Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. ← Page 2 of 3 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 2 of 3 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 2 of 3 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
would do all in his power to merit their approbation . The health of the visitors having been drank ancl responded to , the W . M . proposed the health of the P . M . ' s of the lodge , and alluded to the eminent services of Br . Thompson , the first Master and founder of the lodge . Bro . H . Thompson responded and drew attention to the gratifying position in which thc lodge then stood' : the large proportions at
which it had arrived in the three years since its consecration was an event almost unparalleled in the history of Freemasonry . But they had built on a good foundation , and , lie hoped , had raised a superstructure perfect in ils parts and honourable to the builders . He disclaimed any merit that was not shared in by Bros . Pulsford , Clarice , Bayfield and others , in bringing about that result , and
congratulated the brethren upon the fact that while thencomforts had been attended to the great principle of charity had not beeu forgotten , for they had subscribed to all the Masonic institutions , and he hoped the time was not far distant when lhey would send Stewards to all their festivals . Long might the Southern Star Lodge flourish , and he . hoped and trusted that it would continue as it had
begun , and become one of the brightest ornaments in tlie system of Freemasonry . Some other toasts were given , and the evening was spent in a truly happy manner , several of the brethren contributing to that result by their vocal and instrumental performance , and the proceedings were brought to a close by the Tyler ' s toast . Perfect Ashlar Lo . t- ; e , No . 117 S , held an emergency
meeting at thc Gregorian Arms lavern , Bermondsey , on Tuesday , 24 th ult . Bro . J . W . Avery , W . M ., opened the lodge punctually at 7 p . m ., and in an able , painstaking , correct , and admirable manner initiated separately Mr . Charles Isaac Joslin and Mr . John Hyde into ancient Frecmasanry . At the request of the AV . M ., Bro . Joseph Harling ( United Mariners , No . 30 ) , he passed Bro . E .
Gardner to the second degree . Both the ceremonies were well and ably done . The brethren present were } . Green , S . W . ; II . Bartlett , J . W . ; F . Walters , P . M ., Sec . ; D . Rose , P . M ., S . D . ; G . J . Grace , J . D . ; R W . Dudlev , I . G . ; I . II . Harmsworth , D . C ; 1 . H . Fudge , S . ; F . II . Ellsworth , P . M ., T . W . Cox , AV . May , J . Rambcrt , G . Drappcr , G . J . Ellis , G . Mabbs , C . F . Robinson , ( .
A . Axtcll , etc . Visitors , Bros . W . Manger ( J . D . 15 ) , J . Hailing ( W . M . 30 ) , E . Gardner ( 30 ) , R . II . Williams ( 73 ) , W . B . Heath ( P . G . S . W . Herts ., P . M . 19 S and 504 ) , H . Ma = _ cy ( P . M . 619 ) , W . Seaman ( 619 ) , W . H . Green ( 619 ) , R . Guy ( 1185 ) , and some others whose names we were unable to ascertain . The lodge was afterwards duly closed .
burdelt Coutts Lodge , No . 1278 . — This lodge met , as usual , at Bio . Thomas Lloyd ' s , Approach Tavern , Victoria P . uk , on Thurs-. lav , 19 th Mav . There were present Bros . James Terry , W . M ., P . G . S . B . Herts ; Saunders , S . W . ; Verry , as J . W . ; H . Lloyd , Sec . ; Balcombe , as S . D . ; Ashburner , as I . G . ; Wakelin , Harris , Cousins , Entwislle , Hawkes , T . Lloyd , sen ., T . Lloyd , jun ., Selvey , Crutch ,
nnd Toye . The visitors were—Bros . Richard Spencer ( P . M . G . S . Lodge ) , Clouston ( P . M . 33 ) , J . Vars ( P . M . 45 ) . E . Vor ! ey ( W . M . S 7 ) , Berry ( 554 ) , and Miles ( 65 ) . The most gratifying incident that has yet occurred in this very prosperous and flourishing lodge was the presentation of a magnificently-bound volume of the Sacred Law , by Miss Burdett Coutts ( after whom this lodge is named ) ,
accompanied by an autograph letter to the AV . M ., in which Miss Cou' . ls expressed her best wishes for the welfare of the brethren , who had honoured her by adopting her name , and trusted it would by acceptable to all . As wc need scarcely say , it was gratefully received by the brethren , and the AV . M . was requested to convey the thanks of the lodge to the distinguished lady for her very handsome
present . [ It is one of the most elegantly-bound books it has ever been our good fortune to see . The names of thc founders and first officers arc tastefully illuminated in blue and gold on one page , while on ihe opposite page arc the heraldic arms of Miss Coutts , artistically displayed . The presentation being in her own handvviiiing , adds very materially to its value . The whole is enclosed in a solid
oak case . 1 Mr . Crutch was initiated into thc ancient Order of Freemasonry , Bro . Selvcy was passed to thc degree of P . C , and Bro . Harris was raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., each haying first given satisfactory proofs of their proficiency . The ceremonies were performed in Bro . Terry ' s solemn and impressive manner . After the lodge was closed the brethren adjourned lo thc banquet , and
the usual formal toasts having been honoured the health of the newly-initiated brother was proposed b y thc AV . M ., who expressed the great pleasure he felt iii having that evening initiated into the Order one of his oldest friends . — Bro . Crutch briefly returned thanks . —The toast of the Visitors was responded to by Bros . Spencer and Clouston , who congratulated the lodge upon the very excellent and
perfect manner in which the ceremonies had been worked . —Bro . llaslelow proposed thc health ofthe AV . M . in very eulogistic terms , and considered the brethren were very fortunate in having so talented and good a Mason to preside over them . —Bro . Terry , in responding , expressed the gratification he felt at the great success the Burdett Coutts
lodge had attained in so short a time , and likewise in being the possessor . ! of so beautiful and valuable a piece of fur . niture as the volume of the Snored Law which had that evening been presented to them in ihe name of Miss Coutts . — ' ] " ) _ health of the Ofiicers was given , and was nl . ly icspondel lo by the S . W ., Bro . . Saunders . The Tyler ' s t _ a _ t br-U _ ht the evexn ; tj a tlj . c .
PROVINCIAL . Ll-ICl-STl-p ..- — lodge of Gaunt Lodge , No . 523 . —An emergency meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , un ihe evening of Wednesday , the ifth ult ., after the conclusion of tlio ceremonies of laying with Masonic honours , thc foundation-stones of ' the new churches of St . Paul and St . Mark , in the town of Leicester . There was a large attendance of members and visitors . " ' V . lod _* e having been opened up to thc second
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
degree by the AV . M ., Bro . Toller , Bro . Sir Henry St . John Halford , Bart ., Albert Pell , M . P , and Charles Stuart Thomson were examined as F . C . ' s , after which they retired . The lodge was then opened in the third degree , and Bro . Pell was raised to the sublime degree of M . M . by the A \ . M . The P . G . M ., Bro . Kelly , then proceeded to raise Bro . Sir H . Halford ; after which the
AA . M . resumed the duties of the chair , and having raised Bro . Thomson , concluded the ceremony by giving the traditional narrative , the lecture on the tracing-board , and the working tools ; after which the lodge was closed in thc three degrees . Thc regular monthly meeting of the lodge was held at the above hall on Monday , the 23 rd ult . ( in lieu of the 19 th ult . ) , for the election of
Master for the ensuing year , and other business . I he W . M . presided , supported by P . M . 's Kelly ( P . G . M . ) , Duff , Rev . John Spittal , and AV . B . Smith ; and all thc officers except the I . G . There was also a large attendance of members and visitors . Bros . Frederick Toone and Alexander Ross , having been examined in the second degree , were duly raised as M . M . ' s by the AA' . M . in his ,
as usual , highly efficient manner . Two candidates for the second and third degrees respectively were unavoidably absent . The lodge was then closed down to thc first degree . The I . P . M ., Bro . Duff , proposed that a resolution be recorded on the minutes of the lodge expressive of the deep regret felt by the members at the great loss the lodge and the province had sustained by the lamented
decease of that most estimable nobleman , Bro . Earl Howe , Past Prov . G . M ., and one ofthe founders and a member of this lodge . The Rev . Bro . Spittal , P . G . C , and P . P . G . S . W ., seconded the motion , which , it i . s needless to say , was carried unanimously . The AV . M ., in supporting it , announced to the lodge that , in his capacity as Prov . G . Secretary , he had conveyed in writing
to the Masters of the other lodges in the province the Prov . G . Master's directions for the members of those lodges to wear Masonic mourning for the ensuing six months , as a tribute of respect to the memory of the late Prov . Grand Master , and he instructed thc Secretary to record the same on the minutes . A ballot then took place for W . M . for the ensuing year ,
when the S . AV ., Bro . Thomas Hardy Buzzard , was duly elected . The installation of the AV . M .-elect and the festival of the lodge were fixed to take place on St . John ' s Day . During the temporary absence of Bro . Toller , it was proposed by the P . G . M ., seconded by Bro . AA . B . Smith , P . M . and Treas ., and carried unanimously , that the sum of six guineas be voted out of the funds for the
purchase of a P . M . ' s jewel , or otherwise , as a token of personal esteem and gratitude to Bro . Toller for the very admirable manner in which he had discharged his duties as AV . M . for the past year . Full testimony was borne to thc fact that never had the chair been better filled than by its present occupant , whilst his personal good qualities , and his modesty of demeanour , have gained him
the esteem of every brother of this and of the sister lodge in the town . The bye-laws being out of print , propositions for a revision of several of them were made , preparatory to a new edition , and five candidates having been proposed for initiation , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . MIDDLESBOROUOII . — North York , A o . 602 . —The usual
monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Middlcsborough , on Friday , the 27 th ult ., the AV . M . Bro . J . Jones , prnsiding . After the ballot had been taken for thc admission of new members , Mr . M . Paterson was duly initiated . Bros . F . II . Bell and I . ewand were next passed to the second degree . Bro . Gladston was then raised to thc sublime degree of M . M . All the ceremonies were performed by the AA ' . M . It was
resolved that an invitation should be sent to the P . G . L . to hold the meeting for 1 S 71 at Middlcsborough . It was also stated that the R . AV . D . P . G . M ., Bro . Bell , had consented visit Middlcsborough early in July , and to deliver a Masonic address on the occasion . It was resolved to call a lodge of emergency , when Iiro . Bell would attend , and to invite the neighbouring lodges to send a deputation to meet Bro . Bell .
CARNARVON . —Segontium Lodge , Ao . 606 . —Thc last regular lodge of the season was held at the Sportsman Hotel , Carnarvon , on AVednesday , May / Stli . Present : Bros . AA . D . Potter , AV . M . ; Robt . A . Jones , S . AV . ; ] . AV . Poole , J . AA ' . ; Robt . Ilumphcrys , Sec ; G . C Bradbury , S . D . ; AA'illiam Ilaydcn , Organist ; O . Thomas , Hugh Thomas , AV . Maugham , j . E . Williams , Berkeley
Smith , Louis Aronson , Robt . J . Jones , Charles Pearson , D . J . AVilliams , E . A . Jones , James Barnard , Robt . A \ . Roberts , James Hawkridge ( Tyler ) . The lodge was visited by Bros . J . Owen ( AV . M . 3 S 4 ) , T . L . Kyffin ( 1113 ) , John Richard ( 221 ) , T . O . AVilliams ( Holyhead ) , Benj . AVilliams ( Nevada Lodge , 13 , California ) . The lodge was opened in due form with solemn prayer . The
minutes ofthe last lodge were read and confirmed . Bro . Hugh Thomas was passed to thc degree of F . C . Bros . D . J . AA'illiams , E . A . Jones , and Berkeley Smith were raised to the sublime degree of M . M . A portrait of Bro . AA . D . Potter , AV . M ., which had been subscribed for by the members of thc lodge , and painted by Bro . J . D . Mercier , of Manchester , was presented lo thc AV M ., Bro . Potter ,
who responded in suitable terms . Bro . R . A . Tones , S . A \' .. proposed , and Bro . J . AV . Poole , J \\' ., seconded , " That the best thanks of this lodge be given to Bro . AV . D . Potter , AV . M ., for his very efficient and cmrleims services in the chair for the past two years . " —( Carried unanimously . )—The lodge was then closed in perfect harmony . After which the brethren sat down to a banquet provided
by Bro . John Rae , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and promptly responded to . Thc harmony of the evening was considerably enhanced by the musical powers of Bros , llayden , Morgan , Barnard , Jones , Poole , and Bradbury . SALFORD . —Richmond Lodge , A o . 1011 . —The regular lodge was held on Thursday last week at the Spread
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Eagle Hotel by a large number of brethren . Bro . Joseph Dickson opened the lodge , when the minutes of last lodge were confirmed , and Bro . Haynes was passed . A ballot was then taken for AA ' . M ., which resulted in Bro . Thos . Ellis , S . AV ., being unanimously elected . The lodge was afterwards closed " in due form , with solemn prayer , and Ihe brethren adjourned for refreshment , under the
presidency ofthe AV . M ., assisted by Bros . T . Ellis , S . W ., AV . M .-elect ; AVallace , J . AV . ; Dodge , P . M . ; Caldwell , P . M . ; Johnson . Dunivill , and others . Visiting brethren : Piatt ( AV . M . 1077 ) , Standen ( J . W . ) , and others . MANCHESTER . —De Grey and Ripon Lodge , No . 1161 . —The St . John ' s Festival and installation of the AV . M ., Bro . E . T . Plewswas held on AA ' ednesday , the iSth
, ult ., at the Corporation Hotel , Ardwick . About seventy brethren were present , amongst whom were Bros . AA m . Birch , P . P . GJ . AV . East Lancashire ; Storer , P . J . G ., Staffordshire ; Percy , J . C . Hind , AVm . Abbey and J . Brocklehurst , P . M . ' s ; R . Timperley ( AV . M . 993 ) . R . Hartley ( W . M . 204 ) , J . Smith ( W . M . 1035 ) , & c . The installation ceremony was performed by Bro . AA . AA ayne ,
P . M ., in a manner that left nothing to be desired ; indeed so perfectly and masterly was the style in which every part was rendered , he drew forth the admiration of all present , and seemed as though he had raised himself to the position of the representative of installing solemnity of the province . The brethren then adjourned to the Town Hall , where a splendid banquet was served in Bro .
Lee ' s best style . Non A ' obis , & c ., having been sung , the cloth was drawn , when the AA ' orshipful Master gave the first toast , "The Queen , ' after which "The Prince and Princess of AVales , and the rest of the Royal Family , " followed by " The Grand and Provincial Grand Officers , " which was responded to by Bro . Birch , who in an excellent speech complimented the lodge upon the excellency of ils working and the manner in which the
installation ceremony was performed , together with some practical and useful hints for ihe future conduct ofthe brethren . —Bro . AA . T . Turner , I . P . M ., then proposed "Thehealth of the AVorshipful Master , " speaking highly of his long and perserveiing efforts in the cause of Masonry , and of the many virtues which had endeared him to the brethren , who were all delighted he had attained the summit of his
ambition in the Craft . —Bro . Plews responded in a feeling and eflective manner , assuring the brethren he purposed to conduct the affairs ofthe lodge in a kindly and conciliatory spirit , appealing more to their interests in the Craft than lo any right of his to rule them , and thus , unitedly , to make the De Grey and Ripon Lodge , if possible , even cxcell the past . —Bro . Wayne next proposed " The health
ofthe Immediate Past Master , AV . G . Turner , " whom he extolled most highly for the untiring efforts he had made to place the lodge in the proud position it now held . AA'bat Bro . Bidder and himself hail done , had been far outshone by his attention , zeal , and energy . The Beys ' School had been benefitted by tbe sum of . fifty guineas and a considerable amount had been raised towards a like
sum for another of the charities during the past year ; indeed so much had the brethren appreciated his services that they had delegated him , ( Bro . Wayne , ) to present him with a solid gold Past Master ' s jewel set with diamonds , together with a beautiful silver claret jug , bearing the following inscription' respectively , viz . : ( the jewel ) " Presented to Bro . AV . G . Turner , P . M ., by the brethren
of the De Grey and Ripon Lodge ot Freemasons , 1161 , as a token of their esteem , and for the ability displayed by him during the year of his office , May 18 th , 1870 . "—On the cup ) " Presented to Bro . AA ' . G . Turner , P . M ., together with a P . M . jewel , by the brethren of the De Grey and Ripon Lodge as a token of their esteem and regard , May iSth , 1 S 70 . " In placing tbe jewel on his breast he hoped he
might live many , many years to wear it , whilst guiding the future of the lodge wilh his counsel and advice , was the earnest prayer of every member of thc Dc Grey and Ripon Lodge . —Bro . Turner , in accepting this signal and unexpected mark of esteem of the brethren , said he felt his heart too full for utterance , but whilst he felt he had only done his duty to ihe Craft in general , by the best
attention he could give to this lodge in particular , which as a lover of Masonry he hail been induced to do , he felt he had not deserved so magnificent an appreciation of his sen-ices . The kindly feeling manifested towards him by every member of the lodge , had g ' eatly facilitated his labours , and made it one of love instead of care . He could assure them such a return for what he had done
would never be erased from his memory , and he it would prove a stimulus to every one who filled the position he had lately held with so much pleasure , to do their best for a lodge in which he felt so much pride , and to which he deemed it an honour to belong . —Bro . S . P . Bidder next gave "The health of the Visiting Brethren , " and recounted the various attributes possessed by those present
in their respective spheres in Masonry , from which he augured much good to the Craft in the province to which they were proudly allied . —Several ofthe brethren replied , all of whom were unanimous in their expressions of admiration of the excellent discipline , unsurpassed working , almost unparalleled success , and harmonious feeling which characterised the lodge . The " Officers ofthe Lodge , " " Thc Masonic Charities , " and other toasts were given
and responded to , and the last toast was called , which brought the evening ' s proceedings lo a close . The toasts were interspersed with glees and songs , effectively rendered by Bros . Edmondson , Dnnville au 1 Standen , accompanied by Bro . R . Seed , P . M ., who presided with his usual good taste at the piano . Bro . Bidder acted as Director of Ceremonies in a manner that created perfect enthusiasm .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . Mount Lebanon Chapter , No . 73 . — An emergency meeting of this chapter was held at the Bridge House Hotel , AVellington-slrcet , Southwark , on Monday , May
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
would do all in his power to merit their approbation . The health of the visitors having been drank ancl responded to , the W . M . proposed the health of the P . M . ' s of the lodge , and alluded to the eminent services of Br . Thompson , the first Master and founder of the lodge . Bro . H . Thompson responded and drew attention to the gratifying position in which thc lodge then stood' : the large proportions at
which it had arrived in the three years since its consecration was an event almost unparalleled in the history of Freemasonry . But they had built on a good foundation , and , lie hoped , had raised a superstructure perfect in ils parts and honourable to the builders . He disclaimed any merit that was not shared in by Bros . Pulsford , Clarice , Bayfield and others , in bringing about that result , and
congratulated the brethren upon the fact that while thencomforts had been attended to the great principle of charity had not beeu forgotten , for they had subscribed to all the Masonic institutions , and he hoped the time was not far distant when lhey would send Stewards to all their festivals . Long might the Southern Star Lodge flourish , and he . hoped and trusted that it would continue as it had
begun , and become one of the brightest ornaments in tlie system of Freemasonry . Some other toasts were given , and the evening was spent in a truly happy manner , several of the brethren contributing to that result by their vocal and instrumental performance , and the proceedings were brought to a close by the Tyler ' s toast . Perfect Ashlar Lo . t- ; e , No . 117 S , held an emergency
meeting at thc Gregorian Arms lavern , Bermondsey , on Tuesday , 24 th ult . Bro . J . W . Avery , W . M ., opened the lodge punctually at 7 p . m ., and in an able , painstaking , correct , and admirable manner initiated separately Mr . Charles Isaac Joslin and Mr . John Hyde into ancient Frecmasanry . At the request of the AV . M ., Bro . Joseph Harling ( United Mariners , No . 30 ) , he passed Bro . E .
Gardner to the second degree . Both the ceremonies were well and ably done . The brethren present were } . Green , S . W . ; II . Bartlett , J . W . ; F . Walters , P . M ., Sec . ; D . Rose , P . M ., S . D . ; G . J . Grace , J . D . ; R W . Dudlev , I . G . ; I . II . Harmsworth , D . C ; 1 . H . Fudge , S . ; F . II . Ellsworth , P . M ., T . W . Cox , AV . May , J . Rambcrt , G . Drappcr , G . J . Ellis , G . Mabbs , C . F . Robinson , ( .
A . Axtcll , etc . Visitors , Bros . W . Manger ( J . D . 15 ) , J . Hailing ( W . M . 30 ) , E . Gardner ( 30 ) , R . II . Williams ( 73 ) , W . B . Heath ( P . G . S . W . Herts ., P . M . 19 S and 504 ) , H . Ma = _ cy ( P . M . 619 ) , W . Seaman ( 619 ) , W . H . Green ( 619 ) , R . Guy ( 1185 ) , and some others whose names we were unable to ascertain . The lodge was afterwards duly closed .
burdelt Coutts Lodge , No . 1278 . — This lodge met , as usual , at Bio . Thomas Lloyd ' s , Approach Tavern , Victoria P . uk , on Thurs-. lav , 19 th Mav . There were present Bros . James Terry , W . M ., P . G . S . B . Herts ; Saunders , S . W . ; Verry , as J . W . ; H . Lloyd , Sec . ; Balcombe , as S . D . ; Ashburner , as I . G . ; Wakelin , Harris , Cousins , Entwislle , Hawkes , T . Lloyd , sen ., T . Lloyd , jun ., Selvey , Crutch ,
nnd Toye . The visitors were—Bros . Richard Spencer ( P . M . G . S . Lodge ) , Clouston ( P . M . 33 ) , J . Vars ( P . M . 45 ) . E . Vor ! ey ( W . M . S 7 ) , Berry ( 554 ) , and Miles ( 65 ) . The most gratifying incident that has yet occurred in this very prosperous and flourishing lodge was the presentation of a magnificently-bound volume of the Sacred Law , by Miss Burdett Coutts ( after whom this lodge is named ) ,
accompanied by an autograph letter to the AV . M ., in which Miss Cou' . ls expressed her best wishes for the welfare of the brethren , who had honoured her by adopting her name , and trusted it would by acceptable to all . As wc need scarcely say , it was gratefully received by the brethren , and the AV . M . was requested to convey the thanks of the lodge to the distinguished lady for her very handsome
present . [ It is one of the most elegantly-bound books it has ever been our good fortune to see . The names of thc founders and first officers arc tastefully illuminated in blue and gold on one page , while on ihe opposite page arc the heraldic arms of Miss Coutts , artistically displayed . The presentation being in her own handvviiiing , adds very materially to its value . The whole is enclosed in a solid
oak case . 1 Mr . Crutch was initiated into thc ancient Order of Freemasonry , Bro . Selvcy was passed to thc degree of P . C , and Bro . Harris was raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., each haying first given satisfactory proofs of their proficiency . The ceremonies were performed in Bro . Terry ' s solemn and impressive manner . After the lodge was closed the brethren adjourned lo thc banquet , and
the usual formal toasts having been honoured the health of the newly-initiated brother was proposed b y thc AV . M ., who expressed the great pleasure he felt iii having that evening initiated into the Order one of his oldest friends . — Bro . Crutch briefly returned thanks . —The toast of the Visitors was responded to by Bros . Spencer and Clouston , who congratulated the lodge upon the very excellent and
perfect manner in which the ceremonies had been worked . —Bro . llaslelow proposed thc health ofthe AV . M . in very eulogistic terms , and considered the brethren were very fortunate in having so talented and good a Mason to preside over them . —Bro . Terry , in responding , expressed the gratification he felt at the great success the Burdett Coutts
lodge had attained in so short a time , and likewise in being the possessor . ! of so beautiful and valuable a piece of fur . niture as the volume of the Snored Law which had that evening been presented to them in ihe name of Miss Coutts . — ' ] " ) _ health of the Ofiicers was given , and was nl . ly icspondel lo by the S . W ., Bro . . Saunders . The Tyler ' s t _ a _ t br-U _ ht the evexn ; tj a tlj . c .
PROVINCIAL . Ll-ICl-STl-p ..- — lodge of Gaunt Lodge , No . 523 . —An emergency meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , un ihe evening of Wednesday , the ifth ult ., after the conclusion of tlio ceremonies of laying with Masonic honours , thc foundation-stones of ' the new churches of St . Paul and St . Mark , in the town of Leicester . There was a large attendance of members and visitors . " ' V . lod _* e having been opened up to thc second
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
degree by the AV . M ., Bro . Toller , Bro . Sir Henry St . John Halford , Bart ., Albert Pell , M . P , and Charles Stuart Thomson were examined as F . C . ' s , after which they retired . The lodge was then opened in the third degree , and Bro . Pell was raised to the sublime degree of M . M . by the A \ . M . The P . G . M ., Bro . Kelly , then proceeded to raise Bro . Sir H . Halford ; after which the
AA . M . resumed the duties of the chair , and having raised Bro . Thomson , concluded the ceremony by giving the traditional narrative , the lecture on the tracing-board , and the working tools ; after which the lodge was closed in thc three degrees . Thc regular monthly meeting of the lodge was held at the above hall on Monday , the 23 rd ult . ( in lieu of the 19 th ult . ) , for the election of
Master for the ensuing year , and other business . I he W . M . presided , supported by P . M . 's Kelly ( P . G . M . ) , Duff , Rev . John Spittal , and AV . B . Smith ; and all thc officers except the I . G . There was also a large attendance of members and visitors . Bros . Frederick Toone and Alexander Ross , having been examined in the second degree , were duly raised as M . M . ' s by the AA' . M . in his ,
as usual , highly efficient manner . Two candidates for the second and third degrees respectively were unavoidably absent . The lodge was then closed down to thc first degree . The I . P . M ., Bro . Duff , proposed that a resolution be recorded on the minutes of the lodge expressive of the deep regret felt by the members at the great loss the lodge and the province had sustained by the lamented
decease of that most estimable nobleman , Bro . Earl Howe , Past Prov . G . M ., and one ofthe founders and a member of this lodge . The Rev . Bro . Spittal , P . G . C , and P . P . G . S . W ., seconded the motion , which , it i . s needless to say , was carried unanimously . The AV . M ., in supporting it , announced to the lodge that , in his capacity as Prov . G . Secretary , he had conveyed in writing
to the Masters of the other lodges in the province the Prov . G . Master's directions for the members of those lodges to wear Masonic mourning for the ensuing six months , as a tribute of respect to the memory of the late Prov . Grand Master , and he instructed thc Secretary to record the same on the minutes . A ballot then took place for W . M . for the ensuing year ,
when the S . AV ., Bro . Thomas Hardy Buzzard , was duly elected . The installation of the AV . M .-elect and the festival of the lodge were fixed to take place on St . John ' s Day . During the temporary absence of Bro . Toller , it was proposed by the P . G . M ., seconded by Bro . AA . B . Smith , P . M . and Treas ., and carried unanimously , that the sum of six guineas be voted out of the funds for the
purchase of a P . M . ' s jewel , or otherwise , as a token of personal esteem and gratitude to Bro . Toller for the very admirable manner in which he had discharged his duties as AV . M . for the past year . Full testimony was borne to thc fact that never had the chair been better filled than by its present occupant , whilst his personal good qualities , and his modesty of demeanour , have gained him
the esteem of every brother of this and of the sister lodge in the town . The bye-laws being out of print , propositions for a revision of several of them were made , preparatory to a new edition , and five candidates having been proposed for initiation , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . MIDDLESBOROUOII . — North York , A o . 602 . —The usual
monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Middlcsborough , on Friday , the 27 th ult ., the AV . M . Bro . J . Jones , prnsiding . After the ballot had been taken for thc admission of new members , Mr . M . Paterson was duly initiated . Bros . F . II . Bell and I . ewand were next passed to the second degree . Bro . Gladston was then raised to thc sublime degree of M . M . All the ceremonies were performed by the AA ' . M . It was
resolved that an invitation should be sent to the P . G . L . to hold the meeting for 1 S 71 at Middlcsborough . It was also stated that the R . AV . D . P . G . M ., Bro . Bell , had consented visit Middlcsborough early in July , and to deliver a Masonic address on the occasion . It was resolved to call a lodge of emergency , when Iiro . Bell would attend , and to invite the neighbouring lodges to send a deputation to meet Bro . Bell .
CARNARVON . —Segontium Lodge , Ao . 606 . —Thc last regular lodge of the season was held at the Sportsman Hotel , Carnarvon , on AVednesday , May / Stli . Present : Bros . AA . D . Potter , AV . M . ; Robt . A . Jones , S . AV . ; ] . AV . Poole , J . AA ' . ; Robt . Ilumphcrys , Sec ; G . C Bradbury , S . D . ; AA'illiam Ilaydcn , Organist ; O . Thomas , Hugh Thomas , AV . Maugham , j . E . Williams , Berkeley
Smith , Louis Aronson , Robt . J . Jones , Charles Pearson , D . J . AVilliams , E . A . Jones , James Barnard , Robt . A \ . Roberts , James Hawkridge ( Tyler ) . The lodge was visited by Bros . J . Owen ( AV . M . 3 S 4 ) , T . L . Kyffin ( 1113 ) , John Richard ( 221 ) , T . O . AVilliams ( Holyhead ) , Benj . AVilliams ( Nevada Lodge , 13 , California ) . The lodge was opened in due form with solemn prayer . The
minutes ofthe last lodge were read and confirmed . Bro . Hugh Thomas was passed to thc degree of F . C . Bros . D . J . AA'illiams , E . A . Jones , and Berkeley Smith were raised to the sublime degree of M . M . A portrait of Bro . AA . D . Potter , AV . M ., which had been subscribed for by the members of thc lodge , and painted by Bro . J . D . Mercier , of Manchester , was presented lo thc AV M ., Bro . Potter ,
who responded in suitable terms . Bro . R . A . Tones , S . A \' .. proposed , and Bro . J . AV . Poole , J \\' ., seconded , " That the best thanks of this lodge be given to Bro . AV . D . Potter , AV . M ., for his very efficient and cmrleims services in the chair for the past two years . " —( Carried unanimously . )—The lodge was then closed in perfect harmony . After which the brethren sat down to a banquet provided
by Bro . John Rae , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and promptly responded to . Thc harmony of the evening was considerably enhanced by the musical powers of Bros , llayden , Morgan , Barnard , Jones , Poole , and Bradbury . SALFORD . —Richmond Lodge , A o . 1011 . —The regular lodge was held on Thursday last week at the Spread
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Eagle Hotel by a large number of brethren . Bro . Joseph Dickson opened the lodge , when the minutes of last lodge were confirmed , and Bro . Haynes was passed . A ballot was then taken for AA ' . M ., which resulted in Bro . Thos . Ellis , S . AV ., being unanimously elected . The lodge was afterwards closed " in due form , with solemn prayer , and Ihe brethren adjourned for refreshment , under the
presidency ofthe AV . M ., assisted by Bros . T . Ellis , S . W ., AV . M .-elect ; AVallace , J . AV . ; Dodge , P . M . ; Caldwell , P . M . ; Johnson . Dunivill , and others . Visiting brethren : Piatt ( AV . M . 1077 ) , Standen ( J . W . ) , and others . MANCHESTER . —De Grey and Ripon Lodge , No . 1161 . —The St . John ' s Festival and installation of the AV . M ., Bro . E . T . Plewswas held on AA ' ednesday , the iSth
, ult ., at the Corporation Hotel , Ardwick . About seventy brethren were present , amongst whom were Bros . AA m . Birch , P . P . GJ . AV . East Lancashire ; Storer , P . J . G ., Staffordshire ; Percy , J . C . Hind , AVm . Abbey and J . Brocklehurst , P . M . ' s ; R . Timperley ( AV . M . 993 ) . R . Hartley ( W . M . 204 ) , J . Smith ( W . M . 1035 ) , & c . The installation ceremony was performed by Bro . AA . AA ayne ,
P . M ., in a manner that left nothing to be desired ; indeed so perfectly and masterly was the style in which every part was rendered , he drew forth the admiration of all present , and seemed as though he had raised himself to the position of the representative of installing solemnity of the province . The brethren then adjourned to the Town Hall , where a splendid banquet was served in Bro .
Lee ' s best style . Non A ' obis , & c ., having been sung , the cloth was drawn , when the AA ' orshipful Master gave the first toast , "The Queen , ' after which "The Prince and Princess of AVales , and the rest of the Royal Family , " followed by " The Grand and Provincial Grand Officers , " which was responded to by Bro . Birch , who in an excellent speech complimented the lodge upon the excellency of ils working and the manner in which the
installation ceremony was performed , together with some practical and useful hints for ihe future conduct ofthe brethren . —Bro . AA . T . Turner , I . P . M ., then proposed "Thehealth of the AVorshipful Master , " speaking highly of his long and perserveiing efforts in the cause of Masonry , and of the many virtues which had endeared him to the brethren , who were all delighted he had attained the summit of his
ambition in the Craft . —Bro . Plews responded in a feeling and eflective manner , assuring the brethren he purposed to conduct the affairs ofthe lodge in a kindly and conciliatory spirit , appealing more to their interests in the Craft than lo any right of his to rule them , and thus , unitedly , to make the De Grey and Ripon Lodge , if possible , even cxcell the past . —Bro . Wayne next proposed " The health
ofthe Immediate Past Master , AV . G . Turner , " whom he extolled most highly for the untiring efforts he had made to place the lodge in the proud position it now held . AA'bat Bro . Bidder and himself hail done , had been far outshone by his attention , zeal , and energy . The Beys ' School had been benefitted by tbe sum of . fifty guineas and a considerable amount had been raised towards a like
sum for another of the charities during the past year ; indeed so much had the brethren appreciated his services that they had delegated him , ( Bro . Wayne , ) to present him with a solid gold Past Master ' s jewel set with diamonds , together with a beautiful silver claret jug , bearing the following inscription' respectively , viz . : ( the jewel ) " Presented to Bro . AV . G . Turner , P . M ., by the brethren
of the De Grey and Ripon Lodge ot Freemasons , 1161 , as a token of their esteem , and for the ability displayed by him during the year of his office , May 18 th , 1870 . "—On the cup ) " Presented to Bro . AA ' . G . Turner , P . M ., together with a P . M . jewel , by the brethren of the De Grey and Ripon Lodge as a token of their esteem and regard , May iSth , 1 S 70 . " In placing tbe jewel on his breast he hoped he
might live many , many years to wear it , whilst guiding the future of the lodge wilh his counsel and advice , was the earnest prayer of every member of thc Dc Grey and Ripon Lodge . —Bro . Turner , in accepting this signal and unexpected mark of esteem of the brethren , said he felt his heart too full for utterance , but whilst he felt he had only done his duty to ihe Craft in general , by the best
attention he could give to this lodge in particular , which as a lover of Masonry he hail been induced to do , he felt he had not deserved so magnificent an appreciation of his sen-ices . The kindly feeling manifested towards him by every member of the lodge , had g ' eatly facilitated his labours , and made it one of love instead of care . He could assure them such a return for what he had done
would never be erased from his memory , and he it would prove a stimulus to every one who filled the position he had lately held with so much pleasure , to do their best for a lodge in which he felt so much pride , and to which he deemed it an honour to belong . —Bro . S . P . Bidder next gave "The health of the Visiting Brethren , " and recounted the various attributes possessed by those present
in their respective spheres in Masonry , from which he augured much good to the Craft in the province to which they were proudly allied . —Several ofthe brethren replied , all of whom were unanimous in their expressions of admiration of the excellent discipline , unsurpassed working , almost unparalleled success , and harmonious feeling which characterised the lodge . The " Officers ofthe Lodge , " " Thc Masonic Charities , " and other toasts were given
and responded to , and the last toast was called , which brought the evening ' s proceedings lo a close . The toasts were interspersed with glees and songs , effectively rendered by Bros . Edmondson , Dnnville au 1 Standen , accompanied by Bro . R . Seed , P . M ., who presided with his usual good taste at the piano . Bro . Bidder acted as Director of Ceremonies in a manner that created perfect enthusiasm .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . Mount Lebanon Chapter , No . 73 . — An emergency meeting of this chapter was held at the Bridge House Hotel , AVellington-slrcet , Southwark , on Monday , May