Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article THE NEW GRAND OFFICERS. Page 1 of 1 Article THE NEW GRAND OFFICERS. Page 1 of 1 Article THE NEW GRAND OFFICERS. Page 1 of 1 Article GRAND CHAPTER. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
— NOTICE-. The Subscription to THE FREEMASON is now 10 s . per annum , post-free , payable in advance .
Vol . I ., bound in cloth ... ... 4 s . ( id . Vol . 11 ., ditto 7 s . 6 d . Vol . III ., ditto 15 s- Od-Vol . IV ., ditto 155 . od . Reading Cases to hold 52 numbers ... 2 s . fid . United States of America . Tilt . FnEF . jiASON is delivered Iree in nny part of the United States for 12 s . per annum , payable in advance .
transferred lo 198 , FLEET-STREET , E . C . All communications for the Editor or Publisher should therefore be forwarded to that address .
^ itstocvs to Covvcspttbmts . All communications for The l- ' rccmnson should be written legibly nu one side of the |< . -jjx > r only , and , il" intended for insertion in the current number , must be received not later thrin 10 o ' clock a . m . on Thursday s , unless in very special cases . The name and address of every writer must he sent to us in continence .
KMIATA . —In the Report of the Grand Festival the name "John Dumas , " | unior Grand Deacon , . should have been "Henry John Philip Dumas , P . M . 99 , l' . Z . 167 , W . M . 410 , P . G . S ., and P . Prov . J . G . W . Surrey . " —The G . Steward representing tlie Jerusalem Lodge , No . 197 , is Bro . Henry Griming , P . M . 1 S 7 , and P . G . Kerr . Bristol , the present S . W . of No . 197 . The Grand Steward representing- Lodge No . 31 , is Bro . Griffiths Smith . The repoit of Bute Lodge , No . 9 60 , will appear next week
TheFreemason, SATURDAY , MAY 4 , 1 S 72 .
The Frccm : mm i > puhlii-hed on Saturday Mornings hi Tunc for the early trains . The priced" the Freemason is Twopence per week ; nnnunl subscription , io- « . ( payable in advance .. '! All communications-, kttci > , kc . j to he addre ^ cd to the Kditnr , jgS , Fleet-street , K . C , The Fditoruill p : iy cavelulattcutinn tnnllMSS . cntruhterf tolilm , but cannot undertake to return ilium unlos accompanied by pottage Mailing .
The New Grand Officers.
Wc believe that the appointments made b y the M . W . Grand Master for the current year have given general satisfaction to the Craft , inasmuch as several hard-working brethren have been
promoted to the dais , and an earnest is thus given that " merit and ability " will not be overlooked during Lord Ripon ' s regime . We have a conspicuous example of this in the
selection of Lord Tenterdeii for the post of Senior Grand Warden . His lordship is emphatically a working Mason , and one who h i \< I ' airlv enrned his laurel * . The members of the Lodge
of Harmony at Richmond , of which the new Grand Warden is a Past Master , and those of the Iris Chapter , ol" v \ hich he is a Past Principal , can bear witness to the zeal and cifieieiicv ever
displayed by Bro . Abbott , now Lord Tenterdeii , in the discharge of his duties , both in lodge and chapter . His lordshi p ' s connection with the Foreign Office , and the iwri be . has more
recently played as Secretary to the Alabama Commission arc well-known to our renders , and we are convinced that the experience of American Frecmnsourv which he . in common with his
chief , attained , whilst in the States , will not be lost upon the future relations of the Craft in England and America .
I'hc Junior Grand Warden is ; il-. o a s , s .- . •neiit ofii ( . ; al , :, i >( f 00 '' us .: ppoi ;!! iju-i ; i , u'c eon reive , the Lo-. 'i'ioii L'i' / g' -, ? V ,. 108 , may n ; s . ( lv
The New Grand Officers.
take pride , the hon . brother being a Past Master of that distinguished lodge . Captain Vivian ' s name may not be so familiar to the Craft , but we are assurred that he is a good and worthy
Mason , and one in every way deserving of the high Masonic station to which he has been preferred . The Rev . Arthur Bruce Frazer . the new Grand
Chaplain , has been , and we believe still is , an active Mason . Fie has taken a prominent part in the lodges of Cambridge and Oxford , and is held in equal esteem by the members of both
Universities . The S . G . Deacons are Bros . John B . Monckton , P . M ., 197 , and Vice-President of the Board of General Purposes , and John P . Bell , AI . D .
Deputy Provincial Grand Master for the North and East Divisions of Yorkshire . Bro . Monckton has for some years past performed the onerous duties of our Masonic Boards and
Committees with unflagging zeal and genuine courtesy-He has won the respect of all who know him , by the display of those qualities which essentially appertain to the gentleman , and when in addition
to these claims to our esteem , he is also found to be a talented exponent of Freemasonry , no voice can deny his peculiar fitness for the honourable post of a Grand Officer . Nor can we lightly
pass over the services of Ins colleague , Dr . Bell , whose literary abilities are so rare , and whose labours in the cause of Masonic enlightenment are equally assiduous and valuable . We
congratulate our Yorkshire friends upon the selection of Dr . Bell , and we believe that a poll of his province would endorse the Grand Master ' s action , if such a procedure were in accordance with Masonic usage .
Ihe elevation of Brother Charles A . Murton to the rank of Junior Grand Deacon , is a recognition of the great benefits which the" Emulation Lodge of Improvement " has conferred , and is
still conferring upon the Craft . Bro . Murton who is a P . M . of No . 7 , has been the Secretary of the " Emulation " for many years—in itself bv no means a sinecure—he is also an
accomplished ritualist—a supporter of the Chanties , and—but need we say more . l ! ro . Henry J . . P . Dumas , P . M . 00 , is associated with Bro . Murton
111 the Joint Deaconslnp . He is likewise a welltried and excellent Mason , and will wear his honours bravely .
A provincial brother . Thomas Coombs , Provincial Grand Secretary for Dorset , wields the baton of Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies .
He is , we learn , a most energetic officer in his Province , and hi- promotion is , beyond question , justly moiled .
The new Sword Bearer , Bro . Alexander I . Duff Filer . P . M . 6 57 , is an old Mason , and although not very widely known—he is
recognised as a very useful member of the Order- —and one who has not forgotten the second " Grand Principle " of Freemasonry .
By the advancement of Bro . John Bovd , a vacancy for " Assistant Grand Pursuivant " was created . This is a post usually given to metropolitan brethren , who have laboured lonsr and
ably in the cause : and we are bound fo sav that in nominating Pro . Charles A . Cottebrune to the position , 1 . lie G' -ind Alaslc ha- , strictly adhered to -. iiicienl precedent , Bro , CoU-ebruue has been
The New Grand Officers.
instrumental in forming . several lodges-.-He has passed the chair more than once . He is an acknowledged teacher of Masonic ceremonies and lectures , and he is undoubtedly appreciated and esteemed by a large Masonic circle .
Thus ends our brief and hasty sketch of the Grand Officers of 1872 , and we are pleased to add our fraternal meed of congratulation to each and all , upon the attainment of those dignities which mark superiority in the Craft .
Grand Chapter.
The Quarterly Convocation of Grand Chapter was held on Wednesday evening , at Freemasons ' Hall . Lord de Tabley presided as Z . ; the Rev-. John Huyshe as H . ; and Dr . Hamilton as J . Comp . S . Rawson acted as P . Z . ; Comp . John Hervey was S . E . ; Comp . W . Pulteney Scott ,
N . ; Comp . John Savage , P . S . ; Comp . E . S . Snell , Jst A . ; Comp . H . Browse , and A . ; Comp yE . J . M'Intyre , Q . C ., Reg . ; and Comp . Payne , Jan . The following Comps . were also ; present : —Lord Tenterdeii ; F . Pattison , P . Z . ; J . Bradford , P . A . G . D . ; Benj . Head , P . G . S . B ., W . Ough , P . Z ., 6 ? 7 and 740 ; Joseph Smith ,
P . G . D . C .: A . H . Tattcrshall , J ., 206 : W . Noak . Z ., 206 ; W . West Smith , Z ., 799 ; Jas . Self , M . E . Z ., P . Z ., 1051 ; M . Bagge , P . Z . 7 ; F Richardson , Z ., H ; A . Holmes , P . G . S . P . ; HPullen , P . G . D . C . ; H . Muggeridge , P . G . S . B . ; H . Massey , Z ., 619 ; Joshua Nunn , P . G . D . C . ; James Stevens , P . Z ., and S . E ., 720 ; J ohn B .
Monckton , P . Z ., 8 ; H . G . Buss , P . Z ., r 77 ; C . Murton ; Col . Whitwell ; Sam . May , P . Z ., 657 ; John Coutts , P . Z ., 177 ; and F . Walters , P . Z .,
73-The Grand Chapter having been opened with the customary solemnities , the Grand S . E . read the minutes of the former Quarterly Convocation , which were put and confirmed .
The Grand S . E . then read a letter apologising . for non-attendance , from the Grand 1 st A . S ., caused by his being obliged to attend the Birmingham Festival to be held the next day . This being the night for the appointment of Grand Officers .
The Grand Z . said he regretted the absence of the Marquis of Ripon , whose manifold official duties detained him elsewhere . He also regretted the absence of the Earl of Carnarvon , Grand H ., whose ill health precluded his taking
a very active part in the duties of his hi gh position . He ( Lord De Table ) - ) was present to take the place of the Grand Z ., and to invest the ( fraud Officers of the year ; and he was proud to say that the Marquis of Ripon had expressed his
full concurrence in the selection of officers that had been made . The three Grand Principals would be the same as al present . Comp . John Hervey would be S . E ., and he would now invest him .
Com ]) . Money was then invested S . E ., and Lord De Tabley afterwards invested the following Comps . with the insignia of their respective ollires : —
Lord I enterden X . John B . Monckton P . S . Lewis Crombie 1 st . A . Chas . A . Murton and A . S . Tomkins Treasurer .
Ai . J . M'Intyre , q . C Reg . H . J . P . Dumas Sword Bearer . Dr . J . Daniel Moore Standard Bearer . W . Ough D . C . C . B . Payne Janitor .
Comp . W . Pulteney Scott moved , and Comp . Joseph Smith seconded , "That the following report be taken as read and received , and entered on the minutes , " which motion was carried . " The Committee of General Purposes beg to
report that they have examined the accounts from the 16 th January , to j ( 5 tli April , 1872 , both inclusive , which they find to be . as follows : — To Balance 16 th January , £ 420 o 3 ., Subsequent Receipts 336 tj 6 £ 7 , 0 9 9
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
— NOTICE-. The Subscription to THE FREEMASON is now 10 s . per annum , post-free , payable in advance .
Vol . I ., bound in cloth ... ... 4 s . ( id . Vol . 11 ., ditto 7 s . 6 d . Vol . III ., ditto 15 s- Od-Vol . IV ., ditto 155 . od . Reading Cases to hold 52 numbers ... 2 s . fid . United States of America . Tilt . FnEF . jiASON is delivered Iree in nny part of the United States for 12 s . per annum , payable in advance .
transferred lo 198 , FLEET-STREET , E . C . All communications for the Editor or Publisher should therefore be forwarded to that address .
^ itstocvs to Covvcspttbmts . All communications for The l- ' rccmnson should be written legibly nu one side of the |< . -jjx > r only , and , il" intended for insertion in the current number , must be received not later thrin 10 o ' clock a . m . on Thursday s , unless in very special cases . The name and address of every writer must he sent to us in continence .
KMIATA . —In the Report of the Grand Festival the name "John Dumas , " | unior Grand Deacon , . should have been "Henry John Philip Dumas , P . M . 99 , l' . Z . 167 , W . M . 410 , P . G . S ., and P . Prov . J . G . W . Surrey . " —The G . Steward representing tlie Jerusalem Lodge , No . 197 , is Bro . Henry Griming , P . M . 1 S 7 , and P . G . Kerr . Bristol , the present S . W . of No . 197 . The Grand Steward representing- Lodge No . 31 , is Bro . Griffiths Smith . The repoit of Bute Lodge , No . 9 60 , will appear next week
TheFreemason, SATURDAY , MAY 4 , 1 S 72 .
The Frccm : mm i > puhlii-hed on Saturday Mornings hi Tunc for the early trains . The priced" the Freemason is Twopence per week ; nnnunl subscription , io- « . ( payable in advance .. '! All communications-, kttci > , kc . j to he addre ^ cd to the Kditnr , jgS , Fleet-street , K . C , The Fditoruill p : iy cavelulattcutinn tnnllMSS . cntruhterf tolilm , but cannot undertake to return ilium unlos accompanied by pottage Mailing .
The New Grand Officers.
Wc believe that the appointments made b y the M . W . Grand Master for the current year have given general satisfaction to the Craft , inasmuch as several hard-working brethren have been
promoted to the dais , and an earnest is thus given that " merit and ability " will not be overlooked during Lord Ripon ' s regime . We have a conspicuous example of this in the
selection of Lord Tenterdeii for the post of Senior Grand Warden . His lordship is emphatically a working Mason , and one who h i \< I ' airlv enrned his laurel * . The members of the Lodge
of Harmony at Richmond , of which the new Grand Warden is a Past Master , and those of the Iris Chapter , ol" v \ hich he is a Past Principal , can bear witness to the zeal and cifieieiicv ever
displayed by Bro . Abbott , now Lord Tenterdeii , in the discharge of his duties , both in lodge and chapter . His lordshi p ' s connection with the Foreign Office , and the iwri be . has more
recently played as Secretary to the Alabama Commission arc well-known to our renders , and we are convinced that the experience of American Frecmnsourv which he . in common with his
chief , attained , whilst in the States , will not be lost upon the future relations of the Craft in England and America .
I'hc Junior Grand Warden is ; il-. o a s , s .- . •neiit ofii ( . ; al , :, i >( f 00 '' us .: ppoi ;!! iju-i ; i , u'c eon reive , the Lo-. 'i'ioii L'i' / g' -, ? V ,. 108 , may n ; s . ( lv
The New Grand Officers.
take pride , the hon . brother being a Past Master of that distinguished lodge . Captain Vivian ' s name may not be so familiar to the Craft , but we are assurred that he is a good and worthy
Mason , and one in every way deserving of the high Masonic station to which he has been preferred . The Rev . Arthur Bruce Frazer . the new Grand
Chaplain , has been , and we believe still is , an active Mason . Fie has taken a prominent part in the lodges of Cambridge and Oxford , and is held in equal esteem by the members of both
Universities . The S . G . Deacons are Bros . John B . Monckton , P . M ., 197 , and Vice-President of the Board of General Purposes , and John P . Bell , AI . D .
Deputy Provincial Grand Master for the North and East Divisions of Yorkshire . Bro . Monckton has for some years past performed the onerous duties of our Masonic Boards and
Committees with unflagging zeal and genuine courtesy-He has won the respect of all who know him , by the display of those qualities which essentially appertain to the gentleman , and when in addition
to these claims to our esteem , he is also found to be a talented exponent of Freemasonry , no voice can deny his peculiar fitness for the honourable post of a Grand Officer . Nor can we lightly
pass over the services of Ins colleague , Dr . Bell , whose literary abilities are so rare , and whose labours in the cause of Masonic enlightenment are equally assiduous and valuable . We
congratulate our Yorkshire friends upon the selection of Dr . Bell , and we believe that a poll of his province would endorse the Grand Master ' s action , if such a procedure were in accordance with Masonic usage .
Ihe elevation of Brother Charles A . Murton to the rank of Junior Grand Deacon , is a recognition of the great benefits which the" Emulation Lodge of Improvement " has conferred , and is
still conferring upon the Craft . Bro . Murton who is a P . M . of No . 7 , has been the Secretary of the " Emulation " for many years—in itself bv no means a sinecure—he is also an
accomplished ritualist—a supporter of the Chanties , and—but need we say more . l ! ro . Henry J . . P . Dumas , P . M . 00 , is associated with Bro . Murton
111 the Joint Deaconslnp . He is likewise a welltried and excellent Mason , and will wear his honours bravely .
A provincial brother . Thomas Coombs , Provincial Grand Secretary for Dorset , wields the baton of Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies .
He is , we learn , a most energetic officer in his Province , and hi- promotion is , beyond question , justly moiled .
The new Sword Bearer , Bro . Alexander I . Duff Filer . P . M . 6 57 , is an old Mason , and although not very widely known—he is
recognised as a very useful member of the Order- —and one who has not forgotten the second " Grand Principle " of Freemasonry .
By the advancement of Bro . John Bovd , a vacancy for " Assistant Grand Pursuivant " was created . This is a post usually given to metropolitan brethren , who have laboured lonsr and
ably in the cause : and we are bound fo sav that in nominating Pro . Charles A . Cottebrune to the position , 1 . lie G' -ind Alaslc ha- , strictly adhered to -. iiicienl precedent , Bro , CoU-ebruue has been
The New Grand Officers.
instrumental in forming . several lodges-.-He has passed the chair more than once . He is an acknowledged teacher of Masonic ceremonies and lectures , and he is undoubtedly appreciated and esteemed by a large Masonic circle .
Thus ends our brief and hasty sketch of the Grand Officers of 1872 , and we are pleased to add our fraternal meed of congratulation to each and all , upon the attainment of those dignities which mark superiority in the Craft .
Grand Chapter.
The Quarterly Convocation of Grand Chapter was held on Wednesday evening , at Freemasons ' Hall . Lord de Tabley presided as Z . ; the Rev-. John Huyshe as H . ; and Dr . Hamilton as J . Comp . S . Rawson acted as P . Z . ; Comp . John Hervey was S . E . ; Comp . W . Pulteney Scott ,
N . ; Comp . John Savage , P . S . ; Comp . E . S . Snell , Jst A . ; Comp . H . Browse , and A . ; Comp yE . J . M'Intyre , Q . C ., Reg . ; and Comp . Payne , Jan . The following Comps . were also ; present : —Lord Tenterdeii ; F . Pattison , P . Z . ; J . Bradford , P . A . G . D . ; Benj . Head , P . G . S . B ., W . Ough , P . Z ., 6 ? 7 and 740 ; Joseph Smith ,
P . G . D . C .: A . H . Tattcrshall , J ., 206 : W . Noak . Z ., 206 ; W . West Smith , Z ., 799 ; Jas . Self , M . E . Z ., P . Z ., 1051 ; M . Bagge , P . Z . 7 ; F Richardson , Z ., H ; A . Holmes , P . G . S . P . ; HPullen , P . G . D . C . ; H . Muggeridge , P . G . S . B . ; H . Massey , Z ., 619 ; Joshua Nunn , P . G . D . C . ; James Stevens , P . Z ., and S . E ., 720 ; J ohn B .
Monckton , P . Z ., 8 ; H . G . Buss , P . Z ., r 77 ; C . Murton ; Col . Whitwell ; Sam . May , P . Z ., 657 ; John Coutts , P . Z ., 177 ; and F . Walters , P . Z .,
73-The Grand Chapter having been opened with the customary solemnities , the Grand S . E . read the minutes of the former Quarterly Convocation , which were put and confirmed .
The Grand S . E . then read a letter apologising . for non-attendance , from the Grand 1 st A . S ., caused by his being obliged to attend the Birmingham Festival to be held the next day . This being the night for the appointment of Grand Officers .
The Grand Z . said he regretted the absence of the Marquis of Ripon , whose manifold official duties detained him elsewhere . He also regretted the absence of the Earl of Carnarvon , Grand H ., whose ill health precluded his taking
a very active part in the duties of his hi gh position . He ( Lord De Table ) - ) was present to take the place of the Grand Z ., and to invest the ( fraud Officers of the year ; and he was proud to say that the Marquis of Ripon had expressed his
full concurrence in the selection of officers that had been made . The three Grand Principals would be the same as al present . Comp . John Hervey would be S . E ., and he would now invest him .
Com ]) . Money was then invested S . E ., and Lord De Tabley afterwards invested the following Comps . with the insignia of their respective ollires : —
Lord I enterden X . John B . Monckton P . S . Lewis Crombie 1 st . A . Chas . A . Murton and A . S . Tomkins Treasurer .
Ai . J . M'Intyre , q . C Reg . H . J . P . Dumas Sword Bearer . Dr . J . Daniel Moore Standard Bearer . W . Ough D . C . C . B . Payne Janitor .
Comp . W . Pulteney Scott moved , and Comp . Joseph Smith seconded , "That the following report be taken as read and received , and entered on the minutes , " which motion was carried . " The Committee of General Purposes beg to
report that they have examined the accounts from the 16 th January , to j ( 5 tli April , 1872 , both inclusive , which they find to be . as follows : — To Balance 16 th January , £ 420 o 3 ., Subsequent Receipts 336 tj 6 £ 7 , 0 9 9