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The Agents in Calcutta for this " Review" are—Messrs . TUACKER and Co . ; and Messrs . PITTAR ancl Co . TO CORRESPONDENTS . BOM RAY . —Some inconvenience has been sustained by Brethren ivho have been initiated in
the presidency , through not receiving a certificate to enable them to be erafted in England , or elsewhere ; this should be guarded against by giving a certilieatc , anil further , by an immediate report of the facts lo the Grand Secretary ' s olliee . A CALCUTTA BBOTHKH . —The new laws (!) do NOT dispense with thenecessary qualification of having SKRVHD au KXTIRE year as Warden , before the Brother is eligible for election as Master .
A MASOS . —Although the directions iu the revised laws are not perfectly explanatory , they are sufficientl y so to prevent any serious deviation : much must be left to the local authorities to legislate honourably for the benefit of the district . CALCUTTA , Oct . 15 . —Our excellent Grand Master , Dr . Grant , is , if possible , more beloved every time he meets the Brethren ; his kind , affable ancl conciliating disposition endears him to His
, every one . Deputy , Brother Robert Neave , is performing the high and important duty in Upper India , and is scarcely less loved and respected than his principal ; while the ever ready Grand Secretary , Brother A . Grant , by his assiduous exertions , gives an increased impetus to the value and force of the directions entrusted to him . Never was the Grand Lodge of Bengal in the state it now is—order , regularity , and discipline tend to harmony and social friendship ; and , in the advent of time , the Brethren congratulate themselves the
on prospect of enduring success . Still no advices from Grand Lodge since the memorable edict , anathematizing the I , Freemasons' Quarterly Review ! Some account must be rendered-for this studied neglect by the authorities . VVere there dues to collect , no doubt the " City of Palaces" would receive a missive from those in " high places . "—Of two things we are certain we owe nothing at head-quartersbut much to
, , our periodical Review , which is more welcome at every visit , ancl that is the best answer t 0 a ! 1 inquiries . No offence to the present Editor when we say , that the late Editor is most deservedly popular , ancl could he but visit Calcutta , for a week onl y , the Masons of India would prove how they admire him . J
The new Book of Constitutions has arrived , with a pompous display ol names ; but where are the works?—alas , where?—the disappointment is extreme . _ 1 HE GRAND LODGE . —The Augean stable has been cleansed , and bngnt does the horizon appear ; we have a beautiful hall , replete with every convenience , and a splendid and powerful organ has latel y been acMedwhich pealed forth its sacred music on the 22 nd of September
, , when there was such a gathering of the faithful , as ivill make a good report , welcome to Masons in Europe . It is also expected to lay the foundation-stone of the new alms-houses , with Masonic honours in November next .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Agents in Calcutta for this " Review" are—Messrs . TUACKER and Co . ; and Messrs . PITTAR ancl Co . TO CORRESPONDENTS . BOM RAY . —Some inconvenience has been sustained by Brethren ivho have been initiated in
the presidency , through not receiving a certificate to enable them to be erafted in England , or elsewhere ; this should be guarded against by giving a certilieatc , anil further , by an immediate report of the facts lo the Grand Secretary ' s olliee . A CALCUTTA BBOTHKH . —The new laws (!) do NOT dispense with thenecessary qualification of having SKRVHD au KXTIRE year as Warden , before the Brother is eligible for election as Master .
A MASOS . —Although the directions iu the revised laws are not perfectly explanatory , they are sufficientl y so to prevent any serious deviation : much must be left to the local authorities to legislate honourably for the benefit of the district . CALCUTTA , Oct . 15 . —Our excellent Grand Master , Dr . Grant , is , if possible , more beloved every time he meets the Brethren ; his kind , affable ancl conciliating disposition endears him to His
, every one . Deputy , Brother Robert Neave , is performing the high and important duty in Upper India , and is scarcely less loved and respected than his principal ; while the ever ready Grand Secretary , Brother A . Grant , by his assiduous exertions , gives an increased impetus to the value and force of the directions entrusted to him . Never was the Grand Lodge of Bengal in the state it now is—order , regularity , and discipline tend to harmony and social friendship ; and , in the advent of time , the Brethren congratulate themselves the
on prospect of enduring success . Still no advices from Grand Lodge since the memorable edict , anathematizing the I , Freemasons' Quarterly Review ! Some account must be rendered-for this studied neglect by the authorities . VVere there dues to collect , no doubt the " City of Palaces" would receive a missive from those in " high places . "—Of two things we are certain we owe nothing at head-quartersbut much to
, , our periodical Review , which is more welcome at every visit , ancl that is the best answer t 0 a ! 1 inquiries . No offence to the present Editor when we say , that the late Editor is most deservedly popular , ancl could he but visit Calcutta , for a week onl y , the Masons of India would prove how they admire him . J
The new Book of Constitutions has arrived , with a pompous display ol names ; but where are the works?—alas , where?—the disappointment is extreme . _ 1 HE GRAND LODGE . —The Augean stable has been cleansed , and bngnt does the horizon appear ; we have a beautiful hall , replete with every convenience , and a splendid and powerful organ has latel y been acMedwhich pealed forth its sacred music on the 22 nd of September
, , when there was such a gathering of the faithful , as ivill make a good report , welcome to Masons in Europe . It is also expected to lay the foundation-stone of the new alms-houses , with Masonic honours in November next .