Article THE REPORTER. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MASONIC CHIT CHAT. Page 1 of 4 →
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The Reporter.
OLD UNION , Dee . 8 . —The Installation of the W . M . was well conducted , and the social arrangement at the banquet , which , however , was not so numerously attended as usual , perfectly agreeable . In this brief report we include the facts , but our correspondent has omitted the name of the W . M . The speculative reasonings , and the peculiar arguments , we withhold , as altogether unnecessary . GRAND S TEWARDS' LODGE . —Public NihtDec . 15 . —The second
g , lecture was ably worked by Bros . Acklam , Savage , Thodey Smith , J . Udall , and 11 . L . Wilson . The third lecture by Bros . Scrivener , Norris , ancl B . Lawrence . Bro . Hope , W . M ., presided ; the number present was much as usual . The thanks of the visitors were very neatly proposed by Bro . II . Udall . CROSS OF CHRIST E NCAMPMENT , Dec . 17 . —E . C . W . T . Smith presided over the Masonic chivalry of this Encampment for the last time .
His mantle has fallen on Sir Knight W . F . Hope . BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES . —Bro . Dobie has been appointed President , and Bro . Hall ( the new G . R . ) a member of the Board , vice Bro . Harrison , deceased .
Masonic Chit Chat.
HIS ROYAL , HIGHNESS THE GUAN 5 > MASTER . The Duke of Sussex has been visiting the Earl of Zetland in the North ; aud , on his way to Holkham , the seat of the Earl of Leicester , staid a nig ht at a small inn at a village near Lynn , which he passed through on the next morning . The following moo-ceausc have appeared in the public papers : — Times 11841— "His Royal Hihness the Duke of Sussexifc
, Dec . , . g , is said , is ' about to resign the Grand Mastership of the ancient Order of Freemasons , and it is rumoured that His Royal Highness Prince Albert will be offered that distinguished honorary appointment . "—Standard . " We have authority to contradict a paragraph which has appeared in several of the public journals , that His Royal Hig hness the Duke of Sussex is about to resign the Grand Mastership of the ancient Order of FreemasonsThat His Royal Hihness has no such intention is
evi-. g dent , when we state that he was unanimously proposed at a meeting of the Grand Lodge , on Wednesday last , to fill the distinguished office for the ensuing year . "—Times , Dec . 7 . " You have seen a contradiction in the Times newspaper of my statement of the probability that His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex was about to retire from the Grand Mastership of the Freemasons ot England and Wales , an office which the Duke has held for now neany which I not
thirty years . As I never venture to assert any thing am prepared to justify , I shall say a few words on this subject , ivhich will show those who have hazarded that contradiction , that your correepondent knows as much of what is going on at the head-quarters of Freemasonry as those at those head-quarters themselves . And , first , as to tbe source of the contradiction made to my announcement . It comes , VOL . VIII . 3 O
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Reporter.
OLD UNION , Dee . 8 . —The Installation of the W . M . was well conducted , and the social arrangement at the banquet , which , however , was not so numerously attended as usual , perfectly agreeable . In this brief report we include the facts , but our correspondent has omitted the name of the W . M . The speculative reasonings , and the peculiar arguments , we withhold , as altogether unnecessary . GRAND S TEWARDS' LODGE . —Public NihtDec . 15 . —The second
g , lecture was ably worked by Bros . Acklam , Savage , Thodey Smith , J . Udall , and 11 . L . Wilson . The third lecture by Bros . Scrivener , Norris , ancl B . Lawrence . Bro . Hope , W . M ., presided ; the number present was much as usual . The thanks of the visitors were very neatly proposed by Bro . II . Udall . CROSS OF CHRIST E NCAMPMENT , Dec . 17 . —E . C . W . T . Smith presided over the Masonic chivalry of this Encampment for the last time .
His mantle has fallen on Sir Knight W . F . Hope . BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES . —Bro . Dobie has been appointed President , and Bro . Hall ( the new G . R . ) a member of the Board , vice Bro . Harrison , deceased .
Masonic Chit Chat.
HIS ROYAL , HIGHNESS THE GUAN 5 > MASTER . The Duke of Sussex has been visiting the Earl of Zetland in the North ; aud , on his way to Holkham , the seat of the Earl of Leicester , staid a nig ht at a small inn at a village near Lynn , which he passed through on the next morning . The following moo-ceausc have appeared in the public papers : — Times 11841— "His Royal Hihness the Duke of Sussexifc
, Dec . , . g , is said , is ' about to resign the Grand Mastership of the ancient Order of Freemasons , and it is rumoured that His Royal Highness Prince Albert will be offered that distinguished honorary appointment . "—Standard . " We have authority to contradict a paragraph which has appeared in several of the public journals , that His Royal Hig hness the Duke of Sussex is about to resign the Grand Mastership of the ancient Order of FreemasonsThat His Royal Hihness has no such intention is
evi-. g dent , when we state that he was unanimously proposed at a meeting of the Grand Lodge , on Wednesday last , to fill the distinguished office for the ensuing year . "—Times , Dec . 7 . " You have seen a contradiction in the Times newspaper of my statement of the probability that His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex was about to retire from the Grand Mastership of the Freemasons ot England and Wales , an office which the Duke has held for now neany which I not
thirty years . As I never venture to assert any thing am prepared to justify , I shall say a few words on this subject , ivhich will show those who have hazarded that contradiction , that your correepondent knows as much of what is going on at the head-quarters of Freemasonry as those at those head-quarters themselves . And , first , as to tbe source of the contradiction made to my announcement . It comes , VOL . VIII . 3 O