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Masonic Testimonial To Brother Robert Thomas Crucefix , M.D.
exemplifier of the beauty and utility of the Masonic system ; and the elegant and classical commentator on those cherished and invaluable illustrations of Freemasonry , which occupy so large a space in the hearts of her genuine disciples —( cheers ) . In thus attempting this imperfect and feeble outline of-eminent worth and talent , I feel assured I need scarcely , my Brethren , respectfully point to the present distinguished ancl dignified occupier of the chair * br its exalted original : ancl I beg to assure you
, reverend sir , that in tlius making allusion to yourself , I am influenced solely by feelings which I cannot suppress ; and 1 must entreat you to pardon a freedom , and to accept a compliment , which , though a little out of place , comes sincerely from my heart —( cheers ) . Permit me , also , right worshipful sir , to express , at this favourable moment , my sincere regard and esteem for our worshipful and talented Brother , Dr . Robert Thomas Crucefix ( the eminently deserving and highly estimated subject of
our present meeting ) , and to avail myself of the opportunity to testif y the warm feelings I have long nourished for our Brother Crucefix , as well in his universally acknowledged character of a philanthropist , as in the more immediate relation of a friend , whom I have known for the last thirty years under circumstances in every way honourable to his reputation in the several pursuits of life which have marked his progress in this transitory and fleeting orb of mortality . * IfsirI look back
, , , and retrospectively follow our Brother Crucefix in the fervent effusions of his heart , and the humanity of his purpose , whilst advocating the cause of Christian Charity in the leading conclaves of our Masonic sanctuaries ; if I seiutinize his zealous efforts to perpetuate the Royal Art of Freemasonry , by giving strength and action to the practice of its
principles , and the carrying out of its tenets in their fullest ancl widest signification and bearing ; if I estimate the generous devotion of his time and purse to the diffusion of Freemasonry within the scope of his extensive influence ; in short , sir , if I take him all in all , with those laurels around his brow which worth and merit have earned , ancl which justice and impartial discernment are ever ready to confer—can I do otherwise than exult in the opportunity of forming one amongst the many of our respected Brethrenwhose unanimity of sentiment and
, fraternal feelings have drawn them together on this occasion to testify with one accord their unqualified approbation of the essential and unremitting services of our Brother Crucefix in the general cause of the Craft , ancl to present him ivith the elegant and superb Testimonial of esteem and regard now before me , in the selection of which our zealous Committef have evinced so much refinement in taste , judgment , and ability ?—( cheers . ) But themore exalted our meritsthe more frequentl
, y are we the victims of envy and detraction ; and we have known it assumed in our own time , by the illiberal and invidious , that the language of philanthropy , flowing from the lips of worldly ancl talented men , is often but little in accordance with the feelings of their hearts , and merely exercised to gratify a mean love of fame , and to establish a reputation of good report on a base and baseless structure of hypocrisy , destitute altogether of that milk of human kindnesswhichwhilst it harmonizes
, , the wayward disposition of man , tends at the same time to unite him ¦ with his fellow-creatures in the strictest bonds of inherent kindred affection . But , sir , shall a charge so degrading to human nature , and so revolting to the feelings of every genuine professor of Freemasonry , be suffered , even by so humble an individual member as myself , to go forth to the world in passive silence ?—( cheers . ) Shall it be said that every
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Testimonial To Brother Robert Thomas Crucefix , M.D.
exemplifier of the beauty and utility of the Masonic system ; and the elegant and classical commentator on those cherished and invaluable illustrations of Freemasonry , which occupy so large a space in the hearts of her genuine disciples —( cheers ) . In thus attempting this imperfect and feeble outline of-eminent worth and talent , I feel assured I need scarcely , my Brethren , respectfully point to the present distinguished ancl dignified occupier of the chair * br its exalted original : ancl I beg to assure you
, reverend sir , that in tlius making allusion to yourself , I am influenced solely by feelings which I cannot suppress ; and 1 must entreat you to pardon a freedom , and to accept a compliment , which , though a little out of place , comes sincerely from my heart —( cheers ) . Permit me , also , right worshipful sir , to express , at this favourable moment , my sincere regard and esteem for our worshipful and talented Brother , Dr . Robert Thomas Crucefix ( the eminently deserving and highly estimated subject of
our present meeting ) , and to avail myself of the opportunity to testif y the warm feelings I have long nourished for our Brother Crucefix , as well in his universally acknowledged character of a philanthropist , as in the more immediate relation of a friend , whom I have known for the last thirty years under circumstances in every way honourable to his reputation in the several pursuits of life which have marked his progress in this transitory and fleeting orb of mortality . * IfsirI look back
, , , and retrospectively follow our Brother Crucefix in the fervent effusions of his heart , and the humanity of his purpose , whilst advocating the cause of Christian Charity in the leading conclaves of our Masonic sanctuaries ; if I seiutinize his zealous efforts to perpetuate the Royal Art of Freemasonry , by giving strength and action to the practice of its
principles , and the carrying out of its tenets in their fullest ancl widest signification and bearing ; if I estimate the generous devotion of his time and purse to the diffusion of Freemasonry within the scope of his extensive influence ; in short , sir , if I take him all in all , with those laurels around his brow which worth and merit have earned , ancl which justice and impartial discernment are ever ready to confer—can I do otherwise than exult in the opportunity of forming one amongst the many of our respected Brethrenwhose unanimity of sentiment and
, fraternal feelings have drawn them together on this occasion to testify with one accord their unqualified approbation of the essential and unremitting services of our Brother Crucefix in the general cause of the Craft , ancl to present him ivith the elegant and superb Testimonial of esteem and regard now before me , in the selection of which our zealous Committef have evinced so much refinement in taste , judgment , and ability ?—( cheers . ) But themore exalted our meritsthe more frequentl
, y are we the victims of envy and detraction ; and we have known it assumed in our own time , by the illiberal and invidious , that the language of philanthropy , flowing from the lips of worldly ancl talented men , is often but little in accordance with the feelings of their hearts , and merely exercised to gratify a mean love of fame , and to establish a reputation of good report on a base and baseless structure of hypocrisy , destitute altogether of that milk of human kindnesswhichwhilst it harmonizes
, , the wayward disposition of man , tends at the same time to unite him ¦ with his fellow-creatures in the strictest bonds of inherent kindred affection . But , sir , shall a charge so degrading to human nature , and so revolting to the feelings of every genuine professor of Freemasonry , be suffered , even by so humble an individual member as myself , to go forth to the world in passive silence ?—( cheers . ) Shall it be said that every