Article CONTENTS. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 →
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REPORTS or M ASONIC MEETINGS : - Craft Masonry 3 * 5 AncTc ' and Mcc ^' ^ 'ZZZZZ ^ Z ^ ZZZ '" H & Red Cross of Constantine 3 < Supreme G-and Chapter 3 ' 7 Grand Mark lodge Benevolent Fond 317 The Fire at St . JohnN . B . 318
, Another Proposed Masonic Hall in Liverpool 3 ' 8 Freemasonry in Ireland 3 r 8 The Surrey Masonic Hall 3 ' ° Ohitnary •;: •••3 l 8 Masonic and General Tidings 3 ro The Last Meeting of Grand Chapter , 3 S 0 Summer Musings 320 Our Great Hospitals 3 ' ° oRESpn * ' IlENCE
—__ Shakespeare and Freemasonry 311 Roll of Lodges 321 The Lion and Lamb Lodge 3 ir West Yorkshire and the Boys' School 321 provincial Grand Lodge of Herts 33 J Consecration of the Rothesay Lodge , No . 1687 323 Sale of the Surrey Masonic Hall 334 Freemasonry in "sew Zealand 334 Advertisements i . ii . iii . ' v . v . vi .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
( Graft ggtejurrctg .
BELGRAVE LODGE ( No . 749 . )—A lodge of emergency was held at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on Wednesday , the 18 th inst ., for the purpose of raising the five following brethren , viz .: —Bros . Hull , Mulcock , Tubbs , Watson , and Spragg . On Friday , the 20 th ult ., the members dined , together at the Alexandra Palace , Muswell Hill . The members and visitors , to
the number of sixto-two , sat down precisely at six o ' clock , under the presidency of the VV . M ., Bro . J . W . Hobbs . There were also present Bros . Greenwood , S . W . ; Booker , J . W . ; Garrod , Sec . ; Runting , Treas . ; Gardiner , S . D . ; Coltart , J . D . ; Groves , I . G . ; Painter , Hester , Grogan , and Battey , P . M . ' s . ; Bros . Forscutt , Spragg , Wallace , Tubbs , Hull , H . VV . Hobbs , H . Elliott , Weeks , Clemence ,
Tyrrell , Peirson , Harvey , Speller , Strip , Holloway , Nawton , Tucker , Chandler , Hannaford , Poupard , Kift , Drew , Burnett , Beeton , Moss , R . E . Booker , Leech , Hall , Snelling , Hill , Crunden , Fitley , Culpin , G . S . Elliott . Amongst the visitors were Bros . Buss , Assist . G . Sec . ; Randell , P . M . 194 ; Newman , P . M . 892 ; Palmer , W . M . 1541 ; Badkin , S . W . 136 5 ; Collins , 25 : and Trencer and
Upstone , 1309 . The opportunity was taken of presenting to Bro . Henry Garrod , Sec , an illuminated testimonial and handsome timepiece , subscribed for by the members of the lodge . The testimonial , the work of Bro . Bakkin was greatly admired , and ran as follows : " Belgrave Lodge , No . 749 . —This testimonial , together with a timepiece , value twenty guineas , was presented by the members of
the above lodge lo Bro . Henry Garrod , P . M . 177 , 720 , 749 , and P . Z . 507 , 749 , 766 , to mark their appreciation of his services as Secretary for nineteen years . Signed by the W . M ., Wardens , and P . M . ' s . " The musical arrangements were carried out by Bro . Kift , assisted by Bros . Collins , Treneer , and Upstone , and gave great satisfaction . A special train left the Palace a little after ten , bringing the brethren to town , after spending a most enjoyable evening-.
WEST SMITHFIELD LODGE ( No . 1623 ) . — The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday , July the 19 th , at the New Market Hotel , King-street , West Smithfield . Punctually at half-past two the W . M ., Bro . I . Smith , P . G . P ., P . M ., opened the lodge . He was supported by Bros . T . W . Adams , S . W . ; G . S . Elliott , J . W . j F . Walters , P . G . J . D . Middx ., P . M ., Sec ; E . Mallett ,
A . S . ; J . J . Howes , P . M ., S . D . ; G . S . Wintle , P . M ., I . G . j A . Black , D . C . ; W . Pennefather , P . M ., W . S ; J . Gilbert , P . G . Tyler Middx ., Tyler ; T . Butt , C . Davis , F . A . West , H . J . Lardner , G . Stephens , W . Snow , W . Malthouse , T . M . Butt , W . Smyth , W . C . Watts , H . Lebish , W . B . Delafons , R . Leggett , E . C . Van Wagenen , S . Craddock , and others . The long list of visitors included
Bros . J . E . Wylie , P . M . 186 ; W . H . Ferryman , W . M . 3 ; J . Flatman , 376 ; L , Etheridge , W . M . 829 ; J . Clark , 1413 ; W . Hurlstone , 14231 J . Tovell 148 9 ; and others . The W . M ., in his usual correct and impressive manner , raised Bros . H . Lebish , C . Davis , J . J . Howes , H . F . Lardner , G . H . Stephens , F . A . West , and W . Hurl .-tone ( 142 ^ to the Third Degree . He passed Bro . W . C . Watts
to the Second Degree ; completing his work by initiating Messrs . Cornelius Von Wagenen and Seymour Craddock . The bye-laws were then read . The election for the office of W . M . was unanimous in favour of Bro . T . W . Adams , S . W ., and for Treasurer Bro . Joseph Smith , P . G . P ., W . M . The Tyler , Bro . John Gilbert , P . G . Tyler Middx ., was unanimously re-elected Tyler . Bros . H . J .
Lardner , G . Stevens , and W . Malthouse were elected Auditors , to assist those previously appointed . A twenty guinea testimonial was unanimously voted to Bro . Joseph Smith , P . G . P ., P . M ., W . M ., for his exertions on behalf of this lodge , and the admirable manner he had presided over the lodge during his year of oflice . The audit was fixed to take place at the lodge house on the fourth
Thursday in August . Several propositions were handed in to the Secretary of names boih for joining and initiation . Business being ended , the lodge was closed and adjourned to Thursday , September the 21 st , to meet at two o ' clock P . m . An excellent banquet was served under the personal
superintendence of Bro . T . Butt . LIVERPOOL . —Garston Lodge of Harmony iNo . 220 ) . —The annual installation meeting of the members of this lodge was held at the Wellington Hotel , Garston , near Liverpool , on the afternoon of the 25 th u It-ll-re . John Hughes , I . P . M ., actirit . as W . M ., ripened
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
the lodge , supported by Bros . C . Leedham , P . M . ; J . W . Baker , P . M . ; R . Jones , P . M . ; S . Tickle , J . W . ; W . S . Vines , P . M ., P . G . S ., Treas . ; G . Price , Sec . ; J . Tewkesbury , S . D . ; T . F . Hill , J . D . ; Dr . J . V . Worthington , P . M ., D . C ; H . Hatch , S . ; J . Robinson , Tyler . The members present were Bros . J . Ellis , J . Crowther , T . Sloper , W . Troughton , P . M . 1013 -, W . G . Sharpe , E . Humphries ,
P . Jones , J . Carter , J . E . Lloyd , H . Mercer , W . Lovelady , W . Tait , C . Sayer , H . Paine , J . S . Bullock , W . S . Matthews , J . W . Pickering , J . Blair , S . Chambers , and others . The visitors were Bros . W . T . May , P . M . 673 ; J . A . Macmahon , I ^ ; W . H . Cooper , W . M . 1350 ; J . Bowes , P . M . ; D . W . Finney , P . M . ; T . Salter , Sec . 241 ; W . Jones , P . M . 1299 ; J . J . Rose , P . M . 249 ; T . Roberts ,
I . P . M . 673 , and others . Bro . S . 1 ickle was placed in the chair of W . M . by Bro . J . W . Baker , P . M . The officers invested were Bros . Dr . V . Worthington , I . P . M . ; G . Price , S . W . ; T . F . Hill , J . . ; J . W . Baker , P . M ., D . C ; W . S . Vines , P . M ., P . G . S ., Treas . ; James Carter , Sec . ; J . N . Clark , Org . ; L Tewkesbury , S . D . ; H . Hatch , J . D . ; A . Sharpies , I . G . ; T . Wainwright , S . S , ; J . R . Ivey , J . S . ;
and J . Robinson , Tyler . The brethren subsequently dined at the Reading Room , the caterer being Bro . Woods . The annual picnic of the lodge was held at Grappenhall on the following day . STOCKPORT . —Lodge of Peace ( No . 322 . ) —The Lodge of Peace held its Festival of St . John on Tuesday , July 10 th . The brethren assembled at
the lodge-room , at the Warren Bulkeley Arms Hotel , soon after three o ' clock , when the ceremony of installing the W . M . elect , Bro . N . Dumville , was duly performed by Bro . J . C . Chetham , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . ( Cheshire . ) The following officers were appointed by the W . M ., and invested by thc Installing Master , viz ., I . P . M ., Bro . John Williamson ; S . W ., Bro . J . H . Carrington ; J . W ., Bro . Worsnup ; Treas .,
Bro . Hickson , P . M . ; Secretary , Bro . Philip Chetham , P . M ; S . D ., Bro . L . D . Bradbury ; J . D . Bro . G . Bennett ; D . of C , Bro . Bardsley , P M . ; Organist , Bro . Colonel Wilkinson , P . M ., P . P . S . G . D . ( Cheshire ); I . G ., Bro . Robert Chetham ; S . Steward , Bro . A . J . Bradbury ; J . Steward , Bro . Ginger , Tyler , Bro . Joseph Meadows . The visitors present included were Bro . Schofield , W . M ., 104 ; Bro . Wills , W . M . 1213 ;
Bro . Strangeways , S . D . 111 ; and others . After the closing of the lodge , the brethren proceeded to the banquet , which was artistically laid out in the adjoining room , by Bro . Firth . In addition to the usual toast list , several songs and glees were given by an efficient party of vocalists engaged by the W . M ., consisting of Bro . Edmondson , Bro . M . Stafford , P . M ., Bro . VV . Dumville , P . M ., Bro . H .
Lister , S . W ., and Bro . Balfe , assisted by brethren of the lodge . Bro . Fielding ably played the pianoforte accompaniments . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly proposed and responded to , and a thoroughly enjoyable evening was spent . The meeting was invested with additional interest from the presence of Bro . Philip Chetham , thc aged Secretary , now over ninety years of age , and
upwards of sixty years a Mason , said to be the oldest Mason in England . The old gentleman is bale and hearty , and does most of the Secretary ' s work at the present time . It is worthy of remark , too , that this lodge can boast of having amongst its members three generations of one family . ; Bro . J . C . Chetham , the Installing Master on this occasion , is the son of the aged Secretary , and has himself
four sons in the lodge , the eldest of whom ( Bro . John Chetham ) like his father and grandfather , is a P . M . of the lodge . ERITH . —St . John and St . Paul Lodge ( No . 615 ) . —The "Men of Kent , " and the "Kentish Men , " ; with no thought of ths feuds which raged between their ancestors , met in amicable array at the Pier Hotel . F . rith , on
the 27 th ult , to do honour to the installation of the Master elected to the high position of presiding over the lodge , this being Bro . Charles Andrews , P . M . of No . 77 , and of No . 199 , and P . P . G . S . of Kent . There was a great array of Prov . Grand Officers of the White Horse county , which is not by any means a " one horse " county , as its history proves , and its Masonic sons show as much spirit
in carrying out the work of the Craft as their progenitors of old showed in maintaining their liberties . The venerated and kindly brother , Dr . Spurrell , P . G . J . W ., the Master , opened the lodge . Brother Andrews then being Senior Warden , and Bro . Churchley , Junior , and after the minutes were unanimously confirmed , Bro . T . Smith , P . P . G . P ., and Bro . Coste , P . G . D . C ., took theWardens' chairs .
Bro . T . W . Knight , P . M . and P . P . S . G . W ., worked the ceremony in a style which elicited the warmest praise . The officers appointed , and at once invested with the jewels and cares of office , were S . W ., Bro . Churchley ; J . W ., Bro . T . W . Knight , ( in place of a brother who was to have taken the position ) ; S . D ., Bro . James Fletcher ; J . D ., Bro . Robert Stone ; I . G ., Bro . George Fletcher ;
Treasurer , Bro . Poole ; Secretary , Bro . Spurrell , I . P . M . ; D . C , Bro . Tomkins ; W . S ., Bro . Boyden . Bro . Martin was invested as Tyler . After the addresses in the course of the ordinary lodge business , the following motion , proposed by the W . M ., and seconded by the S . W ., was carried unanimously , that those who rise " to eminence by merit " shall be fined ; in other words the resolution ran : " That
each Worshipful Master on his installation shall pay a sum of five guineas ; each Senior Warden on his investiture shall pay the sum of three guineas ; that each Junior Warden shall pay the sum of two guineas on his investiture , to the Treasurer of the lodge , and the amount so subscribed to be voted to the Masonic Charities in such manner as the majority of the brethren in open
lodge shall determine . " The sum thus raised was devoted to charity , being voted to the Boys' School . With many expressions of pleasure it was also resolved to present the I . P . M ., Bro . Spurrell , with a P . M ., jewel , valued at ten guineas , as a slight acknowledgment of his services in the faithful discharge of the Mastership of the lodge . The lodge then closed in due form , and the . brethren , mustered for dinner . T _ ere were pre > eri » $ ro . Charles { Ralph ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
P . Prov . G . S . D . ; Bro . W . Russell , W . M . 77 , Prov . S . G . D . ; Bro . A . Spencer , Prov . G . Sec . of Kent ; Bro . Binckes , Sec . of the Boys' School ; Bros . Bevan , of the Erasmus Wilson Lodge ; Leate , I . P . M . of 77 ; Smith , P . Prov . G . P . ; Hastings , Prov . G . P .: Lewis Etheridge , W . M . Sidney Lodge ; J . Nunn , P . Prov . J . W . ; Staff-Sergeant Spinks , W . M . United Military Lodge ; John While , P . M . 228
( Freemason ) ; Gamble , W . M . Florence Nightingale Lodge ; Pryce , Woolwich , & c . After the dinner the grace was chanted with an exquisite harmony of voices by Bros . Mu . grave , Hubbard , and Nunn . The W . M . gave , in fitting terms , " The Health of her Majesty , " who , he reminded the brethren , was an earnest supporter of the Masonic Charities . In giving the toast of " The M . W . the
Grand Master , " after whose name stood the Shakespearian motto , "The immediate heir of England—the hope and expectation of our time , " the W . M . said his Royal Highness , as time rolled on , took more and mora interest in his duties as Grand Master , and every Freemason had good reason to be proud of his Royal Highness as the Grand Master . The toast was heartily accepted , and then the W . M .
proposed the toast of " The Pro Grand Master , the Deputy Grand Master , and the rest of -the Grand Officers , " who were commended as " whom you all know are honourable men , " the W . M . remarking that the proof of the attachment to the Order of these noblemen 3 nd gentlemen who held the highest positions in the Craft was shown in the fact of its high position and the high estimation in which it was
held in the world . Phis toast was warmly cheered . The W . M . then , in felicitous terms , proposed" The Health of the Provincial Grand Master for Kent , Lord Holmesdale , " whose name on the programme was adorned with Shakespeare ' s words , " A lord to a lord , a man to a man , " and his lordship was warmly toasted with all honours . The next toast was " The Deputy Grand Master for Kent , Bro .
Eastes , and the rest of the Grand Officers , " against which stood the motto , causing much comment , " Your voice shall be as strong as any man ' s in the disposing of new dignitaries . " The W . M . said that they would all have been glad to have seen Bro . Eastes among them , but doubtless his many duties had kept him absent , and the company would gladly welcome the Prov . G . Sec . Bro . A .
Spencer said the reason why the D . P . G . M . was not present was because he was on his holidays . The Prov . Grand Officers might be divided into two classes—those who enjoyed their honours , and those who had to work . There was a natural desire to share the Prov . Grand honours , but as there were forty-two lodges in the province and only eleven purples to be given each year , it was
impossible that every lodge should have a share of the honours each year , and those who did not must exercise patience . He trusted that in time every deserving brother would receive the recognition of his merits . The I . P . M . then proposed the toast of " The W . M ., " whose motto stood on the programme , " The Master , he is a good one , and his worthiness does challenge much respect . " Bro .
Spurrell said that the W . M . had distinguished himself very grandly in the cause of Masonic charity , and did not look for any reward for doing good . The W . M . was most deserving of the interest and good wishes of his brother Masons , and all would wish him a successful year of office , an office which was certain to be well worked . The W . M . acknowledged thc toast , and then the I P . M . was toasted ,
Dr . Spurrell being spoken of as one than whom " A braver place in our heart ' s love hath no man . " He acknowledged the toast , and " The Visitors " were toasted , with the motto "And will he not come again , " to which many of them , through Bro . Smeed , gave an affirmative response of the most unquestionable character . " The Officers of the Lodge , " prefaced by the words " One step I have
advanced thee , " was acknowledged by Bros . Churchley , Knight , and Poole . " The Charities" had no response from Bro . Binckes as he had departed by the last but one train , Bro . Hastings responding instead , and the W . M . observed that the Lodge of St . John and St . Paul would be one of the first in the province in its action towards the
charities , and did not seek for members . The increase of the applicants for the charities—this , too , of members who had only been a short time in the ranks—proved that discrimination was not at all times exercised . The Tyler ' s toast concluded the programme , and the evening ' s entertainment was most pleasantly diversified by the efforts of Bros . Musgrave , A . Hubbard , J . Nunn , Smee , and Miss
M . Roby . COCKERMOUTH . —Skiddaw ( Lodge No 1002 ) . —An emergency meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday evening , the 24 th inst ., when there were present Bros . R . Robinson , P . M ., who presided in the absence of the W . M . ; I . Evening , S . W . ; Jos . Kerr , J . W . ; W . H . Lewthwaite , P . M . and Org . ; W . F . Lamonby , P . M . and
Sec . ( Freemason ); W . Shilton , P . M . ; S . Thwaites , S . Ferguson , S . C . Robinson , H . Peacock , W . Rule , and W . Potts , Tyler . The meeting was called for the purpose of raising Bro . W . Rule , and the first part of the sublime ceremony was most efficiently performed by the W . M . in the chair , with Bro . Lamonby as S . D ., after which Bro . Lamonby took the chair , and worked the concluding
portion of the degree . The lodge was then closed in form . At a meeting of the Permanent Committee the same evening , Bros . W . Taylor and Shilton were appointed to superintend the removal of the furniture from the old lodge room , and the fitting up and decoration of the new premises , in time for consecration , on the occasion of the Provincial Grand festival . LIVERPOOL . —Neptune Lodge ( No . 1264 ) . —
The annual picnic of the brethren connected with the Neptune Lodge , No . 1264 , holding its meetings at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , Liverpool , took place on Wednesday , the 25 th ult ., the scene of the day ' s festivities being the Victoria Gardens and Hotel , Thatto Heath , a short distance from Prescot , which is a perfect oasis in the desert of surrounding coal mines and manufactories . THe " Old ' Neptune" has long been celebrated for the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
REPORTS or M ASONIC MEETINGS : - Craft Masonry 3 * 5 AncTc ' and Mcc ^' ^ 'ZZZZZ ^ Z ^ ZZZ '" H & Red Cross of Constantine 3 < Supreme G-and Chapter 3 ' 7 Grand Mark lodge Benevolent Fond 317 The Fire at St . JohnN . B . 318
, Another Proposed Masonic Hall in Liverpool 3 ' 8 Freemasonry in Ireland 3 r 8 The Surrey Masonic Hall 3 ' ° Ohitnary •;: •••3 l 8 Masonic and General Tidings 3 ro The Last Meeting of Grand Chapter , 3 S 0 Summer Musings 320 Our Great Hospitals 3 ' ° oRESpn * ' IlENCE
—__ Shakespeare and Freemasonry 311 Roll of Lodges 321 The Lion and Lamb Lodge 3 ir West Yorkshire and the Boys' School 321 provincial Grand Lodge of Herts 33 J Consecration of the Rothesay Lodge , No . 1687 323 Sale of the Surrey Masonic Hall 334 Freemasonry in "sew Zealand 334 Advertisements i . ii . iii . ' v . v . vi .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
( Graft ggtejurrctg .
BELGRAVE LODGE ( No . 749 . )—A lodge of emergency was held at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on Wednesday , the 18 th inst ., for the purpose of raising the five following brethren , viz .: —Bros . Hull , Mulcock , Tubbs , Watson , and Spragg . On Friday , the 20 th ult ., the members dined , together at the Alexandra Palace , Muswell Hill . The members and visitors , to
the number of sixto-two , sat down precisely at six o ' clock , under the presidency of the VV . M ., Bro . J . W . Hobbs . There were also present Bros . Greenwood , S . W . ; Booker , J . W . ; Garrod , Sec . ; Runting , Treas . ; Gardiner , S . D . ; Coltart , J . D . ; Groves , I . G . ; Painter , Hester , Grogan , and Battey , P . M . ' s . ; Bros . Forscutt , Spragg , Wallace , Tubbs , Hull , H . VV . Hobbs , H . Elliott , Weeks , Clemence ,
Tyrrell , Peirson , Harvey , Speller , Strip , Holloway , Nawton , Tucker , Chandler , Hannaford , Poupard , Kift , Drew , Burnett , Beeton , Moss , R . E . Booker , Leech , Hall , Snelling , Hill , Crunden , Fitley , Culpin , G . S . Elliott . Amongst the visitors were Bros . Buss , Assist . G . Sec . ; Randell , P . M . 194 ; Newman , P . M . 892 ; Palmer , W . M . 1541 ; Badkin , S . W . 136 5 ; Collins , 25 : and Trencer and
Upstone , 1309 . The opportunity was taken of presenting to Bro . Henry Garrod , Sec , an illuminated testimonial and handsome timepiece , subscribed for by the members of the lodge . The testimonial , the work of Bro . Bakkin was greatly admired , and ran as follows : " Belgrave Lodge , No . 749 . —This testimonial , together with a timepiece , value twenty guineas , was presented by the members of
the above lodge lo Bro . Henry Garrod , P . M . 177 , 720 , 749 , and P . Z . 507 , 749 , 766 , to mark their appreciation of his services as Secretary for nineteen years . Signed by the W . M ., Wardens , and P . M . ' s . " The musical arrangements were carried out by Bro . Kift , assisted by Bros . Collins , Treneer , and Upstone , and gave great satisfaction . A special train left the Palace a little after ten , bringing the brethren to town , after spending a most enjoyable evening-.
WEST SMITHFIELD LODGE ( No . 1623 ) . — The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday , July the 19 th , at the New Market Hotel , King-street , West Smithfield . Punctually at half-past two the W . M ., Bro . I . Smith , P . G . P ., P . M ., opened the lodge . He was supported by Bros . T . W . Adams , S . W . ; G . S . Elliott , J . W . j F . Walters , P . G . J . D . Middx ., P . M ., Sec ; E . Mallett ,
A . S . ; J . J . Howes , P . M ., S . D . ; G . S . Wintle , P . M ., I . G . j A . Black , D . C . ; W . Pennefather , P . M ., W . S ; J . Gilbert , P . G . Tyler Middx ., Tyler ; T . Butt , C . Davis , F . A . West , H . J . Lardner , G . Stephens , W . Snow , W . Malthouse , T . M . Butt , W . Smyth , W . C . Watts , H . Lebish , W . B . Delafons , R . Leggett , E . C . Van Wagenen , S . Craddock , and others . The long list of visitors included
Bros . J . E . Wylie , P . M . 186 ; W . H . Ferryman , W . M . 3 ; J . Flatman , 376 ; L , Etheridge , W . M . 829 ; J . Clark , 1413 ; W . Hurlstone , 14231 J . Tovell 148 9 ; and others . The W . M ., in his usual correct and impressive manner , raised Bros . H . Lebish , C . Davis , J . J . Howes , H . F . Lardner , G . H . Stephens , F . A . West , and W . Hurl .-tone ( 142 ^ to the Third Degree . He passed Bro . W . C . Watts
to the Second Degree ; completing his work by initiating Messrs . Cornelius Von Wagenen and Seymour Craddock . The bye-laws were then read . The election for the office of W . M . was unanimous in favour of Bro . T . W . Adams , S . W ., and for Treasurer Bro . Joseph Smith , P . G . P ., W . M . The Tyler , Bro . John Gilbert , P . G . Tyler Middx ., was unanimously re-elected Tyler . Bros . H . J .
Lardner , G . Stevens , and W . Malthouse were elected Auditors , to assist those previously appointed . A twenty guinea testimonial was unanimously voted to Bro . Joseph Smith , P . G . P ., P . M ., W . M ., for his exertions on behalf of this lodge , and the admirable manner he had presided over the lodge during his year of oflice . The audit was fixed to take place at the lodge house on the fourth
Thursday in August . Several propositions were handed in to the Secretary of names boih for joining and initiation . Business being ended , the lodge was closed and adjourned to Thursday , September the 21 st , to meet at two o ' clock P . m . An excellent banquet was served under the personal
superintendence of Bro . T . Butt . LIVERPOOL . —Garston Lodge of Harmony iNo . 220 ) . —The annual installation meeting of the members of this lodge was held at the Wellington Hotel , Garston , near Liverpool , on the afternoon of the 25 th u It-ll-re . John Hughes , I . P . M ., actirit . as W . M ., ripened
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
the lodge , supported by Bros . C . Leedham , P . M . ; J . W . Baker , P . M . ; R . Jones , P . M . ; S . Tickle , J . W . ; W . S . Vines , P . M ., P . G . S ., Treas . ; G . Price , Sec . ; J . Tewkesbury , S . D . ; T . F . Hill , J . D . ; Dr . J . V . Worthington , P . M ., D . C ; H . Hatch , S . ; J . Robinson , Tyler . The members present were Bros . J . Ellis , J . Crowther , T . Sloper , W . Troughton , P . M . 1013 -, W . G . Sharpe , E . Humphries ,
P . Jones , J . Carter , J . E . Lloyd , H . Mercer , W . Lovelady , W . Tait , C . Sayer , H . Paine , J . S . Bullock , W . S . Matthews , J . W . Pickering , J . Blair , S . Chambers , and others . The visitors were Bros . W . T . May , P . M . 673 ; J . A . Macmahon , I ^ ; W . H . Cooper , W . M . 1350 ; J . Bowes , P . M . ; D . W . Finney , P . M . ; T . Salter , Sec . 241 ; W . Jones , P . M . 1299 ; J . J . Rose , P . M . 249 ; T . Roberts ,
I . P . M . 673 , and others . Bro . S . 1 ickle was placed in the chair of W . M . by Bro . J . W . Baker , P . M . The officers invested were Bros . Dr . V . Worthington , I . P . M . ; G . Price , S . W . ; T . F . Hill , J . . ; J . W . Baker , P . M ., D . C ; W . S . Vines , P . M ., P . G . S ., Treas . ; James Carter , Sec . ; J . N . Clark , Org . ; L Tewkesbury , S . D . ; H . Hatch , J . D . ; A . Sharpies , I . G . ; T . Wainwright , S . S , ; J . R . Ivey , J . S . ;
and J . Robinson , Tyler . The brethren subsequently dined at the Reading Room , the caterer being Bro . Woods . The annual picnic of the lodge was held at Grappenhall on the following day . STOCKPORT . —Lodge of Peace ( No . 322 . ) —The Lodge of Peace held its Festival of St . John on Tuesday , July 10 th . The brethren assembled at
the lodge-room , at the Warren Bulkeley Arms Hotel , soon after three o ' clock , when the ceremony of installing the W . M . elect , Bro . N . Dumville , was duly performed by Bro . J . C . Chetham , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . ( Cheshire . ) The following officers were appointed by the W . M ., and invested by thc Installing Master , viz ., I . P . M ., Bro . John Williamson ; S . W ., Bro . J . H . Carrington ; J . W ., Bro . Worsnup ; Treas .,
Bro . Hickson , P . M . ; Secretary , Bro . Philip Chetham , P . M ; S . D ., Bro . L . D . Bradbury ; J . D . Bro . G . Bennett ; D . of C , Bro . Bardsley , P M . ; Organist , Bro . Colonel Wilkinson , P . M ., P . P . S . G . D . ( Cheshire ); I . G ., Bro . Robert Chetham ; S . Steward , Bro . A . J . Bradbury ; J . Steward , Bro . Ginger , Tyler , Bro . Joseph Meadows . The visitors present included were Bro . Schofield , W . M ., 104 ; Bro . Wills , W . M . 1213 ;
Bro . Strangeways , S . D . 111 ; and others . After the closing of the lodge , the brethren proceeded to the banquet , which was artistically laid out in the adjoining room , by Bro . Firth . In addition to the usual toast list , several songs and glees were given by an efficient party of vocalists engaged by the W . M ., consisting of Bro . Edmondson , Bro . M . Stafford , P . M ., Bro . VV . Dumville , P . M ., Bro . H .
Lister , S . W ., and Bro . Balfe , assisted by brethren of the lodge . Bro . Fielding ably played the pianoforte accompaniments . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly proposed and responded to , and a thoroughly enjoyable evening was spent . The meeting was invested with additional interest from the presence of Bro . Philip Chetham , thc aged Secretary , now over ninety years of age , and
upwards of sixty years a Mason , said to be the oldest Mason in England . The old gentleman is bale and hearty , and does most of the Secretary ' s work at the present time . It is worthy of remark , too , that this lodge can boast of having amongst its members three generations of one family . ; Bro . J . C . Chetham , the Installing Master on this occasion , is the son of the aged Secretary , and has himself
four sons in the lodge , the eldest of whom ( Bro . John Chetham ) like his father and grandfather , is a P . M . of the lodge . ERITH . —St . John and St . Paul Lodge ( No . 615 ) . —The "Men of Kent , " and the "Kentish Men , " ; with no thought of ths feuds which raged between their ancestors , met in amicable array at the Pier Hotel . F . rith , on
the 27 th ult , to do honour to the installation of the Master elected to the high position of presiding over the lodge , this being Bro . Charles Andrews , P . M . of No . 77 , and of No . 199 , and P . P . G . S . of Kent . There was a great array of Prov . Grand Officers of the White Horse county , which is not by any means a " one horse " county , as its history proves , and its Masonic sons show as much spirit
in carrying out the work of the Craft as their progenitors of old showed in maintaining their liberties . The venerated and kindly brother , Dr . Spurrell , P . G . J . W ., the Master , opened the lodge . Brother Andrews then being Senior Warden , and Bro . Churchley , Junior , and after the minutes were unanimously confirmed , Bro . T . Smith , P . P . G . P ., and Bro . Coste , P . G . D . C ., took theWardens' chairs .
Bro . T . W . Knight , P . M . and P . P . S . G . W ., worked the ceremony in a style which elicited the warmest praise . The officers appointed , and at once invested with the jewels and cares of office , were S . W ., Bro . Churchley ; J . W ., Bro . T . W . Knight , ( in place of a brother who was to have taken the position ) ; S . D ., Bro . James Fletcher ; J . D ., Bro . Robert Stone ; I . G ., Bro . George Fletcher ;
Treasurer , Bro . Poole ; Secretary , Bro . Spurrell , I . P . M . ; D . C , Bro . Tomkins ; W . S ., Bro . Boyden . Bro . Martin was invested as Tyler . After the addresses in the course of the ordinary lodge business , the following motion , proposed by the W . M ., and seconded by the S . W ., was carried unanimously , that those who rise " to eminence by merit " shall be fined ; in other words the resolution ran : " That
each Worshipful Master on his installation shall pay a sum of five guineas ; each Senior Warden on his investiture shall pay the sum of three guineas ; that each Junior Warden shall pay the sum of two guineas on his investiture , to the Treasurer of the lodge , and the amount so subscribed to be voted to the Masonic Charities in such manner as the majority of the brethren in open
lodge shall determine . " The sum thus raised was devoted to charity , being voted to the Boys' School . With many expressions of pleasure it was also resolved to present the I . P . M ., Bro . Spurrell , with a P . M ., jewel , valued at ten guineas , as a slight acknowledgment of his services in the faithful discharge of the Mastership of the lodge . The lodge then closed in due form , and the . brethren , mustered for dinner . T _ ere were pre > eri » $ ro . Charles { Ralph ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
P . Prov . G . S . D . ; Bro . W . Russell , W . M . 77 , Prov . S . G . D . ; Bro . A . Spencer , Prov . G . Sec . of Kent ; Bro . Binckes , Sec . of the Boys' School ; Bros . Bevan , of the Erasmus Wilson Lodge ; Leate , I . P . M . of 77 ; Smith , P . Prov . G . P . ; Hastings , Prov . G . P .: Lewis Etheridge , W . M . Sidney Lodge ; J . Nunn , P . Prov . J . W . ; Staff-Sergeant Spinks , W . M . United Military Lodge ; John While , P . M . 228
( Freemason ) ; Gamble , W . M . Florence Nightingale Lodge ; Pryce , Woolwich , & c . After the dinner the grace was chanted with an exquisite harmony of voices by Bros . Mu . grave , Hubbard , and Nunn . The W . M . gave , in fitting terms , " The Health of her Majesty , " who , he reminded the brethren , was an earnest supporter of the Masonic Charities . In giving the toast of " The M . W . the
Grand Master , " after whose name stood the Shakespearian motto , "The immediate heir of England—the hope and expectation of our time , " the W . M . said his Royal Highness , as time rolled on , took more and mora interest in his duties as Grand Master , and every Freemason had good reason to be proud of his Royal Highness as the Grand Master . The toast was heartily accepted , and then the W . M .
proposed the toast of " The Pro Grand Master , the Deputy Grand Master , and the rest of -the Grand Officers , " who were commended as " whom you all know are honourable men , " the W . M . remarking that the proof of the attachment to the Order of these noblemen 3 nd gentlemen who held the highest positions in the Craft was shown in the fact of its high position and the high estimation in which it was
held in the world . Phis toast was warmly cheered . The W . M . then , in felicitous terms , proposed" The Health of the Provincial Grand Master for Kent , Lord Holmesdale , " whose name on the programme was adorned with Shakespeare ' s words , " A lord to a lord , a man to a man , " and his lordship was warmly toasted with all honours . The next toast was " The Deputy Grand Master for Kent , Bro .
Eastes , and the rest of the Grand Officers , " against which stood the motto , causing much comment , " Your voice shall be as strong as any man ' s in the disposing of new dignitaries . " The W . M . said that they would all have been glad to have seen Bro . Eastes among them , but doubtless his many duties had kept him absent , and the company would gladly welcome the Prov . G . Sec . Bro . A .
Spencer said the reason why the D . P . G . M . was not present was because he was on his holidays . The Prov . Grand Officers might be divided into two classes—those who enjoyed their honours , and those who had to work . There was a natural desire to share the Prov . Grand honours , but as there were forty-two lodges in the province and only eleven purples to be given each year , it was
impossible that every lodge should have a share of the honours each year , and those who did not must exercise patience . He trusted that in time every deserving brother would receive the recognition of his merits . The I . P . M . then proposed the toast of " The W . M ., " whose motto stood on the programme , " The Master , he is a good one , and his worthiness does challenge much respect . " Bro .
Spurrell said that the W . M . had distinguished himself very grandly in the cause of Masonic charity , and did not look for any reward for doing good . The W . M . was most deserving of the interest and good wishes of his brother Masons , and all would wish him a successful year of office , an office which was certain to be well worked . The W . M . acknowledged thc toast , and then the I P . M . was toasted ,
Dr . Spurrell being spoken of as one than whom " A braver place in our heart ' s love hath no man . " He acknowledged the toast , and " The Visitors " were toasted , with the motto "And will he not come again , " to which many of them , through Bro . Smeed , gave an affirmative response of the most unquestionable character . " The Officers of the Lodge , " prefaced by the words " One step I have
advanced thee , " was acknowledged by Bros . Churchley , Knight , and Poole . " The Charities" had no response from Bro . Binckes as he had departed by the last but one train , Bro . Hastings responding instead , and the W . M . observed that the Lodge of St . John and St . Paul would be one of the first in the province in its action towards the
charities , and did not seek for members . The increase of the applicants for the charities—this , too , of members who had only been a short time in the ranks—proved that discrimination was not at all times exercised . The Tyler ' s toast concluded the programme , and the evening ' s entertainment was most pleasantly diversified by the efforts of Bros . Musgrave , A . Hubbard , J . Nunn , Smee , and Miss
M . Roby . COCKERMOUTH . —Skiddaw ( Lodge No 1002 ) . —An emergency meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday evening , the 24 th inst ., when there were present Bros . R . Robinson , P . M ., who presided in the absence of the W . M . ; I . Evening , S . W . ; Jos . Kerr , J . W . ; W . H . Lewthwaite , P . M . and Org . ; W . F . Lamonby , P . M . and
Sec . ( Freemason ); W . Shilton , P . M . ; S . Thwaites , S . Ferguson , S . C . Robinson , H . Peacock , W . Rule , and W . Potts , Tyler . The meeting was called for the purpose of raising Bro . W . Rule , and the first part of the sublime ceremony was most efficiently performed by the W . M . in the chair , with Bro . Lamonby as S . D ., after which Bro . Lamonby took the chair , and worked the concluding
portion of the degree . The lodge was then closed in form . At a meeting of the Permanent Committee the same evening , Bros . W . Taylor and Shilton were appointed to superintend the removal of the furniture from the old lodge room , and the fitting up and decoration of the new premises , in time for consecration , on the occasion of the Provincial Grand festival . LIVERPOOL . —Neptune Lodge ( No . 1264 ) . —
The annual picnic of the brethren connected with the Neptune Lodge , No . 1264 , holding its meetings at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , Liverpool , took place on Wednesday , the 25 th ult ., the scene of the day ' s festivities being the Victoria Gardens and Hotel , Thatto Heath , a short distance from Prescot , which is a perfect oasis in the desert of surrounding coal mines and manufactories . THe " Old ' Neptune" has long been celebrated for the