Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 4 of 11 →
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THE LODOE . On the corporation returning to the Mansion House , the Duke of Sussex and tbe Earl of Zetland were loudly cheered by the populace , and were ushered into the Mansion House by every mark of respect , the official attendants of the lord mayor standing with the sword ancl mace of office near the door , and the passage being lined on each side by Freemasonsattired in their usual regaliawhich produced a very
, , pleasing and interesting effect . The lord mayor had kindly given permission for the Grand Lodge to be held in the spacious state-room of the Mansion House , and for the dinner to be served up in the Guildhall . The state-room was exceedingly appropriate for the occasion , as the walls are enriched with the full-length likenesses of many noble and eminent Masons , including the late Earl of Zetland , one of the brothers
of the Royal Duke , & c . & c . At the top of the room , to the right on entering , were placed a raised seat , with high back , over which was represented the Eye of Providence , a pair of compasses , & c . In front of this chair was a table , & c , with bible , globes , square and compass , & c . & c . This chair the Earl of Zetland was to occupy , as the Provincial Grand Master . On the right of it was another chair for the Duke of Sussex . The seats for the other officers were placed in due order .
THE BANQUET . This sumptuous entertainment was served in the . Guildhall , which was tastefully prepared for the occasion . The tables were ranged in the centre aisle of the hall . In front of the court was a cross table , at the centre of which were placed two chairs , the one for the Earl of Zetland , who presided , ancl the other for the Duke of Sussex . Side tables extended from this clown each side nearly to the door .
Behind the cross table was a well-designed display of evergreens , and over tbe entrance was a brilliant star , lit up with gas , ancl also the letters " V . R . " From the pillars of the hall , ancl likewise at the sides , were a number of flags suspended , having Masonic emblems , mottos , and other devices . The whole when lighted up hacl a very fine effect . The tables were most handsomely decorated with confectionery ornaments , many of them most ingeniously formed . These were furnished
by Mr . Terry , of St . Helen ' s Square . The providance was of a most abundant kind , and did much credit to the taste and tact of Mr . Johnson , under whose superintendence the whole was prepared . Covers were laid for 160 . The dinner was served at seven o ' clock . The bells of St . Martin , Coney Street , rang merrily during the repast . SHEFFIELD . —We understand that a great meeting of the members of the Craft will shortly be held in Sheffield , for the purpose of consecrating their new Lodge-room , in the Music Hall , on ivhich occasion the Earl of Mexbro ' , Thomas Lee , Esq ., D . G . M . for the West Riding , and many other distinguished Brothers are expected to be present .
LIVERPOOL , Oct .. 21 . —The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Masonic Lodge for the western division of Lancashire was held at the Adelphi Hotel , in this town , and was most numerously and respectably attended . Among the Brethren , we noticed John Drinkwater , Esq ., R . W . P . G . M . ; James , Aspinall , R . W . D . P . G . M . ; L . Samuel , V . W . P . G . Treasurer ; Peter Greenall , P . G . Pursuivant ; James Norris , V . W . P . G . Secretary ; Jos . Perrin and Jos . Bass , V . W . P . G . Wardens ; R .
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THE LODOE . On the corporation returning to the Mansion House , the Duke of Sussex and tbe Earl of Zetland were loudly cheered by the populace , and were ushered into the Mansion House by every mark of respect , the official attendants of the lord mayor standing with the sword ancl mace of office near the door , and the passage being lined on each side by Freemasonsattired in their usual regaliawhich produced a very
, , pleasing and interesting effect . The lord mayor had kindly given permission for the Grand Lodge to be held in the spacious state-room of the Mansion House , and for the dinner to be served up in the Guildhall . The state-room was exceedingly appropriate for the occasion , as the walls are enriched with the full-length likenesses of many noble and eminent Masons , including the late Earl of Zetland , one of the brothers
of the Royal Duke , & c . & c . At the top of the room , to the right on entering , were placed a raised seat , with high back , over which was represented the Eye of Providence , a pair of compasses , & c . In front of this chair was a table , & c , with bible , globes , square and compass , & c . & c . This chair the Earl of Zetland was to occupy , as the Provincial Grand Master . On the right of it was another chair for the Duke of Sussex . The seats for the other officers were placed in due order .
THE BANQUET . This sumptuous entertainment was served in the . Guildhall , which was tastefully prepared for the occasion . The tables were ranged in the centre aisle of the hall . In front of the court was a cross table , at the centre of which were placed two chairs , the one for the Earl of Zetland , who presided , ancl the other for the Duke of Sussex . Side tables extended from this clown each side nearly to the door .
Behind the cross table was a well-designed display of evergreens , and over tbe entrance was a brilliant star , lit up with gas , ancl also the letters " V . R . " From the pillars of the hall , ancl likewise at the sides , were a number of flags suspended , having Masonic emblems , mottos , and other devices . The whole when lighted up hacl a very fine effect . The tables were most handsomely decorated with confectionery ornaments , many of them most ingeniously formed . These were furnished
by Mr . Terry , of St . Helen ' s Square . The providance was of a most abundant kind , and did much credit to the taste and tact of Mr . Johnson , under whose superintendence the whole was prepared . Covers were laid for 160 . The dinner was served at seven o ' clock . The bells of St . Martin , Coney Street , rang merrily during the repast . SHEFFIELD . —We understand that a great meeting of the members of the Craft will shortly be held in Sheffield , for the purpose of consecrating their new Lodge-room , in the Music Hall , on ivhich occasion the Earl of Mexbro ' , Thomas Lee , Esq ., D . G . M . for the West Riding , and many other distinguished Brothers are expected to be present .
LIVERPOOL , Oct .. 21 . —The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Masonic Lodge for the western division of Lancashire was held at the Adelphi Hotel , in this town , and was most numerously and respectably attended . Among the Brethren , we noticed John Drinkwater , Esq ., R . W . P . G . M . ; James , Aspinall , R . W . D . P . G . M . ; L . Samuel , V . W . P . G . Treasurer ; Peter Greenall , P . G . Pursuivant ; James Norris , V . W . P . G . Secretary ; Jos . Perrin and Jos . Bass , V . W . P . G . Wardens ; R .