Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 11 →
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PETERBOROUGH . —Earl Aboyne has appointed Brother Thomas Ewart Deputy Prov . G . M . for Northampton ; a more zealous indefatigable Mason could not have been selected . A Provincial Grand Lodge will be held shortly , most probably in Peterborough .
WOLVERHAMPTON , Nov . 1 . —The members of St . Peter ' s Lodge met on Monday evening , when Brother the Rev . H . R . Slade was introduced by Brother Strickland in due form , as a joining member . After labour , devised and conducted by the presiding W . M . Brother Harris , in very respectable style , the Brethren sat down to an excellent supper , provided by the worthy Secretary , Brother Law , at whose comfortable hostel , the Star ancl Garter , the Lodge assembles . Brother Slade ' s health was proposed by Brother Totley , in very complimentary termsand
, drunk with all the honours ; ancl Brother Slade , in returning thanks , pledged the health of their emiment Brother Dr . Crucefix , which was responded to with acclamation . The meeting adjourned with every prospect of a revival of Freemasonry in this town ; but it is a subject of very great regret among the Craft , that no Grand Lodge has been held in this province for several years , and that in consequence Masonry is in a decided state of apathy and torpor . Who is responsible for such
gross neglect ? ancl where is the remedy to be sought ? are questions which naturally suggest themselves to the zealous Craftsman . * Dec . 6 . —Brother Totley . has been elected W . M ., Brother the Rev . H . R . Slade , S . W . The installation will take place on the first Monday in January . It is in contemplation to obtain a charter for a Royal Arch Chapter . There is in this Lodge a curious old clasp Bible , with the Psalter and Liturgy in black letter , 1614 , the gift of Brother Denby , the
first Master . We are much in expectation that Brother Paul , mine host of the Star , will soon put us on our facings , so that , after a little drilling , we may become worthy the Staffordshire knot , ancl even stand Lincolnshire fire , should the Deputy G . M . of that province honour us by a visit .
BIRMINGHAM . —THE LODGE OF LIGHT . —A visit to this Lodge , at Brother Bull ' s , White Hart , Digboth , on the third Wednesday in the month , will amply repay the Brother whose desire is to see genuine Freemasonry flourish . Magnificent in furniture , handsome in jewellery , correctness in practice , harmony of membership , and banquet conviviality , are the characteristics of this new light in the Craft . The names of Lloyd , Ribbans , Banks , Broomhead , Fletcher , Kidder , Wiicox , Ball ,
Ratcliff , and others of the same spirit , will ever adorn the annals of Freemasonry . WARWICK , November 24 . —THE CRUCEFIX TESTIMONIAL . —The Shakspeare Lodge held an Especial Meeting this evening , to commemorate this event , so auspicious to Freemasonry . The three toasts of the night were received ivith every demonstration of fraternal respect ancl admiration : —Dr . Crucefix , the supporter of our principles ; Dr . Oliver
his friend , the learned and able commentator on our science , whose works , abound in philosophy and wisdom ; and our excellent Worshipful Master , Brother Sharp , now absent in London to represent his Lodge at the public festival .
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PETERBOROUGH . —Earl Aboyne has appointed Brother Thomas Ewart Deputy Prov . G . M . for Northampton ; a more zealous indefatigable Mason could not have been selected . A Provincial Grand Lodge will be held shortly , most probably in Peterborough .
WOLVERHAMPTON , Nov . 1 . —The members of St . Peter ' s Lodge met on Monday evening , when Brother the Rev . H . R . Slade was introduced by Brother Strickland in due form , as a joining member . After labour , devised and conducted by the presiding W . M . Brother Harris , in very respectable style , the Brethren sat down to an excellent supper , provided by the worthy Secretary , Brother Law , at whose comfortable hostel , the Star ancl Garter , the Lodge assembles . Brother Slade ' s health was proposed by Brother Totley , in very complimentary termsand
, drunk with all the honours ; ancl Brother Slade , in returning thanks , pledged the health of their emiment Brother Dr . Crucefix , which was responded to with acclamation . The meeting adjourned with every prospect of a revival of Freemasonry in this town ; but it is a subject of very great regret among the Craft , that no Grand Lodge has been held in this province for several years , and that in consequence Masonry is in a decided state of apathy and torpor . Who is responsible for such
gross neglect ? ancl where is the remedy to be sought ? are questions which naturally suggest themselves to the zealous Craftsman . * Dec . 6 . —Brother Totley . has been elected W . M ., Brother the Rev . H . R . Slade , S . W . The installation will take place on the first Monday in January . It is in contemplation to obtain a charter for a Royal Arch Chapter . There is in this Lodge a curious old clasp Bible , with the Psalter and Liturgy in black letter , 1614 , the gift of Brother Denby , the
first Master . We are much in expectation that Brother Paul , mine host of the Star , will soon put us on our facings , so that , after a little drilling , we may become worthy the Staffordshire knot , ancl even stand Lincolnshire fire , should the Deputy G . M . of that province honour us by a visit .
BIRMINGHAM . —THE LODGE OF LIGHT . —A visit to this Lodge , at Brother Bull ' s , White Hart , Digboth , on the third Wednesday in the month , will amply repay the Brother whose desire is to see genuine Freemasonry flourish . Magnificent in furniture , handsome in jewellery , correctness in practice , harmony of membership , and banquet conviviality , are the characteristics of this new light in the Craft . The names of Lloyd , Ribbans , Banks , Broomhead , Fletcher , Kidder , Wiicox , Ball ,
Ratcliff , and others of the same spirit , will ever adorn the annals of Freemasonry . WARWICK , November 24 . —THE CRUCEFIX TESTIMONIAL . —The Shakspeare Lodge held an Especial Meeting this evening , to commemorate this event , so auspicious to Freemasonry . The three toasts of the night were received ivith every demonstration of fraternal respect ancl admiration : —Dr . Crucefix , the supporter of our principles ; Dr . Oliver
his friend , the learned and able commentator on our science , whose works , abound in philosophy and wisdom ; and our excellent Worshipful Master , Brother Sharp , now absent in London to represent his Lodge at the public festival .