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The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were drunk with enthusiasm , with that ot the excellent Deputy , Bro . Maddison , which were eloquently and feelingly acknowledged by both . The evening was enlivened by some exce lent songs , and a little before nine o ' clock the Brethren separated , highly delighted with the day ' s proceedings .
EDINBUROII . —ST . ANDREW ' DAY . —GRAND LODGE OF SCOTLAND . INSTALLATION OF MAJOR-GEN . LORD FREDERICK FITZ-CLARENCE G . t . t-I , & c . & c . & c , AS GRAND MASTER MASON OF SCOTLAND —On luesday the 30 th November , being St . Andrew ' s Day , the members of the Grand Lodge assembled at two o ' clock in the great Waterloo-room Regent s-bndge , for the purpose of the annual election of office-bearers ' which this created unusual
year an interest , from its being known that Lord Frederick Fitz-Clarence and Lord Glenlyon were amon ° -st the list of those to be installed , and that the ceremony upon the occasion was to be gone through in a style different from that of former years , and with a similar pomp and circumstance to that usually attendant upon the installation of Knights of the Garter . The number assembled in the Great Hall , previous to the chair bein ° - takengreatlexceeded in number that
, y of any former occasion and all seemed anxious to catch a near view of the Illustrious Grand Master Elect . On account of the demise of the Earl of Rothes , Grand Master the chair was taken b y Past Grand Master Sir James Forrest , bait ., assisted by the Grand Wardens , Brothers Wh yte Melville and Craigie Halkett and other office-bearers , together with a numerous retinue of distinguished Brethren , whom the novelty of the ceremony hacl brought
The Past Grand Master having opened the Lod ge in ample form after an ^ eloquent address , proposed , in accordance with a unanimous nomination previously made , that Lord Frederick Fitz-Clarence should be elected to the office of Grand Master Mason of Scotland , and requested that he should be introduced by the proper officers , and with the usual formalities . A procession having been formed in an adjoining apartment , proceeded to the Great Hall in order l
. On the entrance of the procession , and their illustrious Grand Master Elect , the Brethren testified , by the most enthusiastic plaudits their gratification at the selection of a nobleman who seemed to give so ' much promise for the due performance of the duties he was about to undertake . The procession having arrived at the foot of the throne , the Grand Director of the Ceremonies presented the Grand Master Elect to the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were drunk with enthusiasm , with that ot the excellent Deputy , Bro . Maddison , which were eloquently and feelingly acknowledged by both . The evening was enlivened by some exce lent songs , and a little before nine o ' clock the Brethren separated , highly delighted with the day ' s proceedings .
EDINBUROII . —ST . ANDREW ' DAY . —GRAND LODGE OF SCOTLAND . INSTALLATION OF MAJOR-GEN . LORD FREDERICK FITZ-CLARENCE G . t . t-I , & c . & c . & c , AS GRAND MASTER MASON OF SCOTLAND —On luesday the 30 th November , being St . Andrew ' s Day , the members of the Grand Lodge assembled at two o ' clock in the great Waterloo-room Regent s-bndge , for the purpose of the annual election of office-bearers ' which this created unusual
year an interest , from its being known that Lord Frederick Fitz-Clarence and Lord Glenlyon were amon ° -st the list of those to be installed , and that the ceremony upon the occasion was to be gone through in a style different from that of former years , and with a similar pomp and circumstance to that usually attendant upon the installation of Knights of the Garter . The number assembled in the Great Hall , previous to the chair bein ° - takengreatlexceeded in number that
, y of any former occasion and all seemed anxious to catch a near view of the Illustrious Grand Master Elect . On account of the demise of the Earl of Rothes , Grand Master the chair was taken b y Past Grand Master Sir James Forrest , bait ., assisted by the Grand Wardens , Brothers Wh yte Melville and Craigie Halkett and other office-bearers , together with a numerous retinue of distinguished Brethren , whom the novelty of the ceremony hacl brought
The Past Grand Master having opened the Lod ge in ample form after an ^ eloquent address , proposed , in accordance with a unanimous nomination previously made , that Lord Frederick Fitz-Clarence should be elected to the office of Grand Master Mason of Scotland , and requested that he should be introduced by the proper officers , and with the usual formalities . A procession having been formed in an adjoining apartment , proceeded to the Great Hall in order l
. On the entrance of the procession , and their illustrious Grand Master Elect , the Brethren testified , by the most enthusiastic plaudits their gratification at the selection of a nobleman who seemed to give so ' much promise for the due performance of the duties he was about to undertake . The procession having arrived at the foot of the throne , the Grand Director of the Ceremonies presented the Grand Master Elect to the