Article Royal Arch. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Knights Templar. Page 1 of 1 Article Knights Templar. Page 1 of 1 Article Knights Templar. Page 1 of 1 Article Red Cross of Constantine. Page 1 of 1 Article Scotland. Page 1 of 2 →
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Royal Arch.
LEICESTERSHIRE . LEICESTER . —Chapter of Fortitude ( No . 279 ) . —A regular convocation of this chapter was held at Freemasons' Hall on the 24 th ult . The principal chairs were occupied by Comps . Toller , M . E . Z . ; Stretton , H . ; and Crow , J . There were also present Comps . Kelly , Prov . G . Supt .
Partridge , S . E . ; Sculthorpe , S . N . ; and other companions . Visitor—Comp . J . M . Moore , S . E . Rowley Chapter , Lancaster ( No . I , J ) . After the Chapter had been opened , and the minutes read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for Bro . G . B . Atkins , of John of Gaunt Lodge ( No . ^ 23 ) , who was declared to be unanimously elected ,
and being present was exalted to this supreme degree by the M . E . Z ., who also delivered the Mystical Lecture , the Symbolical , being given by the Prov . G . Supt ., and the Historical by Comp . Crow , J . Three candidates were proposed for exaltation at the next meeting , after which the Chapter was closed , and the Companions retired for refreshment .
SCOTLAND . GLASGOW . —The Caledonian Chapter of Unity ( No . 73 ) .- —The companions of this chapter met on Tuesday last , at theirhall , 170 Buchanan-street . D . Gilchrist , Z . ; G . M . Donald , H . ; G . W . Wheeler , J . ; T . Findler , E . The Comps . of this chapter for correct work , had brought seven
candidates , five of them being from the oldest lodge in Scotland , Mother Kilwinning No . o . X lodge of Mark Masters was opened , W . Donaldson , acting as J . W . and G . Wheeler as Conductor . The lecture was delivered ny Comp . D . Gilchrist . A lodge of Chair Masters was then
opened , and the same gentleman received that degree . After labour , the brethren retired to refreshment , when after the usual loyal and Masonic toasts had been given , that of the candidates was proposed and responded to by Bro . Ferffuson . That of Comp . Tweed was then given as
the proposer of these seven candidates , and an energetic worker in Masonry . Comp . Tweed replied , pledging himself to do all that he could to assist the Caledonian I hiity . his mother chapter , as well as Mother Kilwinning his mother lodge .
The health of Comp . Wheeler was then drunk with allthe honours , and he suitably acknowledged the kindness done him . Comps . Wheeler , and Park , replied on behalf of the Z ' s of other chapters . Happy to meet , and sorry to part , brought to a close this highly successful meeting .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
DEVONSHIRE . TOTNES . —Pleiades Lodge ( No . 26 ) . —At the quarterly meeting held on the 2 , 5 th ult ., under the presidency of Bro . A . B . Niner , W . M ., the lodge was opened soon after six p . m ., with Bros . Rev . R . Bowdcn , P . M ., in the chair of S . W . ; Dr . Hopkins , Past Grand J . W ., in that ol
I . P . M . ; Lidstone , acting as J . W . ; Taylor , Org . The Overseers were unavoidably absent , and therefore the posts of the ceremony in which they are engaged were at the proper time , explained by the I . P . M . The minutes of the previous meetinsr were read and confirmed . A
ballot was taken for Bros . Oliver , l'erin , Pescott , and David , as candidates for advancement , which proving unanimously favourable , they were admitted , and received the benefit of this degree at the hands of the W . M . The lecture was given by Bro . Dr . Hopkins , P . M ., and during his
occupation of the chair , the W . M . having withdrawn , Bro . Niner was unanimously re-elected to preside over the lodge during the ensuing year . The W . M . re-entered , again assumed his chair , thanked the brethren for the compliment paid to him , and final ) closed the lodge at 8 p . m .
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
LANCASHIRE . PKKSTOX .--Prince of Peace Encampment . — The installation meeting of this encampment was held at tlie Assembly Rooms of the Bull Hotel , Preston , on Monday , the 15 th ult . The
Knights Templar.
E . C , SirKnight J . Walker presided , and was supported by Sir Knight W . H . Wri ght , Deputy Grand Commander of the Province , and a goodly assemblage of Knights of the Order . The encampment was opened in due form , and the general business transacted . Comp . Edward
Airey , of the . Rowley Chapter , Lancaster , and Comp . John Worsley , of the Chapter of Unanimity , Preston , were duly elected , and the baton of command having been entrusted to Sir Kni ght Wright , they were regularl y installed and proclaimed as Knights Companions of the
Orderthe symbols being explained b y Sir Kni ght Moore . The choice of the members in their election of an E . C . for the ensuing year having unanimously fallen upon Sir Knight J . Daniel Moore , At . D ., that energetic member of our fraternity , was regularly installed into the
position of Eminent Commander of the Encampment by Sir Knight W . H . Wri ght , whose eminent services to the Prince of Peace Encampment both , now , and at previous meetings , deserve especial acknowledgment . The officers were appointed as follows : •Sir Knights John
Walker , P . E . C . and Registrar ; Col . Birchall , Prelate ; Robinson , rst Captain ; Capt . A . H . H . Whitehead , 2 nd Captain ; Galloway , Treasurer ; Robt . Walker , Hospitaller ; Major Wilson , Almoner ; J ames Worsley , Expert ; W . J . Sly , Capt . of Lines ; Capt . Lockhart and Parkinson
Standard Bearers ; E . Airey and John Worsley , Heralds . After the close of the encampment , the Knights sat down to a banquet , in every respect worthy of the occasion , the usual loyal , Masonic , and chivalric toasts being duly honoured .
GIBRALTAR . CA L I ' E x e : A M i' > i n N T . —The regular meetinsr of this encampment was held on Tuesday evening , the 9 th ult ., at the Masonic Hall . The business of the evening was mainly the installation of the Eminent Commander elect , but it having been
reported immediately on the opening of the encampment , that several illustrious pilgrims had arrived at the outposts , and were seeking admission , the Eminent Commander , Sir Kt . Balfour Cockbum , ruled that they should at once be examined , and if found worthy , admitted . On
the return of the Captain of the Lines , he reported that the supplicants consisted of Companion Matthews , Colonel in the American Army , and Minister of the American Government at the Court of Morocco . Companion Wall , Lieutenant Royal Artillery , and Companion Herr Von
Relle , late S , ; rd regiment . These , companions were forthwith admitted , and installed as Knights Templar in a most solemn and impressive manner , Sir Kt . Price , acting as Expert , and carrying out the details of the ceremony in a manner worthy of the highest praise . When his newl y
created Knights had been placed in their respective stalls ; E . C . Sir Kt . Balfour Cockburn , with the assistance of P . E . C . Sir Kt . Dautez and others , proceeded at once to instal Sir Kt . Carver , as Eminent Commander for the ensuing year . Sir Knt . Carver selected Sir Knt . Price , as
ist Captain , and Sir Knt . Wortman as 2 nd Captain , Sir Knt . Henry being placed in the chair of Prelate . Before the encampment was closed P . E . C . Sir Kt . Balfour Cockbum begged to be permitted to say a few words in recognition of the untiring energy and zeal displayed by Sir
Kt . Marn , who had been Registrar for the past year . The flourishing condition in which the encampment was handed over to Sir Kt . Carver , was in a great measure due to the exertions of the Registrar , and Sir Kt . Balfour Cockburn earnestly hoped that the present E . C . would be enabled to retain the services of so valuable an officer , more especiall y in so important a post as that of Retristrar .
GLASGOW . GLASGOW . —The Glasgow Girran Encampment ( No . 32 ) . —This encampment met on Tuesday , the 2 nd ult ., to confer the degree of Knights of Malta on the following gentlemen : —John
Tweed . James Crabb , Wm . Dubboe , Hugh Mathison , Wm . King , and R . W . Smith , The ceremony was conducted by Sir Knt . Bell , M . N . C ., assisted by Sir Knts . J . Parks , J . E . Speirs , M . Clanachan , and G . W . Wheelei ,
Knights Templar.
Recorders . A letter was read from the Sir Kni ghts of the Alleghany Commandery , conveying their thanks to this encampment for the banquet given to them on their visit to Glasgow . This letter as well as a copy of the reply sent to them was
ordered to be sent to the Freemason * for publication . A letter was then read from the widow of the Equerry , and assistance voted from the funds , which was supplemented by a subscription from the Fraters present .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Red Cross of Constantine .
Emx-BUGH . —Edinburgh Conclave ( No . 4 ) . — - The first anniversary assembly of this conclave for the installation of M . P . S . and Viceroys was held in the Rooms , 79 , George-street , on Tuesday evening , the 23 rd ult ., V . E ., Sir Knt . J . B . Mercer , K . G . C ., M . P . S . presiding ; there was a
full attendance of officers and members . The minutes of the meetings having been read and confirmed , Em . Sir Knt . Wm . Grant , ( P . M . No . 349 ) , ( Hon . V . ) , Past Sen . Gen . V .-elect , was presented and regularly inducted into the chair of Eusebius . Sir Knt . C . G . C . Christie ,
( R . W . M . No . 36 ) , M . P . S .-elect , was then presented , and having signified his assent to the prescribed rules and ordinances , was in a College of Viceroy ' s , solemnly consecrated , and afterwards in a Senate of Sovereigns , regularly enthroned as M . P . S . for the ensuing vear . He then
invested his officers as follows : —viz ., Em . Sir Knt . J . A . Butti , I . P . M . No . 349 , ( Hon . V . ) Past Junr . Genl ., Senr . Gen . ; Sir Knt . Geo . Watson , Junr . Gen . ; Em . Sir Knt . John Taylor , P . M . 145 349 ) ( Hon . Sow . ) High Prelate , Sir Knt . A . M . Bruce , Treas .: Em . Sir Knt . R . S . Brown ,
Past Viceroy , Recorder ; Sir Knt . T . S . Baird , Prefect ; Robert Irlam , S . B . ; Peter Lothian Herald , and William Grieg , Sentinel , with Em . Sir Knt . Alex . Henry , R . W . M . No . 349 , Hon . Sow ; Sir Knts . Robert Smart , and James Clark as members of Council . The business ended ,
and the conclave closed , the Sir Knts . adjourned to the refectory , where an excellent banquet , presided over b y the M . P . S ., supported by the E . V . E ., was provided and partaken of . The usual loyal and chivalric toasts were given , and duly responded to , and a most agreeable evening was enjoyed by all present .
Scotland .
Gi . A . soovv . —Lodge St . A lark ( No . 102 ) . — The hundred and sixth annual festival of this lodge , was celebrated on the 24 th ult ., at the North British Imperial Hotel . A goodly number of the brethren sat down to dinner , Bro . John Cuninghanie , R . W . M ., presiding , supported b y
Bros . Capt . Neill , of Swindndgemuir , Depute Master of Mother Kilwinning , and S . P . G . M . for Ayrshire ; Charles A . Cuninghanie , Waterside ; Thomas Halket , P . M . ; | ames F . Mitchell , D . M . ; George Sinclair , R . W . M . 27 ; I . C . Noscript , W . C . Hotson , and Thomas Halket , jun .
The duties of Croupier was discharged by Bro . Robt . Jamieson , S . W ., supported by Bros . D . Douglas , J . W . ; James B . Hardie , I . G . ; Daniel Watson , P . J . W . ; Hugh Campbell , Sec . ; and Alexander Gladstone , jun ., Dir . of Music . After dinner " The Queen and the Craft , " and " The
Army , Navy , and Volunteers , were proposed from the chair . Capt . Neill replied to the latter toast . The . R . W . M . then gave "The Grand Lodges of England , Ireland , and Scotland . " Bro . J . F . Mitchell , in proposing "The Prov . G . Lodge of Glasgow , " said that under the regime of Bro .
W . Montgomerie Neilson . Prov . G . M ., the system of visiting the lodges in the province yearly had been carried out with great advantage , many irregularities had been corrected , and improvements made in conducting the business of the lodges
that cannot fail to be of the greatest benefit to the Craft . Bro . George Sinclair , R . W . M . 27 , proposed " Lodge St . Mark , No . 102 , " and in doing so alluded to the excellent manner in which the work of the lodge had been conducted by the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
LEICESTERSHIRE . LEICESTER . —Chapter of Fortitude ( No . 279 ) . —A regular convocation of this chapter was held at Freemasons' Hall on the 24 th ult . The principal chairs were occupied by Comps . Toller , M . E . Z . ; Stretton , H . ; and Crow , J . There were also present Comps . Kelly , Prov . G . Supt .
Partridge , S . E . ; Sculthorpe , S . N . ; and other companions . Visitor—Comp . J . M . Moore , S . E . Rowley Chapter , Lancaster ( No . I , J ) . After the Chapter had been opened , and the minutes read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for Bro . G . B . Atkins , of John of Gaunt Lodge ( No . ^ 23 ) , who was declared to be unanimously elected ,
and being present was exalted to this supreme degree by the M . E . Z ., who also delivered the Mystical Lecture , the Symbolical , being given by the Prov . G . Supt ., and the Historical by Comp . Crow , J . Three candidates were proposed for exaltation at the next meeting , after which the Chapter was closed , and the Companions retired for refreshment .
SCOTLAND . GLASGOW . —The Caledonian Chapter of Unity ( No . 73 ) .- —The companions of this chapter met on Tuesday last , at theirhall , 170 Buchanan-street . D . Gilchrist , Z . ; G . M . Donald , H . ; G . W . Wheeler , J . ; T . Findler , E . The Comps . of this chapter for correct work , had brought seven
candidates , five of them being from the oldest lodge in Scotland , Mother Kilwinning No . o . X lodge of Mark Masters was opened , W . Donaldson , acting as J . W . and G . Wheeler as Conductor . The lecture was delivered ny Comp . D . Gilchrist . A lodge of Chair Masters was then
opened , and the same gentleman received that degree . After labour , the brethren retired to refreshment , when after the usual loyal and Masonic toasts had been given , that of the candidates was proposed and responded to by Bro . Ferffuson . That of Comp . Tweed was then given as
the proposer of these seven candidates , and an energetic worker in Masonry . Comp . Tweed replied , pledging himself to do all that he could to assist the Caledonian I hiity . his mother chapter , as well as Mother Kilwinning his mother lodge .
The health of Comp . Wheeler was then drunk with allthe honours , and he suitably acknowledged the kindness done him . Comps . Wheeler , and Park , replied on behalf of the Z ' s of other chapters . Happy to meet , and sorry to part , brought to a close this highly successful meeting .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
DEVONSHIRE . TOTNES . —Pleiades Lodge ( No . 26 ) . —At the quarterly meeting held on the 2 , 5 th ult ., under the presidency of Bro . A . B . Niner , W . M ., the lodge was opened soon after six p . m ., with Bros . Rev . R . Bowdcn , P . M ., in the chair of S . W . ; Dr . Hopkins , Past Grand J . W ., in that ol
I . P . M . ; Lidstone , acting as J . W . ; Taylor , Org . The Overseers were unavoidably absent , and therefore the posts of the ceremony in which they are engaged were at the proper time , explained by the I . P . M . The minutes of the previous meetinsr were read and confirmed . A
ballot was taken for Bros . Oliver , l'erin , Pescott , and David , as candidates for advancement , which proving unanimously favourable , they were admitted , and received the benefit of this degree at the hands of the W . M . The lecture was given by Bro . Dr . Hopkins , P . M ., and during his
occupation of the chair , the W . M . having withdrawn , Bro . Niner was unanimously re-elected to preside over the lodge during the ensuing year . The W . M . re-entered , again assumed his chair , thanked the brethren for the compliment paid to him , and final ) closed the lodge at 8 p . m .
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
LANCASHIRE . PKKSTOX .--Prince of Peace Encampment . — The installation meeting of this encampment was held at tlie Assembly Rooms of the Bull Hotel , Preston , on Monday , the 15 th ult . The
Knights Templar.
E . C , SirKnight J . Walker presided , and was supported by Sir Knight W . H . Wri ght , Deputy Grand Commander of the Province , and a goodly assemblage of Knights of the Order . The encampment was opened in due form , and the general business transacted . Comp . Edward
Airey , of the . Rowley Chapter , Lancaster , and Comp . John Worsley , of the Chapter of Unanimity , Preston , were duly elected , and the baton of command having been entrusted to Sir Kni ght Wright , they were regularl y installed and proclaimed as Knights Companions of the
Orderthe symbols being explained b y Sir Kni ght Moore . The choice of the members in their election of an E . C . for the ensuing year having unanimously fallen upon Sir Knight J . Daniel Moore , At . D ., that energetic member of our fraternity , was regularly installed into the
position of Eminent Commander of the Encampment by Sir Knight W . H . Wri ght , whose eminent services to the Prince of Peace Encampment both , now , and at previous meetings , deserve especial acknowledgment . The officers were appointed as follows : •Sir Knights John
Walker , P . E . C . and Registrar ; Col . Birchall , Prelate ; Robinson , rst Captain ; Capt . A . H . H . Whitehead , 2 nd Captain ; Galloway , Treasurer ; Robt . Walker , Hospitaller ; Major Wilson , Almoner ; J ames Worsley , Expert ; W . J . Sly , Capt . of Lines ; Capt . Lockhart and Parkinson
Standard Bearers ; E . Airey and John Worsley , Heralds . After the close of the encampment , the Knights sat down to a banquet , in every respect worthy of the occasion , the usual loyal , Masonic , and chivalric toasts being duly honoured .
GIBRALTAR . CA L I ' E x e : A M i' > i n N T . —The regular meetinsr of this encampment was held on Tuesday evening , the 9 th ult ., at the Masonic Hall . The business of the evening was mainly the installation of the Eminent Commander elect , but it having been
reported immediately on the opening of the encampment , that several illustrious pilgrims had arrived at the outposts , and were seeking admission , the Eminent Commander , Sir Kt . Balfour Cockbum , ruled that they should at once be examined , and if found worthy , admitted . On
the return of the Captain of the Lines , he reported that the supplicants consisted of Companion Matthews , Colonel in the American Army , and Minister of the American Government at the Court of Morocco . Companion Wall , Lieutenant Royal Artillery , and Companion Herr Von
Relle , late S , ; rd regiment . These , companions were forthwith admitted , and installed as Knights Templar in a most solemn and impressive manner , Sir Kt . Price , acting as Expert , and carrying out the details of the ceremony in a manner worthy of the highest praise . When his newl y
created Knights had been placed in their respective stalls ; E . C . Sir Kt . Balfour Cockburn , with the assistance of P . E . C . Sir Kt . Dautez and others , proceeded at once to instal Sir Kt . Carver , as Eminent Commander for the ensuing year . Sir Knt . Carver selected Sir Knt . Price , as
ist Captain , and Sir Knt . Wortman as 2 nd Captain , Sir Knt . Henry being placed in the chair of Prelate . Before the encampment was closed P . E . C . Sir Kt . Balfour Cockbum begged to be permitted to say a few words in recognition of the untiring energy and zeal displayed by Sir
Kt . Marn , who had been Registrar for the past year . The flourishing condition in which the encampment was handed over to Sir Kt . Carver , was in a great measure due to the exertions of the Registrar , and Sir Kt . Balfour Cockburn earnestly hoped that the present E . C . would be enabled to retain the services of so valuable an officer , more especiall y in so important a post as that of Retristrar .
GLASGOW . GLASGOW . —The Glasgow Girran Encampment ( No . 32 ) . —This encampment met on Tuesday , the 2 nd ult ., to confer the degree of Knights of Malta on the following gentlemen : —John
Tweed . James Crabb , Wm . Dubboe , Hugh Mathison , Wm . King , and R . W . Smith , The ceremony was conducted by Sir Knt . Bell , M . N . C ., assisted by Sir Knts . J . Parks , J . E . Speirs , M . Clanachan , and G . W . Wheelei ,
Knights Templar.
Recorders . A letter was read from the Sir Kni ghts of the Alleghany Commandery , conveying their thanks to this encampment for the banquet given to them on their visit to Glasgow . This letter as well as a copy of the reply sent to them was
ordered to be sent to the Freemason * for publication . A letter was then read from the widow of the Equerry , and assistance voted from the funds , which was supplemented by a subscription from the Fraters present .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Red Cross of Constantine .
Emx-BUGH . —Edinburgh Conclave ( No . 4 ) . — - The first anniversary assembly of this conclave for the installation of M . P . S . and Viceroys was held in the Rooms , 79 , George-street , on Tuesday evening , the 23 rd ult ., V . E ., Sir Knt . J . B . Mercer , K . G . C ., M . P . S . presiding ; there was a
full attendance of officers and members . The minutes of the meetings having been read and confirmed , Em . Sir Knt . Wm . Grant , ( P . M . No . 349 ) , ( Hon . V . ) , Past Sen . Gen . V .-elect , was presented and regularly inducted into the chair of Eusebius . Sir Knt . C . G . C . Christie ,
( R . W . M . No . 36 ) , M . P . S .-elect , was then presented , and having signified his assent to the prescribed rules and ordinances , was in a College of Viceroy ' s , solemnly consecrated , and afterwards in a Senate of Sovereigns , regularly enthroned as M . P . S . for the ensuing vear . He then
invested his officers as follows : —viz ., Em . Sir Knt . J . A . Butti , I . P . M . No . 349 , ( Hon . V . ) Past Junr . Genl ., Senr . Gen . ; Sir Knt . Geo . Watson , Junr . Gen . ; Em . Sir Knt . John Taylor , P . M . 145 349 ) ( Hon . Sow . ) High Prelate , Sir Knt . A . M . Bruce , Treas .: Em . Sir Knt . R . S . Brown ,
Past Viceroy , Recorder ; Sir Knt . T . S . Baird , Prefect ; Robert Irlam , S . B . ; Peter Lothian Herald , and William Grieg , Sentinel , with Em . Sir Knt . Alex . Henry , R . W . M . No . 349 , Hon . Sow ; Sir Knts . Robert Smart , and James Clark as members of Council . The business ended ,
and the conclave closed , the Sir Knts . adjourned to the refectory , where an excellent banquet , presided over b y the M . P . S ., supported by the E . V . E ., was provided and partaken of . The usual loyal and chivalric toasts were given , and duly responded to , and a most agreeable evening was enjoyed by all present .
Scotland .
Gi . A . soovv . —Lodge St . A lark ( No . 102 ) . — The hundred and sixth annual festival of this lodge , was celebrated on the 24 th ult ., at the North British Imperial Hotel . A goodly number of the brethren sat down to dinner , Bro . John Cuninghanie , R . W . M ., presiding , supported b y
Bros . Capt . Neill , of Swindndgemuir , Depute Master of Mother Kilwinning , and S . P . G . M . for Ayrshire ; Charles A . Cuninghanie , Waterside ; Thomas Halket , P . M . ; | ames F . Mitchell , D . M . ; George Sinclair , R . W . M . 27 ; I . C . Noscript , W . C . Hotson , and Thomas Halket , jun .
The duties of Croupier was discharged by Bro . Robt . Jamieson , S . W ., supported by Bros . D . Douglas , J . W . ; James B . Hardie , I . G . ; Daniel Watson , P . J . W . ; Hugh Campbell , Sec . ; and Alexander Gladstone , jun ., Dir . of Music . After dinner " The Queen and the Craft , " and " The
Army , Navy , and Volunteers , were proposed from the chair . Capt . Neill replied to the latter toast . The . R . W . M . then gave "The Grand Lodges of England , Ireland , and Scotland . " Bro . J . F . Mitchell , in proposing "The Prov . G . Lodge of Glasgow , " said that under the regime of Bro .
W . Montgomerie Neilson . Prov . G . M ., the system of visiting the lodges in the province yearly had been carried out with great advantage , many irregularities had been corrected , and improvements made in conducting the business of the lodges
that cannot fail to be of the greatest benefit to the Craft . Bro . George Sinclair , R . W . M . 27 , proposed " Lodge St . Mark , No . 102 , " and in doing so alluded to the excellent manner in which the work of the lodge had been conducted by the