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and harmony" combined to lure all present into a forgetfulness of the hours that were passing ancl bringing them towards the morning . LIMERICK —ANCIENT UNION LODGE , NO . 13 , Dec . lo . —The Brethren were very solicitous to continue as W . M . Bro . Michael Furnell , of Cabirelly Castle , S . P . R . C , Deputy Lieutenant and High Sheriff of the County Limerick , which he thankfully declined , having passed the Chair twice beforeancl promised to zealouslfill the office of Inner Guardif
, y , elected thereto , on whicli the following were elected : — Bros . W . S Tracey , H . K . T ., W . Master ; R . Gelston , M . D ., R . A . M , Senior Wardeu ; W . H . Owen , C . E ., M . M ., Junior Warden ; James M'Mahon , M . M ., Treasurer ; G . A . Dartnell , M . M ., Secretary ; Rev . II . D . L . Willis , Chaplain ; James Spaight , K . S ., Senior Deacon ; F . Gleeson , R . A . M ., Junior Deacon ; John Crips , M . M ., 1 st Inner Guard ; M . FurnellS . P . R . C 2 nd Inner Guard .
, , A loyal address was moved to the Queen , on the birth of the Prince , the Duke of Cornwall , the same to be presented by Bro . Furnell . The Lodge unanimously requested Brother M . Furnell to accept a massive silver Masonic pillar , of the Corinthian order , surmounted with a globe , and over two feet in height , as a lasting testimonial ojf their affection and esteem .
f he beloved Brother , in most pathetic and glowing terms , acknowledged his value of the compliment , though he prized no testimonial equal to a Masonic tie in their hearts , individually and collectively , which , judging theirs by his own , he felt assured of possessing . CORK . —At a meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Munster , held at the Imperial Hotel , Cork , on Tuesday , the 12 th of August—the Rt . Worshipful D . P . G . M . the Hon . Hayes St . Leger the throneRt
, on ; . Worshipful R . Bead Tooker , J . G . W ., as S . G . W . ; the W . M . of Lod" -e No . 1 , as J . G . W . ; Lodges present , Nos . 1 , 3 , 8 , 67 , 71 , ancl 81 . ° _ A communication from Bro . Thomas Hewitt , tendering his resignation ofthe office of Senior Prov . G . W ., in consequence of absence from Cork , having been read , itwas proposed by Bro . George Atkins , seconded by the Rev . John D . Penrose , and resolved : —That this Provincial Grand Lodge , recognizing the valuable qualities of Bro . Hewitt , as an officer Brother
, a Mason , and in every capacity in which he has been met by the Fraternity , do request that Bro . Hewitt will continue to hold the office of Senior Grand Warden of the province of Munster and that the secretary be directed to notify the same to him .
An intimation was made to the meeting that the governors of the Masonic Female Orphan Asylum ( of which institution Bro . Hewitt is the efficient honorary secretary ) , had adopted a course similar to the Provincial Grand Lodge , and ' had deputed a Brother to perform the duties at the Asylum ( luring Bro . Hewitt ' s absence . Sept . 29 , LODGE NO . 1 . —The Brethren assembled in their rooms Imperial Hotel , for private banquet . Owing to the absence from home of Edward
Bro . Deane Freeman , S . W ., and of several other members of the Lodge , the meeting was less in number than usual . The Lodge having been called to refreshment , the Brethren proceeded to their banquet-room , where about thirty partook of dinner , and passed the evening with the greatest enjoyment and harmony . Bros . E . Moran W . Gillespie , and W . Nugent , contributing their vocal talents towards ' the pleasure of the meeting . Nov . 31 . —The following High Kni ghts Templars and Knights of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
and harmony" combined to lure all present into a forgetfulness of the hours that were passing ancl bringing them towards the morning . LIMERICK —ANCIENT UNION LODGE , NO . 13 , Dec . lo . —The Brethren were very solicitous to continue as W . M . Bro . Michael Furnell , of Cabirelly Castle , S . P . R . C , Deputy Lieutenant and High Sheriff of the County Limerick , which he thankfully declined , having passed the Chair twice beforeancl promised to zealouslfill the office of Inner Guardif
, y , elected thereto , on whicli the following were elected : — Bros . W . S Tracey , H . K . T ., W . Master ; R . Gelston , M . D ., R . A . M , Senior Wardeu ; W . H . Owen , C . E ., M . M ., Junior Warden ; James M'Mahon , M . M ., Treasurer ; G . A . Dartnell , M . M ., Secretary ; Rev . II . D . L . Willis , Chaplain ; James Spaight , K . S ., Senior Deacon ; F . Gleeson , R . A . M ., Junior Deacon ; John Crips , M . M ., 1 st Inner Guard ; M . FurnellS . P . R . C 2 nd Inner Guard .
, , A loyal address was moved to the Queen , on the birth of the Prince , the Duke of Cornwall , the same to be presented by Bro . Furnell . The Lodge unanimously requested Brother M . Furnell to accept a massive silver Masonic pillar , of the Corinthian order , surmounted with a globe , and over two feet in height , as a lasting testimonial ojf their affection and esteem .
f he beloved Brother , in most pathetic and glowing terms , acknowledged his value of the compliment , though he prized no testimonial equal to a Masonic tie in their hearts , individually and collectively , which , judging theirs by his own , he felt assured of possessing . CORK . —At a meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Munster , held at the Imperial Hotel , Cork , on Tuesday , the 12 th of August—the Rt . Worshipful D . P . G . M . the Hon . Hayes St . Leger the throneRt
, on ; . Worshipful R . Bead Tooker , J . G . W ., as S . G . W . ; the W . M . of Lod" -e No . 1 , as J . G . W . ; Lodges present , Nos . 1 , 3 , 8 , 67 , 71 , ancl 81 . ° _ A communication from Bro . Thomas Hewitt , tendering his resignation ofthe office of Senior Prov . G . W ., in consequence of absence from Cork , having been read , itwas proposed by Bro . George Atkins , seconded by the Rev . John D . Penrose , and resolved : —That this Provincial Grand Lodge , recognizing the valuable qualities of Bro . Hewitt , as an officer Brother
, a Mason , and in every capacity in which he has been met by the Fraternity , do request that Bro . Hewitt will continue to hold the office of Senior Grand Warden of the province of Munster and that the secretary be directed to notify the same to him .
An intimation was made to the meeting that the governors of the Masonic Female Orphan Asylum ( of which institution Bro . Hewitt is the efficient honorary secretary ) , had adopted a course similar to the Provincial Grand Lodge , and ' had deputed a Brother to perform the duties at the Asylum ( luring Bro . Hewitt ' s absence . Sept . 29 , LODGE NO . 1 . —The Brethren assembled in their rooms Imperial Hotel , for private banquet . Owing to the absence from home of Edward
Bro . Deane Freeman , S . W ., and of several other members of the Lodge , the meeting was less in number than usual . The Lodge having been called to refreshment , the Brethren proceeded to their banquet-room , where about thirty partook of dinner , and passed the evening with the greatest enjoyment and harmony . Bros . E . Moran W . Gillespie , and W . Nugent , contributing their vocal talents towards ' the pleasure of the meeting . Nov . 31 . —The following High Kni ghts Templars and Knights of