Article THE MASONS OF THE MIDDLE AGES. ← Page 4 of 6 →
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The Masons Of The Middle Ages.
sisted by the directions of his father , the intelligence , with which he was endowed by nature , was rapidly developed , and induced the hope that he would one clay become an excellent artist . But his father being no more , John , possessing nothing but the elements of an imperfect education , discovered that he was altogether isolated , and lost amidst the immense works of
the cathedral . Sabina was likewise an artist , and handled the sculptor ' s mallet and chisel with remarkable skill ; but she had neither the genius to create , nor the power to execute . She was pale and fair , and she was discovered , in her sixteenth year , ivorking under the direction of her father , absorbed in her love for him , and in no way moved by the cares of the world .
Bernhard Saunder had loved Sabina ever since he first beheld her ; her modesty and beauty had enslaved the young apprentice with an all-absorbing passion . Such was the intensity of his love , that it stimulated him to accomplish all that he undertook . He had not taken the distance into account , which separated one who was but an apprentice , from Sabina
, the daughter of a Master Mason ; he had rather encouraged himself with the idea that the apprentice might one day become a Craftsman , and the Craftsman , in due time , a Master ; and that when once he was raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason , he might have some pretensions to the hand of Sabina . On that account he
considered nothing impossible , which fostered the hope of his becoming one day the husband of Erwin ' s child . So long as doubts disturbed the heart of the young man , he quieted himself by saying , that , after all , love not only commands everything , but even in spite of the length of the road that still separated him from the rank of Masterhe would content
, himself with the possession of the heart of Sabina , whilst he waited for her to grant him her hand . It was thus that he silenced his fears , and deceived his better judgment . " But did Sabina love him ? had she even noticed him ?" These were questions which , in spite of all his hopes , Bernhard had never been able to answer to his . own satisfaction .-
When mounting the frail scaffolding which alone separated him from destruction , and working with an indefatigable zeal upon the most common details of the building , he fancied that he had more than once detected kind glances from the young girl . These glances affected him with inexpressible joy , and often threw him into the most delightful reveries . But , again would he ask himself , were they addressed to him ?
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The Masons Of The Middle Ages.
sisted by the directions of his father , the intelligence , with which he was endowed by nature , was rapidly developed , and induced the hope that he would one clay become an excellent artist . But his father being no more , John , possessing nothing but the elements of an imperfect education , discovered that he was altogether isolated , and lost amidst the immense works of
the cathedral . Sabina was likewise an artist , and handled the sculptor ' s mallet and chisel with remarkable skill ; but she had neither the genius to create , nor the power to execute . She was pale and fair , and she was discovered , in her sixteenth year , ivorking under the direction of her father , absorbed in her love for him , and in no way moved by the cares of the world .
Bernhard Saunder had loved Sabina ever since he first beheld her ; her modesty and beauty had enslaved the young apprentice with an all-absorbing passion . Such was the intensity of his love , that it stimulated him to accomplish all that he undertook . He had not taken the distance into account , which separated one who was but an apprentice , from Sabina
, the daughter of a Master Mason ; he had rather encouraged himself with the idea that the apprentice might one day become a Craftsman , and the Craftsman , in due time , a Master ; and that when once he was raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason , he might have some pretensions to the hand of Sabina . On that account he
considered nothing impossible , which fostered the hope of his becoming one day the husband of Erwin ' s child . So long as doubts disturbed the heart of the young man , he quieted himself by saying , that , after all , love not only commands everything , but even in spite of the length of the road that still separated him from the rank of Masterhe would content
, himself with the possession of the heart of Sabina , whilst he waited for her to grant him her hand . It was thus that he silenced his fears , and deceived his better judgment . " But did Sabina love him ? had she even noticed him ?" These were questions which , in spite of all his hopes , Bernhard had never been able to answer to his . own satisfaction .-
When mounting the frail scaffolding which alone separated him from destruction , and working with an indefatigable zeal upon the most common details of the building , he fancied that he had more than once detected kind glances from the young girl . These glances affected him with inexpressible joy , and often threw him into the most delightful reveries . But , again would he ask himself , were they addressed to him ?