Article Obituary. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Obituary. Page 2 of 2 Article Masonic and General Tidings. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic and General Tidings. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
. . at Ho ' y Trinity Church , Wavertree , on Tuesday , t 0 ° '' uit ., where the body vvas interred in a new family ult showed h » w deep and general was the respect for h - memory and how great the regret for his loss The t ndance comprised representatives of nearly every class , a' ' ., ,. i the number being several well-known Masonic oniem ^ -- ¦ •t "" *
, * thrcn . At the deceased ' s late residence a short service v s conducted by the Rev . P . T . Forfar , minister of nMham-street Scotch Church , an intimate friend of the r . mily ¦ and the body was afterwards removed to the place , iutt / nient . The relatives of the deceased present were ? . . Henry , Thomas , and William Newman ( sons of and his brothers
he deceased ) , , Bro . Captain VV . J . New' , g 0 th L . R . V ., and Mr . Arthur Newman ( who has l _ n ' associated with him in business as a dentist for about o vcars ) . Amongst those present at the funeral were CaD'aiu R . E . Stewart , Major Robinson , Captain Bradley , Captain and Adjutant Bloomfield , Bros . Councillors G . Peet ,
a Fowler , and D . Campbell . lBro . Dr . Kisch , Bro . Dr . R . H . T ) Johnson , the Rev . P . T . Torfar , Messrs J . Hood , G . Hunter , J- Moulding , Bros . Joseph Wood , ( Fi-eemason ) , R . R . Martin , C . Campion , J . S . Macbeth , S . Campbell , C Dvall , C . Powell , H . Lawson , R . Bennett , A . Ralph W . Chapp ie , T . Langstraw , C . Stewart , W . Peet , Bro . H .
Crowther , Bro . VV . Gamble , J . Milner , Wilson , J . Winkle , C . \ Vells , Durandu , R . Compton , Pealing , Fraser , Jones , C . Wignall , W . Ring , N . Ring , & c . The funeral service in the church and at the grave was conducted by the Rev . R . Irvi-e , curate of St . Mary's , Wavertee . Mr . J . J . Monk , was the Organist , and played the ' •Dead March "
jn " Saul " as the body was taken into and removed from the church . The solemn funeral service was partly choral , the choristers being Bros . T . Armstrong , P . G . Treasurer , T . J . Hughes , H . C . Harrison , Hogarth , Hughes , jun ., and three boys . The 39 th Psalm was sung to Felton's chant , and the hymn " Jesu , Lover of my Soul , " formed
the closing portion of the church service . The responses . rd the hymn " Jesus Lives " were also sung ar the side of the grave by the same choristers . Messrs . J . and W OkiH , Wavertree , were the undertakers . The deceased was for some time a member of the Toxttth board of guardians and of the Toxeth local board . He was also honorary dentist to the Orphan Boys' and Infants'Asylums ,
Myrtle-street ; the Stanley Hospital , Bootle Hospital , the Indefatigable Training Ship , and the Seamen's Orphanage . He was also a member of the Temple Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons , No . 1094 , in which he was greatly est-1 nud ; and he was probably instrumental in mating a larger number of life-governors for the West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution , by his
benevolent efforts , than any other brother 111 the province . The defeased formeily held a captaincy in the 1 st L . E . V ., ami in 186 9 he was presented with an illuminated address and sword hy the members of his company ( E ) , and with another address by ihe general corps on his retirement in 1871 .
BRO . GEORGE WARD HUNT . It is with much regret we announce thc death of Bro . Hunt , First Lord of the Admiralty . The announcement has caused considerable surprise , coming as it did so closely upon more favourable news , which had led us to expect ins early return to the Admiralty in order to resume his official duties . But the hopes of his friends have
experienced a sad and unexpected blow . Early on Sunday morning a telegram was dispatched from Homburg urgently requesting the presence of his son , and shortly atltrvvards a telegram reached the Admiralty asking the authorities not to forward any more official documents , as the light hon . gentleman would for the present be unable to Rive them his attention . Later on came another
telegram announcing that hc had expncd at half-past ten o ' clock . Uro . George Ward Hunt was the only surviving son ol the iate lk-v . George Hunt , of Buckhurst , Berkshire , and nadenhoe House , Oundle , Norihamptonshiie . He was born at Buckhurst on the 50 th of July , 182 ; , and was
•--cattel at Eton and Christ Church , Oxford , where he graduated B . A ., second in Classics , in 1838 , and M . A . in ' ° j' . In the year 1 S 70 he was made an honorary D . C . L . •j . Ws -niverriiy . He married , in 1857 , Alice , the third 11 : 11 ghtt-r of the Right Rev . Robert Encu , Bishop of Moray *»><> Ut _ -s . He was called to the bar at the Inner Temple
in November , 1831 , and for a short time went the Oxford circuit , hut he relinquished practice before he entered P _ r-! d _ ient . Ir , 187 . ^ he vvas made a bencher of his inn , and ^ rriongst other appointments he was one of thc Royal J- "n > : iiissioners lor Inquiring into the Constitution of the lil _ Ccurts .
" ¦ ' <¦ . Iliiiit first entered Parliament in 183 , as the Con' , . ' , " - lIve eaud ' uUte for the borough of Northampton , ar . d franlt ^ ' '' sc ' "'' ce was extremely popular , his manly , K nature gaining him the friendship even of his politi-Ml opponents . V the 1 * Cr' 1 ••k - or announced that in consequence of e ted d * of the First Lord of the £ 0 l LllAllC 1
U ,,. 1 " cease Admiralty , )_ - — - > . _ - _ _ - _ LUU _ cue iioiniiccicy , _ .. , c l to her Majesty's Ministers fixed for Wednes-Ua y , 'ast , woulel not be held . Gar ,,. e , al took l ) lacc on Tl- « day , at Homburg . Col . Anuri- rtpr ^ "l ,: ( 1 the Queen . All the English and •H-hin ^ M rcsillcnts alld visitors attended , including ]¦ „ . * Mat "dougall and Bishop Masters , Archdeacon . 1 l"T , aml Arclldearnn . lnYta ' il ,.. T nivl 1 \ . „> , l , lol ,. I n . A
' - ' rd l : ?" ' Ear ' of Warwick , Lord Forester , and mirai W ' ' ' Admiral Slr . M" * Drummond and Ad-Gitt . „ " , 5 * G * neral Sir Richard Wilbraham , General Jlr - .. __ ' , , encra : Wilkinson , Mr . Trelawney , Mr . Miles , more th a " ' B'ilhh Cons "' . and many others , Wis . wv _ °° number- The Vivid , Staff-Commander % ' and f c veyed ^ e late First Lord of the Admir' « wtlav f f , ' ° Cologne , arrived at Portsmouth on , lle PUr - ncf . 7 P ° rt , and proceeded to Antwerp for H ° t embarking Mrs . Ward Hunt and relatives ,
but is detained at Cologne owing to the illness of Mrs Hunt , caused by excessive grief .
BRO . JOHN EMMENS , P . M ., cSrc . It is also our melancholy duty to record tne death of Bro . J . Emmens , a well-known and much esteemed brother of the Old Concord Lodge , No . 172 . His funeral takes place on Friday , the 3 rd inst . The brethren of the Old Concord
will assemble at the Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen , street , at 11 . 30 a . m ., leaving that establishment at 12 . 30 p . m . for Brompton cemetery , which they expect to reach at 1 . 30 . White kid gloves and ties will be worn , and a sprig of accacia carried b y each brother . An account of the proceedings will appear in our next .
Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
A Special General Court of the Governors and Subscribers to the Royal Masonie Institution for Girls' will be held at Freemasons Hall , on Tuesday next at 4 o ' clock percisely , at which meeting- Bro . Col . Creaton will move , " That the Building Committee be authorized to expend the sum of £ 2500 in the purchase of a plot of land adjoining the premises of the Institution at St . John ' s Hill . "
The Masons of the English and other lodges of Smyrna , on the invitation of Bro . Stab , P . M . of the Homer , have contributed £ 30 for the benefit of the Turkish wounded . His Grace the Duke of Abereorn , M . W . G . M . of Ireland , accompanied by the Duchess , left town on Wednesday last , on a visit to Bro . the Earl of
Mount-Edgcumbe , R . W . Prov . Grand Master for Cornwall , at Mount-Edgcumbe , Plymouth . The consecration of the Chapter of United Strength , No . 228 , took place on Tuesday last at the Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-street . The principal officers installed were Comps . J . Terry , Z . ; John Winsland , H . ; and Robert Griggs , J . ; The ceremonies were performed by Comp . H . Muggeridge , P . G . S . Br . All the founders
are members of the mother lodge . A full report will appear in our next . The Whitehall Review understands that the office of Sub-Prior of the Order of the Temple , vacant by the death of the Earl of Shrewsbury , will probably be conferred by the Grand Prior upon the Earl of Carnarvon . It was hoped that Prince Leopold wouhi have accepted the office , but the state of his health will not allow him to undertake any additional Masonic duties .
The Daily News states that the Masonic lodge of Perigueux has becn dissolved . The offence lay in some of the brethren saying that Freemasonry vvas thc most fraternal , rational , and , in its essence , Christian religion in the world . 1 believe this view is not confined to the Masons of Perigord .
The Queen has been graciously pleased to take under her patronage the Westminister Training School and Home for Nurses , 8 , Broad Sanctuary , founded in 1874 by Lady Augusta Stanley , has sent a ] donation of £ 100 in aid of its funds . Princess Louise ( Marchioness ) and the Marquis of Lome left Kensington Palace on Tuesday morning for Germany .
Among the soldiers who left for Malta on board the Crocodile on Friday evening , July 27 th , was a man who had enlisted in the 2 nd battalion of the 13 th Light Infantry under an assumed name , but who is now discovered to be really named Burke , and to be heir to an estate in Chancery worth ^ 70 , 000 . A solicitor arrived at Portsmouth shortly before the departure of thc troop-ship , and acquainted the lucky fellow with the change in his
fortune , but there was no time to complete the formalities necessary for his discharge . —Standard . The marriage ot ' . he Lady Mayoress ( Miss White ) and Mr . Cecil Price is to be solemnised on ' 1 hursday next , in St . Paul's Cathedral , by th _ Archbishop of Canterbury , assisled hy the Bishop of Ely and Cannon Liddon . It is expected that ihe Bishop of London wi'I also be present . The seivice will be choral . It is stated that it is nearly 120 years since a marriage vvas celebrated at St . Paul ' s .
NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS . —All Advertisements intended for insertion in our next issue should reach the Advertisement Oflice , 198 , Fleet-street , E . C , hy 12 o'clock noon on Wednesdays , and „ 11 cemmunications respecting the same must be addressed to Tin : I ' LIILISIIEII .
l'lie Lord Chancellor has oftc-red the vicarage Sheffield to thc Rev . Canon Blakency , vicar of St . Paul's , Sheffield . The Sheffield Telegraph mentions that should the Rev . Canon accept the vicarage of Sheffield , the next presentation to the vicarage of St , Paul ' s rests with himself .
The directors of the Midland Railway Company have decided to recommend to the proprietors the payment of a dividend on the ordinary stock for the past half-year at the rate of 5 per cent , per annum . It is in contemplation to erect a statue of Bro . Alderman Walker , Mayor ot Liverpool , in
commemoration of his g ift of an art gallery to the town . A meeting of the Uiban Literary Club was held on Tuesday week , at St . John ' s Gate , Bro . S . S . Bacca taking thc chair . Mr . Simmons , thc aeronant , ascended frcm Dewsbury , on Monday , and descended at Sleaford , 10 a miles distant , an hour afterwards .
The Archbishop of Canterbury and Mrs . Tait will leave Addington Paik about thc 15 th inst ., to pay a few visits in Ireland , and will afterwards go to Scotland or the autumn .
Masonic And General Tidings.
In nothing are men more fastidious or fanciful than in pens . What one writer would call exquisite another would deem execrable , what one would term beautiful anothe r would consider wretched . Of course , under such circumstances , no pen , however carefully manufactured , can be expected to suit all hands , but by purchasing a sample b- > x of Macniven and Cameron ' s pens , now uf vveiilil-vviele reputation , any writer , whatever may
be his peculiar m lions of a good pen , can find one to suit his hand . We have been favoured with samples of many descriptions of pen manufactured solely by this eminent and well known firm , ar . d really feel great pleasure in recommending them to our readers . We cordially endorse the numerous favourable criticisms that these nibs have been subjected to by the Press throughout the world , and quite agree with the feillowing now well-known lines :
" lhey come as a boon and a blessing to men , The Pickwick , the Owl , and the Waverley Pen . " . The foundation-stone of a Masonic Hall was laid at Barnard Castle , on Tuesday by the W . M . of the " Barnard" Lodge , No . 1230 . The edifice will prove an ornament to Newgate , which street has of late years been considerably improved in its architecture . A report of
the proceedings will appear in our next . Financial trouble , we are pained to 1-arn , has overtaken cur brethren in Indiana , whose Grand Ludge ii embarrassed by a debt of 100 , 000 dollars . A jointstock company is spoken of to save the new Masonic Temple at Indianapolis . The Temple is Jworth a quarter of a million of dollars .
ROMISH INTOLERANCE has been exhibited afresh in Australia , in the case of the late Bro . Maurice Reynolds , a lawyer of repute , ol Parramatta . The remains of Bro . Reynolds were refused interment , with the rites of the Roman Cathohc Church , became he was a Freemason . The Deputy Provincial Grand Master ( Irish Constitution ) , Bro . Jackson , conducted , however , the
Masonic service , and pronounced an eloquent oration at the grave . We are reminded by this incident of a like event that occurred four years ago in Australia , When the Romish p-iests of Sydney refuser ! to bury the Chief Justice of Noumee , because he vvas a Mason , when the District Grand Chaplain , ( English Constitution ) , Bro . Rev . Wazir
Beg , M . D ., LL . D ., perlormed the last rites of the Craft at his grave . Freemasonry is not opposed to the Romish , or any other Church , but Rome is for ever at w < r with every liberal principle , and permits her children to have no secrets from her , and not even to do good secretly . MASONIC SONGS . —A selection of Masonic
Songs set to popular airs , written by Bro . R . Ptiilpots , M . D ., F . R . G . S ., is now ready , forming a handsome volume , bound in cloth , with gilt edges , 3 s . Sent post fiee from the office of this paper on receipt of stamps or post-office < . der value 3 s . 2 d . —AUVT . A notice from the Post Urfice states that on and after Aug . 1 st , a single post-card , or any number of post-cards—whether " stoct" or " thin "—may be
purchased by the public . The prices respectively will be according to the following scale , namely-. —Stout cards one , 3-d . ; two , | JI . ; three 2 d . ; four , 2 $ I . ; five , ,- | JI . six , 4 d . Thin cards : ont , J . J . ; two , 1 J-J . ; three , l } J . ; four , 2 . 1 d . ; five , 3 d . ; six , 3 Jel . The Australian Freemastm , in June entered upon its fourth year . We congratulate its Editor , Bro . Dr . Beg , upon its evielent prosperity .
The Masonic Eclectic , of Washington , D . C , has just completed its first volume . We fraternally congratulate Bro . Ramey , primarily upon its value , and secondarily upon its beauty .
The late Southwark Conference created a demand for Compressed Tea beyond all expectations . Eminent Analysts declare it is only when tea is in its pure anil native state that it will yield to pressure under hydraulic power . The London and Provincial Press unhesitatingly assert that it you want a cup of tea in perfection it must he brewed from tea that has been
compressed . Economists advocate the use of Compiessed Tea , ane ! say if you want to get double the value out of your tea use it Compressed . Testimonials in thousands speak highly of the increased value and advantages in using the ( incly selected teas of the Compressed Tea Company ( Limited ) . Families are ma-iug constant applications for thc smallest wholes lie quantity supplied , and say , " We
aic compelled to sent : to the . warehouse for Compressed Tea ; because the tradesmen in our locality appear to know nothing of it ; and as one pound weight of Compressed Tea goes as far as two pounds weight of loose tea , wc hope you will supply us . " Sold in h .. ndsome cal-inets—ilb . 2 s . Od ., 2 lbs . 5 s ., 4 I-S . ios . —got up specially for the Easter trade as samples , carriage free to any
parof the kingdom . Works arid Warehouse , 3 6 . Southwarjtstrcct , London . Arrangements have been completed whereby Tea Dealers can have their own blended and selected teas Compressed at a nominal cost per pound for compressing . All applications for Agencies for the sale of Compressed Tea , or from traders desirous of opening up wholesale depots lor the sale of Compressed Tea throughout the kingdom must bcadilrtss' -d 10 the Secretary .
H"M . \ V _ ' S Oivr . MF . XT A .-n 1 ' ILLS —li'er u-e'ul . —The atliiocd hy illness .-h eilei Ir . e . k tlieit elise .-ues I ' uUv u \ the lace aiul at eme-. e , s -ck ¦* leioeely for ihein . A sh-. rr si .-aicll will conviice the meist scepti-il that these noOlc . me-elicaments have art't . rcleel ear-c , coinlort , anel oltentime-s complete lei-oven , 10 the m «> t loitened uft . iers . I lie Ointment will cure all eics-tipiions of sores , vvounus , bid legs
sprains , ernptiems , erysipelas , rlu-nmatism , | -oeet , aevl tklti uncctiors . The l'iiis never fail in correcting _ nd srien _ theriin £ the stomach , anel in restoring a deranged liver ro a vvholfsooc . erudition , in routing torpiJ kidneys to increase their secretion anel in re-establishing the natural healthy activity of . the towels . Holloway's are the remedies for complaints of all classesof society —ADVT .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
. . at Ho ' y Trinity Church , Wavertree , on Tuesday , t 0 ° '' uit ., where the body vvas interred in a new family ult showed h » w deep and general was the respect for h - memory and how great the regret for his loss The t ndance comprised representatives of nearly every class , a' ' ., ,. i the number being several well-known Masonic oniem ^ -- ¦ •t "" *
, * thrcn . At the deceased ' s late residence a short service v s conducted by the Rev . P . T . Forfar , minister of nMham-street Scotch Church , an intimate friend of the r . mily ¦ and the body was afterwards removed to the place , iutt / nient . The relatives of the deceased present were ? . . Henry , Thomas , and William Newman ( sons of and his brothers
he deceased ) , , Bro . Captain VV . J . New' , g 0 th L . R . V ., and Mr . Arthur Newman ( who has l _ n ' associated with him in business as a dentist for about o vcars ) . Amongst those present at the funeral were CaD'aiu R . E . Stewart , Major Robinson , Captain Bradley , Captain and Adjutant Bloomfield , Bros . Councillors G . Peet ,
a Fowler , and D . Campbell . lBro . Dr . Kisch , Bro . Dr . R . H . T ) Johnson , the Rev . P . T . Torfar , Messrs J . Hood , G . Hunter , J- Moulding , Bros . Joseph Wood , ( Fi-eemason ) , R . R . Martin , C . Campion , J . S . Macbeth , S . Campbell , C Dvall , C . Powell , H . Lawson , R . Bennett , A . Ralph W . Chapp ie , T . Langstraw , C . Stewart , W . Peet , Bro . H .
Crowther , Bro . VV . Gamble , J . Milner , Wilson , J . Winkle , C . \ Vells , Durandu , R . Compton , Pealing , Fraser , Jones , C . Wignall , W . Ring , N . Ring , & c . The funeral service in the church and at the grave was conducted by the Rev . R . Irvi-e , curate of St . Mary's , Wavertee . Mr . J . J . Monk , was the Organist , and played the ' •Dead March "
jn " Saul " as the body was taken into and removed from the church . The solemn funeral service was partly choral , the choristers being Bros . T . Armstrong , P . G . Treasurer , T . J . Hughes , H . C . Harrison , Hogarth , Hughes , jun ., and three boys . The 39 th Psalm was sung to Felton's chant , and the hymn " Jesu , Lover of my Soul , " formed
the closing portion of the church service . The responses . rd the hymn " Jesus Lives " were also sung ar the side of the grave by the same choristers . Messrs . J . and W OkiH , Wavertree , were the undertakers . The deceased was for some time a member of the Toxttth board of guardians and of the Toxeth local board . He was also honorary dentist to the Orphan Boys' and Infants'Asylums ,
Myrtle-street ; the Stanley Hospital , Bootle Hospital , the Indefatigable Training Ship , and the Seamen's Orphanage . He was also a member of the Temple Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons , No . 1094 , in which he was greatly est-1 nud ; and he was probably instrumental in mating a larger number of life-governors for the West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution , by his
benevolent efforts , than any other brother 111 the province . The defeased formeily held a captaincy in the 1 st L . E . V ., ami in 186 9 he was presented with an illuminated address and sword hy the members of his company ( E ) , and with another address by ihe general corps on his retirement in 1871 .
BRO . GEORGE WARD HUNT . It is with much regret we announce thc death of Bro . Hunt , First Lord of the Admiralty . The announcement has caused considerable surprise , coming as it did so closely upon more favourable news , which had led us to expect ins early return to the Admiralty in order to resume his official duties . But the hopes of his friends have
experienced a sad and unexpected blow . Early on Sunday morning a telegram was dispatched from Homburg urgently requesting the presence of his son , and shortly atltrvvards a telegram reached the Admiralty asking the authorities not to forward any more official documents , as the light hon . gentleman would for the present be unable to Rive them his attention . Later on came another
telegram announcing that hc had expncd at half-past ten o ' clock . Uro . George Ward Hunt was the only surviving son ol the iate lk-v . George Hunt , of Buckhurst , Berkshire , and nadenhoe House , Oundle , Norihamptonshiie . He was born at Buckhurst on the 50 th of July , 182 ; , and was
•--cattel at Eton and Christ Church , Oxford , where he graduated B . A ., second in Classics , in 1838 , and M . A . in ' ° j' . In the year 1 S 70 he was made an honorary D . C . L . •j . Ws -niverriiy . He married , in 1857 , Alice , the third 11 : 11 ghtt-r of the Right Rev . Robert Encu , Bishop of Moray *»><> Ut _ -s . He was called to the bar at the Inner Temple
in November , 1831 , and for a short time went the Oxford circuit , hut he relinquished practice before he entered P _ r-! d _ ient . Ir , 187 . ^ he vvas made a bencher of his inn , and ^ rriongst other appointments he was one of thc Royal J- "n > : iiissioners lor Inquiring into the Constitution of the lil _ Ccurts .
" ¦ ' <¦ . Iliiiit first entered Parliament in 183 , as the Con' , . ' , " - lIve eaud ' uUte for the borough of Northampton , ar . d franlt ^ ' '' sc ' "'' ce was extremely popular , his manly , K nature gaining him the friendship even of his politi-Ml opponents . V the 1 * Cr' 1 ••k - or announced that in consequence of e ted d * of the First Lord of the £ 0 l LllAllC 1
U ,,. 1 " cease Admiralty , )_ - — - > . _ - _ _ - _ LUU _ cue iioiniiccicy , _ .. , c l to her Majesty's Ministers fixed for Wednes-Ua y , 'ast , woulel not be held . Gar ,,. e , al took l ) lacc on Tl- « day , at Homburg . Col . Anuri- rtpr ^ "l ,: ( 1 the Queen . All the English and •H-hin ^ M rcsillcnts alld visitors attended , including ]¦ „ . * Mat "dougall and Bishop Masters , Archdeacon . 1 l"T , aml Arclldearnn . lnYta ' il ,.. T nivl 1 \ . „> , l , lol ,. I n . A
' - ' rd l : ?" ' Ear ' of Warwick , Lord Forester , and mirai W ' ' ' Admiral Slr . M" * Drummond and Ad-Gitt . „ " , 5 * G * neral Sir Richard Wilbraham , General Jlr - .. __ ' , , encra : Wilkinson , Mr . Trelawney , Mr . Miles , more th a " ' B'ilhh Cons "' . and many others , Wis . wv _ °° number- The Vivid , Staff-Commander % ' and f c veyed ^ e late First Lord of the Admir' « wtlav f f , ' ° Cologne , arrived at Portsmouth on , lle PUr - ncf . 7 P ° rt , and proceeded to Antwerp for H ° t embarking Mrs . Ward Hunt and relatives ,
but is detained at Cologne owing to the illness of Mrs Hunt , caused by excessive grief .
BRO . JOHN EMMENS , P . M ., cSrc . It is also our melancholy duty to record tne death of Bro . J . Emmens , a well-known and much esteemed brother of the Old Concord Lodge , No . 172 . His funeral takes place on Friday , the 3 rd inst . The brethren of the Old Concord
will assemble at the Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen , street , at 11 . 30 a . m ., leaving that establishment at 12 . 30 p . m . for Brompton cemetery , which they expect to reach at 1 . 30 . White kid gloves and ties will be worn , and a sprig of accacia carried b y each brother . An account of the proceedings will appear in our next .
Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
A Special General Court of the Governors and Subscribers to the Royal Masonie Institution for Girls' will be held at Freemasons Hall , on Tuesday next at 4 o ' clock percisely , at which meeting- Bro . Col . Creaton will move , " That the Building Committee be authorized to expend the sum of £ 2500 in the purchase of a plot of land adjoining the premises of the Institution at St . John ' s Hill . "
The Masons of the English and other lodges of Smyrna , on the invitation of Bro . Stab , P . M . of the Homer , have contributed £ 30 for the benefit of the Turkish wounded . His Grace the Duke of Abereorn , M . W . G . M . of Ireland , accompanied by the Duchess , left town on Wednesday last , on a visit to Bro . the Earl of
Mount-Edgcumbe , R . W . Prov . Grand Master for Cornwall , at Mount-Edgcumbe , Plymouth . The consecration of the Chapter of United Strength , No . 228 , took place on Tuesday last at the Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-street . The principal officers installed were Comps . J . Terry , Z . ; John Winsland , H . ; and Robert Griggs , J . ; The ceremonies were performed by Comp . H . Muggeridge , P . G . S . Br . All the founders
are members of the mother lodge . A full report will appear in our next . The Whitehall Review understands that the office of Sub-Prior of the Order of the Temple , vacant by the death of the Earl of Shrewsbury , will probably be conferred by the Grand Prior upon the Earl of Carnarvon . It was hoped that Prince Leopold wouhi have accepted the office , but the state of his health will not allow him to undertake any additional Masonic duties .
The Daily News states that the Masonic lodge of Perigueux has becn dissolved . The offence lay in some of the brethren saying that Freemasonry vvas thc most fraternal , rational , and , in its essence , Christian religion in the world . 1 believe this view is not confined to the Masons of Perigord .
The Queen has been graciously pleased to take under her patronage the Westminister Training School and Home for Nurses , 8 , Broad Sanctuary , founded in 1874 by Lady Augusta Stanley , has sent a ] donation of £ 100 in aid of its funds . Princess Louise ( Marchioness ) and the Marquis of Lome left Kensington Palace on Tuesday morning for Germany .
Among the soldiers who left for Malta on board the Crocodile on Friday evening , July 27 th , was a man who had enlisted in the 2 nd battalion of the 13 th Light Infantry under an assumed name , but who is now discovered to be really named Burke , and to be heir to an estate in Chancery worth ^ 70 , 000 . A solicitor arrived at Portsmouth shortly before the departure of thc troop-ship , and acquainted the lucky fellow with the change in his
fortune , but there was no time to complete the formalities necessary for his discharge . —Standard . The marriage ot ' . he Lady Mayoress ( Miss White ) and Mr . Cecil Price is to be solemnised on ' 1 hursday next , in St . Paul's Cathedral , by th _ Archbishop of Canterbury , assisled hy the Bishop of Ely and Cannon Liddon . It is expected that ihe Bishop of London wi'I also be present . The seivice will be choral . It is stated that it is nearly 120 years since a marriage vvas celebrated at St . Paul ' s .
NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS . —All Advertisements intended for insertion in our next issue should reach the Advertisement Oflice , 198 , Fleet-street , E . C , hy 12 o'clock noon on Wednesdays , and „ 11 cemmunications respecting the same must be addressed to Tin : I ' LIILISIIEII .
l'lie Lord Chancellor has oftc-red the vicarage Sheffield to thc Rev . Canon Blakency , vicar of St . Paul's , Sheffield . The Sheffield Telegraph mentions that should the Rev . Canon accept the vicarage of Sheffield , the next presentation to the vicarage of St , Paul ' s rests with himself .
The directors of the Midland Railway Company have decided to recommend to the proprietors the payment of a dividend on the ordinary stock for the past half-year at the rate of 5 per cent , per annum . It is in contemplation to erect a statue of Bro . Alderman Walker , Mayor ot Liverpool , in
commemoration of his g ift of an art gallery to the town . A meeting of the Uiban Literary Club was held on Tuesday week , at St . John ' s Gate , Bro . S . S . Bacca taking thc chair . Mr . Simmons , thc aeronant , ascended frcm Dewsbury , on Monday , and descended at Sleaford , 10 a miles distant , an hour afterwards .
The Archbishop of Canterbury and Mrs . Tait will leave Addington Paik about thc 15 th inst ., to pay a few visits in Ireland , and will afterwards go to Scotland or the autumn .
Masonic And General Tidings.
In nothing are men more fastidious or fanciful than in pens . What one writer would call exquisite another would deem execrable , what one would term beautiful anothe r would consider wretched . Of course , under such circumstances , no pen , however carefully manufactured , can be expected to suit all hands , but by purchasing a sample b- > x of Macniven and Cameron ' s pens , now uf vveiilil-vviele reputation , any writer , whatever may
be his peculiar m lions of a good pen , can find one to suit his hand . We have been favoured with samples of many descriptions of pen manufactured solely by this eminent and well known firm , ar . d really feel great pleasure in recommending them to our readers . We cordially endorse the numerous favourable criticisms that these nibs have been subjected to by the Press throughout the world , and quite agree with the feillowing now well-known lines :
" lhey come as a boon and a blessing to men , The Pickwick , the Owl , and the Waverley Pen . " . The foundation-stone of a Masonic Hall was laid at Barnard Castle , on Tuesday by the W . M . of the " Barnard" Lodge , No . 1230 . The edifice will prove an ornament to Newgate , which street has of late years been considerably improved in its architecture . A report of
the proceedings will appear in our next . Financial trouble , we are pained to 1-arn , has overtaken cur brethren in Indiana , whose Grand Ludge ii embarrassed by a debt of 100 , 000 dollars . A jointstock company is spoken of to save the new Masonic Temple at Indianapolis . The Temple is Jworth a quarter of a million of dollars .
ROMISH INTOLERANCE has been exhibited afresh in Australia , in the case of the late Bro . Maurice Reynolds , a lawyer of repute , ol Parramatta . The remains of Bro . Reynolds were refused interment , with the rites of the Roman Cathohc Church , became he was a Freemason . The Deputy Provincial Grand Master ( Irish Constitution ) , Bro . Jackson , conducted , however , the
Masonic service , and pronounced an eloquent oration at the grave . We are reminded by this incident of a like event that occurred four years ago in Australia , When the Romish p-iests of Sydney refuser ! to bury the Chief Justice of Noumee , because he vvas a Mason , when the District Grand Chaplain , ( English Constitution ) , Bro . Rev . Wazir
Beg , M . D ., LL . D ., perlormed the last rites of the Craft at his grave . Freemasonry is not opposed to the Romish , or any other Church , but Rome is for ever at w < r with every liberal principle , and permits her children to have no secrets from her , and not even to do good secretly . MASONIC SONGS . —A selection of Masonic
Songs set to popular airs , written by Bro . R . Ptiilpots , M . D ., F . R . G . S ., is now ready , forming a handsome volume , bound in cloth , with gilt edges , 3 s . Sent post fiee from the office of this paper on receipt of stamps or post-office < . der value 3 s . 2 d . —AUVT . A notice from the Post Urfice states that on and after Aug . 1 st , a single post-card , or any number of post-cards—whether " stoct" or " thin "—may be
purchased by the public . The prices respectively will be according to the following scale , namely-. —Stout cards one , 3-d . ; two , | JI . ; three 2 d . ; four , 2 $ I . ; five , ,- | JI . six , 4 d . Thin cards : ont , J . J . ; two , 1 J-J . ; three , l } J . ; four , 2 . 1 d . ; five , 3 d . ; six , 3 Jel . The Australian Freemastm , in June entered upon its fourth year . We congratulate its Editor , Bro . Dr . Beg , upon its evielent prosperity .
The Masonic Eclectic , of Washington , D . C , has just completed its first volume . We fraternally congratulate Bro . Ramey , primarily upon its value , and secondarily upon its beauty .
The late Southwark Conference created a demand for Compressed Tea beyond all expectations . Eminent Analysts declare it is only when tea is in its pure anil native state that it will yield to pressure under hydraulic power . The London and Provincial Press unhesitatingly assert that it you want a cup of tea in perfection it must he brewed from tea that has been
compressed . Economists advocate the use of Compiessed Tea , ane ! say if you want to get double the value out of your tea use it Compressed . Testimonials in thousands speak highly of the increased value and advantages in using the ( incly selected teas of the Compressed Tea Company ( Limited ) . Families are ma-iug constant applications for thc smallest wholes lie quantity supplied , and say , " We
aic compelled to sent : to the . warehouse for Compressed Tea ; because the tradesmen in our locality appear to know nothing of it ; and as one pound weight of Compressed Tea goes as far as two pounds weight of loose tea , wc hope you will supply us . " Sold in h .. ndsome cal-inets—ilb . 2 s . Od ., 2 lbs . 5 s ., 4 I-S . ios . —got up specially for the Easter trade as samples , carriage free to any
parof the kingdom . Works arid Warehouse , 3 6 . Southwarjtstrcct , London . Arrangements have been completed whereby Tea Dealers can have their own blended and selected teas Compressed at a nominal cost per pound for compressing . All applications for Agencies for the sale of Compressed Tea , or from traders desirous of opening up wholesale depots lor the sale of Compressed Tea throughout the kingdom must bcadilrtss' -d 10 the Secretary .
H"M . \ V _ ' S Oivr . MF . XT A .-n 1 ' ILLS —li'er u-e'ul . —The atliiocd hy illness .-h eilei Ir . e . k tlieit elise .-ues I ' uUv u \ the lace aiul at eme-. e , s -ck ¦* leioeely for ihein . A sh-. rr si .-aicll will conviice the meist scepti-il that these noOlc . me-elicaments have art't . rcleel ear-c , coinlort , anel oltentime-s complete lei-oven , 10 the m «> t loitened uft . iers . I lie Ointment will cure all eics-tipiions of sores , vvounus , bid legs
sprains , ernptiems , erysipelas , rlu-nmatism , | -oeet , aevl tklti uncctiors . The l'iiis never fail in correcting _ nd srien _ theriin £ the stomach , anel in restoring a deranged liver ro a vvholfsooc . erudition , in routing torpiJ kidneys to increase their secretion anel in re-establishing the natural healthy activity of . the towels . Holloway's are the remedies for complaints of all classesof society —ADVT .