . D . ; R . T . JCrucefixM . D .
, , , , W . Shadbolt , W . Silvester , T . F . Savory , B . Lawrence , A . Dobie . GRAND SUP . WORKS . —W . P . Hardwick . Ass . DIR . CER . —XV . R . W . Jennings . GRAND SWORD BEARER . —W . J . C . M'Mullen . PAST GRAND SWORD BEARERS . —W . C . Simpson , J . Lawrence , G . Philipe . GRAND ORGANIST , —W . Sir G . Smart .
The Grand Lodge was opened in ample form and with solemn prayer . The minutes of the last Grand Lodge were read and confirmed . His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex , was unanimously elected Grand Master for the ensuing year ; a compliment which the illustrious Brother acknowledged as graciously as gracefully . His Royal Hi g hness the Grand Master then moved an address of congratulation to Her Most Excellent Majesty , the Queen , on her
marriage , which was unanimously agreed to ; and the Grand Master stated that he should present the same at the Levee on the following Friday . His Royal Highness then moved the appointment of a Grand Pursuivant , as an honorary Grand Officer . Brother B . B . Cabbell , moved that an address of congratulation should be presented to the illustrious Grand Master , His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex , on the marriage of his Royal niece , the Queen of England , which was carried unanimously * .