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that of Grand Steward , ) up to the Master ' s Chair , which he filled with becoming dignity . The Stewardships for the Grand Master ' s Birthday Festival , the Asylum , and the two Schools , he also passed generously through , and may be said to have left no part of his Masonic work unfinished . He had intended to visit Brighton , and had predicted his own death , for a slip of paper was found containing in his own writing the following announcement . " 1840 . Died at Brighton , Mr . John Ham-Jewellerlate of Street
ley , , Coventry . " His remains were deposited in their final resting place , in the vaults of St . James ' s Church , Piccadilly , and were attended by the following Brethren and several other friends : —Brother Charles Hawley , chief mourner ; Bros . Tideswell , Crucefix , Acklam , Lawrence , Hanbrough , Key , and George Robinson , the latter of whom had the care of the funeral , which he conducted with all due regard to circumstance ; his personal attention was noticed by every one present .
At Sunderland , on the 4 th of March , 1840 , in the 36 th year of his age , Mr . AV . H . HARDY , Solicitor , W . M . of the Palatine Masonic Lodge , No . 114 ; he has left a widow and three children to lament his loss . He became a Mason in the year 1833 ; in the month of December in that year he was elected to the office of I . G . ; during the succeeding years he served in all the higher offices of the Lodge , with credit to
himself and satisfaction to his Brethren . In December , 1838 , he was elected to the office of AV . M ., and was re-elected in December , 1839 , and while serving the second year in that office , it pleased the Divine Architect of the Universe to summon him to attend the permanent meeting of the Supremel y Grand Celestial Lodge , into which they only can be admitted who are found worthy of being accepted . During the last four years he also served as Principal
Sojourner in the Chapter of Strict Benevolence , which is attached to the Palatine Lodge . He was possessed of a most gentle and amiable disposition , and a kind and affectionate heart , which weie blended with mild and unassuming manners . He was sincerely attached to the Masonic Order , was well skilled in its sublime ceremonies , deeply versed in its theory and mysteries , and was a fervent supporter of the universally benevolent principles on which its sacred superstructure is based and erected .
His loss is deeply regretted , not only by his disconsolate widow , orphans , and venerable father , to whom the bereavement is irreparable , and by a numerous circle of devoted friends to whom he was much endeared by his many excellent virtues , but also by the Lodge over which he had the honour to preside ; this will be more particularly understood by the members of our Fraternity , when we mention that he was the onl y son of our venerable Brother Thomas Hardy , who has been eminentl
pre- y distinguished as a Mason in the district of his residence for about forty years , and who has during the last twenty years filled the important office of Director of Ceremonies in the Provincial Grand Lodge of Durham , the duties of which office he so ably performed on the occasion of laying the foundation stone of the Athena _ um , at Sunderland , by His Royal Hi ghness the Duke of Sussex , on the l < 2 th of November last , when the Masonic arrangements and proceedings under his direction , were of such a superior character as lo obtain the most unqualified approbation of the Royal Grand Master . By his exertions also , in conjunction with those of other able Brethren
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that of Grand Steward , ) up to the Master ' s Chair , which he filled with becoming dignity . The Stewardships for the Grand Master ' s Birthday Festival , the Asylum , and the two Schools , he also passed generously through , and may be said to have left no part of his Masonic work unfinished . He had intended to visit Brighton , and had predicted his own death , for a slip of paper was found containing in his own writing the following announcement . " 1840 . Died at Brighton , Mr . John Ham-Jewellerlate of Street
ley , , Coventry . " His remains were deposited in their final resting place , in the vaults of St . James ' s Church , Piccadilly , and were attended by the following Brethren and several other friends : —Brother Charles Hawley , chief mourner ; Bros . Tideswell , Crucefix , Acklam , Lawrence , Hanbrough , Key , and George Robinson , the latter of whom had the care of the funeral , which he conducted with all due regard to circumstance ; his personal attention was noticed by every one present .
At Sunderland , on the 4 th of March , 1840 , in the 36 th year of his age , Mr . AV . H . HARDY , Solicitor , W . M . of the Palatine Masonic Lodge , No . 114 ; he has left a widow and three children to lament his loss . He became a Mason in the year 1833 ; in the month of December in that year he was elected to the office of I . G . ; during the succeeding years he served in all the higher offices of the Lodge , with credit to
himself and satisfaction to his Brethren . In December , 1838 , he was elected to the office of AV . M ., and was re-elected in December , 1839 , and while serving the second year in that office , it pleased the Divine Architect of the Universe to summon him to attend the permanent meeting of the Supremel y Grand Celestial Lodge , into which they only can be admitted who are found worthy of being accepted . During the last four years he also served as Principal
Sojourner in the Chapter of Strict Benevolence , which is attached to the Palatine Lodge . He was possessed of a most gentle and amiable disposition , and a kind and affectionate heart , which weie blended with mild and unassuming manners . He was sincerely attached to the Masonic Order , was well skilled in its sublime ceremonies , deeply versed in its theory and mysteries , and was a fervent supporter of the universally benevolent principles on which its sacred superstructure is based and erected .
His loss is deeply regretted , not only by his disconsolate widow , orphans , and venerable father , to whom the bereavement is irreparable , and by a numerous circle of devoted friends to whom he was much endeared by his many excellent virtues , but also by the Lodge over which he had the honour to preside ; this will be more particularly understood by the members of our Fraternity , when we mention that he was the onl y son of our venerable Brother Thomas Hardy , who has been eminentl
pre- y distinguished as a Mason in the district of his residence for about forty years , and who has during the last twenty years filled the important office of Director of Ceremonies in the Provincial Grand Lodge of Durham , the duties of which office he so ably performed on the occasion of laying the foundation stone of the Athena _ um , at Sunderland , by His Royal Hi ghness the Duke of Sussex , on the l < 2 th of November last , when the Masonic arrangements and proceedings under his direction , were of such a superior character as lo obtain the most unqualified approbation of the Royal Grand Master . By his exertions also , in conjunction with those of other able Brethren