Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 6 of 11 →
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and ability at all times evinced in the discharge of his Masonic duties , and the unremitting industry with which he endeavoured to promote the cause of the Order ; he begged to propose the health of the R . W . D . P . G . M . Bro . John Drinkwater , ivhich met with the most enthusiastic reception , amidst Masonic honours . A new song and chorus , " Prosper the Art , " the words by Brother Stonehousewas then sung by Brother Dodd , assisted in the chorus by
, the whole assembly . Bro . DRINKWATER then rose , and said that he was not prepared for the enthusiastic reception he hacl met with that evening , and begged to thank them most cordially for the kind manner in which they had received the toast so flatteringly proposed by the worthy Brother on his right . He said that it was now twenty years since he had had the honour of filling his present situation , ivhich had met with the kind
approbation of the many who surrounded him . He claimed the indulgence of the Brethren , as he had come totally unprepared to fill his present situation , in consequence of the absence ofthe R . W . P . G . M . W . D . of Lancashire , Brother Le Gendre N . Starkie , and begged , whatever mistakes he might make upon the present occasion , would be attributed to the head , ancl not to the heart —( cheers ) . They hail heard that evening the words of a beautiful Masonic song" Prosper the Art" than
, , which , taken either separately or conjointly , they could not , have used lvords expressing more pleasing or beautiful sentiments towards himself ; for , by coupling his name therewith , they evidently thought he had promoted , its interests . \ V hat he had done hacl hitherto been done as a routine , and a strict line of duty . He had long wished to procure the
establishment of a fund of benevolence such as they hacl seen commenced that day , whose branches , he trusted , should extend over all parts of the province , and contribute to the relief and happiness of distressed Brethren . He looked upon this as an humble commencement , which , like the snow-ball as it progresses , ivould increase . This was the first time he had had the honour to meet them since they had presented him with that splendid medal —( cheers)—which he wore next to his heart , cherishing and proud of it as a testimony of their kindness and esteem .
It mig ht be possible he should never have the happiness of again presiding over them , but he should remember , to his latest day , the present hour , and begged to tender his sincerest wishes for the welfare of the society . The R . W . Deputy ' s speech was received amidst loud and continued cheering , ivhich , having subsided , he concluded by proposing the health of "Bro . Thomas Preston , R . W . D . P . G . M ., eastern division of Lancashire" which was followed by the glee— " How happily we met . "
, Bro . PRESTON returned thanks for the honour done . The health of Brother James Aspinall , who acted on the occasion as R . W . D . P . G . Master , was then proposed from the chair , and received by the Brethren with great acclamation , followed by Weber ' s beautiful quartett— " Let Masonry , from pole to pole . " Bro . ASPINALL then rose , and begged to assure the Brethren assembled that he sincerelthanked them for their kindness .
y " Prov . Grand Wardens , " were next proposed , when Bros . PERRIN ancl HESS returned thanks . " The Prov . Grand Chaplain of the eastern district , the Rev . B . Dawson , B . D ., " was the next toast . The Rev . Brother then rose , and said that the favourable opinion he had entertained of the Order , previous . to his becoming a member , had
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and ability at all times evinced in the discharge of his Masonic duties , and the unremitting industry with which he endeavoured to promote the cause of the Order ; he begged to propose the health of the R . W . D . P . G . M . Bro . John Drinkwater , ivhich met with the most enthusiastic reception , amidst Masonic honours . A new song and chorus , " Prosper the Art , " the words by Brother Stonehousewas then sung by Brother Dodd , assisted in the chorus by
, the whole assembly . Bro . DRINKWATER then rose , and said that he was not prepared for the enthusiastic reception he hacl met with that evening , and begged to thank them most cordially for the kind manner in which they had received the toast so flatteringly proposed by the worthy Brother on his right . He said that it was now twenty years since he had had the honour of filling his present situation , ivhich had met with the kind
approbation of the many who surrounded him . He claimed the indulgence of the Brethren , as he had come totally unprepared to fill his present situation , in consequence of the absence ofthe R . W . P . G . M . W . D . of Lancashire , Brother Le Gendre N . Starkie , and begged , whatever mistakes he might make upon the present occasion , would be attributed to the head , ancl not to the heart —( cheers ) . They hail heard that evening the words of a beautiful Masonic song" Prosper the Art" than
, , which , taken either separately or conjointly , they could not , have used lvords expressing more pleasing or beautiful sentiments towards himself ; for , by coupling his name therewith , they evidently thought he had promoted , its interests . \ V hat he had done hacl hitherto been done as a routine , and a strict line of duty . He had long wished to procure the
establishment of a fund of benevolence such as they hacl seen commenced that day , whose branches , he trusted , should extend over all parts of the province , and contribute to the relief and happiness of distressed Brethren . He looked upon this as an humble commencement , which , like the snow-ball as it progresses , ivould increase . This was the first time he had had the honour to meet them since they had presented him with that splendid medal —( cheers)—which he wore next to his heart , cherishing and proud of it as a testimony of their kindness and esteem .
It mig ht be possible he should never have the happiness of again presiding over them , but he should remember , to his latest day , the present hour , and begged to tender his sincerest wishes for the welfare of the society . The R . W . Deputy ' s speech was received amidst loud and continued cheering , ivhich , having subsided , he concluded by proposing the health of "Bro . Thomas Preston , R . W . D . P . G . M ., eastern division of Lancashire" which was followed by the glee— " How happily we met . "
, Bro . PRESTON returned thanks for the honour done . The health of Brother James Aspinall , who acted on the occasion as R . W . D . P . G . Master , was then proposed from the chair , and received by the Brethren with great acclamation , followed by Weber ' s beautiful quartett— " Let Masonry , from pole to pole . " Bro . ASPINALL then rose , and begged to assure the Brethren assembled that he sincerelthanked them for their kindness .
y " Prov . Grand Wardens , " were next proposed , when Bros . PERRIN ancl HESS returned thanks . " The Prov . Grand Chaplain of the eastern district , the Rev . B . Dawson , B . D ., " was the next toast . The Rev . Brother then rose , and said that the favourable opinion he had entertained of the Order , previous . to his becoming a member , had