Article THE REPORTER. ← Page 4 of 4
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The Reporter.
Master , and the well tried and considerate opinion of Brother Morgan and the other Past Masters will prevent any evil . BRITISH LODGE , March 16 . —Brother Charles Hawley was installed by Brother Lawrence , assisted b y Brother R . L . Wilson . FRIENDSHIP . —Report not sufficiently authenticated . BURLINGTON LODGE NO . 113 . —The installation of Brother DWilson
, . to the Chair was graced by the attendance of several visiting Brethren ; among them Bros . Dobie , P . G . D ., Philipe , P . G . S . B ., E . Wilson , Grand Steward , Dunbar , W . M ., No . 4 , Thomson , M . D ., W . M ., No , 109 , & c , including the Master , Past Masters , and Wardens of the Bank of England Lodge . Brother Dr . Crucefix , the installing Master , was ably assisted b y the Past Masters of the Lodge in the mystic ceremony . The addresses after the banquet were delivered with energetic spirit , and lucid lanations of the
were exp past and present state of Masonic statistics . The addresses of the Worshipful Master were courteous and instructive . His manner of giving the health of the Lady of England , for the last time as a Virgin Queen , was marked by peculiar delicacy ; but the fervour with which he introduced the three Charities , and the simile of the two ships under a favouring gale , ancl the third struggling out of harbour to join , and probably to overtake them , notwithstanding adverse winds , had a moral deep and true . Brother Wilson is worthy to take the helm where the crew are stalwart in principle .
MASTER MASONS' LODGE OP INSTRUCTION , NO . 318 . —The meetings have been well attended , FREDERICK CHAPTER OF UNITY , NO . 661 , Croydon , Surrey , Feb . 28 , —A Chapter was held for the purpose of exalting several of the Brethren of the Lodge who had dul y served out their time as Master Masons . GROVE CHAPTER , NO . 593 , Ewell , Surrey . —The above Chapter has been duly openedand the following Companions named in the Chapter
, , installed as Principals , viz ., Companion James Walton , Z ., Companion John Udall , H „ Companion Andrew , J . We wish the same success in West Surrey that the Frederick Chapter is experiencing in East Surrey . CHAPTER OF OBSERVANCE . —On Dits . —The Hon . Frederick Savill , some time since installed in the Cross of Christ Encampment , has received the degree of Ros . Cr ., & c .
ENCAMPMENT OP F AITH AND FIDELITY , NO . 3 , Freemasons' Hal ] , Feb . 10 . —Sir Kni ght Henry Udall was duly installed the M . E . C . for the ensuing year , and three Companions admitted to the honour of Masonic Knighthood . The M . E . C . intends to confer the degrees of Ros . Croix and Ne plus ultra , in April . CROSS OP CHRIST ENCAMPMENT , March 20 . —Sir Knight R . L . Wilson installed as MEC—Rev Isaacson installedthere
.. . Comp . , were present four Commanders out of the five London Encampments ; viz ., Sir Knights Wilson , Crucefix , Udall , ancl Wackerbath . The meeting was especially pleasant and instructive . p ST . JOHN OF JERUSALEM . —NO meeting since our last . MOUNT CAHMEL , —No report .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Reporter.
Master , and the well tried and considerate opinion of Brother Morgan and the other Past Masters will prevent any evil . BRITISH LODGE , March 16 . —Brother Charles Hawley was installed by Brother Lawrence , assisted b y Brother R . L . Wilson . FRIENDSHIP . —Report not sufficiently authenticated . BURLINGTON LODGE NO . 113 . —The installation of Brother DWilson
, . to the Chair was graced by the attendance of several visiting Brethren ; among them Bros . Dobie , P . G . D ., Philipe , P . G . S . B ., E . Wilson , Grand Steward , Dunbar , W . M ., No . 4 , Thomson , M . D ., W . M ., No , 109 , & c , including the Master , Past Masters , and Wardens of the Bank of England Lodge . Brother Dr . Crucefix , the installing Master , was ably assisted b y the Past Masters of the Lodge in the mystic ceremony . The addresses after the banquet were delivered with energetic spirit , and lucid lanations of the
were exp past and present state of Masonic statistics . The addresses of the Worshipful Master were courteous and instructive . His manner of giving the health of the Lady of England , for the last time as a Virgin Queen , was marked by peculiar delicacy ; but the fervour with which he introduced the three Charities , and the simile of the two ships under a favouring gale , ancl the third struggling out of harbour to join , and probably to overtake them , notwithstanding adverse winds , had a moral deep and true . Brother Wilson is worthy to take the helm where the crew are stalwart in principle .
MASTER MASONS' LODGE OP INSTRUCTION , NO . 318 . —The meetings have been well attended , FREDERICK CHAPTER OF UNITY , NO . 661 , Croydon , Surrey , Feb . 28 , —A Chapter was held for the purpose of exalting several of the Brethren of the Lodge who had dul y served out their time as Master Masons . GROVE CHAPTER , NO . 593 , Ewell , Surrey . —The above Chapter has been duly openedand the following Companions named in the Chapter
, , installed as Principals , viz ., Companion James Walton , Z ., Companion John Udall , H „ Companion Andrew , J . We wish the same success in West Surrey that the Frederick Chapter is experiencing in East Surrey . CHAPTER OF OBSERVANCE . —On Dits . —The Hon . Frederick Savill , some time since installed in the Cross of Christ Encampment , has received the degree of Ros . Cr ., & c .
ENCAMPMENT OP F AITH AND FIDELITY , NO . 3 , Freemasons' Hal ] , Feb . 10 . —Sir Kni ght Henry Udall was duly installed the M . E . C . for the ensuing year , and three Companions admitted to the honour of Masonic Knighthood . The M . E . C . intends to confer the degrees of Ros . Croix and Ne plus ultra , in April . CROSS OP CHRIST ENCAMPMENT , March 20 . —Sir Knight R . L . Wilson installed as MEC—Rev Isaacson installedthere
.. . Comp . , were present four Commanders out of the five London Encampments ; viz ., Sir Knights Wilson , Crucefix , Udall , ancl Wackerbath . The meeting was especially pleasant and instructive . p ST . JOHN OF JERUSALEM . —NO meeting since our last . MOUNT CAHMEL , —No report .