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Masonic Meetings In Glasgow And West Of Scotland.
FRIDAY , JUNE 9 . Lodge 18 , Dumbarton , Mission Hall , Dumbarton . „ 1 47 , Cadder Argyle , Chryston , M . H . „ 170 , St . John , Black Bull Inn , Renton . „ 427 , St . Clair , M . H ., Garngad-rd ., Glasgow-ChaD . 144 , St . Rollox , M . H ., Girngad-rd ., Glasgow .
Masonic Meetings In Edinburgh And Vicinity.
For the Week ending Saturday , June 10 , 1876 . MONDAY , JUNE s . Lodge 429 , St . Kentigcrn , Royal Hot ., Penicuik . TUESDAY , JUNE 6 . „ 5 , Canongate and Leith , 86 , Constitution-st . THURSDAY , JUNE 8 . Lodge 8 , Journeyman , M . H ., High-st . FRIDAY ' , JUNE 9 . Chap . 56 , Canongate , M , H ., John-st .
T > OYAL ALBERT ORPHAN ASYLUM , Collingwood Court , Bagshot , Surrey . —At the Half-Yearly Election , held on the 30 th May , the following children were declared the successful candidates : — BOYS . Cocks , George 3329 Draycott , Harry 2628 Eyre , Herbert 235 ° Appleton , James 2338 Ellis , Norman Sidney 2221 Kent , Thomas George 2207 Attawell , Henry , 2185 Goldring , Egbert 216 4 GIRLS . Lathlean , E . Miranda 324 , ; Beland , Eliza 3220 Hopper , Annie Maria 296 3 Eaton , Eliza Emma 272 O Beirton , Ellen 26 54 Shoyer , Elizabeth 2354 Gibb , Beatrice Maud 198 9 Webster , Lilley 1777 "WILLIAM WORHEI . I , Offices , 98 , Cheapside , E . C . Secretary .
4 th Edition , price is ., post free is . id . REFLECTED RAYS OF LIGHT UPON FREEMASONRY . OR THE FREEMASONS' POCKET COMPENDIUM With Emblematical Frontispiece . A handbook of the principles of Freemasonry , and Pocket Vade Mccum , and guide to the various ceremonies connected with Craft Masonry , so far as the same are allowed to becommunicablc in accordance with the principles of the Order . LONDON : 198 , FLEET STREET .
SECOND EDITION . Price is ., post free is . id . Freemasonry in Relation to Civil Authority and the Family Circle , Bv BRO . CHALMERS I . PATON . ( P . M ., & c . ) r PHIS work is a perfect handbook of the principles of Freemasonry , founded on the Ancient Charges and Symbols , and will be found to be eminentl y practical and useful in the vindication and support of the der . LONDON : 198 , FLEET STREET .
Every Freemason should Read LINKS IN THE CHAIN OF EVIDENCE CONNECTING ISRAEL AND ENGLAND . Bv J . LF . VI . ANU FEILDEN . Price 2 / 6 . Cloth Gilt . Postage , 2 d . extra . LONDON : W . H . GUEST , 29 , PATERNOSTER-ROW .
Now ready , nmo ., 208 pages , handsomely bound in cloth , price 2 s . Gil ., post free 2 s . 8 d . THE ISRAELITES FOUND IN THE ANGLO-SAXONS . The Ten Tribes supposed to have bee" li « t traced from the land of their captivity to their occupation of the Isles of thc Sea . With an exhibition of those traits of character and national characteristics assigned to Israel in the Books of thc Hebrew Prophets , by Bro . WM . CARPENTER , Author of "Scientia Biblica , " "Scriptu-. e Natural History , " . " Guide to the Reading of the Bible . " LONDON , 19 8 , FLEET STREET .
New Masonic Sonsr . " OUR COUNTRY , OUR QUEEN , AND THE CRAFT . " and ^ 7 other Songs , Dance Music , & c . Send 8 Stamps forNos . 1 to 6 ( post free ) MUSICAL BUDGET , to J . CLARKE , 10 , Red Lion-court , Fleet-street , or order of any bookseller .
DOYAL ARCH FREEMASONRY . — Wanted , second-hand and in good condition , the whole or a portion of the furniture and jewels , etc ., ot a R . A . Chap ' er . Address , stating particulars and lowest price of each article , to J . W ., Post Office , Forton , Gosport .
Has been paid as
Caused by
By the
\§ Mliw \ } | itssettfje . i'i $ ' ^ sswvaita € omp %
Hon . A . KINNAIIID , M . P ., Chairman . PAID UP CAPITAL AND RESERVE FUND , £ 180 , 000 . ANNUAL INCOME , £ 200 , 000 . Bonus Allowed to Insurers of Five Years' Standing . Apply to the Clerks at the Railway Stations , the Local Agents , or 64 , Cornhill , and 10 , Regent-street , London . WILLIAM J . VIAN , Secretary .
RAILWAY ACCIDENTS . A RAILWAY ACCIDENT to any particular person is a ( theoretically ) remote contingency ; but as it may happen , as a matter of fact , the very next journey undertaken , and as the sum at which it will be seen the risk ( in a pecuniary sense ) may be extinguished FOR LIFE is almost absurdly small , it is not too much to say that the insurance is an OBVIOUS DUTY in the case of most travellers . £ 1000 if killed , with liberal all nvances if injured , for a single payment of £ 3 , covering the whole life . Smaller amounts in proportion . — RMLWAY ACCIDENT MUTUAL ASSURANCE COMPANY ( Limited ) . RESERVE FUND AND GUARANTEE , £ 14 , 700 . No . 42 , Poultry , London . —For Forms , & c , apply to Mr . W . Burr , F . S . S ., Manager .
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY ( Limited ) , 7 , Bank Buildings , Lothbury , E . C . General Accidents . I Personal Injuries . Railway Accidents . | Deaths by Accident . C . HARDING , Manager .
ESTABLISHED 1871 . COCKBURN'S UNITED SERVICE AGENCY SOCIETY . The attention of the United Grand Lodge of England , Grand Lodges , Colonial Board , Committee of Management , Provincial Grand Masters , District Grand Masters , Grand Stewards , W . M . 's , and brethren are speciall y directed to the facilities and advantages afforded b y COCKBURN'S UNITED SERVICE AGENCY SOCIETY . for the safe remittance of money to the principal cities and towns of the United Kingdom , the Continent , India , Colonies , and all parts of the world . GUARANTEED COCKBURN'S CHEQUES can be cashed by Lodges , Brethren , Residents , and Travellers , at Continental , Foreign , and Colonial Banks , at the current rate of exchange . IMPORTANT NOTICE . The Ori ginators and first starters , in 1871 , of the CHEQUE BANK system , of small cheques in lieu of POST-OFFICE ORDERS , are PREPARED to TAKE UP the work of the CHEQUE BANK on its now winding-up , and not onl y to grant GUARANTEED cheques , which may be cashed without difficulty all over the world , but also to ALLOW 2 J PER CENT . INTEREST annually , at Christmas , on the minimum monthly balances in even £ 10 oi all accounts then open with them . Absolute Security Ensured , and an immense saving of time and mor . cy . For all information , circulars , and catalogues , apply to the Head Office , 41 , Haymarkct , London , S . W .
^^ By appointment to H . R . H . the Prince of Wales . THE EMPEROR of RUSSIA and the CITY A of LONDON . —His Imperial Majestv the Emperor of Russia has conferred on Mr . J . \ V . BENSON " the Appointment of Goldsmith to lhc Imperial Court , in appreciation of Mr . Benson's artistic production of lire Gold Casket presented to the Kinperor by the Corporation of the City of London . " PENSON , Watch and Clock Maker to the * - * Queen and Royal Family , and to H . R . H . the Prince of Wales .
NTOVELTY . — ENGLISH DINING and L ' DRAWING-ROOM ORMOUI . U CLOCKS , far superior to foreign , designed by English Artists in the Doric , Ionic , Corinthian , tlothic , Mcdiruval , Renaissance , and Italian styles ; decorated with Wedgewood and other wares , and made to ' harmonise with the architecture and furniture of mansions . Solely at BENSON'S establishments . Clocks , C \ to JCIOOO . I Plate ( Presentation , Prize , He-Watches , £ 2 to £ 200 . I g ' nnental ) , £$ to £$ 00 . Jewellery , New Designs , £ 2 to 1 Bronzes , Artistic , Special De-£ 5000 . ' I signs , £ 3 to £ 300 . 2 J , OLD BOND-STREET , W .
BRO . W . T . PALMER , FINE ART PUBLISHER , PICTURE FRAME MAKER AND GILDER . Passe-partouts Cut and Pictures Mounted . Handsome Gold Frames with Masonic Emblems for Lodgis and Certificates , made to order at Moderate Prices . THE TRADE SUPPLIED . 3 A , CoiiroiiATioN BUILDINGS , FARRINCDON -ROAD , LONDON , E . C .
% o t \ i lOv-tlttg , fetttg fmiwlif ;;? , mo <& t \\ txi > THE PRINCE'S ~ GATE HOTEL , 19 , CROMWELL PLACE , S . W ., ( Opposite South Kensington Station ) . PRIVATE HOTEL , Easy access to all parts of Town , ten minutes of H yde Park and Albert Hall . Unsurpassed in London for elegance of appointments , replete with every convenience , rendering the House an EXCEPTIONALLY ATTRACTIVE AND REFINED HOME . TERMS PER WEEK : Single Rooms from 3-i to 5 Guineas . Double Rooms from 6 to 9 Guineas . Private Sitting Rooms from 3 Guineas . Per day from Half-guinea . Charges for Visitors , Luncheon 2 S . 6 d . Dinner 5 s . Supper a la Carte . Gas in Bedrooms , Special Bath , and meals served in Bed-rooms at irregular hours extra as per tariff . There is an ascending room to the top of the house . Complete tariff on application to the PROPRIETOR .
COMMEMORATION MEDAL OF THE iitstiUlittioit OF H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF WALES , MOST WORSHIPFUL GRAND MASTER . Can now be had in £ s . d . Bronze 0 7 0 Silver 220 Silver Gilt ... 2 10 o Gold ( 18 carat ) 2 t 00 GEORGE KENNING'S MASONIC DEPOTS , LONDON , LIVERPOOL , AND GLASGOW .
THE COMPLETE FURNITURE AND APPOINTMENTS FOR Cfitftfobges , OF SUPERIOR DESIGN * AND WORKMANSHIP , MANUFACTURED IN THREE BUAL 1 TIES , BV BRO . GEORGE KENNING , P . M ., ertMi'Rlslxn Three Pedestals . One Oak or Mahogany Kneeling Three Candlesticks , Oak or Ma- Stool . hogany . Lamp ( Star in the East ) . Two Columns , Oak or Ma- Third Degree Sheet . hogany . Bible , wilh Name and No . of S . W . Triangle , in Oak or Lodge in Gold . Mahogany with Gilt Tripod , Square and Compasses in Case , Pullev Blocks and Windlass Cushion for Bible . and longhand Perfect Ash- Ten Officers' Collars . lars . Ten Officers' Jewels . Oak or Mahogany Box , and I . G . Dirk . nine Tools , flateil . O . G . Sword . Three Oak or Mahogany Gavels . Set of Ei ght Books . One „ „ Maul . Three S g Boardn . One „ „ Ballot Two Pairs ol S s . Box and Balls . Three C—e T—s . One pair „ Wands . Two II s . Three Tracing Boards . Three Candles with Emblems . 4 . 3 ° . 0 ° and £ i °° - Chairs , Dais , Tessclated Carpeting , Baniicri , & c , & c . on the roost moderate terms , according to material , style , & c . For Personal Insignia , see List of Clothing and ( ewels . MASONIC DEPOTS : LONDON , LIVERPOOL , AND GLASGOW .
nOR FISH . F Try GOW . pOR POULTRY . r Try GOW . -C-OR GAME . x Try GOW . FOR BARRELLED OYSTERS . *• Try GOW . T GOW . J 1 , HONEY-LANE MARKET , CHEAPSIDE . Special quotations to large consumers , Hotels , Caterers , & c . Country Orders promptly executed . ONE ORDER WILL SECURE FUTURE PATRONAGE
QERMANY . — HIGH CLASS EDUCA-^ - * TION at the Royal Colleges , Cassel ( attended by the Sons of the Crown Prince of Germany ) , with thorough German , French , and English Private Tuition by resident Graduates , and a refined English Home . Delig htful neighbourhood of Wilhelmshbhe , the Aue Park , and the valley of the Fulda . Prospectus , with highest references . Terms , 70 to 90 guineas inclusive . Sons of Masonic brethren at reduced terms . —Address Bro . Dr . Saure , M . A ., Cassel ( who will be in England in April ) .
DRO . T . LAWLER , who was specially appointed to the Management of the Music at the LONUON HOSPITAL on the memorable occasion of the visit there of HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY THE QUEEN , begs to notify his change of residence , and requests that all letters relative to CONCERTS , BANQUETS , PRIVATE L ESSONS & c , be addressed—62 , Saltoun-road , Brixton-Rise , S . W .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Meetings In Glasgow And West Of Scotland.
FRIDAY , JUNE 9 . Lodge 18 , Dumbarton , Mission Hall , Dumbarton . „ 1 47 , Cadder Argyle , Chryston , M . H . „ 170 , St . John , Black Bull Inn , Renton . „ 427 , St . Clair , M . H ., Garngad-rd ., Glasgow-ChaD . 144 , St . Rollox , M . H ., Girngad-rd ., Glasgow .
Masonic Meetings In Edinburgh And Vicinity.
For the Week ending Saturday , June 10 , 1876 . MONDAY , JUNE s . Lodge 429 , St . Kentigcrn , Royal Hot ., Penicuik . TUESDAY , JUNE 6 . „ 5 , Canongate and Leith , 86 , Constitution-st . THURSDAY , JUNE 8 . Lodge 8 , Journeyman , M . H ., High-st . FRIDAY ' , JUNE 9 . Chap . 56 , Canongate , M , H ., John-st .
T > OYAL ALBERT ORPHAN ASYLUM , Collingwood Court , Bagshot , Surrey . —At the Half-Yearly Election , held on the 30 th May , the following children were declared the successful candidates : — BOYS . Cocks , George 3329 Draycott , Harry 2628 Eyre , Herbert 235 ° Appleton , James 2338 Ellis , Norman Sidney 2221 Kent , Thomas George 2207 Attawell , Henry , 2185 Goldring , Egbert 216 4 GIRLS . Lathlean , E . Miranda 324 , ; Beland , Eliza 3220 Hopper , Annie Maria 296 3 Eaton , Eliza Emma 272 O Beirton , Ellen 26 54 Shoyer , Elizabeth 2354 Gibb , Beatrice Maud 198 9 Webster , Lilley 1777 "WILLIAM WORHEI . I , Offices , 98 , Cheapside , E . C . Secretary .
4 th Edition , price is ., post free is . id . REFLECTED RAYS OF LIGHT UPON FREEMASONRY . OR THE FREEMASONS' POCKET COMPENDIUM With Emblematical Frontispiece . A handbook of the principles of Freemasonry , and Pocket Vade Mccum , and guide to the various ceremonies connected with Craft Masonry , so far as the same are allowed to becommunicablc in accordance with the principles of the Order . LONDON : 198 , FLEET STREET .
SECOND EDITION . Price is ., post free is . id . Freemasonry in Relation to Civil Authority and the Family Circle , Bv BRO . CHALMERS I . PATON . ( P . M ., & c . ) r PHIS work is a perfect handbook of the principles of Freemasonry , founded on the Ancient Charges and Symbols , and will be found to be eminentl y practical and useful in the vindication and support of the der . LONDON : 198 , FLEET STREET .
Every Freemason should Read LINKS IN THE CHAIN OF EVIDENCE CONNECTING ISRAEL AND ENGLAND . Bv J . LF . VI . ANU FEILDEN . Price 2 / 6 . Cloth Gilt . Postage , 2 d . extra . LONDON : W . H . GUEST , 29 , PATERNOSTER-ROW .
Now ready , nmo ., 208 pages , handsomely bound in cloth , price 2 s . Gil ., post free 2 s . 8 d . THE ISRAELITES FOUND IN THE ANGLO-SAXONS . The Ten Tribes supposed to have bee" li « t traced from the land of their captivity to their occupation of the Isles of thc Sea . With an exhibition of those traits of character and national characteristics assigned to Israel in the Books of thc Hebrew Prophets , by Bro . WM . CARPENTER , Author of "Scientia Biblica , " "Scriptu-. e Natural History , " . " Guide to the Reading of the Bible . " LONDON , 19 8 , FLEET STREET .
New Masonic Sonsr . " OUR COUNTRY , OUR QUEEN , AND THE CRAFT . " and ^ 7 other Songs , Dance Music , & c . Send 8 Stamps forNos . 1 to 6 ( post free ) MUSICAL BUDGET , to J . CLARKE , 10 , Red Lion-court , Fleet-street , or order of any bookseller .
DOYAL ARCH FREEMASONRY . — Wanted , second-hand and in good condition , the whole or a portion of the furniture and jewels , etc ., ot a R . A . Chap ' er . Address , stating particulars and lowest price of each article , to J . W ., Post Office , Forton , Gosport .
Has been paid as
Caused by
By the
\§ Mliw \ } | itssettfje . i'i $ ' ^ sswvaita € omp %
Hon . A . KINNAIIID , M . P ., Chairman . PAID UP CAPITAL AND RESERVE FUND , £ 180 , 000 . ANNUAL INCOME , £ 200 , 000 . Bonus Allowed to Insurers of Five Years' Standing . Apply to the Clerks at the Railway Stations , the Local Agents , or 64 , Cornhill , and 10 , Regent-street , London . WILLIAM J . VIAN , Secretary .
RAILWAY ACCIDENTS . A RAILWAY ACCIDENT to any particular person is a ( theoretically ) remote contingency ; but as it may happen , as a matter of fact , the very next journey undertaken , and as the sum at which it will be seen the risk ( in a pecuniary sense ) may be extinguished FOR LIFE is almost absurdly small , it is not too much to say that the insurance is an OBVIOUS DUTY in the case of most travellers . £ 1000 if killed , with liberal all nvances if injured , for a single payment of £ 3 , covering the whole life . Smaller amounts in proportion . — RMLWAY ACCIDENT MUTUAL ASSURANCE COMPANY ( Limited ) . RESERVE FUND AND GUARANTEE , £ 14 , 700 . No . 42 , Poultry , London . —For Forms , & c , apply to Mr . W . Burr , F . S . S ., Manager .
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY ( Limited ) , 7 , Bank Buildings , Lothbury , E . C . General Accidents . I Personal Injuries . Railway Accidents . | Deaths by Accident . C . HARDING , Manager .
ESTABLISHED 1871 . COCKBURN'S UNITED SERVICE AGENCY SOCIETY . The attention of the United Grand Lodge of England , Grand Lodges , Colonial Board , Committee of Management , Provincial Grand Masters , District Grand Masters , Grand Stewards , W . M . 's , and brethren are speciall y directed to the facilities and advantages afforded b y COCKBURN'S UNITED SERVICE AGENCY SOCIETY . for the safe remittance of money to the principal cities and towns of the United Kingdom , the Continent , India , Colonies , and all parts of the world . GUARANTEED COCKBURN'S CHEQUES can be cashed by Lodges , Brethren , Residents , and Travellers , at Continental , Foreign , and Colonial Banks , at the current rate of exchange . IMPORTANT NOTICE . The Ori ginators and first starters , in 1871 , of the CHEQUE BANK system , of small cheques in lieu of POST-OFFICE ORDERS , are PREPARED to TAKE UP the work of the CHEQUE BANK on its now winding-up , and not onl y to grant GUARANTEED cheques , which may be cashed without difficulty all over the world , but also to ALLOW 2 J PER CENT . INTEREST annually , at Christmas , on the minimum monthly balances in even £ 10 oi all accounts then open with them . Absolute Security Ensured , and an immense saving of time and mor . cy . For all information , circulars , and catalogues , apply to the Head Office , 41 , Haymarkct , London , S . W .
^^ By appointment to H . R . H . the Prince of Wales . THE EMPEROR of RUSSIA and the CITY A of LONDON . —His Imperial Majestv the Emperor of Russia has conferred on Mr . J . \ V . BENSON " the Appointment of Goldsmith to lhc Imperial Court , in appreciation of Mr . Benson's artistic production of lire Gold Casket presented to the Kinperor by the Corporation of the City of London . " PENSON , Watch and Clock Maker to the * - * Queen and Royal Family , and to H . R . H . the Prince of Wales .
NTOVELTY . — ENGLISH DINING and L ' DRAWING-ROOM ORMOUI . U CLOCKS , far superior to foreign , designed by English Artists in the Doric , Ionic , Corinthian , tlothic , Mcdiruval , Renaissance , and Italian styles ; decorated with Wedgewood and other wares , and made to ' harmonise with the architecture and furniture of mansions . Solely at BENSON'S establishments . Clocks , C \ to JCIOOO . I Plate ( Presentation , Prize , He-Watches , £ 2 to £ 200 . I g ' nnental ) , £$ to £$ 00 . Jewellery , New Designs , £ 2 to 1 Bronzes , Artistic , Special De-£ 5000 . ' I signs , £ 3 to £ 300 . 2 J , OLD BOND-STREET , W .
BRO . W . T . PALMER , FINE ART PUBLISHER , PICTURE FRAME MAKER AND GILDER . Passe-partouts Cut and Pictures Mounted . Handsome Gold Frames with Masonic Emblems for Lodgis and Certificates , made to order at Moderate Prices . THE TRADE SUPPLIED . 3 A , CoiiroiiATioN BUILDINGS , FARRINCDON -ROAD , LONDON , E . C .
% o t \ i lOv-tlttg , fetttg fmiwlif ;;? , mo <& t \\ txi > THE PRINCE'S ~ GATE HOTEL , 19 , CROMWELL PLACE , S . W ., ( Opposite South Kensington Station ) . PRIVATE HOTEL , Easy access to all parts of Town , ten minutes of H yde Park and Albert Hall . Unsurpassed in London for elegance of appointments , replete with every convenience , rendering the House an EXCEPTIONALLY ATTRACTIVE AND REFINED HOME . TERMS PER WEEK : Single Rooms from 3-i to 5 Guineas . Double Rooms from 6 to 9 Guineas . Private Sitting Rooms from 3 Guineas . Per day from Half-guinea . Charges for Visitors , Luncheon 2 S . 6 d . Dinner 5 s . Supper a la Carte . Gas in Bedrooms , Special Bath , and meals served in Bed-rooms at irregular hours extra as per tariff . There is an ascending room to the top of the house . Complete tariff on application to the PROPRIETOR .
COMMEMORATION MEDAL OF THE iitstiUlittioit OF H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF WALES , MOST WORSHIPFUL GRAND MASTER . Can now be had in £ s . d . Bronze 0 7 0 Silver 220 Silver Gilt ... 2 10 o Gold ( 18 carat ) 2 t 00 GEORGE KENNING'S MASONIC DEPOTS , LONDON , LIVERPOOL , AND GLASGOW .
THE COMPLETE FURNITURE AND APPOINTMENTS FOR Cfitftfobges , OF SUPERIOR DESIGN * AND WORKMANSHIP , MANUFACTURED IN THREE BUAL 1 TIES , BV BRO . GEORGE KENNING , P . M ., ertMi'Rlslxn Three Pedestals . One Oak or Mahogany Kneeling Three Candlesticks , Oak or Ma- Stool . hogany . Lamp ( Star in the East ) . Two Columns , Oak or Ma- Third Degree Sheet . hogany . Bible , wilh Name and No . of S . W . Triangle , in Oak or Lodge in Gold . Mahogany with Gilt Tripod , Square and Compasses in Case , Pullev Blocks and Windlass Cushion for Bible . and longhand Perfect Ash- Ten Officers' Collars . lars . Ten Officers' Jewels . Oak or Mahogany Box , and I . G . Dirk . nine Tools , flateil . O . G . Sword . Three Oak or Mahogany Gavels . Set of Ei ght Books . One „ „ Maul . Three S g Boardn . One „ „ Ballot Two Pairs ol S s . Box and Balls . Three C—e T—s . One pair „ Wands . Two II s . Three Tracing Boards . Three Candles with Emblems . 4 . 3 ° . 0 ° and £ i °° - Chairs , Dais , Tessclated Carpeting , Baniicri , & c , & c . on the roost moderate terms , according to material , style , & c . For Personal Insignia , see List of Clothing and ( ewels . MASONIC DEPOTS : LONDON , LIVERPOOL , AND GLASGOW .
nOR FISH . F Try GOW . pOR POULTRY . r Try GOW . -C-OR GAME . x Try GOW . FOR BARRELLED OYSTERS . *• Try GOW . T GOW . J 1 , HONEY-LANE MARKET , CHEAPSIDE . Special quotations to large consumers , Hotels , Caterers , & c . Country Orders promptly executed . ONE ORDER WILL SECURE FUTURE PATRONAGE
QERMANY . — HIGH CLASS EDUCA-^ - * TION at the Royal Colleges , Cassel ( attended by the Sons of the Crown Prince of Germany ) , with thorough German , French , and English Private Tuition by resident Graduates , and a refined English Home . Delig htful neighbourhood of Wilhelmshbhe , the Aue Park , and the valley of the Fulda . Prospectus , with highest references . Terms , 70 to 90 guineas inclusive . Sons of Masonic brethren at reduced terms . —Address Bro . Dr . Saure , M . A ., Cassel ( who will be in England in April ) .
DRO . T . LAWLER , who was specially appointed to the Management of the Music at the LONUON HOSPITAL on the memorable occasion of the visit there of HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY THE QUEEN , begs to notify his change of residence , and requests that all letters relative to CONCERTS , BANQUETS , PRIVATE L ESSONS & c , be addressed—62 , Saltoun-road , Brixton-Rise , S . W .