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On Freemasonry. Evidences, Doctrines, And Traditions.
This extraordinary occurrence being reported to the emperor , he attended with all his court , to direct in person the operations for removing this stone . The matter had been made public , and a great concourse of people assembled , both Christians , Jews and Gentiles , to witness the ceremonial of laying the foundation stone of a new temple
on Mount Moriah . Preparations having been made for levelling the footstone by the necessary preliminary work —• at the moment when the monarch was proceeding , in great state , to perform the ceremony , the mountain was shaken by an earthquake ; the newly deposited stones were cast out of the foundation with great violence ; and a sudden explosion of fire burstino- from this immovable Foundation Stone ,
killed some ofthe chief officers of the emperor ' s household , as well as several of the spectators who had assembled out of curiosity to witness the undertaking . This was followed by a storm of wind and rain , which scattered the materials ; and flames of fire continuing to issue from the ancient corner-stone of the temple , as they did in the days of old from
the summit of Mount Sinai , when the Deity was manifested to the people of Israel—burnt up and destroyed a vast number of people , who had approached too near to the sacred precinct . The judgment was decisive . Julian exclaimed , " O Galilean , thou hast conquered ! " He abandoned the undertakingand no further attempt has ever been made to
, rebuild the temple , in the face of that clear prediction of Jesus Christ , which declares that " Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles , till the time of the Gentiles be fulfilled . "
A stone inscribed with a mystical diagram , like our Foundation Stone , was discovered by Pococke , amongst the ruins of Panopolis in Egypt , and the design was so extraordinary , as to excite his wonder . The symbols , whatever they were intended to signify , are evidently astronomical ; and there is little doubt but it was designed to represent
the Name of the Egyptian solar deity . " Within some ornaments there are four circles ; in the inner circle there is a figure , probably representing the sun ; the spaces between the two next are divided into twelve parts : in the first , twelve birds are cut in like seals ; in the next , twelve figures , defaced , which I conjectured might be the Twelve has in it
Sir / ns ofthe Zodiac . The outer circle , not divided , figures of men , if I mistake not , to the same number . In each angle , between the outer circle ancl the square orna-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
On Freemasonry. Evidences, Doctrines, And Traditions.
This extraordinary occurrence being reported to the emperor , he attended with all his court , to direct in person the operations for removing this stone . The matter had been made public , and a great concourse of people assembled , both Christians , Jews and Gentiles , to witness the ceremonial of laying the foundation stone of a new temple
on Mount Moriah . Preparations having been made for levelling the footstone by the necessary preliminary work —• at the moment when the monarch was proceeding , in great state , to perform the ceremony , the mountain was shaken by an earthquake ; the newly deposited stones were cast out of the foundation with great violence ; and a sudden explosion of fire burstino- from this immovable Foundation Stone ,
killed some ofthe chief officers of the emperor ' s household , as well as several of the spectators who had assembled out of curiosity to witness the undertaking . This was followed by a storm of wind and rain , which scattered the materials ; and flames of fire continuing to issue from the ancient corner-stone of the temple , as they did in the days of old from
the summit of Mount Sinai , when the Deity was manifested to the people of Israel—burnt up and destroyed a vast number of people , who had approached too near to the sacred precinct . The judgment was decisive . Julian exclaimed , " O Galilean , thou hast conquered ! " He abandoned the undertakingand no further attempt has ever been made to
, rebuild the temple , in the face of that clear prediction of Jesus Christ , which declares that " Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles , till the time of the Gentiles be fulfilled . "
A stone inscribed with a mystical diagram , like our Foundation Stone , was discovered by Pococke , amongst the ruins of Panopolis in Egypt , and the design was so extraordinary , as to excite his wonder . The symbols , whatever they were intended to signify , are evidently astronomical ; and there is little doubt but it was designed to represent
the Name of the Egyptian solar deity . " Within some ornaments there are four circles ; in the inner circle there is a figure , probably representing the sun ; the spaces between the two next are divided into twelve parts : in the first , twelve birds are cut in like seals ; in the next , twelve figures , defaced , which I conjectured might be the Twelve has in it
Sir / ns ofthe Zodiac . The outer circle , not divided , figures of men , if I mistake not , to the same number . In each angle , between the outer circle ancl the square orna-