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ingly invested , installed , and saluted by the Brethren as D . 1 ' . Ci . M . This being the time fixed by the Constitutions for the appointment of Officers for the ensuing year , the following Brethren were elected and installed into the different offices : II . Russel ] , S . G . AV . ; J . A . Henderson , J . G . AV . ; Rev . II . M'Sorley , G . C . ; AV . J . Youna-, S . G . D . ; L . Clark , J . G . D . ; Pelan , G . R . ; G . A . Carrutliere , G . Sec . ; C . Duffin , G . T . ; AV . S . Tracy , G . D . of Cer . ; J . Moore
and II . Murney , M . D ., P . G . Stewards ; J . Johnston , G . Sup . of Works ; J . G . M'Gee , G . O . ; and M'Fall , G . Sword Bearer . The Lodges in this town are proceeding satisfactorily since the end of the summer season , during which the meetings are generally slack . In particular , the three Lodges which jointly occupy the Freemasons' Hall in Donegal Place , "The Ark , " No . 10 , " The Lodge of Concord , " No . 40 , and " The Prince of Wales ' s , "
No . 154 , are increasing in numbers and efficiency . These Lodges met together , as usual , on the 29 th December ( St . John ' s day , the 27 th , falling on a Saturday ) , and after some candidates hacl been initiated by Bro . Henderson , AV . M . of 154 , the Pr . G . M ., the Venerable the Archdeacon of Down , opened a Pr . G . L . of emergency , for the jmrpose of installing the Masters elect , and AVardens of Lodges No . 40 and 154 , who come into office at this season . The Brethren afterwards dined together , to the number of about fifty , the Pr . G . M . presiding . Lodges of Instruction continue to be held weekly at the
Freemasons' Hall , in connection with Lodges 40 and 154 , and are well attended by the Brethren . Boyal Arch Chapter . —Tho Ark of Concord Chapter , comprising the Royal Arch Masons of Chapters 10 ancl 40 , held its quarterly meeting on the 12 th of November , 1851 . The business consisted only of the election of Officers for the ensuing year . Knights Templars . —The Lagan Valley Encampment of Knights Temjilars , comprising the Knights Companions belonging to the
Lodges 10 and 40 , has held two meetings during the winter . The Encampment met in considerable strength on AVednesday , November 26 th , under the able presidency of E . C . Samuel G . Getty . The jmblication , sanctioned by the S . G . Encampment of Ireland , containing the Service Book of the Encampment and Rev . Bro . Mant's History of the Order , was laid before the meeting . * It was ordered , that copies be presented to the M . E . Grand Master of Ireland , the
Duke of Leinster ; to the S . G . Encampment of Ireland ; to Bro . Fowler , G . S . ; to Bro . Quinton , of the Kilwinning Encamjiment , and also to the M . E . Bro . Col . Tynte , Grand Master of the Temjilars of England . Two Brethren were admitted , and installed with the usual solemn ceremonies ; Basil Geo . Brooke , Esq ., of Moyaver , near Ballymonry , ancl John Craig , Esq ., of Downpatrick . The Encampment proceeded to elect Officers for the ensuing year , and Bro . Houston Russell , C . G . of the Encampment , was unanimously elected E . Commander . The other offices were supplied by the election of able Brethren .
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ingly invested , installed , and saluted by the Brethren as D . 1 ' . Ci . M . This being the time fixed by the Constitutions for the appointment of Officers for the ensuing year , the following Brethren were elected and installed into the different offices : II . Russel ] , S . G . AV . ; J . A . Henderson , J . G . AV . ; Rev . II . M'Sorley , G . C . ; AV . J . Youna-, S . G . D . ; L . Clark , J . G . D . ; Pelan , G . R . ; G . A . Carrutliere , G . Sec . ; C . Duffin , G . T . ; AV . S . Tracy , G . D . of Cer . ; J . Moore
and II . Murney , M . D ., P . G . Stewards ; J . Johnston , G . Sup . of Works ; J . G . M'Gee , G . O . ; and M'Fall , G . Sword Bearer . The Lodges in this town are proceeding satisfactorily since the end of the summer season , during which the meetings are generally slack . In particular , the three Lodges which jointly occupy the Freemasons' Hall in Donegal Place , "The Ark , " No . 10 , " The Lodge of Concord , " No . 40 , and " The Prince of Wales ' s , "
No . 154 , are increasing in numbers and efficiency . These Lodges met together , as usual , on the 29 th December ( St . John ' s day , the 27 th , falling on a Saturday ) , and after some candidates hacl been initiated by Bro . Henderson , AV . M . of 154 , the Pr . G . M ., the Venerable the Archdeacon of Down , opened a Pr . G . L . of emergency , for the jmrpose of installing the Masters elect , and AVardens of Lodges No . 40 and 154 , who come into office at this season . The Brethren afterwards dined together , to the number of about fifty , the Pr . G . M . presiding . Lodges of Instruction continue to be held weekly at the
Freemasons' Hall , in connection with Lodges 40 and 154 , and are well attended by the Brethren . Boyal Arch Chapter . —Tho Ark of Concord Chapter , comprising the Royal Arch Masons of Chapters 10 ancl 40 , held its quarterly meeting on the 12 th of November , 1851 . The business consisted only of the election of Officers for the ensuing year . Knights Templars . —The Lagan Valley Encampment of Knights Temjilars , comprising the Knights Companions belonging to the
Lodges 10 and 40 , has held two meetings during the winter . The Encampment met in considerable strength on AVednesday , November 26 th , under the able presidency of E . C . Samuel G . Getty . The jmblication , sanctioned by the S . G . Encampment of Ireland , containing the Service Book of the Encampment and Rev . Bro . Mant's History of the Order , was laid before the meeting . * It was ordered , that copies be presented to the M . E . Grand Master of Ireland , the
Duke of Leinster ; to the S . G . Encampment of Ireland ; to Bro . Fowler , G . S . ; to Bro . Quinton , of the Kilwinning Encamjiment , and also to the M . E . Bro . Col . Tynte , Grand Master of the Temjilars of England . Two Brethren were admitted , and installed with the usual solemn ceremonies ; Basil Geo . Brooke , Esq ., of Moyaver , near Ballymonry , ancl John Craig , Esq ., of Downpatrick . The Encampment proceeded to elect Officers for the ensuing year , and Bro . Houston Russell , C . G . of the Encampment , was unanimously elected E . Commander . The other offices were supplied by the election of able Brethren .