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GLASGOW . —Lodge Clydesdale ( No . 55 6 ) . — The regular meeting of this lodge was held in their own hall , 106 , Rose-street ( S . S . ) , on Tuesday evening , 16 th ult ., Bro . W . Phillips , W . M ., presiding ; J . McNaught , S . W . ; T . Phillips , J . W . ; J . McKechnic , Treas . ; G . B . Yuill , Sec ; J . Webster , Chaplain ; W . Smith , I . G . ; and W . Graham , Tyler . There was a full
attendance of members and visitors , among whom we noticed Bros . D . Ronald , W . M . 273 ; McNaught , P . M . 273 ; J . Horn , Sec . 275 ; J . " Louttit , W . M . 413 ; P . Brownlie , J . W . 3 }; W . Ferguson , P . M . 54 . 3 ( " Freemason" ) -, and others . On the minutes being read and confirmed Messrs . J . Downie , S . Johnstone , and R . McMillan were initiated by the W . M . The
members of the P . G . Lodge on leaving Lodge Thistle , 87 , visited this lodge , and were received with the usual formalities . The W . M ., handing the mallet to Bro . Sinclair , requested him to occupy the chair . Bro . Sinclair thanked the W . M . and returned the same , and then called upon the Secretary to read the report . Bro . McTaggart said : This is the second visit to this young lodge , and I am
glad the account we have to give is very good ; your books are in excellent order , wilh a very small exception as regards the Roll Book . That , I trust , will be remedied soon . You have a balance of £ 18 1 os . after clearing the debt of this comfortable new hall , which cost £ 138 , and in the future you will be sitting rent free . You have given the handsome sum of £ q 1 3 s . to-night to the Benevolent
Fund , and I am glad to notice you have given a considerable sum during the past year towards charity . You have initiated the large number of 61 last year , anil as far as our visitation has gone no lodge in the province has been more careful in conferring the degrees according to thc Grand Lodge Constitutions . I have therefore much pleasure in congratulating the Lodge Clydesdale , No . 55 6 , on
the efficient manner in which the business has been conducted . Bro . Sinclair then complimented the Master , office-bearers , and members on thc prosperous condition of the lodge . Bro . Phillips , aftrr moving a hearty vote of thanks to the deputation of the P . G . Lodge , proposed that Bros . Sinclair , Gillies , and Allison , and also Bro . W . Ferguson , P . M . 343 ( " Freemason " ) , become honorary
members of the lodge , which was unanimously agreed to , and they were duly obligated by Bro . McTaggart , P . G . Sec . The lodge was then called to refreshment , when the brethren spent a short time in harmony . GLASGOW . —Lodge Kenmuir ( Xo . 570 ) . — This lodge held their regular meeting in Balgray 1 lal ' , Springburn , on Thursday evening , 11 U 1 ult ., Bro . « .
Aikman , W . M . presiding ; J . Wark , S . W . ; W . Reid , . l-W . j J . Sharp , Treas . ; D . Russell , Sec ; the other officebearers , and a good attendance of members and visitors . Three brethren were raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason by Bro . R . Currie , 73 . Thc Pro-. incial Grand Lodge deputation , consisting of Bros . J . Gillies , P . G . Treas . ; A . McTaggart , P . G . Sec ; A . Bain , P . G . B . B . ; I . Il . illour ,
P . G . D . of C . ; D . Reid , P . G . I . G . ; and J . B . Ilardie , P . G . Tyler , having arrived about nine p m ., were athnittt . l and received with thc usual honours , the W . M . ha ding the mallet to and requesting Bro . Gilliis to preside over the meeting , which was acceded to . Bro . McTaggart , P . G . Sec , read the report , which showed the lodge to be in a very prosperous state , and complimented thc Master
and members on the efficient manner in which ihe books , \ "C , of the lodge were kept . They were young , but he was glad to sec that they had initiated iiinctein members since August , 1875 , the date of constitution of the lodge . Bro . Gillies having briefly addressed the members , rtturned th * mallet to the W . M ., at whose request thc members of Prov . Grand Lodge , along with Bro . G . M . Donald , W . M .
'I lustle and Rose , 73 , and Bro . W . J . E . Dobson , W . M . Dramatic , 371 , were made honorary members of thc ljdge . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned for a short time to refreshment , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to . GLASGOW . —Lodge Dramatic ( N'o . 371)—The regular meeting of this lodge was held in St . Mark's
Hall , 213 , Buchanan-street , on Wednesday , the 17 th ult ., at 2 . 30 p . m ., Bro . W . J . E . Dobson , W . M ., in the chair ; Bros . j . Houston , D . M .-, H . W . Jackman , S . W .-, W . Sivewright , J . W . ; W . Barbour , Treas . ; D . Campbell , Sec . ; Ii . S . Smyth , S . D . ; L . Mitchell , J . D . ; and Robertson , I . G . This was the most numerously attended meeting of the lodge since its constitution . Among
the visitors were Bros . G . McDonald , W . M . 7 ^; K , Jack , W . M . 128 ; J . Morgan , W . M . 219 ; W . Perguson , P . M . 543 ( "Freemason" ); R . Aikman , W . M 370 ; J . Bannerman , D . M . 73 ; C . McKenzic , J . W . 35 + ; J- M . Oliver , S . W . 3 ( 10 ; B . Smart , Treas . 219 ; P . Brownlie , J . W . 3 J '; and a large number of others . On the lodge being opened Messrs . J . Cameron and
Hendn Ludwig were initiated by the W . M . Bro . Mitchell , J . D ., presented thc lodge with a very handsome mahogany case for holding the office-bearers' aprons , sashes , jewels and collars , and a hearty vote of thanks was awarded him by the W . M . The Provincial Grand Lodge deputation , consisting of Bros . J . Gillies , P . G . Treas . ; A . McTaggart , l' . G . Sec ; J . Miller , P . G . f . D . j 1 .
Ritchie , P . G . Archt . ; A . Allison , P . G . Jew . ; A . Bain , P . G . B . B . ; and J . Balfour , P . G . D . of C ., wire then received , the brethren being upstanding , andjafter taking their places on the dais the W . M . handed the mallet ta and requested Bro . Gillies , P . G . Treas ., acting P . G . M ., to occupy the chair and preside over the meeting , which he accordingly did , and called upon ihe P . G . Sec . to read the
report as drawn up by the deputation . Bro . McTaggart , after referring to the desirability of having a lodge such as the Diamatic for professional gentlemen in a large city like Glasgow , complimented the W . M . on the efficient position the lodge occupies in the province , and attributed the success the lodge has attained to the energetic Master and his office-bearers . The report I have to read is to the following effect : — " We , the undersigned office-
benrers of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow , hereby certify that we have visited thc Lodge Dramatic , No . 371 , on Wednesday , 17 th May , 1876 , examined the various books and found them in excellent condition , and the lodge generally is working in strict harmony with the Constitutions of thc Grand Lodge of Scotland . " Bro . Gillies , after confirming thc report read , and the remarks
made by the P . G . Sec , said he was glad to see su-h a large meeting , and esp-cially at this hour of the day , and concluded by wishing every success to the Lodge Dramatic . Bro . Dobson , W . M ., returned thanks to the deputation for their flattering report anil friendly visit , also to the members and visiting brethren for their attendance . The W . M . then proposed , and Bro . lackman seconded
" That the members of Provincial Grand Lodge , and also Bros . J . Morgan , W . M . 219 ; W . Ferguson , P . M . 343 (' Freemason' ); R . Aitkman , W . M . 370 ; | . M . Oliver , S . W . 360 ; and G . W . Wheeler , Chaplain 73 , become honorary members of the lodge , " and were according obligated by the W . M . The deputation then withdrew . Thc lodge was then raised to the Third Degree
when Bro . J . Bvomilow , of Lodge 73 , was raised by Bro . Wheeler , Chaplain 7 ? . GLASGOW . —Lodge Plantation ( No . 3 81 ) . — The regular meeting of this lodge was held in the Masonic Hall , 207 , Craigiehall-street , Plantation , on Monday evening , the 1 ^ th ult ., Bro . Thos . Stobo , W . M ., in the chair ; D . Peacock , S . W . ; J . Henry , J . W . The Master
was supported on the dais by Bros . J . Morgan , W . M . Lodge Star , 219 ; W . Ferguson , D . M . ; Alex . Gow , S . M . ; W . Taylor , Treas . ; R . Allan , Sec . On the lodge being opened and minutes of last meeting read and adopted , and other business of minor importance disposed of , Messrs . J . Guthrie Smith and John Hart , who were regularly proposed and seconded at last meeting , were
favourably ballotted for and admitted , and received the First Degree at the hands of Bro . Ferguson , D . M . Bros . J . Lindsay , Thos . Walker , and J . Neish were passed to the Fellow Craft Degree by Bro . J . Morgan , W . M . 219 . An emergency meeting-of this lodge was held in the hall , Craigiehall-stnet , on Friday evening , 19 th ult , Bro . Stobo , W . M ., presiding ; Peacock , S . W * . ; Henry , | . W .:
and all the other iffice-bcarers in their respective places , and a good attendance of members ami visitors . Messrs . David Young , superintendent of police , and John Gardner were initiated into the First Degree , and Bros . J . A . Campbell and J . Neish were raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason , both ceremonies being pivtoimed by Bro . W . Ferguson , D . M .
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
[ The following appeared in our Second Edition last week . ] The Geiifral Committee meeting of this Institution was hchi on Thursday afternoon , i . ^ th ult . t i ..,, i . C „ l (" Yen . to-i presided . There were also present Bros . II . Browse , II . A . Dubois , W . Bri „ tow , John Symonds , W . Pans ,
Joshua Nunn , John A . Rucker . John Gibson , S . P . Norris , Joseph Clever , Benj . Head . A . II . Taltershall , A . Seufuld , J . B . Shackleton , E . Harris , George Aingold , Lieut .-Col . Peters , Rev . J . M . Vaughau , Thos . J . Sabine , 11 . J . Tuson , 1 Dr . Erasmus Wilson , Frank Richardsjii , Peter De L . Long , Robt . 13 . Webster , W . Bavin , Thomas Cubitr , Joseph Smith , Frank Holmes Hunt , Thos . Fenn , H . Cowlard , A .
J . Duff Filer , W . T . Howe , W . Stephens , Thos . Meggy , J . Lord , Frederick Graves , Chas . A . Long , J . Terry , Capt . J . Wordsworth , Charles Jardine , Thomas Massa , J . C . Scard , W . Snelgrove , W . Kemp , John Young , Charles G . Hill , F . Aillard , Levy , A . D . Loewenstark , J . B . Scriven , Leopold Ruf , A . A . Pendlebury , Raynham W . Stewart ,, W . Noak , Robert Kenyon , J . Boyd , B . 11 . Swallow ,
M . S . Larlham , Alfred II . Diaper , H . G . Buss , Herbert Dicketts , Thos . W . White , Thos . Bull , Frank Green , W . H . Smith , J . K . Stead , J . M . P . Montagu , W . Hyde Pullen , T . B . Lancaster , Robert Btriidge , Henry W . Bothamley , William Dodd , II . Massey ( "Freemason" ) , F . VI . Ramsay , Griffiths Smith , T . F . Peacock , F . Binckes , Wm . F . C . Moutric , E . II . Finney , A L . Dussck , Henry Venn ,
Z . D . Berry , W . Myall , John Geo . Marsh , Pierce Egar ., J . Mason , B . Picking , W . Ramsey , Wm . Roebuck , | oseph Hill , J . B . Dellagana , M . D . Loewenstark , J . T . ' Moss , Thos . Taylor , and W . Hedges ( in place of Bro . Little , Secretary , absent through ill health , but who , the brethren will be happy to learn , is much better than he has been ) . After the reading of the minutes , upon the
recommendation of the House Committee , Bro . Joshua Nunn gave notice of motion for next meeting to increase the salaries of the three assistant governesses . One cxtia governess taken from among the pupils was appointed . Three little girls passing satisfactorily were placed on the list for election ; one case was withdrawn , and one deferred for better reading .
The election of members of the House and Audit Committees was afterwards proceeded with , for which Bros . Venn , Major Finney , and W . F . C . Moutrie , were scrutineers of votes . At the declaration of the poll the following brethren were found to have been elected : HOUSE COMMITTEE . —Bros . John Boyd , 51 ; Henry Browse , 4 8 ; Henry A . Dubois , 32 ; Benjamin Head , 64 ;
l ' eter De Lande Long , 43 ; J oshua Nunn , 74 ; Lieut .-Col . James Peters , 38 ; John A . Rucker , 68 ; Griffiths Smith , 70 ; Alfred 11 . Tattersliall , (> o ; Rev . Joseph M . Vaughan , 45 ; Thomas W . White , 75 . AUDIT COMMITTEE . —Bros . John G . Chancellor , 50 ;
Herbert Dickitts , 34 ; Thomas Kingston , 37 ; Henry C . Lcvander , 6 7 ; Hyam M . Levy , 38 ; John G . Marsh , 41 ; Joshua Nunn , 6 7 ; William Roebuck , Co ; Robert B . Webster , 64 . Votes of thanks to thc chairman and scrutineers ' closed the proceedings .
Obituary .
BRO . SIR THOMAS HENRY FERMOR-HESKETH BART . On Sunday last , the 28 th ult ., the death was announced of Bro SirThomas Henry Fcrmor-Hesketh , eldest son of the late Sir Thomas George Fermor-Hesketh , of Rufford Hall latt R . W . P . G . M . of West Lancashire . Deceased , who resided at Fermor Lodge , Southport , was in the 30 th year
of his age . He had been ailing a little for a day or two but there was no apprehension of immediate danger . How . ever , on Dr . Shaw , of Southport , making his usual rounds in the evening he called at Fermor Lodge , and found Sir Thomas in bed in a dying state . Every ' possible attention was paid to him , but he expired about an hour and a qua . 'ter after the doctor ' s arrival , the cause of death being
effusion on the brain . The deceased took the title and estates on the death of his father , about three years ago , and these are now taken by Captain T . G . Fermor-Hesketh , who for some time has been abroad . There are two sons and two daughters still living , one of the latter being married . Deceased was interred in the family vault at Rufford Church during the week .
On Monday evening the Lady Mayoress gave a grand fancy dress ball at the Mansion-house . The spacious apartments of the official residence were very tastefull y decorated , and the saloon was converted into a perfect garden of the choicest plants and flowers . Thc Lord Mayor , who assumed the character of Charlemagne , and the Lady Mayoress , as the wife of that monarch , received
thc company in the saloon , and with them were several members of their family , Mrs . Savage representing " Snow "; Mrs . Tindal-Bosanquet , " the Chateau-de-Poil , " from the famous picture in thc Peel collection ; Miss Cotton , the Princess Mary , daughter of Henry VII . The fifteen stewards wore the costume recently suggested by Mr . Du Maurier in Punch—white cloth evening dress suits ,
relieved by black linen—and looked very well in that novel garb . The reception lasted from 9 . 30 o ' clock until close upon 11 , when , preceded by thc City Marshal and ihe Sword and Macebeartvs and the Stewards , the LorrJfMayor and the Lady Mayoress proceeded to the ik , is in the Egyptian Hall , where dancing at or . ee commenced to the music of the Coldstream Guards , under the direction of Mr . F .
Godfrey . 1 he effect of all the various costumes was picturesque in the extreme . Supper was served soon after midnig ht in the old ball-room , and afterwards dancing was resumed and continued far into the morning . Of the many splendid dresses worn on the occasion none were more noticeable than those copied from the recently missing picture of Gainsborough's "Duchess of Devonshire . "
The French , German , and Austrian Ambassadors were among the guests , as were also a large number of members of both Houses of Parliament , many officers of the Army and Navy , and a considerable circle of urivate guilts . A movement is on foot to organise a corps of gentlemen lo be called " Knights of the Red Cross . "
Their mission will be to proceed to the Levant , and if necessary , to act in defence of thc Cluistiati population , arid more especially of British subjects , who arc to a great extent helplessly exposed to the religious fury of the Mussulmans . The Knights will be carefully chosen , and will be under command of a tried practical soldier with large experience of Eastern countries , aided by 'hi Competent staff
of Lieutenants . As the cause is just , holy , merciful , and needful , au appeal is made to Christians of every denomination—Templais am ! all other knights includedfor their aid and sympathy . Messrs . Peacliey ' s establishment in Bishopsgate-street was brilliantly illuminated on Saturday last in
honour of the return of H . R . H . the Pnnce of Wales . I he device displayed was the Royal Arms surrounded with rays of light , which was much admired . Royal Academy of Music , Hanover Square . — Dr . Llewelyn Thomas was appointed Hon . Consulting Physician to this institution at the last meeting of the
Committee . In this age of change , when old fashioned ideas of trading are scattered to the winds , not always with satisfactory results , it is well at times lo note thai change means progress , and a good example is furnished by the London and Westminster Supply Association ( Limited ) , its success ensureil by the energy , tact , and
sound princip les on which thc Association is conducted The stores , situate opposite the Ludgate Hill Railway Stalion , affording ready access to members from all parts , arc replete with every requirement ; the various departments arranged on separate extensive floors affording all thc convenience of completing purchases under on « roof , without experiencing the waste of time and inconvenience entailed by a round of calls on tradesmen , and at
a reduction in price . A bulky volume of some 250 pages is forwarded quarterly post free , containing with price list full particulars of the association . With thc practical experience in kindred institutions of Mr . Graham Irwin as General Manager , and Mr . Ashton as Secretary , from whom every information can be obtained , it cannot but continue to progress as heretofore ; and we advise those who are interested to call at 10 , New Bridge-street , and judge for themselves the working of this popular institution .
The consecration of the " Lewis" Royal Arch Chapter , No . 1185 , will take place at thc King ' s Arms Hotel , Wood Green , on Saturday next . The ceremonies of consecration and installation will be worked by ComP ' | ohn Hervey , G . S . E . The Officers Designate are Comps-A . Leared , M . E . Z . ; George James Row , II . ; A . Durrant , J . A full report of the meeting will appear in the " Freemason " of the 17 th inst .
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GLASGOW . —Lodge Clydesdale ( No . 55 6 ) . — The regular meeting of this lodge was held in their own hall , 106 , Rose-street ( S . S . ) , on Tuesday evening , 16 th ult ., Bro . W . Phillips , W . M ., presiding ; J . McNaught , S . W . ; T . Phillips , J . W . ; J . McKechnic , Treas . ; G . B . Yuill , Sec ; J . Webster , Chaplain ; W . Smith , I . G . ; and W . Graham , Tyler . There was a full
attendance of members and visitors , among whom we noticed Bros . D . Ronald , W . M . 273 ; McNaught , P . M . 273 ; J . Horn , Sec . 275 ; J . " Louttit , W . M . 413 ; P . Brownlie , J . W . 3 }; W . Ferguson , P . M . 54 . 3 ( " Freemason" ) -, and others . On the minutes being read and confirmed Messrs . J . Downie , S . Johnstone , and R . McMillan were initiated by the W . M . The
members of the P . G . Lodge on leaving Lodge Thistle , 87 , visited this lodge , and were received with the usual formalities . The W . M ., handing the mallet to Bro . Sinclair , requested him to occupy the chair . Bro . Sinclair thanked the W . M . and returned the same , and then called upon the Secretary to read the report . Bro . McTaggart said : This is the second visit to this young lodge , and I am
glad the account we have to give is very good ; your books are in excellent order , wilh a very small exception as regards the Roll Book . That , I trust , will be remedied soon . You have a balance of £ 18 1 os . after clearing the debt of this comfortable new hall , which cost £ 138 , and in the future you will be sitting rent free . You have given the handsome sum of £ q 1 3 s . to-night to the Benevolent
Fund , and I am glad to notice you have given a considerable sum during the past year towards charity . You have initiated the large number of 61 last year , anil as far as our visitation has gone no lodge in the province has been more careful in conferring the degrees according to thc Grand Lodge Constitutions . I have therefore much pleasure in congratulating the Lodge Clydesdale , No . 55 6 , on
the efficient manner in which the business has been conducted . Bro . Sinclair then complimented the Master , office-bearers , and members on thc prosperous condition of the lodge . Bro . Phillips , aftrr moving a hearty vote of thanks to the deputation of the P . G . Lodge , proposed that Bros . Sinclair , Gillies , and Allison , and also Bro . W . Ferguson , P . M . 343 ( " Freemason " ) , become honorary
members of the lodge , which was unanimously agreed to , and they were duly obligated by Bro . McTaggart , P . G . Sec . The lodge was then called to refreshment , when the brethren spent a short time in harmony . GLASGOW . —Lodge Kenmuir ( Xo . 570 ) . — This lodge held their regular meeting in Balgray 1 lal ' , Springburn , on Thursday evening , 11 U 1 ult ., Bro . « .
Aikman , W . M . presiding ; J . Wark , S . W . ; W . Reid , . l-W . j J . Sharp , Treas . ; D . Russell , Sec ; the other officebearers , and a good attendance of members and visitors . Three brethren were raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason by Bro . R . Currie , 73 . Thc Pro-. incial Grand Lodge deputation , consisting of Bros . J . Gillies , P . G . Treas . ; A . McTaggart , P . G . Sec ; A . Bain , P . G . B . B . ; I . Il . illour ,
P . G . D . of C . ; D . Reid , P . G . I . G . ; and J . B . Ilardie , P . G . Tyler , having arrived about nine p m ., were athnittt . l and received with thc usual honours , the W . M . ha ding the mallet to and requesting Bro . Gilliis to preside over the meeting , which was acceded to . Bro . McTaggart , P . G . Sec , read the report , which showed the lodge to be in a very prosperous state , and complimented thc Master
and members on the efficient manner in which ihe books , \ "C , of the lodge were kept . They were young , but he was glad to sec that they had initiated iiinctein members since August , 1875 , the date of constitution of the lodge . Bro . Gillies having briefly addressed the members , rtturned th * mallet to the W . M ., at whose request thc members of Prov . Grand Lodge , along with Bro . G . M . Donald , W . M .
'I lustle and Rose , 73 , and Bro . W . J . E . Dobson , W . M . Dramatic , 371 , were made honorary members of thc ljdge . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned for a short time to refreshment , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to . GLASGOW . —Lodge Dramatic ( N'o . 371)—The regular meeting of this lodge was held in St . Mark's
Hall , 213 , Buchanan-street , on Wednesday , the 17 th ult ., at 2 . 30 p . m ., Bro . W . J . E . Dobson , W . M ., in the chair ; Bros . j . Houston , D . M .-, H . W . Jackman , S . W .-, W . Sivewright , J . W . ; W . Barbour , Treas . ; D . Campbell , Sec . ; Ii . S . Smyth , S . D . ; L . Mitchell , J . D . ; and Robertson , I . G . This was the most numerously attended meeting of the lodge since its constitution . Among
the visitors were Bros . G . McDonald , W . M . 7 ^; K , Jack , W . M . 128 ; J . Morgan , W . M . 219 ; W . Perguson , P . M . 543 ( "Freemason" ); R . Aikman , W . M 370 ; J . Bannerman , D . M . 73 ; C . McKenzic , J . W . 35 + ; J- M . Oliver , S . W . 3 ( 10 ; B . Smart , Treas . 219 ; P . Brownlie , J . W . 3 J '; and a large number of others . On the lodge being opened Messrs . J . Cameron and
Hendn Ludwig were initiated by the W . M . Bro . Mitchell , J . D ., presented thc lodge with a very handsome mahogany case for holding the office-bearers' aprons , sashes , jewels and collars , and a hearty vote of thanks was awarded him by the W . M . The Provincial Grand Lodge deputation , consisting of Bros . J . Gillies , P . G . Treas . ; A . McTaggart , l' . G . Sec ; J . Miller , P . G . f . D . j 1 .
Ritchie , P . G . Archt . ; A . Allison , P . G . Jew . ; A . Bain , P . G . B . B . ; and J . Balfour , P . G . D . of C ., wire then received , the brethren being upstanding , andjafter taking their places on the dais the W . M . handed the mallet ta and requested Bro . Gillies , P . G . Treas ., acting P . G . M ., to occupy the chair and preside over the meeting , which he accordingly did , and called upon ihe P . G . Sec . to read the
report as drawn up by the deputation . Bro . McTaggart , after referring to the desirability of having a lodge such as the Diamatic for professional gentlemen in a large city like Glasgow , complimented the W . M . on the efficient position the lodge occupies in the province , and attributed the success the lodge has attained to the energetic Master and his office-bearers . The report I have to read is to the following effect : — " We , the undersigned office-
benrers of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow , hereby certify that we have visited thc Lodge Dramatic , No . 371 , on Wednesday , 17 th May , 1876 , examined the various books and found them in excellent condition , and the lodge generally is working in strict harmony with the Constitutions of thc Grand Lodge of Scotland . " Bro . Gillies , after confirming thc report read , and the remarks
made by the P . G . Sec , said he was glad to see su-h a large meeting , and esp-cially at this hour of the day , and concluded by wishing every success to the Lodge Dramatic . Bro . Dobson , W . M ., returned thanks to the deputation for their flattering report anil friendly visit , also to the members and visiting brethren for their attendance . The W . M . then proposed , and Bro . lackman seconded
" That the members of Provincial Grand Lodge , and also Bros . J . Morgan , W . M . 219 ; W . Ferguson , P . M . 343 (' Freemason' ); R . Aitkman , W . M . 370 ; | . M . Oliver , S . W . 360 ; and G . W . Wheeler , Chaplain 73 , become honorary members of the lodge , " and were according obligated by the W . M . The deputation then withdrew . Thc lodge was then raised to the Third Degree
when Bro . J . Bvomilow , of Lodge 73 , was raised by Bro . Wheeler , Chaplain 7 ? . GLASGOW . —Lodge Plantation ( No . 3 81 ) . — The regular meeting of this lodge was held in the Masonic Hall , 207 , Craigiehall-street , Plantation , on Monday evening , the 1 ^ th ult ., Bro . Thos . Stobo , W . M ., in the chair ; D . Peacock , S . W . ; J . Henry , J . W . The Master
was supported on the dais by Bros . J . Morgan , W . M . Lodge Star , 219 ; W . Ferguson , D . M . ; Alex . Gow , S . M . ; W . Taylor , Treas . ; R . Allan , Sec . On the lodge being opened and minutes of last meeting read and adopted , and other business of minor importance disposed of , Messrs . J . Guthrie Smith and John Hart , who were regularly proposed and seconded at last meeting , were
favourably ballotted for and admitted , and received the First Degree at the hands of Bro . Ferguson , D . M . Bros . J . Lindsay , Thos . Walker , and J . Neish were passed to the Fellow Craft Degree by Bro . J . Morgan , W . M . 219 . An emergency meeting-of this lodge was held in the hall , Craigiehall-stnet , on Friday evening , 19 th ult , Bro . Stobo , W . M ., presiding ; Peacock , S . W * . ; Henry , | . W .:
and all the other iffice-bcarers in their respective places , and a good attendance of members ami visitors . Messrs . David Young , superintendent of police , and John Gardner were initiated into the First Degree , and Bros . J . A . Campbell and J . Neish were raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason , both ceremonies being pivtoimed by Bro . W . Ferguson , D . M .
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
[ The following appeared in our Second Edition last week . ] The Geiifral Committee meeting of this Institution was hchi on Thursday afternoon , i . ^ th ult . t i ..,, i . C „ l (" Yen . to-i presided . There were also present Bros . II . Browse , II . A . Dubois , W . Bri „ tow , John Symonds , W . Pans ,
Joshua Nunn , John A . Rucker . John Gibson , S . P . Norris , Joseph Clever , Benj . Head . A . II . Taltershall , A . Seufuld , J . B . Shackleton , E . Harris , George Aingold , Lieut .-Col . Peters , Rev . J . M . Vaughau , Thos . J . Sabine , 11 . J . Tuson , 1 Dr . Erasmus Wilson , Frank Richardsjii , Peter De L . Long , Robt . 13 . Webster , W . Bavin , Thomas Cubitr , Joseph Smith , Frank Holmes Hunt , Thos . Fenn , H . Cowlard , A .
J . Duff Filer , W . T . Howe , W . Stephens , Thos . Meggy , J . Lord , Frederick Graves , Chas . A . Long , J . Terry , Capt . J . Wordsworth , Charles Jardine , Thomas Massa , J . C . Scard , W . Snelgrove , W . Kemp , John Young , Charles G . Hill , F . Aillard , Levy , A . D . Loewenstark , J . B . Scriven , Leopold Ruf , A . A . Pendlebury , Raynham W . Stewart ,, W . Noak , Robert Kenyon , J . Boyd , B . 11 . Swallow ,
M . S . Larlham , Alfred II . Diaper , H . G . Buss , Herbert Dicketts , Thos . W . White , Thos . Bull , Frank Green , W . H . Smith , J . K . Stead , J . M . P . Montagu , W . Hyde Pullen , T . B . Lancaster , Robert Btriidge , Henry W . Bothamley , William Dodd , II . Massey ( "Freemason" ) , F . VI . Ramsay , Griffiths Smith , T . F . Peacock , F . Binckes , Wm . F . C . Moutric , E . II . Finney , A L . Dussck , Henry Venn ,
Z . D . Berry , W . Myall , John Geo . Marsh , Pierce Egar ., J . Mason , B . Picking , W . Ramsey , Wm . Roebuck , | oseph Hill , J . B . Dellagana , M . D . Loewenstark , J . T . ' Moss , Thos . Taylor , and W . Hedges ( in place of Bro . Little , Secretary , absent through ill health , but who , the brethren will be happy to learn , is much better than he has been ) . After the reading of the minutes , upon the
recommendation of the House Committee , Bro . Joshua Nunn gave notice of motion for next meeting to increase the salaries of the three assistant governesses . One cxtia governess taken from among the pupils was appointed . Three little girls passing satisfactorily were placed on the list for election ; one case was withdrawn , and one deferred for better reading .
The election of members of the House and Audit Committees was afterwards proceeded with , for which Bros . Venn , Major Finney , and W . F . C . Moutrie , were scrutineers of votes . At the declaration of the poll the following brethren were found to have been elected : HOUSE COMMITTEE . —Bros . John Boyd , 51 ; Henry Browse , 4 8 ; Henry A . Dubois , 32 ; Benjamin Head , 64 ;
l ' eter De Lande Long , 43 ; J oshua Nunn , 74 ; Lieut .-Col . James Peters , 38 ; John A . Rucker , 68 ; Griffiths Smith , 70 ; Alfred 11 . Tattersliall , (> o ; Rev . Joseph M . Vaughan , 45 ; Thomas W . White , 75 . AUDIT COMMITTEE . —Bros . John G . Chancellor , 50 ;
Herbert Dickitts , 34 ; Thomas Kingston , 37 ; Henry C . Lcvander , 6 7 ; Hyam M . Levy , 38 ; John G . Marsh , 41 ; Joshua Nunn , 6 7 ; William Roebuck , Co ; Robert B . Webster , 64 . Votes of thanks to thc chairman and scrutineers ' closed the proceedings .
Obituary .
BRO . SIR THOMAS HENRY FERMOR-HESKETH BART . On Sunday last , the 28 th ult ., the death was announced of Bro SirThomas Henry Fcrmor-Hesketh , eldest son of the late Sir Thomas George Fermor-Hesketh , of Rufford Hall latt R . W . P . G . M . of West Lancashire . Deceased , who resided at Fermor Lodge , Southport , was in the 30 th year
of his age . He had been ailing a little for a day or two but there was no apprehension of immediate danger . How . ever , on Dr . Shaw , of Southport , making his usual rounds in the evening he called at Fermor Lodge , and found Sir Thomas in bed in a dying state . Every ' possible attention was paid to him , but he expired about an hour and a qua . 'ter after the doctor ' s arrival , the cause of death being
effusion on the brain . The deceased took the title and estates on the death of his father , about three years ago , and these are now taken by Captain T . G . Fermor-Hesketh , who for some time has been abroad . There are two sons and two daughters still living , one of the latter being married . Deceased was interred in the family vault at Rufford Church during the week .
On Monday evening the Lady Mayoress gave a grand fancy dress ball at the Mansion-house . The spacious apartments of the official residence were very tastefull y decorated , and the saloon was converted into a perfect garden of the choicest plants and flowers . Thc Lord Mayor , who assumed the character of Charlemagne , and the Lady Mayoress , as the wife of that monarch , received
thc company in the saloon , and with them were several members of their family , Mrs . Savage representing " Snow "; Mrs . Tindal-Bosanquet , " the Chateau-de-Poil , " from the famous picture in thc Peel collection ; Miss Cotton , the Princess Mary , daughter of Henry VII . The fifteen stewards wore the costume recently suggested by Mr . Du Maurier in Punch—white cloth evening dress suits ,
relieved by black linen—and looked very well in that novel garb . The reception lasted from 9 . 30 o ' clock until close upon 11 , when , preceded by thc City Marshal and ihe Sword and Macebeartvs and the Stewards , the LorrJfMayor and the Lady Mayoress proceeded to the ik , is in the Egyptian Hall , where dancing at or . ee commenced to the music of the Coldstream Guards , under the direction of Mr . F .
Godfrey . 1 he effect of all the various costumes was picturesque in the extreme . Supper was served soon after midnig ht in the old ball-room , and afterwards dancing was resumed and continued far into the morning . Of the many splendid dresses worn on the occasion none were more noticeable than those copied from the recently missing picture of Gainsborough's "Duchess of Devonshire . "
The French , German , and Austrian Ambassadors were among the guests , as were also a large number of members of both Houses of Parliament , many officers of the Army and Navy , and a considerable circle of urivate guilts . A movement is on foot to organise a corps of gentlemen lo be called " Knights of the Red Cross . "
Their mission will be to proceed to the Levant , and if necessary , to act in defence of thc Cluistiati population , arid more especially of British subjects , who arc to a great extent helplessly exposed to the religious fury of the Mussulmans . The Knights will be carefully chosen , and will be under command of a tried practical soldier with large experience of Eastern countries , aided by 'hi Competent staff
of Lieutenants . As the cause is just , holy , merciful , and needful , au appeal is made to Christians of every denomination—Templais am ! all other knights includedfor their aid and sympathy . Messrs . Peacliey ' s establishment in Bishopsgate-street was brilliantly illuminated on Saturday last in
honour of the return of H . R . H . the Pnnce of Wales . I he device displayed was the Royal Arms surrounded with rays of light , which was much admired . Royal Academy of Music , Hanover Square . — Dr . Llewelyn Thomas was appointed Hon . Consulting Physician to this institution at the last meeting of the
Committee . In this age of change , when old fashioned ideas of trading are scattered to the winds , not always with satisfactory results , it is well at times lo note thai change means progress , and a good example is furnished by the London and Westminster Supply Association ( Limited ) , its success ensureil by the energy , tact , and
sound princip les on which thc Association is conducted The stores , situate opposite the Ludgate Hill Railway Stalion , affording ready access to members from all parts , arc replete with every requirement ; the various departments arranged on separate extensive floors affording all thc convenience of completing purchases under on « roof , without experiencing the waste of time and inconvenience entailed by a round of calls on tradesmen , and at
a reduction in price . A bulky volume of some 250 pages is forwarded quarterly post free , containing with price list full particulars of the association . With thc practical experience in kindred institutions of Mr . Graham Irwin as General Manager , and Mr . Ashton as Secretary , from whom every information can be obtained , it cannot but continue to progress as heretofore ; and we advise those who are interested to call at 10 , New Bridge-street , and judge for themselves the working of this popular institution .
The consecration of the " Lewis" Royal Arch Chapter , No . 1185 , will take place at thc King ' s Arms Hotel , Wood Green , on Saturday next . The ceremonies of consecration and installation will be worked by ComP ' | ohn Hervey , G . S . E . The Officers Designate are Comps-A . Leared , M . E . Z . ; George James Row , II . ; A . Durrant , J . A full report of the meeting will appear in the " Freemason " of the 17 th inst .