Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 9 of 11 →
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the only female , we believe , upon record , who actually went through the ceremonies of the Craft ; she was initiated in 176 l " ; she became "A Master Mason ; " if that is a blunder , it is very pardonable , as it happened in Ireland ! BATH , Oct . 27 . —A Provincial Grand Lodge was held by the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master , Col . Tynte , at the Freemasons * HallCorridorin BathIt was attended by the RWDPGM
, , . . . . . . ., Captain Maddison ; Brothers Henry Shute , S . W . Province of Bristol ; Captain Muttlebury , P . S . W . ; Dr . Barlow ; Captain Maher , P . B . Secretary ; Stradin , Treasurer ; Robins ,. ]? . J . W . ; Rev . Parsons , G . Chaplain , and other Past Grand Officers ancl Brethren , amounting to about eighty . _ It was settled that a printed statement of the accounts are to be furnished to each Lodge previous to the meeting of the Provincial Grand Lod . Notice of motion was also ivento the effect" that the in
ge g , , - terest of all monies funded , should be applied to grant annuities to poor and aged Masons in the province . " Much time was occupied in discussing the affairs of a Brother , which will be submitted to a Lodge of Emergency . The Past Grancl Master delivered his charge to the Brethren , and charity had a full share of the business . Relief was granted to the
widow of an old Mason of this city , and also to a worthy Brother , and a poor Canadian Brother . No officers were appointed by the Prov . Grand Master , as it is intended to hold a Lodge in the summer for that purpose . The Brethren afterwards dined at the White Hart . On the removal of the cloth , grace having been said by the Prov . Grand Chaplain , The CHAIRMAN rose and proposed , as the first toast , that mysterious
arcanum of the . Order , which can only be known to the initiated . The Chairman next proposed " the Queen "—not a Mason —( a laugh)—but the daughter of a most distinguished Mason , and the niece of the Grand Master ofthe Order—( loud cheers ) . He should propose the toast to be drunk with Masonic honours , as being the health of the Queen of England —( drunk with the honours ) . The Chairman next gave the " Health of Prince Albert , " who was not a Mason , though he might be one . He should
, therefore , not propose it with Masonic honours , but yet with all the respect due to his exalted station —( cheers ) . He next gave " The Princess Royal and the rest of the Royal Family . " He next proposed the " Health of H . R . H . the Duke of Sussex "—( loud cheers ) , the Grand Master of Masons , and may God bless him with health and long fife to rule for many years over the Craft —( drunk with full Masonic honours ancl great enthusiasm ) . He next proposed the " Grand Lodge of England —( drunk with full honours ) .
1 he D . P . G . M . Brother MADDISON now rose , and said he need not call upon the Brethren to fill to the brim to do honour to the toast he was about to propose —( loud cheers ) . He saw that they anticipated the name —( cheers)—that of the P . G . M . who presided on the occasion—( renewed cheers ) . It was peculiarly gratifying to him to introduce that name to them at all times , but never more so than at that moment , when he saw so full and lendid an assemblage of Brethren met to
sp support and do him honour —( cheers ) . He should , therefore , propose " Prosperity to the house of Halswell , health and happiness to the P . G . M ., and long may he live and preside over the Craft in the Province of Somerset "—( drunk with full Masonic honours and immense enthusiasm ) .
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the only female , we believe , upon record , who actually went through the ceremonies of the Craft ; she was initiated in 176 l " ; she became "A Master Mason ; " if that is a blunder , it is very pardonable , as it happened in Ireland ! BATH , Oct . 27 . —A Provincial Grand Lodge was held by the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master , Col . Tynte , at the Freemasons * HallCorridorin BathIt was attended by the RWDPGM
, , . . . . . . ., Captain Maddison ; Brothers Henry Shute , S . W . Province of Bristol ; Captain Muttlebury , P . S . W . ; Dr . Barlow ; Captain Maher , P . B . Secretary ; Stradin , Treasurer ; Robins ,. ]? . J . W . ; Rev . Parsons , G . Chaplain , and other Past Grand Officers ancl Brethren , amounting to about eighty . _ It was settled that a printed statement of the accounts are to be furnished to each Lodge previous to the meeting of the Provincial Grand Lod . Notice of motion was also ivento the effect" that the in
ge g , , - terest of all monies funded , should be applied to grant annuities to poor and aged Masons in the province . " Much time was occupied in discussing the affairs of a Brother , which will be submitted to a Lodge of Emergency . The Past Grancl Master delivered his charge to the Brethren , and charity had a full share of the business . Relief was granted to the
widow of an old Mason of this city , and also to a worthy Brother , and a poor Canadian Brother . No officers were appointed by the Prov . Grand Master , as it is intended to hold a Lodge in the summer for that purpose . The Brethren afterwards dined at the White Hart . On the removal of the cloth , grace having been said by the Prov . Grand Chaplain , The CHAIRMAN rose and proposed , as the first toast , that mysterious
arcanum of the . Order , which can only be known to the initiated . The Chairman next proposed " the Queen "—not a Mason —( a laugh)—but the daughter of a most distinguished Mason , and the niece of the Grand Master ofthe Order—( loud cheers ) . He should propose the toast to be drunk with Masonic honours , as being the health of the Queen of England —( drunk with the honours ) . The Chairman next gave the " Health of Prince Albert , " who was not a Mason , though he might be one . He should
, therefore , not propose it with Masonic honours , but yet with all the respect due to his exalted station —( cheers ) . He next gave " The Princess Royal and the rest of the Royal Family . " He next proposed the " Health of H . R . H . the Duke of Sussex "—( loud cheers ) , the Grand Master of Masons , and may God bless him with health and long fife to rule for many years over the Craft —( drunk with full Masonic honours ancl great enthusiasm ) . He next proposed the " Grand Lodge of England —( drunk with full honours ) .
1 he D . P . G . M . Brother MADDISON now rose , and said he need not call upon the Brethren to fill to the brim to do honour to the toast he was about to propose —( loud cheers ) . He saw that they anticipated the name —( cheers)—that of the P . G . M . who presided on the occasion—( renewed cheers ) . It was peculiarly gratifying to him to introduce that name to them at all times , but never more so than at that moment , when he saw so full and lendid an assemblage of Brethren met to
sp support and do him honour —( cheers ) . He should , therefore , propose " Prosperity to the house of Halswell , health and happiness to the P . G . M ., and long may he live and preside over the Craft in the Province of Somerset "—( drunk with full Masonic honours and immense enthusiasm ) .