Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 2 of 2 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 2 of 2 Article Knights Templar. Page 1 of 1 Article Ancient and Accepted Rite. Page 1 of 1 Article Red Cross of Constantine. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
unanimity , cordiality , and fine brotherly feeling which animate every brother , from the VV . M . to the youngest initiate , and as a consequence the annual pleasant " out " which has existed for a number of years has invariably been looked upon and experienced as the most enjoyable in the distiict . Weather favoured the outers , the day being bright and breezy , and the whole of the day ' s
proceedings passed off as " merry as the proverbial " rsarriage bell , " without the slightest semblance of a hitch . The officers vied with each other in promoting the harmony and enjoyment of those who were present . About 80 ladies and brethren started from Lime-street shortly before ten o ' clock , and arrived safely and expeditiously at Thatto Heath Station , where the floral beauties
of the platforms , carried out by Mr . Prescot , station master , were the subject of universal admiration . Here the party was met by the St . Helen ' s borough band ( under the conductorship of Mr . J . Parr ) , and the whole party marched to the grounds , nearly the whole of the " natives" turning out to see the precession . Amongst those present were Bros . Joseph Healing , W . M . ( whose
urbanity and attention contributed largely to the day s enjoyment ); A . Cotter , I . P . M . ; If . Williams , P . M . ; Joseph Korn , S . W . ; W . C . Webb , J . W . ; P . B . Gee , P . M ., Treasurer ; J . Linaker , Secretarv ; A . C . Wylie , S . D . ; Thomas Walton , I . G . ; C . Fothergi ' ll , S . S . ; J . Hughes , J . S . ; and C . Rigoiti , Assistant Secretary . There were also a number of visitors from other lodges . Dinner was served
in the large covered marquee by Mr . W . Carr , landlord of the hotel and grountls , and the excellence of his catering has certainly never been excelled in the history of the Neptune . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been duly honoured , the Worshipful Master proceidcd to perform the unusual hut pleasing task of proposing the health of Bro . Royle and his bride , mentioning his long connection
with the lodge , and wishing the newly-married couple every prosperity . The toast was received in a manner which showed the great popularity of Bro . Boyle . Bro . Cotter , I . P . M ., then proposed " The Health of the W . M ., " stating that this was not his first year of office , as he had been the Master of the lodge when it was first consecrated . He said they must all be aware ot Bro . Healing ' s efforts
to make the lodge successful , and especially on the occasion on which lhey were then assembled . The W . M ., in replying , said he was fully rewarded by witnessing the happv re-union of the brethren and their friends . Hc concluded by proposing "The Health of the Past Masters , " to whose cordial co-operation , he said , was owing the great success of the gathering . Bro . Cotter responded .
" The Officers , " replied to by Bro . Korn , S . W ., and " The Press , " responded to by Bro . Joseph Wood , Treas . 1094 , ( Freemason ) , followed ; while "The Visiting Brethren " was coupled with the name of Bro . Gotham , 823 . In proposing " The Ladies , " the W . M . said that , as one of the first promoters of Masonic picnics in this province , he hoped the day was far distant when such social gatherings should
be discontinued , as they conduced to harmony and brotherly love . Bro . Cotter responded . As an extra toast , the W . M . gave , as a most appropriate toast for the Neptune Lodge , and one which they were proud to honour , "The Absent Seafaring Brethren , " and gave a heaity welcome to those brethren who had just come home . Bro . Campbell responded . "The Health of the Host and
Hostess " followed , the W . M . wishing- them prosperity in their new undertaking . The after dinner proceedings were enlivened by a number of songs rendered by the brethren . The afternoon was spent in a most enjoyable manner in the grounds , and both then and after tea dancing was kept up with spirit on the green . The party , headed as before by the band , returned to thc station at nine o ' clock ,
and arrived in due course at Lime-street , very much pleased with th . ir day ' s outing . Bro . Colter , I . P . M ., acted as Director of Ceremonies , and performed the duties to the satisfaction of all . HAMPTON . —Lebanon Lodge ( No . 1326 ) . — The installation meeting of this lodge was held'on the 21 st ult . at the Lion Hotel , when there were present amongst
others , Bros . Gilbert , W . M . ; Fox , S . W . ; Williams , P . G . O . of Middlesex , W . M . elect 127 s , J . W .: J . Hammond , P . M ., W . M . elect , 1572 , S . D . ; Shackletm , W . M . U 24 , J . D . ; F . Walters , P . G . ' D . of Middlesex , Stc . ; Dubois , P . G . D . of Middlesex , I . P . M . ; J . T . Moss . P . M . P . P . G . D . ; VV Hammond , P . M ., P . P . G . D . of Middlesex ; and Balwin , P . M . 1423 , P . A . G . P ., I . G . The minutes of the previous meeting
having been read and confirmed , the report of the Audit Committee was read and adopted . The ceremony of inducting Bro . Fox , W . M . elect , to the chair of K . S . was most ably performed by Bro . Baldwin . The beautiful language of the ritual was enhanced by the clearness of the cnuncia tion that accompanied it . To mark their appreciation of Bro . Baldwin ' s efforts , thc lodge unanimously
passed him a v < te of thanks , and which was ordered to be entered on the minutes . The officers invested were , Bros . Williams S . W . ; J . Hammond , J . W . ; Shackleton , S . D . ; Baldwin , J . D . ; Gloucester I . G . j F . Walker Sec . ; Lawrence , D . C ; Shott , Orgaui t ; H . Potter , P . M ., W . S . ; Stone A . W . S . Bro . Fox having vacated the chair , th _ I . P . M ., Bro . Gilbert , initiated Mr . Williams , of the mercantile
marine , in a very careful manner . Previously to the lodge being closed , the VV . M ., in a few well-chosen sentences , presented the I . P . M . with a very handsome souvenir of his year of office in the shape of a costly jewel , which compliment was duly acknowleged by Bro . Gilbtrt . The visitors were , Bros . Hunt , W . M . Hemming ; Crag , S . W . 1 . 5 86 ; T . Walls , J . W . 1381 ; Simmons , J . W . 1330 ;
Clarke , D . C . 1654 ; Hartnall , 871 ; Murphy , 1512 ; Knell , 1607 . The banquet was well served by the caterer , Bro . Murph " , and at its conclusion the long array of toasts were briefly given from the chair : The honour of replying ur on behalf of the Prov . Grand OfFc rs , past and present , fell to Bros . Dubois and Baldwin , and Bros . Hurst and Walls responded for "The Visitors . " "The Past Masters" toast was responded to by Bros , Gilbert and Moss .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
The latter dealt with the subject matter most humourously ' and also proposed the health of the VV . M ., in a very neat speech . P . M . Fox in reply briefly said that he felt exceedingly honoured at being placed in the Master ' s Chair of so large and powerful a lodge as the Lebanon , and he hoped that his year of office would be a most pleasurable one to all parties , at least nothing should be wanting on
his part to make it so . "The Initiate" having been given , Bro . Williams responded by saying that if he could not make a useful Mason he would endeavour to prove a worthy one . During the proceedings Bro . Walls entertained the brethren . " The Officers" having been proposed by the W . M ., was acknowledged by the Junior Warden . Bro . Smeed having been called upon to
discharge his duty , the brethren departed until the 18 th of August next . GREAT STANMORE . — Abereorn Lodge ( No . 1549 . )—Thc second season of this prosperous summer lodge was completed on the 14 th ult , and witnessed a large gathering of brethren , to greet the advent of the highly popular Bro . Osman Vincent , who had been
unanimously elected for advancement to the chair of K . S . The lovely weather gave an additional charm to the quiet and rural but delightful spot where this lodge meets , and many enviable expressions invariably proceed from visitors at these re-unions whilst enjoying the beautiful scenery and exquisite summer flowers . The meeting , was , in honour of the occasion , well and worthily sustained ,
everything passing off to the entire satisfaction of all concerned . The lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . J . VV . Garrod , for the last time in his year of offxe , at 2 . 4 s ., and was well supported by his officers— Bros . Vincent , S . W , ; Tidcombe , J . W . ; Rogers , Treas . ; Veal , Sec . ; Ebbs , J . D . ; Winter , Organist ; Eversden , I . G . ; Helsdon , I . P . M ; Middleton , Tyler ; and the following brethren : Joshua Nunn , P . G . S . B . ;
H . T . Swatton , Peach , Hunt , E . G . Swatton , Clark , Buck , Darby , Long , Meek , Thompson , Marshall , Lavin , Johnson , Felton , Smith , Roy ; and visitors , J . VV . Garrod , 88 9 ; Woodstock , P . M . ; Walker , Hitchcock , Humfress , and George . 733 ; Rogers , P . M . 902 ; Hall , 34 ; Nethersole , 840 ; Maplcson , 95 . After disposing * of the preliminary business and confirming the minutes ot the previous lodge ;
great satisfaction was expressed by all present at the Secretary ' s announcement of the prosperous report of the audit meeting on June 13 th , and state of the finances . The ballot being unanimous for the admission of Bro-. Thompson and Smith , of No . 733 , and Dr . Lavin , 404 , those brethren were welcomed accordingly , it also proving favourable for the admission of Mr . VV . F . Middleton , that
gentleman was duly enlightened by the W . M . to the First Degree . He then , after opening his lodge to the Second Degree , invested Bro . R . Helsdcn , I . P . M ., with his collar , and entrusted him with his jewel for the purpose of installation . The W . M . elect having been duly presented by Bro . Joshua Nunn , P . G . S . B , and also having acknowledged in the customary manner those ancient charges to which all
must assent prior to that elevated position being bestowed , the interesting ceremony was completed in the presence of several P . M's and purple honoured brethren , whose congratulations were as hearty as sincere , equally with the rest of the brethren when admitted to pay homage to their new W . M . After the customary salutes and the effective rendering of those heauliful addresses which form so great a
feature in this ceremony the brethren were unanimous 111 according their thanks to the I . P . M . for having again so ably illusfated this duty , and the W . M . proceeded to invest his officers as follows : Bro . Tidcombe , S . W . ; Ebbs , J . W .-, Eversden . S . D . ; Marshal ] , J . D ., Roy , I . G . ; Helsdon , M . C . ; Hunt , W . S . ; J . Middleton , Tyler ; thc responsible duties of Treas . and Sec . being again left i n the hands
of Bros . Dr . Rogers and C . Veal , and Bro . H . Llewellyn Winter , re-appointed Organist . On resuming the lodge to the First Degree , the W . M . invested his I . P . M . with thc usual handsome P . M . jewel , for which he suitably and gratefully responded . The W . M . also proposed Mr . Ede Pontchalon and Mr . G . H . Hall for ballot at the next meeting . Th" Secretary adverted to the subscriptions
lor the Burdett Testimonial Fund as progressing favourably , and had instructions to increase such by a donation from the lodge funds . He also announced that after next mecling the lodge would probably number 30 subscribing members , and in accordance with bye-law No . 7 , the initiation fee should he raised to seven guineas . Hearty good wishes from the various visiting lodges completed
the " business , and the W . M . effectively closed the lodge at 5 . 10 in perfect peace and harmony . The banquet was served at 5 . 30 , and the usual unlimited hospitality was observed , the new W . M . showing how happily he was fitted also for this branch of his duties . The various toasts were given in the most appropriate manner , and the responses were all equally unanimous . In reply to
his own health by the I . P . M ., the W . M . honestly observed ( what is generally but too true ) that he had that day been very nervous as a young man bn taking so exalted a position , but feeling now hnw genuine was the support of his brethren he was decidedly on better terms with himself , and hoped to shew , during his year of office , that his best efforts would succeed in maintaining- the reputation so
liberally accorded to the Abereorn Lodge . The toast of " The Initiate " brought the old Entered Apprentice ' s Song from the Secretary ; in fact , this is now becoming in many lodges that officer ' s duty . The chorus , as usual , was hearty and effective . The toast of " The Visitors " was responded to by each and all , and they were most lavish in praise , not only of the working of the lodge but of their
hospitable and hearty reception . The musical contributions of the brethren were equal to the occasion , and needed no help from without , the Organist being a host in himself , and was ably supported by Bros . Garrod , Johnson , & c . The W . M . having passed the highest eulogiunis severally upon his officers , nothing now remained but the Tyler ' s toast , which was quickly given , a-cording to ancient custom , the brethren separating with the honest conviction
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
that the Abereorn Lodge still maintained its enviable reputation , not only for the good of the Craft , but itself in particular . STAINES . —Musgrave Lodge ( No . 1597 ) . —The regular July meeting of this lodge was held at the Angel and Crown Hotel , Staines , on Saturday , the 21 st ult . The lodge was opened punctually at 3 o ' clock by the W . M .
Bro . F . Keily , Prov . Grand Treas . Middlesex , supported by the following brethren : Bros . E . Amphlett , S . W . ; G . Phythian , ( visitor ) , acting J . W , ; I . G . Dunn , S . D . ; G . p ' Gillard , J . D . ; H . T . Bing , I . G . ; J . Gilbert , T y ler . There were also present Bros . Wilson , P . M . 209 , acting I . P . M . R . G . Jewell , W . H . Stevens , A . S . Paterson , T . Hulburd ' , 40 ; Jno . Prince , 209 ; W . Fowler , 130 s ; and several other
brethren . After the lodge had been opened in due form the W . M . called upon the Hon . Sec . to read a dispensation of the M . W . Grand Master , for the initiation of Mr . F . G . Hulburd , aged 18 , a " Lewis , " into Freemasonry , which ceremony was performed in a very excellent and
impressive manner , the charge being delivered by Bro . Wilson , the acting I . P . M . The sum of five guineas was then voted to the Burdett Testimonial Fund , and after receiving one proposal for initiation the lodge was duly closed , and thc brethren adjourned to the banqueting room , where a very enjoyable evening was spent .
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
NEWPORT . —Gwent Preceptory . — The Gwent Preceptory of Knights Templar was held at the Masonic Hall , Dock-street , Newport on Thursday , 26 th ult ., at 7 p . m ., where the following were present : —Lieut . - Col . Lyne , G . Constable , P . E . P . ; Capt . S . G . Homfray , P . E . P . ; Sir Kt . W . Williams , E . P . ; Sir Kts . W . Pickford , VV . Watkins , J . Piggford , H . J . Groves ; Capt . A . Thrale
Perkins , P . G . Chap , of England ; H . Tweedy , and others . The minutes of the last preceptory were read and confirmed . The ballot was then taken for Bra . Francis Greeen Lake , of the Philanthropic R . A . Chapter , Abergavenny , and he was unanimously accepted and installed as a member of the Older by Sir S _ t . W . Williams , E . P ., who performed the ceremony in a very effective manner . Sir Kt . W .
Pickford was then proposed by Sir Kt . W . Williams , and seconded by Sir Kt . Capt . S . G . Homfray , to become the E . P . for the ensuing year . The ballot was then taken , and he was unanimously elected to be installed at the next meeting . Sir Kt . W . Williams was proposed , balloted for , and elected as Treasurer . 'I here being no other business
the preceptory was closed . The Priory of Malta was deferred until the next meeting , in consequence of the un . avoidable absence of Major Shadwell H . Gierke , Grand Sub Pr or of England , one of the founders of this priory , and who usually performs this ceremony in such an effective manner , when it was earnestly hoped that he would be present .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
Ancient and Accepted Rite .
MONMOUTH . —Ivor Hael Chapter , Rose Croix . —A meeting of this chapter was held at the Masonic Hall , Dock-street , Newport , on Wednesday , 25 th July , at three p . m ., when the following were present : — Capt . S . Geo . Homfray , 30 , P . M . W . S . ; Capt . A . Thrale Perkins , 32 , M . W . S . ; Bros . R . J . Chambers , 18 , ist Gen . ; W . Williams , 10 ° , 2 nd Gen . ; H . Howells , 18 ° , 0
Recorder ; H . J . Groves , 18 , Org . ; W . Watkins , 18 ° ; Chas . Ffennell , 18 ; J . Piggford , 18 ; H . Fletcher , Janitor . The minutes of the last chapter were then read and confirmed . Bro . W . Pickford , of Baldwin Chapter , then took the necessary oath , and was affiliated as a member of the Ancient Accepted Rite , and became a joining member of this chapter . The ballot was then taken
for Bro . Francis Greenlake , Philanthropic Lodge , Abergavenny , who was unanimously elected and made a member , the ceremony being performed by the M . W . S . Bro . R . J . Chambers was then duly installed as M . W . S . for the ensuing year , by Capt . S . Geo . Homfray , 30 ° , and then appointed his officers . In pursuance of a resolution on the circular by Bro . W . Williams 18 , the peifection
fees of this chapter were reduced to three guineas . Several brethren were then proposed for ballot at the next meeting , and the chapter was closed in harmony . After passing a resolution of extreme regret at the absence of Gen . Doherty , 33 ° ; Inspector General of the district , through illness , and a fervent hope that he would be
speedily restored to his usual health and spirits , a P . MW . S . jewel was presented to Capt . A . Thrale Perkins , 32 , in recognition of his services as M . W . S . for the past year . The brethren then adjourned to a banquet at the King ' s Head , when a very pleasant evening was spent , and Bro . H . J . Groves in his usual manner provided the harmony
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Red Cross of Constantine .
LIVERPOOL . —Liverpool Conclave ( No . 55- ) —The members of this section of the Knights of Rome and Red Cross of Constantine assembled at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , Liverpool , on Tuesday , the 10 th inst ., when Em . Sir Knight R . Brown , M . P . ooccupied the throne , surrounded by a full complement of officers . Bro . W . Vines , W . M .. 1299 , was dulv exalted bv the M . P . S .. assisted by Em . Sir Knight
Clark , Past P . S . All below the rank of EntbroneQ Sovereigns then retired , and Sir Knight John Capell s enthronement as M . P . S . was efficiently performed by « Sir Knight Dr . J . Kcllett Smith , Dep . Int . General , ine officers invested were Sir Knights Joseph Bell , v . _ ., J . Thomson , S . G . ; H . Burrows , J . G . ; Joseph Wooo , Treasurer ( Fi eemasoM ) , who has held the office since in *
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
unanimity , cordiality , and fine brotherly feeling which animate every brother , from the VV . M . to the youngest initiate , and as a consequence the annual pleasant " out " which has existed for a number of years has invariably been looked upon and experienced as the most enjoyable in the distiict . Weather favoured the outers , the day being bright and breezy , and the whole of the day ' s
proceedings passed off as " merry as the proverbial " rsarriage bell , " without the slightest semblance of a hitch . The officers vied with each other in promoting the harmony and enjoyment of those who were present . About 80 ladies and brethren started from Lime-street shortly before ten o ' clock , and arrived safely and expeditiously at Thatto Heath Station , where the floral beauties
of the platforms , carried out by Mr . Prescot , station master , were the subject of universal admiration . Here the party was met by the St . Helen ' s borough band ( under the conductorship of Mr . J . Parr ) , and the whole party marched to the grounds , nearly the whole of the " natives" turning out to see the precession . Amongst those present were Bros . Joseph Healing , W . M . ( whose
urbanity and attention contributed largely to the day s enjoyment ); A . Cotter , I . P . M . ; If . Williams , P . M . ; Joseph Korn , S . W . ; W . C . Webb , J . W . ; P . B . Gee , P . M ., Treasurer ; J . Linaker , Secretarv ; A . C . Wylie , S . D . ; Thomas Walton , I . G . ; C . Fothergi ' ll , S . S . ; J . Hughes , J . S . ; and C . Rigoiti , Assistant Secretary . There were also a number of visitors from other lodges . Dinner was served
in the large covered marquee by Mr . W . Carr , landlord of the hotel and grountls , and the excellence of his catering has certainly never been excelled in the history of the Neptune . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been duly honoured , the Worshipful Master proceidcd to perform the unusual hut pleasing task of proposing the health of Bro . Royle and his bride , mentioning his long connection
with the lodge , and wishing the newly-married couple every prosperity . The toast was received in a manner which showed the great popularity of Bro . Boyle . Bro . Cotter , I . P . M ., then proposed " The Health of the W . M ., " stating that this was not his first year of office , as he had been the Master of the lodge when it was first consecrated . He said they must all be aware ot Bro . Healing ' s efforts
to make the lodge successful , and especially on the occasion on which lhey were then assembled . The W . M ., in replying , said he was fully rewarded by witnessing the happv re-union of the brethren and their friends . Hc concluded by proposing "The Health of the Past Masters , " to whose cordial co-operation , he said , was owing the great success of the gathering . Bro . Cotter responded .
" The Officers , " replied to by Bro . Korn , S . W ., and " The Press , " responded to by Bro . Joseph Wood , Treas . 1094 , ( Freemason ) , followed ; while "The Visiting Brethren " was coupled with the name of Bro . Gotham , 823 . In proposing " The Ladies , " the W . M . said that , as one of the first promoters of Masonic picnics in this province , he hoped the day was far distant when such social gatherings should
be discontinued , as they conduced to harmony and brotherly love . Bro . Cotter responded . As an extra toast , the W . M . gave , as a most appropriate toast for the Neptune Lodge , and one which they were proud to honour , "The Absent Seafaring Brethren , " and gave a heaity welcome to those brethren who had just come home . Bro . Campbell responded . "The Health of the Host and
Hostess " followed , the W . M . wishing- them prosperity in their new undertaking . The after dinner proceedings were enlivened by a number of songs rendered by the brethren . The afternoon was spent in a most enjoyable manner in the grounds , and both then and after tea dancing was kept up with spirit on the green . The party , headed as before by the band , returned to thc station at nine o ' clock ,
and arrived in due course at Lime-street , very much pleased with th . ir day ' s outing . Bro . Colter , I . P . M ., acted as Director of Ceremonies , and performed the duties to the satisfaction of all . HAMPTON . —Lebanon Lodge ( No . 1326 ) . — The installation meeting of this lodge was held'on the 21 st ult . at the Lion Hotel , when there were present amongst
others , Bros . Gilbert , W . M . ; Fox , S . W . ; Williams , P . G . O . of Middlesex , W . M . elect 127 s , J . W .: J . Hammond , P . M ., W . M . elect , 1572 , S . D . ; Shackletm , W . M . U 24 , J . D . ; F . Walters , P . G . ' D . of Middlesex , Stc . ; Dubois , P . G . D . of Middlesex , I . P . M . ; J . T . Moss . P . M . P . P . G . D . ; VV Hammond , P . M ., P . P . G . D . of Middlesex ; and Balwin , P . M . 1423 , P . A . G . P ., I . G . The minutes of the previous meeting
having been read and confirmed , the report of the Audit Committee was read and adopted . The ceremony of inducting Bro . Fox , W . M . elect , to the chair of K . S . was most ably performed by Bro . Baldwin . The beautiful language of the ritual was enhanced by the clearness of the cnuncia tion that accompanied it . To mark their appreciation of Bro . Baldwin ' s efforts , thc lodge unanimously
passed him a v < te of thanks , and which was ordered to be entered on the minutes . The officers invested were , Bros . Williams S . W . ; J . Hammond , J . W . ; Shackleton , S . D . ; Baldwin , J . D . ; Gloucester I . G . j F . Walker Sec . ; Lawrence , D . C ; Shott , Orgaui t ; H . Potter , P . M ., W . S . ; Stone A . W . S . Bro . Fox having vacated the chair , th _ I . P . M ., Bro . Gilbert , initiated Mr . Williams , of the mercantile
marine , in a very careful manner . Previously to the lodge being closed , the VV . M ., in a few well-chosen sentences , presented the I . P . M . with a very handsome souvenir of his year of office in the shape of a costly jewel , which compliment was duly acknowleged by Bro . Gilbtrt . The visitors were , Bros . Hunt , W . M . Hemming ; Crag , S . W . 1 . 5 86 ; T . Walls , J . W . 1381 ; Simmons , J . W . 1330 ;
Clarke , D . C . 1654 ; Hartnall , 871 ; Murphy , 1512 ; Knell , 1607 . The banquet was well served by the caterer , Bro . Murph " , and at its conclusion the long array of toasts were briefly given from the chair : The honour of replying ur on behalf of the Prov . Grand OfFc rs , past and present , fell to Bros . Dubois and Baldwin , and Bros . Hurst and Walls responded for "The Visitors . " "The Past Masters" toast was responded to by Bros , Gilbert and Moss .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
The latter dealt with the subject matter most humourously ' and also proposed the health of the VV . M ., in a very neat speech . P . M . Fox in reply briefly said that he felt exceedingly honoured at being placed in the Master ' s Chair of so large and powerful a lodge as the Lebanon , and he hoped that his year of office would be a most pleasurable one to all parties , at least nothing should be wanting on
his part to make it so . "The Initiate" having been given , Bro . Williams responded by saying that if he could not make a useful Mason he would endeavour to prove a worthy one . During the proceedings Bro . Walls entertained the brethren . " The Officers" having been proposed by the W . M ., was acknowledged by the Junior Warden . Bro . Smeed having been called upon to
discharge his duty , the brethren departed until the 18 th of August next . GREAT STANMORE . — Abereorn Lodge ( No . 1549 . )—Thc second season of this prosperous summer lodge was completed on the 14 th ult , and witnessed a large gathering of brethren , to greet the advent of the highly popular Bro . Osman Vincent , who had been
unanimously elected for advancement to the chair of K . S . The lovely weather gave an additional charm to the quiet and rural but delightful spot where this lodge meets , and many enviable expressions invariably proceed from visitors at these re-unions whilst enjoying the beautiful scenery and exquisite summer flowers . The meeting , was , in honour of the occasion , well and worthily sustained ,
everything passing off to the entire satisfaction of all concerned . The lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . J . VV . Garrod , for the last time in his year of offxe , at 2 . 4 s ., and was well supported by his officers— Bros . Vincent , S . W , ; Tidcombe , J . W . ; Rogers , Treas . ; Veal , Sec . ; Ebbs , J . D . ; Winter , Organist ; Eversden , I . G . ; Helsdon , I . P . M ; Middleton , Tyler ; and the following brethren : Joshua Nunn , P . G . S . B . ;
H . T . Swatton , Peach , Hunt , E . G . Swatton , Clark , Buck , Darby , Long , Meek , Thompson , Marshall , Lavin , Johnson , Felton , Smith , Roy ; and visitors , J . VV . Garrod , 88 9 ; Woodstock , P . M . ; Walker , Hitchcock , Humfress , and George . 733 ; Rogers , P . M . 902 ; Hall , 34 ; Nethersole , 840 ; Maplcson , 95 . After disposing * of the preliminary business and confirming the minutes ot the previous lodge ;
great satisfaction was expressed by all present at the Secretary ' s announcement of the prosperous report of the audit meeting on June 13 th , and state of the finances . The ballot being unanimous for the admission of Bro-. Thompson and Smith , of No . 733 , and Dr . Lavin , 404 , those brethren were welcomed accordingly , it also proving favourable for the admission of Mr . VV . F . Middleton , that
gentleman was duly enlightened by the W . M . to the First Degree . He then , after opening his lodge to the Second Degree , invested Bro . R . Helsdcn , I . P . M ., with his collar , and entrusted him with his jewel for the purpose of installation . The W . M . elect having been duly presented by Bro . Joshua Nunn , P . G . S . B , and also having acknowledged in the customary manner those ancient charges to which all
must assent prior to that elevated position being bestowed , the interesting ceremony was completed in the presence of several P . M's and purple honoured brethren , whose congratulations were as hearty as sincere , equally with the rest of the brethren when admitted to pay homage to their new W . M . After the customary salutes and the effective rendering of those heauliful addresses which form so great a
feature in this ceremony the brethren were unanimous 111 according their thanks to the I . P . M . for having again so ably illusfated this duty , and the W . M . proceeded to invest his officers as follows : Bro . Tidcombe , S . W . ; Ebbs , J . W .-, Eversden . S . D . ; Marshal ] , J . D ., Roy , I . G . ; Helsdon , M . C . ; Hunt , W . S . ; J . Middleton , Tyler ; thc responsible duties of Treas . and Sec . being again left i n the hands
of Bros . Dr . Rogers and C . Veal , and Bro . H . Llewellyn Winter , re-appointed Organist . On resuming the lodge to the First Degree , the W . M . invested his I . P . M . with thc usual handsome P . M . jewel , for which he suitably and gratefully responded . The W . M . also proposed Mr . Ede Pontchalon and Mr . G . H . Hall for ballot at the next meeting . Th" Secretary adverted to the subscriptions
lor the Burdett Testimonial Fund as progressing favourably , and had instructions to increase such by a donation from the lodge funds . He also announced that after next mecling the lodge would probably number 30 subscribing members , and in accordance with bye-law No . 7 , the initiation fee should he raised to seven guineas . Hearty good wishes from the various visiting lodges completed
the " business , and the W . M . effectively closed the lodge at 5 . 10 in perfect peace and harmony . The banquet was served at 5 . 30 , and the usual unlimited hospitality was observed , the new W . M . showing how happily he was fitted also for this branch of his duties . The various toasts were given in the most appropriate manner , and the responses were all equally unanimous . In reply to
his own health by the I . P . M ., the W . M . honestly observed ( what is generally but too true ) that he had that day been very nervous as a young man bn taking so exalted a position , but feeling now hnw genuine was the support of his brethren he was decidedly on better terms with himself , and hoped to shew , during his year of office , that his best efforts would succeed in maintaining- the reputation so
liberally accorded to the Abereorn Lodge . The toast of " The Initiate " brought the old Entered Apprentice ' s Song from the Secretary ; in fact , this is now becoming in many lodges that officer ' s duty . The chorus , as usual , was hearty and effective . The toast of " The Visitors " was responded to by each and all , and they were most lavish in praise , not only of the working of the lodge but of their
hospitable and hearty reception . The musical contributions of the brethren were equal to the occasion , and needed no help from without , the Organist being a host in himself , and was ably supported by Bros . Garrod , Johnson , & c . The W . M . having passed the highest eulogiunis severally upon his officers , nothing now remained but the Tyler ' s toast , which was quickly given , a-cording to ancient custom , the brethren separating with the honest conviction
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
that the Abereorn Lodge still maintained its enviable reputation , not only for the good of the Craft , but itself in particular . STAINES . —Musgrave Lodge ( No . 1597 ) . —The regular July meeting of this lodge was held at the Angel and Crown Hotel , Staines , on Saturday , the 21 st ult . The lodge was opened punctually at 3 o ' clock by the W . M .
Bro . F . Keily , Prov . Grand Treas . Middlesex , supported by the following brethren : Bros . E . Amphlett , S . W . ; G . Phythian , ( visitor ) , acting J . W , ; I . G . Dunn , S . D . ; G . p ' Gillard , J . D . ; H . T . Bing , I . G . ; J . Gilbert , T y ler . There were also present Bros . Wilson , P . M . 209 , acting I . P . M . R . G . Jewell , W . H . Stevens , A . S . Paterson , T . Hulburd ' , 40 ; Jno . Prince , 209 ; W . Fowler , 130 s ; and several other
brethren . After the lodge had been opened in due form the W . M . called upon the Hon . Sec . to read a dispensation of the M . W . Grand Master , for the initiation of Mr . F . G . Hulburd , aged 18 , a " Lewis , " into Freemasonry , which ceremony was performed in a very excellent and
impressive manner , the charge being delivered by Bro . Wilson , the acting I . P . M . The sum of five guineas was then voted to the Burdett Testimonial Fund , and after receiving one proposal for initiation the lodge was duly closed , and thc brethren adjourned to the banqueting room , where a very enjoyable evening was spent .
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
NEWPORT . —Gwent Preceptory . — The Gwent Preceptory of Knights Templar was held at the Masonic Hall , Dock-street , Newport on Thursday , 26 th ult ., at 7 p . m ., where the following were present : —Lieut . - Col . Lyne , G . Constable , P . E . P . ; Capt . S . G . Homfray , P . E . P . ; Sir Kt . W . Williams , E . P . ; Sir Kts . W . Pickford , VV . Watkins , J . Piggford , H . J . Groves ; Capt . A . Thrale
Perkins , P . G . Chap , of England ; H . Tweedy , and others . The minutes of the last preceptory were read and confirmed . The ballot was then taken for Bra . Francis Greeen Lake , of the Philanthropic R . A . Chapter , Abergavenny , and he was unanimously accepted and installed as a member of the Older by Sir S _ t . W . Williams , E . P ., who performed the ceremony in a very effective manner . Sir Kt . W .
Pickford was then proposed by Sir Kt . W . Williams , and seconded by Sir Kt . Capt . S . G . Homfray , to become the E . P . for the ensuing year . The ballot was then taken , and he was unanimously elected to be installed at the next meeting . Sir Kt . W . Williams was proposed , balloted for , and elected as Treasurer . 'I here being no other business
the preceptory was closed . The Priory of Malta was deferred until the next meeting , in consequence of the un . avoidable absence of Major Shadwell H . Gierke , Grand Sub Pr or of England , one of the founders of this priory , and who usually performs this ceremony in such an effective manner , when it was earnestly hoped that he would be present .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
Ancient and Accepted Rite .
MONMOUTH . —Ivor Hael Chapter , Rose Croix . —A meeting of this chapter was held at the Masonic Hall , Dock-street , Newport , on Wednesday , 25 th July , at three p . m ., when the following were present : — Capt . S . Geo . Homfray , 30 , P . M . W . S . ; Capt . A . Thrale Perkins , 32 , M . W . S . ; Bros . R . J . Chambers , 18 , ist Gen . ; W . Williams , 10 ° , 2 nd Gen . ; H . Howells , 18 ° , 0
Recorder ; H . J . Groves , 18 , Org . ; W . Watkins , 18 ° ; Chas . Ffennell , 18 ; J . Piggford , 18 ; H . Fletcher , Janitor . The minutes of the last chapter were then read and confirmed . Bro . W . Pickford , of Baldwin Chapter , then took the necessary oath , and was affiliated as a member of the Ancient Accepted Rite , and became a joining member of this chapter . The ballot was then taken
for Bro . Francis Greenlake , Philanthropic Lodge , Abergavenny , who was unanimously elected and made a member , the ceremony being performed by the M . W . S . Bro . R . J . Chambers was then duly installed as M . W . S . for the ensuing year , by Capt . S . Geo . Homfray , 30 ° , and then appointed his officers . In pursuance of a resolution on the circular by Bro . W . Williams 18 , the peifection
fees of this chapter were reduced to three guineas . Several brethren were then proposed for ballot at the next meeting , and the chapter was closed in harmony . After passing a resolution of extreme regret at the absence of Gen . Doherty , 33 ° ; Inspector General of the district , through illness , and a fervent hope that he would be
speedily restored to his usual health and spirits , a P . MW . S . jewel was presented to Capt . A . Thrale Perkins , 32 , in recognition of his services as M . W . S . for the past year . The brethren then adjourned to a banquet at the King ' s Head , when a very pleasant evening was spent , and Bro . H . J . Groves in his usual manner provided the harmony
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Red Cross of Constantine .
LIVERPOOL . —Liverpool Conclave ( No . 55- ) —The members of this section of the Knights of Rome and Red Cross of Constantine assembled at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , Liverpool , on Tuesday , the 10 th inst ., when Em . Sir Knight R . Brown , M . P . ooccupied the throne , surrounded by a full complement of officers . Bro . W . Vines , W . M .. 1299 , was dulv exalted bv the M . P . S .. assisted by Em . Sir Knight
Clark , Past P . S . All below the rank of EntbroneQ Sovereigns then retired , and Sir Knight John Capell s enthronement as M . P . S . was efficiently performed by « Sir Knight Dr . J . Kcllett Smith , Dep . Int . General , ine officers invested were Sir Knights Joseph Bell , v . _ ., J . Thomson , S . G . ; H . Burrows , J . G . ; Joseph Wooo , Treasurer ( Fi eemasoM ) , who has held the office since in *