Article GRAND MARK LODGE. ← Page 2 of 2 Article GRAND MARK LODGE. Page 2 of 2 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 3 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 3 →
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Grand Mark Lodge.
not have the brotherly love and charity towards each other to set as an example to the outer world . Bro . AV . W . B . BEACH would ever value the jewel so kindly presented to him . It would serve as a memento of many pleasant hours he had spent with the brethren when he had the honour of
presiding in the chair . He had always felt a deep interest in thc prosperity ancl progress ofthe degree of which thc Grand Master had given such an interesting account . Its importance could not be ignored ; but it had sufficient vitality in itself to exist by itself , if necessary , although friendly
relations with every other branch of the Craft should be cultivated . If it was not recognised by the constituted Masonic authorities , Mark Masons had a right to constitute an authority of their own , and it would be recognised wherever Mark
Masters congregated . All over the world it was held to be of importance , and in America no one was allowed to take the Arch degree unless he was previously a Mark Master . Brethren in this country should take this degree on that account , and cultivate Jvlasonic relations with brethren in other countries .
Bro . Stebbing was re-elected Grand Treasurer on the motion of Bro . NUNN , seconded by Bro . J . STEVENS . Thc following brethren were then appointed and invested by thc Grand Master as his officers for the year : — Earl Percy D . G . M .
Earl of Limerick S . G . AV . Major Adair J . G . AV . Capt . King G . M . O . Dr . Mudge G . S . O . Jas . Stevens G . J . O . Rev . AA ^ . Langley ) „ „ , . . Rev . AV . B . Church ... G' Chaplains . J . R . Stebbing G . Treasurer .
R . A . Benson G . R . M . F . Binckes G . Secretary . Rooke G . SD . Stokoe G . J . D . Lund G . S . AV . S . Rosenthal G . D . G . F . J . Cox Asst . G . D . C .
Roberts G . S . B . Codd G . S . B . Read G . Organist . Hayward G . I . G . CT . Speight Tyler . Bro . BINCKES read the report of the General Board .
On the subject of the propriety of working the degrees of "Ark , " "Link , " and " AA restle , " and of " Most Excellent Master , " a long discussion ensued , and it was ultimately referred to a committee , the Grand Master to select the members , who were not to exceed twelve in number .
Bros . Sabine , Meggy , Wan ; Wynn , and Nunn were elected to scats on the General Board ; ancl Bros . W . Richardson , Geo . King , Hammerton , Clarence Harcourt , Webb , H . Massey , R . Boncey , and Hudson were chosen Grand Stewards . Power was given to thc Grand Secretary to call in
additional assistance in his office , and the remuneration increased from ^ " 130 to . £ 150 a-ycar . The whole ofthe business on thc paper not having been completed when the banquet was announced , it was postponed for an especial Grand Lodge . Grand Lodge was then closed in ample form .
1 HE BANQUET . The Grand Master presided at the banquet , surrounded by most of the brethren who attended Grand Lodge . When the cloth was removed , " Thc Health of Her Majesty " was proposed by thc GRAND MASTER
and drank . The EARL of CARNARVON , in proposing the Grand Master ' s health , said he had known him for a much longer time than he liked to think of excepting with great pleasure at thc acquaintance . He had never found him wanting in sense and
judgment , in ability or courage , as a true-hearted friend or a good Mason . The Past Master's jewel was due to his archaeological skill and taste , and Mark Masonry might well be content to have him at its head , for he was as well calculated as any man to push on the Order to still further triumphs than it had yet achieved .
Ihe GRAND MASTER felt it a great honour to be the second time elected as Master , and to take the chair at a banquet characterised by such good temper and good feeling as this . He had many shortcomings for which to excuse himself to Grand Lodge ; but his reception would be a stimulus to
him to use his best endeavours during thc coming year for the success of the Order he was identified with . The GRAND MASTER then proposed " The Past Grand Masters , " and in doing so said that by
limiting the period of holding office to three years , the Master wss enabled to gather round him as distinguished a body of Past Masters as he had round him that night . AVhen other bodies were reduced o such expedients as conferring a rank upon a Ma-
Grand Mark Lodge.
son that he was not entitled to , the Mark Masons ought to rejoice that they had real Past Grand Masters who hacl performed their duties well . As no mortals were free from weakness , he hoped the Past Masters would be vain enough to like to come to Grand Lodge to display their P . M . jewels . If
thcydid , thebettcr pleased wouldall Mark Masons be . _ Lord LEIGH responded , and said he derived additional pleasure in the possession of his jewel , from the fact that it was made in his own province of Warwick , at Birmingham . He congratulated the Grand Master , Grand Lodge , and Mark Masons generally ,
on the progress made by the degree in the last 15 years , and trusted it would flourish as much in future . There were such business habits among them and such a right good spirit , that it must flourish . The GRAND MASTER , in giving the health of " The Deputy Grand Master , " ' alluded to one of the
badges of Earl Percy's family being a pair of handcuffs , ancl hoped they would be a link of amity which in future would bind this Grand Lodge to the Grand Chapter of Scotland in those fraternal bonds which all desired to see . Earl PERCY said he was very diffident of his own
powers in Ins new position , but he was less so when he found round him so many brethren ready to assist him . He hoped that the brethren would soon become better acquainted with his part of the country , ancl he trusted that when they were they would find a good deal ofthe link and very little o ' f the wrestle .
The GRAND MASTER proposed " The Grand AVardens , " and said that in Grand Mark Lodge the officers were chosen from all parts of the country . Major ADAIR replied . Bro . Benson responded for the rest of the " Grand
Officers and the Past Grand Officers ; " Col . Burdett for the " Visitors ; " Bro . Rosenthal for the " Grand Stewards ; " and Bro . Binckes for thc " Benevolent Fund Festival ; " and the brethren shortly afterwards separated .
The dinner was well served by Bro . Dowsing , the manager of the Freemasons' Tavern Company , and Bros . Barnby , Carter , ancl Distin , assisted by Madame Thaddcus AVells , enlivened the evening with some beautiful harmony .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
METROPOLITAN . Israel Lodge , No . 203 . —The last meeting of the season of this prosperous lodge took place at Bro . Hart ' s ( Radley ' s ) on Tuesday last week , when the very efficient AV . M ., Bro . Michael J . Emanuel , initiated Mr . Thos . Cabb , and conferred the sublime degree on Bros . Willing , Streather , Ladd , and Boam . The lodge was called from labour to
refreshment , and partook of one of Iiro . Hart ' s sumptuous banquets , after which the usual toasts were proposed and responded to ; the brethren were then called on to Masonic duty , and the lodge was closed in the usual form . Neio Concord Lodge , No . S 13 . —This flourishing lodge held its last meeting for the season on Friday , the 20 th ult ., at the Rosemary Branch Tavern , Islington . Bros .
Bartlett , W . M . ; Atkins , S . W . ; Salisbury , J . W . ; Hart , P . M . ; Wilson , P . M . and Treas . ; Emmons , P . M . ; W . II . Main , P . M . and Sec . ; Blyth , S . D . ; Denny , J . D . ; A . Hill , I . G . ; Sinclair , D . C . ; McDavitt , Org . ; and C . J . Hill , S ., being present , together with Bros . Pync , Gallant , Harris , Gabb , Gain , Chesher , Abseil , Hotlauer , Faucquez , Wagner , Townsend , Spratt , Phillips , Cain ,
Bcnningfield ami Rhcin . Bros . Taylor 172 , and Sheppard 27 , were visitors on this occasion . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of thc previous lodge were confirmed ; thc lodge was opened in the second degree , and Bros , l'ync , King and Harris being candidates for thc third answered tlie usual questions , were entrusted and retired , and the lodge being opened in the third
degree they were severally raised to thc sublime degree of M . M . The lodge was then closed to the second degree and resumed lo the first , Bro . Wagner being a candidate for the second answered and retired , and thc lodge being again resumed to thc second he was passed to the degree of F . C . The lodge was resumed to the first degree . A petition was read on behalf of the child Jones , who lost
his election for the Boys' School by seven votes at the late election , and who would be ineligible ( being eleven years of age next September ) for the next election , soliciting assistance to raise a sufficient sum to purchase his admission . Several of the brethren promised to subscribe . It was unanimously resolved that the lodge have a summer banquet , and that the ladies be invited to dine with thc
biethren . It was also unanimously resolved that Bro . Emmens , P . G . P . and founder of the lodge , be an Honorary Member of thc lodge . All Masonic business being ended , thc brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet , provided by thc worthy host , Bro . Gabb . The cloth cleared , the W . M . gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts . The P . G . Officers being acknowledged by Bro ,
Emmens , P . M . Bros . Taylor ancl Sheppard responded for the visitors , and expressed themselves pleased with the admirable working ofthe W . M . and his officers . Bro . J . Wilson , P . M . and Treas ., returned thanks for the P . M . ' s , and Main , P . M . and Sec ., and Atkins , S . AV ., for the officers ; and after a fitting compliment had been paid to Bro . Gabb and Mrs . Gabb , the brethren separated , having passed a very happy evening , enlivened by the singing of
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Bros . Blyth , Hill and Cusworth , assisted by Bro . M'Davitt , Organist . Finsbury Lodge , No . 861 . —The last meeting of the season , of this prosperous lodge , was held at the Jolly Anglers Tavern , Bath-street , St . Luke ' s , on the evening of Friday , May the 27 th . After the opening ceremony thc minutes of the previous meeting were read and
confirmed , and the lodge was then opaned in the second degree , when the respected S . AV ., Bro . James Nicholls , was presented to the Installing Master , the AV . Brother Macky , P . M ., who conducted the ceremony of installation in such a style as lo earn the warm approbation of the brethren . The W . M . then invested his officers , viz . : — Bros . S . Hart , S . AV . ; Benjamin , J . W . ; Alfred Day ,
P . M ., Treas . ; T . G . Purely , P . M ., Sec ; Bilby , P . M ., Organist ; Stokes , S . D ., Maxwell , J . D . ; and Speight , Tyler ; adding a suitable address to each . After closing the lodge , the brethren retired to an excellent banquet , provided by Bro . Bond ( P . M . and Treas . 101 ) , when the usual loyal ancl Masonic toasts were duly honoured . Bro . Alfred Day ( P . M . 65 , 101 , S 61 ) , the Treasurer ,
proposed the health of the newly-installed W . M ., and in the course of a most eloquent speech adverted to the excellent qualities of the new Master , and wished him a happy and successful year of oflice . As the founder of the lodge , his own heart was with them , and so long as the G . A . O . T . U . granted him health and strength , he would work to promote the best interests of the lodge . —
The AV . M . expressed his acknowledgments for the very able and handsome manner in which Bro . Day had spoken of him , and assured the brethren that he was firmly resolved , to the utmost of his power , to fulfil the responsible duties of the proud aud honourable position in which they had placed him as should reflect credit on himself and honour to the Lodge . —The W . M . then proposed
the visitors ( who , as usual at this lodge , were numerous ) , to which Bro . Poole , AV . M . of the Egyptian Lodge , responded in suitable terms . —The W . M . then said he had another pleasing duty to perform in proposing the health of the Ofiicers , for of them he felt justly proud , and of this he was certain , that he would be ably and efficiently supported by them in the discharge of the onerous duties of his office . —Bro . Hart , S . A \ ., in responding , thanked
the W . M . for the high eulogium he had passed upon the officers of the lodge , and which had been most cordially and enthusiastically endorsed by the brethren ; it was highly gratifying to his feelings , as it also was to his brother officers . Their best endeavours would at all times be devoted towards supporting so worthy and excellent a Master . —The Tyler ' s toast brought a most happy evening to a close .
Southern Star Lodge , No . 1158 . —The anniversary and installation meeting of this highly flourishing lodge was held on Tuesday evening , May 24 th , at the Montpelier Tavern , Walworth . Bro . R . E . Clarke , A \ . M ., presided , supported by Bros . Bayfield , S . AV . ; C . E . Thompson , J . W . ; Towers , S . D . ; Varvill , I . G . ; II . Thompson , P . M ., Treas . ; T . II . Pulsford , P . M ., Sec . ; J . Thomas ,
P . M ., Dr . Goldsboro ' , and a numerous body of visitors . There was a heavy list of business to be disposed of , and the first in order was to raise five brethren to the sublime degree of M . M ., which ceremony was ably performed by the W . M . The lodge was then resumed to the first degree , and three gentlemen were initiated into the mysteries of ancient Freemasonry . The lodge was then resumed to
the second degree , and Bro . Thompson , P . M ., presented Bro . D . S . Bayfield , the W . M .-elect , to receive from his predecessor the benefit of installation . The retiring W . M . then proceeded with the ceremony , and installed Bro . Bayfield into the chair of K . S . as W . M . for the ensuing year . There were 17 P . M . ' s present to do honour to the new W . M ., and who formed the Board of Installed
Masters . The brethren below the chair having been admitted thc W . M . was saluted in thc customary manner , and he then proceeded to appoint his officers as follows : Bros . C . E . Thompson , S . W . ; H . R . Towers , J . W . ; lI . Thonqv-on , P . M ., Treas . ; T . II . Pulsford , P . M ., Sec ; R . Varvill , S . D . ; Kipps , J . D . ; G . V . Dean , Asst . Sec . ; J . C . Davenport , D . C . ; A . Wright , I . G . ; II . Potter ,
Steward ; and Laing , Tyler . Bro . Pulsford delivered the addresses , and the installing ceremony was brought to a close . The new W . M . immediately commenced upon his duties by initiating Mr . Thomas Blackwell and Mr . Robt . Harris into the privileges of Freemasonry . Some other business having been disposed of , the lodge was closed in due form and with solemn prayer , three or four candidates
for initiation being obliged to go away , as the statutable number had been received . The brethren then retired to a banquet in thc new hall which has recently been built by Bro . Allatt for Masonic purposes , and was used for the first time on this occasion . This building had become essentially necessary in consequence of the large number of members constituting the Southern Star lodge . The
hall is spacious , and well ventilated and lighted , and in erecting it for Masonic purposes Bro . Allatt has done all that possibly lay in his power for the accommodation of thc Craft , and it is to be hoped that his liberal conduct will meet with a corresponding return . The fare was bountiful and left nothing to be desired , to say nothing of thc elegant dessert which followed the more substantial
viands ; the tables were decorated with flowers , and flags adorned thc walls . On the removal of thc cloth the usual formal toasts were given , after which Bro . R . E . Clarke , I . P . M ., in very complimentary terms proposed thc health of Bro . Bayfield , W . M ., which was- very heartily received . The W . M . returned thanks , and expressed his determination to do his utmost to promote the prosperity of the lodge .
The health of thc five newly-initiated brethren was then drunk most enthusiastically , and duly responded to . The W . M . next proposed the health of Bro . li , E . Clarke , I . P . M . and Installing Master , to whom Bro . Pulsford , on behalf of several brethren , presented a P . M . ' s collar , in addition to the ten-guinea P . M . ' s jewel presented by the lodge . Bro . Clarke _ bricfly returned thanks , and said he
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Grand Mark Lodge.
not have the brotherly love and charity towards each other to set as an example to the outer world . Bro . AV . W . B . BEACH would ever value the jewel so kindly presented to him . It would serve as a memento of many pleasant hours he had spent with the brethren when he had the honour of
presiding in the chair . He had always felt a deep interest in thc prosperity ancl progress ofthe degree of which thc Grand Master had given such an interesting account . Its importance could not be ignored ; but it had sufficient vitality in itself to exist by itself , if necessary , although friendly
relations with every other branch of the Craft should be cultivated . If it was not recognised by the constituted Masonic authorities , Mark Masons had a right to constitute an authority of their own , and it would be recognised wherever Mark
Masters congregated . All over the world it was held to be of importance , and in America no one was allowed to take the Arch degree unless he was previously a Mark Master . Brethren in this country should take this degree on that account , and cultivate Jvlasonic relations with brethren in other countries .
Bro . Stebbing was re-elected Grand Treasurer on the motion of Bro . NUNN , seconded by Bro . J . STEVENS . Thc following brethren were then appointed and invested by thc Grand Master as his officers for the year : — Earl Percy D . G . M .
Earl of Limerick S . G . AV . Major Adair J . G . AV . Capt . King G . M . O . Dr . Mudge G . S . O . Jas . Stevens G . J . O . Rev . AA ^ . Langley ) „ „ , . . Rev . AV . B . Church ... G' Chaplains . J . R . Stebbing G . Treasurer .
R . A . Benson G . R . M . F . Binckes G . Secretary . Rooke G . SD . Stokoe G . J . D . Lund G . S . AV . S . Rosenthal G . D . G . F . J . Cox Asst . G . D . C .
Roberts G . S . B . Codd G . S . B . Read G . Organist . Hayward G . I . G . CT . Speight Tyler . Bro . BINCKES read the report of the General Board .
On the subject of the propriety of working the degrees of "Ark , " "Link , " and " AA restle , " and of " Most Excellent Master , " a long discussion ensued , and it was ultimately referred to a committee , the Grand Master to select the members , who were not to exceed twelve in number .
Bros . Sabine , Meggy , Wan ; Wynn , and Nunn were elected to scats on the General Board ; ancl Bros . W . Richardson , Geo . King , Hammerton , Clarence Harcourt , Webb , H . Massey , R . Boncey , and Hudson were chosen Grand Stewards . Power was given to thc Grand Secretary to call in
additional assistance in his office , and the remuneration increased from ^ " 130 to . £ 150 a-ycar . The whole ofthe business on thc paper not having been completed when the banquet was announced , it was postponed for an especial Grand Lodge . Grand Lodge was then closed in ample form .
1 HE BANQUET . The Grand Master presided at the banquet , surrounded by most of the brethren who attended Grand Lodge . When the cloth was removed , " Thc Health of Her Majesty " was proposed by thc GRAND MASTER
and drank . The EARL of CARNARVON , in proposing the Grand Master ' s health , said he had known him for a much longer time than he liked to think of excepting with great pleasure at thc acquaintance . He had never found him wanting in sense and
judgment , in ability or courage , as a true-hearted friend or a good Mason . The Past Master's jewel was due to his archaeological skill and taste , and Mark Masonry might well be content to have him at its head , for he was as well calculated as any man to push on the Order to still further triumphs than it had yet achieved .
Ihe GRAND MASTER felt it a great honour to be the second time elected as Master , and to take the chair at a banquet characterised by such good temper and good feeling as this . He had many shortcomings for which to excuse himself to Grand Lodge ; but his reception would be a stimulus to
him to use his best endeavours during thc coming year for the success of the Order he was identified with . The GRAND MASTER then proposed " The Past Grand Masters , " and in doing so said that by
limiting the period of holding office to three years , the Master wss enabled to gather round him as distinguished a body of Past Masters as he had round him that night . AVhen other bodies were reduced o such expedients as conferring a rank upon a Ma-
Grand Mark Lodge.
son that he was not entitled to , the Mark Masons ought to rejoice that they had real Past Grand Masters who hacl performed their duties well . As no mortals were free from weakness , he hoped the Past Masters would be vain enough to like to come to Grand Lodge to display their P . M . jewels . If
thcydid , thebettcr pleased wouldall Mark Masons be . _ Lord LEIGH responded , and said he derived additional pleasure in the possession of his jewel , from the fact that it was made in his own province of Warwick , at Birmingham . He congratulated the Grand Master , Grand Lodge , and Mark Masons generally ,
on the progress made by the degree in the last 15 years , and trusted it would flourish as much in future . There were such business habits among them and such a right good spirit , that it must flourish . The GRAND MASTER , in giving the health of " The Deputy Grand Master , " ' alluded to one of the
badges of Earl Percy's family being a pair of handcuffs , ancl hoped they would be a link of amity which in future would bind this Grand Lodge to the Grand Chapter of Scotland in those fraternal bonds which all desired to see . Earl PERCY said he was very diffident of his own
powers in Ins new position , but he was less so when he found round him so many brethren ready to assist him . He hoped that the brethren would soon become better acquainted with his part of the country , ancl he trusted that when they were they would find a good deal ofthe link and very little o ' f the wrestle .
The GRAND MASTER proposed " The Grand AVardens , " and said that in Grand Mark Lodge the officers were chosen from all parts of the country . Major ADAIR replied . Bro . Benson responded for the rest of the " Grand
Officers and the Past Grand Officers ; " Col . Burdett for the " Visitors ; " Bro . Rosenthal for the " Grand Stewards ; " and Bro . Binckes for thc " Benevolent Fund Festival ; " and the brethren shortly afterwards separated .
The dinner was well served by Bro . Dowsing , the manager of the Freemasons' Tavern Company , and Bros . Barnby , Carter , ancl Distin , assisted by Madame Thaddcus AVells , enlivened the evening with some beautiful harmony .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
METROPOLITAN . Israel Lodge , No . 203 . —The last meeting of the season of this prosperous lodge took place at Bro . Hart ' s ( Radley ' s ) on Tuesday last week , when the very efficient AV . M ., Bro . Michael J . Emanuel , initiated Mr . Thos . Cabb , and conferred the sublime degree on Bros . Willing , Streather , Ladd , and Boam . The lodge was called from labour to
refreshment , and partook of one of Iiro . Hart ' s sumptuous banquets , after which the usual toasts were proposed and responded to ; the brethren were then called on to Masonic duty , and the lodge was closed in the usual form . Neio Concord Lodge , No . S 13 . —This flourishing lodge held its last meeting for the season on Friday , the 20 th ult ., at the Rosemary Branch Tavern , Islington . Bros .
Bartlett , W . M . ; Atkins , S . W . ; Salisbury , J . W . ; Hart , P . M . ; Wilson , P . M . and Treas . ; Emmons , P . M . ; W . II . Main , P . M . and Sec . ; Blyth , S . D . ; Denny , J . D . ; A . Hill , I . G . ; Sinclair , D . C . ; McDavitt , Org . ; and C . J . Hill , S ., being present , together with Bros . Pync , Gallant , Harris , Gabb , Gain , Chesher , Abseil , Hotlauer , Faucquez , Wagner , Townsend , Spratt , Phillips , Cain ,
Bcnningfield ami Rhcin . Bros . Taylor 172 , and Sheppard 27 , were visitors on this occasion . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of thc previous lodge were confirmed ; thc lodge was opened in the second degree , and Bros , l'ync , King and Harris being candidates for thc third answered tlie usual questions , were entrusted and retired , and the lodge being opened in the third
degree they were severally raised to thc sublime degree of M . M . The lodge was then closed to the second degree and resumed lo the first , Bro . Wagner being a candidate for the second answered and retired , and thc lodge being again resumed to thc second he was passed to the degree of F . C . The lodge was resumed to the first degree . A petition was read on behalf of the child Jones , who lost
his election for the Boys' School by seven votes at the late election , and who would be ineligible ( being eleven years of age next September ) for the next election , soliciting assistance to raise a sufficient sum to purchase his admission . Several of the brethren promised to subscribe . It was unanimously resolved that the lodge have a summer banquet , and that the ladies be invited to dine with thc
biethren . It was also unanimously resolved that Bro . Emmens , P . G . P . and founder of the lodge , be an Honorary Member of thc lodge . All Masonic business being ended , thc brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet , provided by thc worthy host , Bro . Gabb . The cloth cleared , the W . M . gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts . The P . G . Officers being acknowledged by Bro ,
Emmens , P . M . Bros . Taylor ancl Sheppard responded for the visitors , and expressed themselves pleased with the admirable working ofthe W . M . and his officers . Bro . J . Wilson , P . M . and Treas ., returned thanks for the P . M . ' s , and Main , P . M . and Sec ., and Atkins , S . AV ., for the officers ; and after a fitting compliment had been paid to Bro . Gabb and Mrs . Gabb , the brethren separated , having passed a very happy evening , enlivened by the singing of
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Bros . Blyth , Hill and Cusworth , assisted by Bro . M'Davitt , Organist . Finsbury Lodge , No . 861 . —The last meeting of the season , of this prosperous lodge , was held at the Jolly Anglers Tavern , Bath-street , St . Luke ' s , on the evening of Friday , May the 27 th . After the opening ceremony thc minutes of the previous meeting were read and
confirmed , and the lodge was then opaned in the second degree , when the respected S . AV ., Bro . James Nicholls , was presented to the Installing Master , the AV . Brother Macky , P . M ., who conducted the ceremony of installation in such a style as lo earn the warm approbation of the brethren . The W . M . then invested his officers , viz . : — Bros . S . Hart , S . AV . ; Benjamin , J . W . ; Alfred Day ,
P . M ., Treas . ; T . G . Purely , P . M ., Sec ; Bilby , P . M ., Organist ; Stokes , S . D ., Maxwell , J . D . ; and Speight , Tyler ; adding a suitable address to each . After closing the lodge , the brethren retired to an excellent banquet , provided by Bro . Bond ( P . M . and Treas . 101 ) , when the usual loyal ancl Masonic toasts were duly honoured . Bro . Alfred Day ( P . M . 65 , 101 , S 61 ) , the Treasurer ,
proposed the health of the newly-installed W . M ., and in the course of a most eloquent speech adverted to the excellent qualities of the new Master , and wished him a happy and successful year of oflice . As the founder of the lodge , his own heart was with them , and so long as the G . A . O . T . U . granted him health and strength , he would work to promote the best interests of the lodge . —
The AV . M . expressed his acknowledgments for the very able and handsome manner in which Bro . Day had spoken of him , and assured the brethren that he was firmly resolved , to the utmost of his power , to fulfil the responsible duties of the proud aud honourable position in which they had placed him as should reflect credit on himself and honour to the Lodge . —The W . M . then proposed
the visitors ( who , as usual at this lodge , were numerous ) , to which Bro . Poole , AV . M . of the Egyptian Lodge , responded in suitable terms . —The W . M . then said he had another pleasing duty to perform in proposing the health of the Ofiicers , for of them he felt justly proud , and of this he was certain , that he would be ably and efficiently supported by them in the discharge of the onerous duties of his office . —Bro . Hart , S . A \ ., in responding , thanked
the W . M . for the high eulogium he had passed upon the officers of the lodge , and which had been most cordially and enthusiastically endorsed by the brethren ; it was highly gratifying to his feelings , as it also was to his brother officers . Their best endeavours would at all times be devoted towards supporting so worthy and excellent a Master . —The Tyler ' s toast brought a most happy evening to a close .
Southern Star Lodge , No . 1158 . —The anniversary and installation meeting of this highly flourishing lodge was held on Tuesday evening , May 24 th , at the Montpelier Tavern , Walworth . Bro . R . E . Clarke , A \ . M ., presided , supported by Bros . Bayfield , S . AV . ; C . E . Thompson , J . W . ; Towers , S . D . ; Varvill , I . G . ; II . Thompson , P . M ., Treas . ; T . II . Pulsford , P . M ., Sec . ; J . Thomas ,
P . M ., Dr . Goldsboro ' , and a numerous body of visitors . There was a heavy list of business to be disposed of , and the first in order was to raise five brethren to the sublime degree of M . M ., which ceremony was ably performed by the W . M . The lodge was then resumed to the first degree , and three gentlemen were initiated into the mysteries of ancient Freemasonry . The lodge was then resumed to
the second degree , and Bro . Thompson , P . M ., presented Bro . D . S . Bayfield , the W . M .-elect , to receive from his predecessor the benefit of installation . The retiring W . M . then proceeded with the ceremony , and installed Bro . Bayfield into the chair of K . S . as W . M . for the ensuing year . There were 17 P . M . ' s present to do honour to the new W . M ., and who formed the Board of Installed
Masters . The brethren below the chair having been admitted thc W . M . was saluted in thc customary manner , and he then proceeded to appoint his officers as follows : Bros . C . E . Thompson , S . W . ; H . R . Towers , J . W . ; lI . Thonqv-on , P . M ., Treas . ; T . II . Pulsford , P . M ., Sec ; R . Varvill , S . D . ; Kipps , J . D . ; G . V . Dean , Asst . Sec . ; J . C . Davenport , D . C . ; A . Wright , I . G . ; II . Potter ,
Steward ; and Laing , Tyler . Bro . Pulsford delivered the addresses , and the installing ceremony was brought to a close . The new W . M . immediately commenced upon his duties by initiating Mr . Thomas Blackwell and Mr . Robt . Harris into the privileges of Freemasonry . Some other business having been disposed of , the lodge was closed in due form and with solemn prayer , three or four candidates
for initiation being obliged to go away , as the statutable number had been received . The brethren then retired to a banquet in thc new hall which has recently been built by Bro . Allatt for Masonic purposes , and was used for the first time on this occasion . This building had become essentially necessary in consequence of the large number of members constituting the Southern Star lodge . The
hall is spacious , and well ventilated and lighted , and in erecting it for Masonic purposes Bro . Allatt has done all that possibly lay in his power for the accommodation of thc Craft , and it is to be hoped that his liberal conduct will meet with a corresponding return . The fare was bountiful and left nothing to be desired , to say nothing of thc elegant dessert which followed the more substantial
viands ; the tables were decorated with flowers , and flags adorned thc walls . On the removal of thc cloth the usual formal toasts were given , after which Bro . R . E . Clarke , I . P . M ., in very complimentary terms proposed thc health of Bro . Bayfield , W . M ., which was- very heartily received . The W . M . returned thanks , and expressed his determination to do his utmost to promote the prosperity of the lodge .
The health of thc five newly-initiated brethren was then drunk most enthusiastically , and duly responded to . The W . M . next proposed the health of Bro . li , E . Clarke , I . P . M . and Installing Master , to whom Bro . Pulsford , on behalf of several brethren , presented a P . M . ' s collar , in addition to the ten-guinea P . M . ' s jewel presented by the lodge . Bro . Clarke _ bricfly returned thanks , and said he