Article Royal Arch. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Scotland. Page 1 of 2 Article Scotland. Page 1 of 2 →
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Royal Arch.
This being the annual election , Comp . W . nia " !! . n ' ; was unanimously elected Z . ; Kingston , H . ; Tin-Step hens ^ ^ . i Treas _ . ( WeavcTi Scribe E . . ¦ " ' N and W . | . Murliss P . Soj . A P . Z . jewel was MO ° dio the retiring M . E . Z ., and the chapter closed . A V ° i , lid banquet was served by Bro . Clemow , and thc ¦ ? | toasts g iven , that of " H . R . H . the Grand Z . " being "'"' tlieartily ' received , and grateful thanks given for his Ifl OSl e return . LIVERPOOL . — Mariners' Chapter ( No .
1 -phe annual meeting of this chapter was held at 1 Masonic Hall , Hope-street , on the iSth ult ., there i ,- o- then a large and influential gathering of comlions . The chapter was opened at six o ' clock by rvlmn H . Pearson , Z ., assisted by Comps . W . Doyle , PZ . P . P . G . J ., ^ ' ¦ '•; P- B - Gee > J-i Artllur Davies , C ' ' - Rev . Phillip Haines , S . N . ; Joseph Wood ,
Treas !• E . Jackson , P . S . ; and the members present were ' Comps . W . Jones , P . Z . ; J . Croxton , W . P . innings , J . H . Gregory , W . Fish , J . Normanton , W Roberts , J . EH ' s , T- Parkcs , W . Nelson , P . Robbie , W Brittain , G . V < . Webster , W . C . Webb , A . Cotter , W . Creak , R . Carter , W . Curtis , C . Warrener , H . Firth , l Archdeacon , D . Lloyd , and J . Griffiths . The visitors
included Comps . T . Clark , P . Z ., and Z . 673 ; R . R . Martin , Z . 1094 ; T . Shaw , J . 823 ; H . Burrows , 1 ' S . 673 ; H . Jackson , 292 ; J . Skelby , 673 ; and others . The minutes of the previous chapter were read irJ ( l confirmed . Bro . Robert G . New , who had previously been balloted for , being in attendance , was duly exalted by the M . E . Z ., assisted by his Principals . The
work was ( ' in a most creditable manner , Comp . J . E . lackson especially deserving honourable recognition . Comp . Henry Pearson was afterwards installed M . E . Z . [ or the second year , and Comp . P . B . Gee was inducted H . and Comp . J . E . Jackson as J ., the work being done in a masterly manner by Comp . T . Clark . The following were appointed and invested as officers : —Comps Joseph
Wood , Treas . ( for the seventh time ); A . Davies , S . E . ; W . Jones , P . Z ., as S . N . ( on behalf of Comp . T . Ocklesliaw , who was unable to be present on account of having met wilh a very severe accident ); Rev . P . 11 lines was reelected Chaplain , and Comp . W . H . Ball , Janitor . After some formal business had been transacted the chapter was closed , and the companions adjourned t . i a
substantial banquet served by Comp . Bill . I he usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given during the evening . TORQUAY . —St . John ' s Chapter ( No . 328 ) . — The annual chapter meeting for the installation of Principals and officers took place at the Masonic Hall , Torquay , on Tuesday , May 23 rd . Fi-c j lining companions were first balloted for and elected , and the
exaltation of Bro . W . G . King also was effected , after which the Principals elect ., Ex . Comps . Thomas Perry , 2 ; James Murray , H . ; and Wm . Ellis Warren , J ., were installed by Ex . P . Z ., Rev . Robt . Bowden , P . P . G . C . ; assisted by Ex . Comps . P . Z . D . Watson , and l . P . Z . C . J . Hailand . Comps . brailUll ami J . llu * ..-ll »» CIC l-ocpeetivol y in . luctc . l to the offices of S . E . and S . N ., the Prin . Soj ., Comp . Piggolt , being unavoidably absent . After the close ot the chapter the
Comps . repaired to the Royal Hotel , where a recherche banquet served by Comp . King awaited them , over which an enjoyable evening was spent . Amongst other . ; present were Comps . G . G . Johnstone , Treas . ; Benjamin Fullwood , Eycrs , Dodge , Morgan , Hussey , King , Clicnnour , & c . A P . Z . ' s jewel was presented to the retiring Ex . Z ., C . J . Harland , on behalf of the chapter by Ex . Comp . Rev . H . Bowden in feeling and appropriate language , and acknowledged by the recipient .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
LEICESTER . —Fowke Lodge ( No . 19 ) . —The tesular meeting took place at Freemasons' Hall , Leicester , on Thursday , 2 ith May , 187 ( 1 . Present : R . W . Bro . W Kelly , P . G . M . M . * M . ; Bros . Rev . W . Langky . D . P . G . M . M . M . ; Clement Stretton , W . M . ; G . Toller , jun ., I . P . M . ; W Weare , S . S . Partridge , and ] . M . McAllister , P . M . ' s ; W
Sculthorpe , S . W . ; G . Odell , Treas . ; W . T . Rowlett , M . O . ; G . Stacham , J . O . ; T A . Wykcs , Sec "; F . Young , S . D . j : and several others . Visitors : Bros . W . Griffiths , M . O . ; J- Barber , I . G . ; and W . Smith , all of No . 30 . Several candidates whose names were on the summons having been approved on the ballot , the following , who were in
atlendance , were advanced to the degrees of Mark Man and Mark Master , the ceremony being performed , at the request of the W . M ., by the J . P . M .: Bros . R . Pickering , S 2 3 ; J . Hitchmaii , 435 ; Matts and Watson , 1391 ; and ntv . C . H . Wood , 15 60 . After discussion , it was unanimousl y resolved that the fees for advancement should be
slightl y raised , and also that the July meeting should not beheld . Some other unimportant matters having been 'lispofed of , thc lodge was closed in harmony . WHITEFIELD—Wike Lodge ( No . 142 ) . — \ v armua ' meeting ^ was held at the Church Inn on " ednesday , 17 th inst . Business : to advance a brother
J ™ 'o instal the W . M . elect . Bro . William Barlow , M ., Sec . and Reg . Mks ., advanced Bro . John Robertson ' 0 the honourable Degree of M . M . M . The chair was then assumed by Bro . W . O . Walker , P . M ., P . G . S . W ., as Installing Master , and the W . M . Elect ( Bro . fas . Barlow ) was presented by Bro . Nathaniel Horrocks , P . M ., and afterwards dul y installed . The appointment and investment
of the officers next took place , as follows : —Bros . J . "eap , S . W . ; J . Davidson , J . W . ; Orlando Startup , M . O . ; Jos . Bentley , S . O . ; William II . Kirkman , | . 0 . ; Richard ^ nambcrs , Treas . ; William Barlow , Sec . and Reg . ol -in 1 wL- Thomas L : i J cock > S - 'i Ilal P * > Brickies , | . D . ; "iu VVhitworth , Tyler . There was-a good attendance of icmoers . Thc Grand Lodge of Mark Masters was re-S f h / B ~ . VV . O . Walker , and the Provincial Marf x ° r *? " b- / the 'lowing brethren—viz ., Henry ft » aden , Nath . Horrocks , J . B . Champion , Wm . Barlow
Mark Masonry.
and Richard Chambers . Hearty good wishes weie expressed by the brethren from various lodges . After the lodge was closed thc brethren adjourned to supper , which was of a very substantial character . WHITWELL LODGE ( No . 131 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge took place on Thursday evening , iSth inst . At the time appointed the lodge was opened by Bro . Joseph Nicholson , P . M . M . and Tveas ., thc W . M . M ., Bro :
P . de E . Collins , being unavoidably absent . I he minutes of the previous meeting were read and unanimously confirmed . The brethren then proceeded to the election of a W . M . M ., Treasurer , and Tyler for the ensuing year . The ballot was taken in thc usual form . Bro . James Gardiner , P . M ., Junior Warden , was unanimously elected W . M . M . The Treasurer , Bro . Jos . Nicholson , P . M . M ., was re-elected .
Scotland .
PARTICK— Lodge St . Mary ( No . 117 ) . —The monthly meeting of this highly prosperous lodge was held in their magnificent hall , Douglas-street , Partick , on Wednesday evening , the 17 th ult .. Bro . W . Wylie , W . M ., presiding ; Bros . A . Brunton , I . P . M . ; J . Bain , D . M .-, J . S . Donaldson , S . M .-, D . Peacock , SAY .-, A . Agnew , J . W . ; J . M . Wylie , Treas . ; A . Lawrence ,
Sec ; T . VVallacc , J . D . ; J . Calderwood , S . S . ; and others . Visitors : J . Morgan , W . M . 219 ; R . Jack , W . M . 128 ; W . Ferguson , P . M . 343 ( " Freemason " ); C . McKenz ' e , J . W . 334 ; J . Martin , D . M . 219 ; F . Dow , Sec . 219 ; J . Duthie , 219 ; M . Stark , $ 53 ; and others . On the lodge being opened , and the minutes of last meeting read and approved of , the deputation of the
Provincial Grand Lodge was announced , and received with thc usual honours . There were present Bros . | . Baird , P . G . S . M . ; G . Sinclair , J . Gillies , A . McTaggart , Miller , Ritchie , Bain , Balfour , and D . Rei I . Bro . Baird , at the request of the W . M ., occupied the chair . Bro . McTaggart read the report , which was a most satisfactory one , and complimented the Master and members on the
handsome hall they had recently erected , and were now assembled in . You added jS to your roll last year , which stands very high in the province , you have given to-night the handsome sum of £ 12 13 s . to the Benevolent Fund , and you disbursed duiing the last year £ 16 towards charity . I have only to say in conclusion that your books arevtry well kept , and the lodge generally is working in strict
harmony with the Constitutions of the Grand Lodge of Scotland . The W . M . on resuming thc chair propos-d a hearty vote of thanks to the Provincial Grand Lodge deputation , which was given with a will . Bro . Baird replied , and they then withdrew . The lodge was then called to refreshment , when the usual loyal toasts were given and drank with enthusiasm . '' The Provincial Grand Lodge
of Glasgow" was replied to by Bro . McKenzie , J . W . 334 . " The Visitors , " proposed by Bro . Brunton , anil replied lo by Bro . Morgan , W . M . 219 . "The W . M ., " propusctl in mi eloquent speech by Bro . Mm gan , W . M . 219 . Bro . Wylie replied . Other toasts followed , and after the last toast , " I lappy to Meet , Sorry to Part , and Happy to Meet Again , " had been drunk , thc lodge was
rc-transferrcd and closed in due f Tin . GLASGOW . —Lodge Commercial ( No . 3 60 ) . —The regular meeting of this , , lodge was held in their hall , 30 , Hope-street , on Friday evening , 19 th ult ., Bro . J . Monro , W . M ., presiding ; | . M . Oliver . S . W . ; T . Graham , J . W . j D . Lamb . D . M . ; W . Findlay , S . M . ; J . Bride ' , P . M . ; J . Smith , Sec . -, R . Reid , S . D . ; W . Keillcr ,
J . D . ; R . Brodie , D . cf M . ; and Minnoch , Tyler . The lodge being opened , and minutes of last meeting approved of , the new code of bye-laws was read and passed for the last time and remitted to the P . G . Lodge for approval . Bro . W . Campbell was passed to the Fellow Craft Degree by Bro . J . M . Oliver , S . W ., and Bros . Schrocder anil Walter Buchanan were raised to the Sublime Degree of
Master Mason by Bro . D . Lamb . GLASGOW . —Lodge Star { No . 219 V—The rcgulir meeting of this lodge was held in their Hall , 12 , Trongate , 111 Monday evening , 22 nd ult ., Bro . J . Morgan , W . M ., in the chair ; J . Martin , D . M . ; W . Anderson , S . M . ; Jas . Horn , S . W . ; D . Mtarns , J . W . ; Ben . Smart , Treas . ; F , Dow , Sec ; John Brown , S . D . ; Tavlor , I . D ., Park , S . S . ;
Elliott , l . G . ; and Pearson , Tyler . The meeting was particularly well attended bv the members . Visitors present , Bros . J . M . Oliver , S . W . ' . ^ fio ; J . Booth , W . M . 8 7 -, W . J . E . Dobson , W . M . 371 ; J . Law , I . P . M . 1570 ; J . Houston , D . M . 371 ; M . Stark , L . D . M . e . rjv , R . * Prout , W . M . 4 ; W . Campbell , Sec . 4 C 3 ; J . Duthie , P . Z . 67 ; J . M . Inncs , S . M . 408 ; J . Foulds , 30 , P . M . St . Mungo , 179 ; J . Annand ,
P . Z . 144 ; W . Ferguson , P . M . 543 ( "Freemason" ); R . Campbell , St . John , N . B ., Canada , 22 ; J . Wilson , 3-J ; W . Reynolds , 35 6 , and others . On the lodge being opened and the minutes of last meeting read and confirmed , Bros . D . Campbell and James Barclay were passed to the Fellow Craft Degree by Bro . Oliver , S . W . 3 60 . The lodge being sumed on thc E . A . Degree , some business of minor
importance was satisfactorily disposed of , when it was unanimously agreed to have the annual excursion on Thursday , 22 nd June , by steamer Gunnivcre to Corrie , in Buteshire , and a committee appointed to carry out the necessary arrangements . The lodge was then called to refreshment , when the Chairman proposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts . " The Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow " was replied to in a very able speech by Bro .
Dobson , W . M . 571 . " Visitors" replied to by Bros . Foulds , P . M . 179 , and Booth , W . M . 87 . Bro . Oliver , S . W . 3 60 , in suitable te : ms , proposed "The W . M ., " Bro . Morgan replied . After spending a short time in harmony , the lodge was recalled to labour and closed . GLASGOW . —Lodge St . Clair ( No . 3 62 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held in their hall , 25 , Robertson-street , or , Monday evening , the 22 nd ultimo ., Bro . W . J . Hogg , W . M ., presiding . R . Glass , D . M ., A ,
Rutherford , S . W . ; C . Galletly , J . W . ; W . Pascoe , Treas . ; , G . Fraser , Sec ; W . Galbraith , S . D . ; the other officebearers , and a full attendance of brethren . The lodge was opened and the minutes of the last meeting read and approved of . Bro . Alex . Warsaw was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason by Bro . Hogg , W . M ., in his usual able and impressive manner .
GLASGOW , —Lodge Atliole ( No . 413 ) . —The regular meeting of this prosperous lodge was held on Tuesday evening , the 23 rd ult ., in St . Mark's Hall , 213 , Buchanan-street , Bro . J . Louttit , W . M ., presiding , Bros . Neilson , D . M . ; Leeds , S . W . ; Holms , J . W . ; Agnew , Treas . ; and others . Visitors : Bros . W . Ferguson ,- P . M . 116 ; Dobson , W . M . 371 ; Bannerman , D . M . 73 ; Ferguson ,
l-M . 5 + 3 ( " Freemason" ) ; and members from Lodges Nos . 87 , 102 , 117 , 178 , 197 , 273 , 332 , 347 , and 3 60 . Mr . . ) . McKay was initiated by the W . M . The Provincial Grand Lodge made their annual visit of inspection to this lodge this evening ; the deputation consisted of Bros . J . Baird , P . G . S . M ., acting P . G . Master ; with Bros . Jas . Gillies , Treas . ; A . McTaggart , Sec ; John Miller , J . D . ;| J .
Ritchie , Architect ; A . Allison , jeweller ; J . Balfour , Dir . of Ceremonies '; J . Miller , Dir . of Music ; and David Reid , I . G . The deputation having been received in due form , the W . M ., Bro . Louttitt , vacated the chair for the time being in favour of the acting P . G . Master , who then called upon the P . G . S . to read the report . Premising that he had simply to congratulate the lodge upon its ' continuerl
prosperity , Bro . Mclaggart accordingly read the report , which was in effect that the books of the lodge were found to be in a very satisfactory condition , and that , generally , No . 413 was working in strict accordance with Grand Lodge law . The amount of funds on hand , as at last audit , was £ 108 2 s . 4 d . ; amount handed over by the lodge to the P . G . Benevolent Fund , £ i 13 s . ; and
amount distributed by them in private charity , £ 2 4 s . The number added to the roll of membership during the past working year was 22 . In briefly commenting upon the report , Bro . McTaggart referred to the satisfactory facts educed by the examination of the night , namely , that the funds on hand had advanced from £ 93 , as at last visitation , to the handsome figure above-mentioned ;
that , which was something remarkable , there had been no emergency meetings during the past year , and that , of the number of entrants stated , only one received the three degrees in one ni ght . Of the books , he might add that the Secretary ' s - was remarkably well kept , and the Treasurer ' s , as before , a model of excellence . The acting P . G . M ., Bro . Baird , said he had no doubt it would afford
the members of the lodge much pleasure to hear how they had been prospering , and , after a few words of wholesome advice as to their working , referred to the unfortunate circumstance that , through continued indisposition , 1 heir worthy Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Montgomerie " Neilson , had been unable to take his place in these visitations . Unable to appear amongst the brethren of his
province personally , he had forwarded to him ( Bro . Baird ) a communication to be read to them , and which he would accordingly now read . It was as follows : "Brethren , Having made all my arrangements to devote a considerable time to the visitation of lodges in my province , it is exceedingly disappointing to me to have been laid up with a severe illness , from which I have not yet so far recovered
as to be able to leave the house . I feel , therefore , constrained to send you this message . Brethren , although it is desirable that your Provincial Grand Master should be with you as often as possible , still I have great confidence that , notwithstanding my absence , you will do your duty as Freemasons to yourselves and to the Craft ; selecting true and tried brethren for your Master and office-bearers ,
who accept the offices and honours not for the gratification of power or pride , or for any selfish motive , but for the good of the lodge and the upholding of the Craft in all its ancient . rites , ceremonies , and privileges . 1 have had cause sometimes to regret the evident appearance of a selfishness that restricted to the narrow limits of a lodge that open-hearted sympathy and brotherly love which
every Freemason ought to extend freely and impartially to all members of the Craft . Brethren , I take this opportunity of impressing upon you the great Masonic truth that the existence of any lodge in a state of honourable prosperity depends upon how Freemasonry generally stands among us , and more particularly in the province 11 which that lodge belongs . Every good Mason ought
to aim at , first , upholding FYecmasonry everywhere m honour and dignity before the brethren and thc | outer world ; second , do all in his power to promote its welfare in the province to which he belongs ; and third and last , be true and faithful in all his dealings within his own lodge . In this province the state of the individual lodges is very satisfactory ; but 1 deeply regret that there is not a
stronger bond of brotherhood throughout the whole province , with a united determination to place Freemasonry in a more prominent and honourable position . I hope in a short time to ask your assistance in this direction , feeling confident that you will give me your willing ami earnest co-operation . Meantime , until I am able to meet you , accept my fraternal salutation . ( Signed )
Montgomerie Neilson , P . G . M . of Glasgow . " The acting P . G . M . then asked the W . M . to resume the chair he so worthily occupied . The latter said he was sure they all sympathised deeply with the P . G . M . in his present condition , and he hoped it would not be long before he was strong and able to be with them again . On behalf of Lodge 413 , he had to thank the acting P . G . M . and other brethren of the
deputation for the favourable report they had given them ; and it would be the study of the lodge always to work in harmony with the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , and with the instructions they received from the Provincial Grand Lodge on their annual visits . The Provincial Grand Lodge deputation thereafter retired . Three brethren were afterwards passed to the Fellow Craft De « grce by the W . M . in his usual able manner .
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Royal Arch.
This being the annual election , Comp . W . nia " !! . n ' ; was unanimously elected Z . ; Kingston , H . ; Tin-Step hens ^ ^ . i Treas _ . ( WeavcTi Scribe E . . ¦ " ' N and W . | . Murliss P . Soj . A P . Z . jewel was MO ° dio the retiring M . E . Z ., and the chapter closed . A V ° i , lid banquet was served by Bro . Clemow , and thc ¦ ? | toasts g iven , that of " H . R . H . the Grand Z . " being "'"' tlieartily ' received , and grateful thanks given for his Ifl OSl e return . LIVERPOOL . — Mariners' Chapter ( No .
1 -phe annual meeting of this chapter was held at 1 Masonic Hall , Hope-street , on the iSth ult ., there i ,- o- then a large and influential gathering of comlions . The chapter was opened at six o ' clock by rvlmn H . Pearson , Z ., assisted by Comps . W . Doyle , PZ . P . P . G . J ., ^ ' ¦ '•; P- B - Gee > J-i Artllur Davies , C ' ' - Rev . Phillip Haines , S . N . ; Joseph Wood ,
Treas !• E . Jackson , P . S . ; and the members present were ' Comps . W . Jones , P . Z . ; J . Croxton , W . P . innings , J . H . Gregory , W . Fish , J . Normanton , W Roberts , J . EH ' s , T- Parkcs , W . Nelson , P . Robbie , W Brittain , G . V < . Webster , W . C . Webb , A . Cotter , W . Creak , R . Carter , W . Curtis , C . Warrener , H . Firth , l Archdeacon , D . Lloyd , and J . Griffiths . The visitors
included Comps . T . Clark , P . Z ., and Z . 673 ; R . R . Martin , Z . 1094 ; T . Shaw , J . 823 ; H . Burrows , 1 ' S . 673 ; H . Jackson , 292 ; J . Skelby , 673 ; and others . The minutes of the previous chapter were read irJ ( l confirmed . Bro . Robert G . New , who had previously been balloted for , being in attendance , was duly exalted by the M . E . Z ., assisted by his Principals . The
work was ( ' in a most creditable manner , Comp . J . E . lackson especially deserving honourable recognition . Comp . Henry Pearson was afterwards installed M . E . Z . [ or the second year , and Comp . P . B . Gee was inducted H . and Comp . J . E . Jackson as J ., the work being done in a masterly manner by Comp . T . Clark . The following were appointed and invested as officers : —Comps Joseph
Wood , Treas . ( for the seventh time ); A . Davies , S . E . ; W . Jones , P . Z ., as S . N . ( on behalf of Comp . T . Ocklesliaw , who was unable to be present on account of having met wilh a very severe accident ); Rev . P . 11 lines was reelected Chaplain , and Comp . W . H . Ball , Janitor . After some formal business had been transacted the chapter was closed , and the companions adjourned t . i a
substantial banquet served by Comp . Bill . I he usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given during the evening . TORQUAY . —St . John ' s Chapter ( No . 328 ) . — The annual chapter meeting for the installation of Principals and officers took place at the Masonic Hall , Torquay , on Tuesday , May 23 rd . Fi-c j lining companions were first balloted for and elected , and the
exaltation of Bro . W . G . King also was effected , after which the Principals elect ., Ex . Comps . Thomas Perry , 2 ; James Murray , H . ; and Wm . Ellis Warren , J ., were installed by Ex . P . Z ., Rev . Robt . Bowden , P . P . G . C . ; assisted by Ex . Comps . P . Z . D . Watson , and l . P . Z . C . J . Hailand . Comps . brailUll ami J . llu * ..-ll »» CIC l-ocpeetivol y in . luctc . l to the offices of S . E . and S . N ., the Prin . Soj ., Comp . Piggolt , being unavoidably absent . After the close ot the chapter the
Comps . repaired to the Royal Hotel , where a recherche banquet served by Comp . King awaited them , over which an enjoyable evening was spent . Amongst other . ; present were Comps . G . G . Johnstone , Treas . ; Benjamin Fullwood , Eycrs , Dodge , Morgan , Hussey , King , Clicnnour , & c . A P . Z . ' s jewel was presented to the retiring Ex . Z ., C . J . Harland , on behalf of the chapter by Ex . Comp . Rev . H . Bowden in feeling and appropriate language , and acknowledged by the recipient .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
LEICESTER . —Fowke Lodge ( No . 19 ) . —The tesular meeting took place at Freemasons' Hall , Leicester , on Thursday , 2 ith May , 187 ( 1 . Present : R . W . Bro . W Kelly , P . G . M . M . * M . ; Bros . Rev . W . Langky . D . P . G . M . M . M . ; Clement Stretton , W . M . ; G . Toller , jun ., I . P . M . ; W Weare , S . S . Partridge , and ] . M . McAllister , P . M . ' s ; W
Sculthorpe , S . W . ; G . Odell , Treas . ; W . T . Rowlett , M . O . ; G . Stacham , J . O . ; T A . Wykcs , Sec "; F . Young , S . D . j : and several others . Visitors : Bros . W . Griffiths , M . O . ; J- Barber , I . G . ; and W . Smith , all of No . 30 . Several candidates whose names were on the summons having been approved on the ballot , the following , who were in
atlendance , were advanced to the degrees of Mark Man and Mark Master , the ceremony being performed , at the request of the W . M ., by the J . P . M .: Bros . R . Pickering , S 2 3 ; J . Hitchmaii , 435 ; Matts and Watson , 1391 ; and ntv . C . H . Wood , 15 60 . After discussion , it was unanimousl y resolved that the fees for advancement should be
slightl y raised , and also that the July meeting should not beheld . Some other unimportant matters having been 'lispofed of , thc lodge was closed in harmony . WHITEFIELD—Wike Lodge ( No . 142 ) . — \ v armua ' meeting ^ was held at the Church Inn on " ednesday , 17 th inst . Business : to advance a brother
J ™ 'o instal the W . M . elect . Bro . William Barlow , M ., Sec . and Reg . Mks ., advanced Bro . John Robertson ' 0 the honourable Degree of M . M . M . The chair was then assumed by Bro . W . O . Walker , P . M ., P . G . S . W ., as Installing Master , and the W . M . Elect ( Bro . fas . Barlow ) was presented by Bro . Nathaniel Horrocks , P . M ., and afterwards dul y installed . The appointment and investment
of the officers next took place , as follows : —Bros . J . "eap , S . W . ; J . Davidson , J . W . ; Orlando Startup , M . O . ; Jos . Bentley , S . O . ; William II . Kirkman , | . 0 . ; Richard ^ nambcrs , Treas . ; William Barlow , Sec . and Reg . ol -in 1 wL- Thomas L : i J cock > S - 'i Ilal P * > Brickies , | . D . ; "iu VVhitworth , Tyler . There was-a good attendance of icmoers . Thc Grand Lodge of Mark Masters was re-S f h / B ~ . VV . O . Walker , and the Provincial Marf x ° r *? " b- / the 'lowing brethren—viz ., Henry ft » aden , Nath . Horrocks , J . B . Champion , Wm . Barlow
Mark Masonry.
and Richard Chambers . Hearty good wishes weie expressed by the brethren from various lodges . After the lodge was closed thc brethren adjourned to supper , which was of a very substantial character . WHITWELL LODGE ( No . 131 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge took place on Thursday evening , iSth inst . At the time appointed the lodge was opened by Bro . Joseph Nicholson , P . M . M . and Tveas ., thc W . M . M ., Bro :
P . de E . Collins , being unavoidably absent . I he minutes of the previous meeting were read and unanimously confirmed . The brethren then proceeded to the election of a W . M . M ., Treasurer , and Tyler for the ensuing year . The ballot was taken in thc usual form . Bro . James Gardiner , P . M ., Junior Warden , was unanimously elected W . M . M . The Treasurer , Bro . Jos . Nicholson , P . M . M ., was re-elected .
Scotland .
PARTICK— Lodge St . Mary ( No . 117 ) . —The monthly meeting of this highly prosperous lodge was held in their magnificent hall , Douglas-street , Partick , on Wednesday evening , the 17 th ult .. Bro . W . Wylie , W . M ., presiding ; Bros . A . Brunton , I . P . M . ; J . Bain , D . M .-, J . S . Donaldson , S . M .-, D . Peacock , SAY .-, A . Agnew , J . W . ; J . M . Wylie , Treas . ; A . Lawrence ,
Sec ; T . VVallacc , J . D . ; J . Calderwood , S . S . ; and others . Visitors : J . Morgan , W . M . 219 ; R . Jack , W . M . 128 ; W . Ferguson , P . M . 343 ( " Freemason " ); C . McKenz ' e , J . W . 334 ; J . Martin , D . M . 219 ; F . Dow , Sec . 219 ; J . Duthie , 219 ; M . Stark , $ 53 ; and others . On the lodge being opened , and the minutes of last meeting read and approved of , the deputation of the
Provincial Grand Lodge was announced , and received with thc usual honours . There were present Bros . | . Baird , P . G . S . M . ; G . Sinclair , J . Gillies , A . McTaggart , Miller , Ritchie , Bain , Balfour , and D . Rei I . Bro . Baird , at the request of the W . M ., occupied the chair . Bro . McTaggart read the report , which was a most satisfactory one , and complimented the Master and members on the
handsome hall they had recently erected , and were now assembled in . You added jS to your roll last year , which stands very high in the province , you have given to-night the handsome sum of £ 12 13 s . to the Benevolent Fund , and you disbursed duiing the last year £ 16 towards charity . I have only to say in conclusion that your books arevtry well kept , and the lodge generally is working in strict
harmony with the Constitutions of the Grand Lodge of Scotland . The W . M . on resuming thc chair propos-d a hearty vote of thanks to the Provincial Grand Lodge deputation , which was given with a will . Bro . Baird replied , and they then withdrew . The lodge was then called to refreshment , when the usual loyal toasts were given and drank with enthusiasm . '' The Provincial Grand Lodge
of Glasgow" was replied to by Bro . McKenzie , J . W . 334 . " The Visitors , " proposed by Bro . Brunton , anil replied lo by Bro . Morgan , W . M . 219 . "The W . M ., " propusctl in mi eloquent speech by Bro . Mm gan , W . M . 219 . Bro . Wylie replied . Other toasts followed , and after the last toast , " I lappy to Meet , Sorry to Part , and Happy to Meet Again , " had been drunk , thc lodge was
rc-transferrcd and closed in due f Tin . GLASGOW . —Lodge Commercial ( No . 3 60 ) . —The regular meeting of this , , lodge was held in their hall , 30 , Hope-street , on Friday evening , 19 th ult ., Bro . J . Monro , W . M ., presiding ; | . M . Oliver . S . W . ; T . Graham , J . W . j D . Lamb . D . M . ; W . Findlay , S . M . ; J . Bride ' , P . M . ; J . Smith , Sec . -, R . Reid , S . D . ; W . Keillcr ,
J . D . ; R . Brodie , D . cf M . ; and Minnoch , Tyler . The lodge being opened , and minutes of last meeting approved of , the new code of bye-laws was read and passed for the last time and remitted to the P . G . Lodge for approval . Bro . W . Campbell was passed to the Fellow Craft Degree by Bro . J . M . Oliver , S . W ., and Bros . Schrocder anil Walter Buchanan were raised to the Sublime Degree of
Master Mason by Bro . D . Lamb . GLASGOW . —Lodge Star { No . 219 V—The rcgulir meeting of this lodge was held in their Hall , 12 , Trongate , 111 Monday evening , 22 nd ult ., Bro . J . Morgan , W . M ., in the chair ; J . Martin , D . M . ; W . Anderson , S . M . ; Jas . Horn , S . W . ; D . Mtarns , J . W . ; Ben . Smart , Treas . ; F , Dow , Sec ; John Brown , S . D . ; Tavlor , I . D ., Park , S . S . ;
Elliott , l . G . ; and Pearson , Tyler . The meeting was particularly well attended bv the members . Visitors present , Bros . J . M . Oliver , S . W . ' . ^ fio ; J . Booth , W . M . 8 7 -, W . J . E . Dobson , W . M . 371 ; J . Law , I . P . M . 1570 ; J . Houston , D . M . 371 ; M . Stark , L . D . M . e . rjv , R . * Prout , W . M . 4 ; W . Campbell , Sec . 4 C 3 ; J . Duthie , P . Z . 67 ; J . M . Inncs , S . M . 408 ; J . Foulds , 30 , P . M . St . Mungo , 179 ; J . Annand ,
P . Z . 144 ; W . Ferguson , P . M . 543 ( "Freemason" ); R . Campbell , St . John , N . B ., Canada , 22 ; J . Wilson , 3-J ; W . Reynolds , 35 6 , and others . On the lodge being opened and the minutes of last meeting read and confirmed , Bros . D . Campbell and James Barclay were passed to the Fellow Craft Degree by Bro . Oliver , S . W . 3 60 . The lodge being sumed on thc E . A . Degree , some business of minor
importance was satisfactorily disposed of , when it was unanimously agreed to have the annual excursion on Thursday , 22 nd June , by steamer Gunnivcre to Corrie , in Buteshire , and a committee appointed to carry out the necessary arrangements . The lodge was then called to refreshment , when the Chairman proposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts . " The Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow " was replied to in a very able speech by Bro .
Dobson , W . M . 571 . " Visitors" replied to by Bros . Foulds , P . M . 179 , and Booth , W . M . 87 . Bro . Oliver , S . W . 3 60 , in suitable te : ms , proposed "The W . M ., " Bro . Morgan replied . After spending a short time in harmony , the lodge was recalled to labour and closed . GLASGOW . —Lodge St . Clair ( No . 3 62 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held in their hall , 25 , Robertson-street , or , Monday evening , the 22 nd ultimo ., Bro . W . J . Hogg , W . M ., presiding . R . Glass , D . M ., A ,
Rutherford , S . W . ; C . Galletly , J . W . ; W . Pascoe , Treas . ; , G . Fraser , Sec ; W . Galbraith , S . D . ; the other officebearers , and a full attendance of brethren . The lodge was opened and the minutes of the last meeting read and approved of . Bro . Alex . Warsaw was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason by Bro . Hogg , W . M ., in his usual able and impressive manner .
GLASGOW , —Lodge Atliole ( No . 413 ) . —The regular meeting of this prosperous lodge was held on Tuesday evening , the 23 rd ult ., in St . Mark's Hall , 213 , Buchanan-street , Bro . J . Louttit , W . M ., presiding , Bros . Neilson , D . M . ; Leeds , S . W . ; Holms , J . W . ; Agnew , Treas . ; and others . Visitors : Bros . W . Ferguson ,- P . M . 116 ; Dobson , W . M . 371 ; Bannerman , D . M . 73 ; Ferguson ,
l-M . 5 + 3 ( " Freemason" ) ; and members from Lodges Nos . 87 , 102 , 117 , 178 , 197 , 273 , 332 , 347 , and 3 60 . Mr . . ) . McKay was initiated by the W . M . The Provincial Grand Lodge made their annual visit of inspection to this lodge this evening ; the deputation consisted of Bros . J . Baird , P . G . S . M ., acting P . G . Master ; with Bros . Jas . Gillies , Treas . ; A . McTaggart , Sec ; John Miller , J . D . ;| J .
Ritchie , Architect ; A . Allison , jeweller ; J . Balfour , Dir . of Ceremonies '; J . Miller , Dir . of Music ; and David Reid , I . G . The deputation having been received in due form , the W . M ., Bro . Louttitt , vacated the chair for the time being in favour of the acting P . G . Master , who then called upon the P . G . S . to read the report . Premising that he had simply to congratulate the lodge upon its ' continuerl
prosperity , Bro . Mclaggart accordingly read the report , which was in effect that the books of the lodge were found to be in a very satisfactory condition , and that , generally , No . 413 was working in strict accordance with Grand Lodge law . The amount of funds on hand , as at last audit , was £ 108 2 s . 4 d . ; amount handed over by the lodge to the P . G . Benevolent Fund , £ i 13 s . ; and
amount distributed by them in private charity , £ 2 4 s . The number added to the roll of membership during the past working year was 22 . In briefly commenting upon the report , Bro . McTaggart referred to the satisfactory facts educed by the examination of the night , namely , that the funds on hand had advanced from £ 93 , as at last visitation , to the handsome figure above-mentioned ;
that , which was something remarkable , there had been no emergency meetings during the past year , and that , of the number of entrants stated , only one received the three degrees in one ni ght . Of the books , he might add that the Secretary ' s - was remarkably well kept , and the Treasurer ' s , as before , a model of excellence . The acting P . G . M ., Bro . Baird , said he had no doubt it would afford
the members of the lodge much pleasure to hear how they had been prospering , and , after a few words of wholesome advice as to their working , referred to the unfortunate circumstance that , through continued indisposition , 1 heir worthy Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Montgomerie " Neilson , had been unable to take his place in these visitations . Unable to appear amongst the brethren of his
province personally , he had forwarded to him ( Bro . Baird ) a communication to be read to them , and which he would accordingly now read . It was as follows : "Brethren , Having made all my arrangements to devote a considerable time to the visitation of lodges in my province , it is exceedingly disappointing to me to have been laid up with a severe illness , from which I have not yet so far recovered
as to be able to leave the house . I feel , therefore , constrained to send you this message . Brethren , although it is desirable that your Provincial Grand Master should be with you as often as possible , still I have great confidence that , notwithstanding my absence , you will do your duty as Freemasons to yourselves and to the Craft ; selecting true and tried brethren for your Master and office-bearers ,
who accept the offices and honours not for the gratification of power or pride , or for any selfish motive , but for the good of the lodge and the upholding of the Craft in all its ancient . rites , ceremonies , and privileges . 1 have had cause sometimes to regret the evident appearance of a selfishness that restricted to the narrow limits of a lodge that open-hearted sympathy and brotherly love which
every Freemason ought to extend freely and impartially to all members of the Craft . Brethren , I take this opportunity of impressing upon you the great Masonic truth that the existence of any lodge in a state of honourable prosperity depends upon how Freemasonry generally stands among us , and more particularly in the province 11 which that lodge belongs . Every good Mason ought
to aim at , first , upholding FYecmasonry everywhere m honour and dignity before the brethren and thc | outer world ; second , do all in his power to promote its welfare in the province to which he belongs ; and third and last , be true and faithful in all his dealings within his own lodge . In this province the state of the individual lodges is very satisfactory ; but 1 deeply regret that there is not a
stronger bond of brotherhood throughout the whole province , with a united determination to place Freemasonry in a more prominent and honourable position . I hope in a short time to ask your assistance in this direction , feeling confident that you will give me your willing ami earnest co-operation . Meantime , until I am able to meet you , accept my fraternal salutation . ( Signed )
Montgomerie Neilson , P . G . M . of Glasgow . " The acting P . G . M . then asked the W . M . to resume the chair he so worthily occupied . The latter said he was sure they all sympathised deeply with the P . G . M . in his present condition , and he hoped it would not be long before he was strong and able to be with them again . On behalf of Lodge 413 , he had to thank the acting P . G . M . and other brethren of the
deputation for the favourable report they had given them ; and it would be the study of the lodge always to work in harmony with the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , and with the instructions they received from the Provincial Grand Lodge on their annual visits . The Provincial Grand Lodge deputation thereafter retired . Three brethren were afterwards passed to the Fellow Craft De « grce by the W . M . in his usual able manner .