Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 2 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
. Craft Hl ' asoiirn . CORNWALL .
CHACEWATER . —Boscawen Lodge ( No . 699 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this flourishing lodge was held on Monday , the 22 nd ult ., Bro . the Rev . G . L . Church , in the chair . There were a large number of the members of the lodge present . The business of the lodge was
to initiate Mr . Frederick Davey , to raise Bros . Abraham and Bunney , and to present Bros . Past Masters Paull and Hall with P . M . jewels . After the candidate had been initiated and the brethren raised to the third degree , the W . M . informed the brethren that he felt highly gratified that
evening , in having a special duty to perform , in the first place , he had the honour of proposing , Bro . the Hon . and Rev . J . T . Boscawen , as a joining member of this lodge , the gentleman from whom the lodge took its name , and secondly , to present Bros . Paull and Hall with
Past Masters' jewels , this being done , the lodge was duly closed , when the brethren adjourned to Bro . Host Paull ' s for refreshment . After the cloth was removed , and the healths of "The Queen , " "The Duke of Cornwall , " and "The Grand Master of England , " were proposed and
heartily drank to . Bro . P . M . Nmess , by permission of the chairman , proposed " The Health of the Provincial Grand Master of Cornwall , Bro . Augustus Smith , " and coupled with that toast " The Health of our W . M ., Bro . the Rev .
G . L . Church , P . G . Chaplain . " Bro . Church briefly replied , thanking them for the honour they had done him , and assuring them that he felt proud of his position , believingthathe was serving under one of the best Masons that had ever
lived . The W . M . then said that he would come to the toast of the evening , asking the brethren to fill their glasses and drink a bumper to " The Healths of Bros . Past Masters J ohn Paull and John Hall , " this was received with applause . He felt in proposing this toast hig hly honoured
by the fact , that he was the Master ol the largest lodge in the Province of Cornwall . This was highly gratifying to himself , and to the other brethren of the lodge , and he felt assured that the present prosperity of the lodge must be attributed to their P . M . ' s , who have been regular in their
attendance , and always-willing to assist 111 the working of the lodge . The W . M . spoke at some length , urging on the yonng members of the lodge to look towards the east , and concluded by expressing a hope that he might on some future day have
a similar honour conferred on him . Bro . Hall briefly replied , thanking the W . M . and brethren for the honour they had done him in presenting him with this handsome jewel , and assuring them that as long as his health should last he would continue to render his assistance for the
welfare of the lodge . Bro . Paull 111 acknowledging the compliment paid him said , that the pleasure which he felt on the present occasion had almost overpowered him , he felt proud for the kind , though flattering remarks that had been made on himself and Bro . Hall by the W . M . and others , and promised to continue his
services for the welfare of the lodge . He was one of the first who was initiated into the lodge , had served in every office within the door of the lodge , and had been their Secretary for six years , and that through the goodness of the Great A-ichitect of the Universe in preserving his health , he had not durinsr that time been absent but one
lodge night . He thanked them for the handsome jewel they had presented him with that night , and that whenever he should look on it he should feel delighted , not for its intrinsic value , but it would have a tendency to recall to his mind the many happy hours he had spent with the
brethren of the Boscawen . " The Health of the W . M . and others " followed , and the evening was spent in a manner long lo be remembered by the members of the Boscawen . 1 might add that the jewels which were very chaste , and much admired , were purchased from Bro . Kenning , of London .
DEVONSHIRE . TOTXES . —Pleiades Lodge ( No . 710 ) . —The monthly meeting was held on Thursday , the
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
iSth ult ,, at the Masonic Rooms . Hie lodge was opened by Bro . Niner , W . M ., assisted by Bros . Rev . J . Powning , Chaplain ; Watson , as I . P . M . ; Stafford , S . W . ; Presswell . J . W . ; Maye , Secretary ; Westhead , S . D . ; Fowle , J . D . ; Taylor , Organist ; and Cuming P . M ., as l . G . There
were also present Bros . Marks , P . M . ; Dr . Hopkins , P . M ., and P . Prov . G . S . W . ; and other members , also as visitors , Bros . Haswell , 1358 , and Michaehnore , 223 . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The lodge having been opened in the second degree ,
Bro . David was examined , and having answered most satisfactorily , was approved , entrusted , and dismissed for preparation . The lodge was opened in the third degree , when Bro . David was readmitted , and raised to the degree of M . M . by
the W . M ., the charge being given by Bro . Dr . Hopkins . The lodge was subsequently closed down to the first degree , when a lengthy discussion took place on matters of much importance to the members , but not of public interest . The lodge was finally closed at S . 30 .
OAKHAM . — Vale of Calnios Lodge ( No . 1265 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at tlie Agricultural Hall , on the 17 th ult . Present : —Bros . J . C . Duncombe , P . G . A . D . C . Northants and Hunts , P . G . J . D . Leicestershire and Rutland , W . M . ; Carter , P . M ., as S . W . ; Newconie , J . D .,
as J . W . ; J os . L . Bennett , Sec . , Keep , as S . D . ; Read , as J . D . ; Tewson , as l . G . ; and Hibbet , Tyler . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last lodge were read and confirmed . Bro . Bennett , Secretary , proposed that the votes of the lodge for the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons , and
the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Widows of Freemasons , be left at the disposal of the W . M ., seconded by Bro . Read , and carried unanimously . The lodge being closed in due form , the brethren adjourned to refreshment , after which the usual Masonic toasts were given , the visitors being responded lo by Bro . Carter , P . M ., No . 141 .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
The installation meeting of the Royal Middlesex Chapter , No . 1194 , and the Inauguration of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Middlesex , took place on Saturday , the 20 th ult . The members of the Royal Middlesex Chapter met at the Grotto Hotel , Twickenham , under
the sceptre of the M . E . Z ., Colonel Burdett , who duly opened the chapter , assisted by his H . and J . and a large number of Past Principles , who attended to assist or to witness the ceremonies of the day . Alter ballots had been taken for several joining members , Comp . R . Wentworth
Little , P . Z ., took the first chair , and having opened a Conclave of Principals , proceeded to instal Comp . W . Roebuck , C . E ., as M . E . Z . Comp . W . Smeed , P . Z ., then installed Comp . G . Cattel , as II ., after which Comp . Little installed the J . -elect ., Comp . \ V . Dodd . The
officers invested were Comps . Little , E . ; Kenning , N . ; Horsley , Treas . ; and Parker , Organist : and in consequence of the resignation of the i' . S .-elect , the other offices remained vacant . Several propositions were then made and the chapter was called off , in order that the important ceremonies
of inaugurating the Jirst Grand Chapter for the Province , and of installing its first chiefs , might be carried out in due form . The chair was accordingly taken by Comp . John Hervey , Grand Scribe E . of England , who nominated Comps . John Boyd , P . / ,., 14 ^ and 1534 , as 11 ., and Dr . Woodman , P . Z . 3 , ] , as J . A deputation of four
Past First Principals , Comps . J . Stevens , A . J . Codner , 11 . G . Buss , and R . W . Little , then , after the usual formalities introduced the Provincial Grand Superintendent , Colonel Burdett , P . Z ., and the gallant Companion was obligated and installed as the First Chief of Ivoval Arch
Royal Arch.
Masonry in Middlesex . He then nominated Comps . W . Roebuck , Z . 1194 , as Prov . G . H ., and J . M . Stedwell , P . Z . 946 , as Prov . G . J ., and they were duly obligated and installed by Comp . Hervey . The election of a P . G . Treasurer
resulted in favour of Comp . H . G . Buss , P . Z ., who holds a similar rank in Provincial Grand Lodge , and the remainder of the Officers were then appointed and invested in the following order :-
—R . Wentworth Little , P . Z . Prov . G . S . E . Antonio J . Codner , P . Z . ... Prov . G . S . W . John Cotitts , P . Z Prov . G . P . S . William Smeed , P . Z Prov . G . 1 st A . S . T . R . Mclllwham , Z . 946 Prov . G .. 2 nd A . S .
Charles Horsley Prov . G . Reg . Geo . Motion , H . 946 Prov . G . St . B . William Piatt , P . Z Prov . G . S . B . G . Kenning , ( Z . 192 ) N . 1104 Prov . G . D . C . Henry Parker Prov . G . Org .
Comp . Gilbert was elected Prov . G . Janitor . A Committee , consisting of the P . G . Supt . H . J . E . Treas ., and Registrar , was appointed to prepare a code of by-laws for the government of the province . The Provincial Grand
Superintendent then moved that the cordial thanks of Provincial Grand Chapter be tendered to Ex . Comp . John Hervey , G . S . E ., for the kindness with which lie had consented to perform the various ceremonies of inauguration , and installation , aswell
as for the dignity and solemnity which had characterised his efficient conduct of the work . The proposition was seconded b y Comp . Roebuck , P . G . H . and carried by acclamation . Comj ) . Hervey briefly acknowledged the
compliment , after which the Provincial Grand Chapter , and the private chapter -were successively closed . A sumptuous banquet was then served , the chair being taken by Colonel Burdett , supported by Comp . Hervey , as H . ( a domestic
affliction having caused Com ]) . Roebuck to retire ) . Comps . Eedwell , J ; Little , E . ; Codner , N . ; and the other newly appointed officers , together with Comps . Raynham , W . Stewart , Past Grand Standard Bearer of England ; J .
Boyd , W .-, R . Woodman , AI . D . ; H . Carter , Z . 382 ; Major E . H . Finney , W . Dodd , G . Cattell , H . W . Hunt , 1 ' . W . White , D . M . Dewar , E . Baxter , P . Z . 8 ; J . W . Barrett , and several other Companions . During the evening Comp . Little ,
acting for Comp . Roebuck , M . E . Z . and on behalf of the Royal Middlesex Chapter , presented to Colonel Burdett a handsome P . Z ' s jewel , beautifully mounted , and adorned with the arms of the county . The presentation was greeted
with loud cheers , which were renewed when the worthy President rose to return thanks . Several most effective speeches were made in proposing and responding to the various toasts , and the meeting altogether may be summed up as a
great success . The musical arrangements were confided to Comp . Parker , Prov . G . Organist , and gave unqualified satisfaction , while the catering of Mrs . Bendy , the hostess , left nothing to be desired .
DEVONSHIRE . TOT NKS . —Pleiades Chapter ( No . 710 ) . —The quarterly meeting was held on Thursday , April 2 i ; th . The Chapter was opened at noon b y Ex . Comps . J . Marks , . M . E . Z . ; Pridham , H . ; G . Heath , j . ; Dr . Hopkins , P . Z . ; J . Heath , P . Z . After the admission of the companions ,
the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The Treasurer gave a brief report of the finances . A board of 1 st Principals was constituted after the withdrawal of the other companions , and Ex . Comp . Pridham was installed as ' / ,. for the ensuing year . A board of
2 nd Principals was then constituted , and Comp . G . Heath was obligated and placed in the chair of H . Lastly , a board of 3 rd Principals was formed , ., ind Comp . A . B . Niner was installed as J . In each case , the ceremony was performed by Ex . Comp . Dr . Hopkins , P . Z . The
companions having been re-admitted , Comp . Beechey was installed as Principal Sojourner , and Comp . Croker as Janitor . Three brethren were proposed for installation at the next meeting , namely , Bros . Westhead , Stockwell , and Michelmore . The Chapter was closed at half past one .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
. Craft Hl ' asoiirn . CORNWALL .
CHACEWATER . —Boscawen Lodge ( No . 699 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this flourishing lodge was held on Monday , the 22 nd ult ., Bro . the Rev . G . L . Church , in the chair . There were a large number of the members of the lodge present . The business of the lodge was
to initiate Mr . Frederick Davey , to raise Bros . Abraham and Bunney , and to present Bros . Past Masters Paull and Hall with P . M . jewels . After the candidate had been initiated and the brethren raised to the third degree , the W . M . informed the brethren that he felt highly gratified that
evening , in having a special duty to perform , in the first place , he had the honour of proposing , Bro . the Hon . and Rev . J . T . Boscawen , as a joining member of this lodge , the gentleman from whom the lodge took its name , and secondly , to present Bros . Paull and Hall with
Past Masters' jewels , this being done , the lodge was duly closed , when the brethren adjourned to Bro . Host Paull ' s for refreshment . After the cloth was removed , and the healths of "The Queen , " "The Duke of Cornwall , " and "The Grand Master of England , " were proposed and
heartily drank to . Bro . P . M . Nmess , by permission of the chairman , proposed " The Health of the Provincial Grand Master of Cornwall , Bro . Augustus Smith , " and coupled with that toast " The Health of our W . M ., Bro . the Rev .
G . L . Church , P . G . Chaplain . " Bro . Church briefly replied , thanking them for the honour they had done him , and assuring them that he felt proud of his position , believingthathe was serving under one of the best Masons that had ever
lived . The W . M . then said that he would come to the toast of the evening , asking the brethren to fill their glasses and drink a bumper to " The Healths of Bros . Past Masters J ohn Paull and John Hall , " this was received with applause . He felt in proposing this toast hig hly honoured
by the fact , that he was the Master ol the largest lodge in the Province of Cornwall . This was highly gratifying to himself , and to the other brethren of the lodge , and he felt assured that the present prosperity of the lodge must be attributed to their P . M . ' s , who have been regular in their
attendance , and always-willing to assist 111 the working of the lodge . The W . M . spoke at some length , urging on the yonng members of the lodge to look towards the east , and concluded by expressing a hope that he might on some future day have
a similar honour conferred on him . Bro . Hall briefly replied , thanking the W . M . and brethren for the honour they had done him in presenting him with this handsome jewel , and assuring them that as long as his health should last he would continue to render his assistance for the
welfare of the lodge . Bro . Paull 111 acknowledging the compliment paid him said , that the pleasure which he felt on the present occasion had almost overpowered him , he felt proud for the kind , though flattering remarks that had been made on himself and Bro . Hall by the W . M . and others , and promised to continue his
services for the welfare of the lodge . He was one of the first who was initiated into the lodge , had served in every office within the door of the lodge , and had been their Secretary for six years , and that through the goodness of the Great A-ichitect of the Universe in preserving his health , he had not durinsr that time been absent but one
lodge night . He thanked them for the handsome jewel they had presented him with that night , and that whenever he should look on it he should feel delighted , not for its intrinsic value , but it would have a tendency to recall to his mind the many happy hours he had spent with the
brethren of the Boscawen . " The Health of the W . M . and others " followed , and the evening was spent in a manner long lo be remembered by the members of the Boscawen . 1 might add that the jewels which were very chaste , and much admired , were purchased from Bro . Kenning , of London .
DEVONSHIRE . TOTXES . —Pleiades Lodge ( No . 710 ) . —The monthly meeting was held on Thursday , the
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
iSth ult ,, at the Masonic Rooms . Hie lodge was opened by Bro . Niner , W . M ., assisted by Bros . Rev . J . Powning , Chaplain ; Watson , as I . P . M . ; Stafford , S . W . ; Presswell . J . W . ; Maye , Secretary ; Westhead , S . D . ; Fowle , J . D . ; Taylor , Organist ; and Cuming P . M ., as l . G . There
were also present Bros . Marks , P . M . ; Dr . Hopkins , P . M ., and P . Prov . G . S . W . ; and other members , also as visitors , Bros . Haswell , 1358 , and Michaehnore , 223 . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The lodge having been opened in the second degree ,
Bro . David was examined , and having answered most satisfactorily , was approved , entrusted , and dismissed for preparation . The lodge was opened in the third degree , when Bro . David was readmitted , and raised to the degree of M . M . by
the W . M ., the charge being given by Bro . Dr . Hopkins . The lodge was subsequently closed down to the first degree , when a lengthy discussion took place on matters of much importance to the members , but not of public interest . The lodge was finally closed at S . 30 .
OAKHAM . — Vale of Calnios Lodge ( No . 1265 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at tlie Agricultural Hall , on the 17 th ult . Present : —Bros . J . C . Duncombe , P . G . A . D . C . Northants and Hunts , P . G . J . D . Leicestershire and Rutland , W . M . ; Carter , P . M ., as S . W . ; Newconie , J . D .,
as J . W . ; J os . L . Bennett , Sec . , Keep , as S . D . ; Read , as J . D . ; Tewson , as l . G . ; and Hibbet , Tyler . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last lodge were read and confirmed . Bro . Bennett , Secretary , proposed that the votes of the lodge for the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons , and
the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Widows of Freemasons , be left at the disposal of the W . M ., seconded by Bro . Read , and carried unanimously . The lodge being closed in due form , the brethren adjourned to refreshment , after which the usual Masonic toasts were given , the visitors being responded lo by Bro . Carter , P . M ., No . 141 .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
The installation meeting of the Royal Middlesex Chapter , No . 1194 , and the Inauguration of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Middlesex , took place on Saturday , the 20 th ult . The members of the Royal Middlesex Chapter met at the Grotto Hotel , Twickenham , under
the sceptre of the M . E . Z ., Colonel Burdett , who duly opened the chapter , assisted by his H . and J . and a large number of Past Principles , who attended to assist or to witness the ceremonies of the day . Alter ballots had been taken for several joining members , Comp . R . Wentworth
Little , P . Z ., took the first chair , and having opened a Conclave of Principals , proceeded to instal Comp . W . Roebuck , C . E ., as M . E . Z . Comp . W . Smeed , P . Z ., then installed Comp . G . Cattel , as II ., after which Comp . Little installed the J . -elect ., Comp . \ V . Dodd . The
officers invested were Comps . Little , E . ; Kenning , N . ; Horsley , Treas . ; and Parker , Organist : and in consequence of the resignation of the i' . S .-elect , the other offices remained vacant . Several propositions were then made and the chapter was called off , in order that the important ceremonies
of inaugurating the Jirst Grand Chapter for the Province , and of installing its first chiefs , might be carried out in due form . The chair was accordingly taken by Comp . John Hervey , Grand Scribe E . of England , who nominated Comps . John Boyd , P . / ,., 14 ^ and 1534 , as 11 ., and Dr . Woodman , P . Z . 3 , ] , as J . A deputation of four
Past First Principals , Comps . J . Stevens , A . J . Codner , 11 . G . Buss , and R . W . Little , then , after the usual formalities introduced the Provincial Grand Superintendent , Colonel Burdett , P . Z ., and the gallant Companion was obligated and installed as the First Chief of Ivoval Arch
Royal Arch.
Masonry in Middlesex . He then nominated Comps . W . Roebuck , Z . 1194 , as Prov . G . H ., and J . M . Stedwell , P . Z . 946 , as Prov . G . J ., and they were duly obligated and installed by Comp . Hervey . The election of a P . G . Treasurer
resulted in favour of Comp . H . G . Buss , P . Z ., who holds a similar rank in Provincial Grand Lodge , and the remainder of the Officers were then appointed and invested in the following order :-
—R . Wentworth Little , P . Z . Prov . G . S . E . Antonio J . Codner , P . Z . ... Prov . G . S . W . John Cotitts , P . Z Prov . G . P . S . William Smeed , P . Z Prov . G . 1 st A . S . T . R . Mclllwham , Z . 946 Prov . G .. 2 nd A . S .
Charles Horsley Prov . G . Reg . Geo . Motion , H . 946 Prov . G . St . B . William Piatt , P . Z Prov . G . S . B . G . Kenning , ( Z . 192 ) N . 1104 Prov . G . D . C . Henry Parker Prov . G . Org .
Comp . Gilbert was elected Prov . G . Janitor . A Committee , consisting of the P . G . Supt . H . J . E . Treas ., and Registrar , was appointed to prepare a code of by-laws for the government of the province . The Provincial Grand
Superintendent then moved that the cordial thanks of Provincial Grand Chapter be tendered to Ex . Comp . John Hervey , G . S . E ., for the kindness with which lie had consented to perform the various ceremonies of inauguration , and installation , aswell
as for the dignity and solemnity which had characterised his efficient conduct of the work . The proposition was seconded b y Comp . Roebuck , P . G . H . and carried by acclamation . Comj ) . Hervey briefly acknowledged the
compliment , after which the Provincial Grand Chapter , and the private chapter -were successively closed . A sumptuous banquet was then served , the chair being taken by Colonel Burdett , supported by Comp . Hervey , as H . ( a domestic
affliction having caused Com ]) . Roebuck to retire ) . Comps . Eedwell , J ; Little , E . ; Codner , N . ; and the other newly appointed officers , together with Comps . Raynham , W . Stewart , Past Grand Standard Bearer of England ; J .
Boyd , W .-, R . Woodman , AI . D . ; H . Carter , Z . 382 ; Major E . H . Finney , W . Dodd , G . Cattell , H . W . Hunt , 1 ' . W . White , D . M . Dewar , E . Baxter , P . Z . 8 ; J . W . Barrett , and several other Companions . During the evening Comp . Little ,
acting for Comp . Roebuck , M . E . Z . and on behalf of the Royal Middlesex Chapter , presented to Colonel Burdett a handsome P . Z ' s jewel , beautifully mounted , and adorned with the arms of the county . The presentation was greeted
with loud cheers , which were renewed when the worthy President rose to return thanks . Several most effective speeches were made in proposing and responding to the various toasts , and the meeting altogether may be summed up as a
great success . The musical arrangements were confided to Comp . Parker , Prov . G . Organist , and gave unqualified satisfaction , while the catering of Mrs . Bendy , the hostess , left nothing to be desired .
DEVONSHIRE . TOT NKS . —Pleiades Chapter ( No . 710 ) . —The quarterly meeting was held on Thursday , April 2 i ; th . The Chapter was opened at noon b y Ex . Comps . J . Marks , . M . E . Z . ; Pridham , H . ; G . Heath , j . ; Dr . Hopkins , P . Z . ; J . Heath , P . Z . After the admission of the companions ,
the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The Treasurer gave a brief report of the finances . A board of 1 st Principals was constituted after the withdrawal of the other companions , and Ex . Comp . Pridham was installed as ' / ,. for the ensuing year . A board of
2 nd Principals was then constituted , and Comp . G . Heath was obligated and placed in the chair of H . Lastly , a board of 3 rd Principals was formed , ., ind Comp . A . B . Niner was installed as J . In each case , the ceremony was performed by Ex . Comp . Dr . Hopkins , P . Z . The
companions having been re-admitted , Comp . Beechey was installed as Principal Sojourner , and Comp . Croker as Janitor . Three brethren were proposed for installation at the next meeting , namely , Bros . Westhead , Stockwell , and Michelmore . The Chapter was closed at half past one .