Article CONTENTS. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 3 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 3 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 3 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
REPORTS OF M ASONIC MEETINGS : - 'craftMasonry 487 I nstruction •)»» Roval Arch 489 Ma , k Masonry . 489 Provincial Grand Lodge of Durham 400 firand Mark Lodge 49 ° o . „ vincial Grand Mark Lodge of Lancashire 490 El Grand Chapter 490
rr-mA Lodge yueocc ArchKological Section of the Falcon Lodge , Thirsk 491 institution of a Mark Lodge at Leicester 491 S" Roval Visit to Norwich ... 4 o . Hobart ' Town 1-reemasons Hall Company 491 SwedenbJrg ian Rite 49 , The Present Aspects of French Freemasonry 492 The Legal Status of Freemaso nry 49 a f-haritv OrRanisation 491
The Arctic Expedition 493 C ORBE ,, ? ' = — . ,. Hermelicism and Long Livers 494 A" Marked" Mason 494 The Albury MS 49 ( Spurious Freemasonry 494 Instruction --- —• : ••• 494
. , . Freemasonry and the Home Rulers 494 The Hamcr Benevolent Fund 495 Masonic and General Tidings .. 49 S Grand Lodge of New Brunswick 495 Masonic Meetings for next Week 49 6 Advertisements i . ii . iii . iv , v . vi .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
( teft Blasmtrg
DOMATIC LODGE ( No . 177 ) . —The first meeting alter the recess of this old and prosperous lodge was held at Anderton ' s Hotel , on Friday , the 13 th ult . There were present at the opening of the lodge Bros . G . Everett . I . P . M ., W . M . 1381 , acting for the W . M ., Bro . Treadvvell , who could not be present in consequence of his having met with a very severe accident ; Willing , jun , S . W . ; Palmer ,
j . W . ; Smith , P . G . P ., & c , Treas ; Williams , See . ; Buscall , S . D . ; Clark , J . D . ; White . I . G . ; Spink , D . C . ; Maclean , A . S . ; Adams , P . G . P ., P . M . ; Tims , P . M . ; Walford , P . M . ; Haydn , P . M . ; Ferguson , P . M . The minutes of the ptevious meeting having been read and confirmed , the I . P . M . raised Bros . Killingback , Jewell , and Stevens , and initiated Mr . Hillden . The ceremonies
were performed with Bro . Everett's uaual ability . A petition to the Board of Benevolence from a distressed member of the lodge having been signed , the lodge was closed , and the brethren , to the number of nearly 100 , adjourned to the banquet , which was will served in the Pillar-room under the management of Bro . Smith . Upon the removal of the cloth , the toast of " The Queen and
Craft ,, " "The M . W . G . M ., and the Pro G . M ., D . G . M ., and the rest of the Grand Officers , Past and Present , " were given by the I . P . M . —prefaced by a few pertinent remarks —and they were duly honoured . " The Health of the W . M . " was proposed by Bro . Smith , P . M . In the course of his speech , he referred to the lamentable accident that had befallen Bro . Treadwell , but he said it was a pleasure
to think that the duties of the lodge and convivial board had been so well discharged in the W . M . 's absence by the I . P . M ., who , at a great sacrifice of time , had come many miles to preside over them . He should therefore couple the name of Bro . Everett with the toast . This pledge having been well received , the acting W . M . made an excellent reply , in which he feelinelvalluded to the untoward
accident that had befallen the W . M ., but hoped that he ( Bro . Treadwell ) would be in his place at the next meeting . In proposing "The Health of the Initiate , " the I . P . M . dwelt upon the good effects engendered by Freemasonry , which was one of the most ancient institutions in existence , and in conclusion he congratulated the initiate upon having entered the mysterious portals of the Craft ,
whose principles were Brotherly Love , Relief , and Truth . The newly > admitted brother made a very brief reply , which was to the effect that he felt proud at having been initiated into this honourable society , that he was profoundly impressed with the ceremony , and that he hoped to obtain a better knowledge of its principles of on a future occasion . The toast of " The Visitors " followed . In
introducing this , the I . P . M . made some very amusing allusions . He stated that he had heard that the members o ( the Domatic were considered rather given to undue merriment at the convivial board , but if that were so , it was strange that theie should be so many visitors at the lodge meetings , who always appeared pleased at the reception they received , and the cry was " still they come !"
r ' or his own part he preferred the free and easy behaviour of No . 177 to the starchiness that prevailed in some lodges he could name , and in conclusion , he stated chat there were nearl y 100 members present that evening , which spoke well for the vitality of the lodge , and on their behalf he offered the good right hand of fellowship to the visiting brethrenand assured them that they—the mem
, . bers of the Domatic—were heartily glad to see them . ' toast was coupled with the nanus of Bros . Draper , hi . - Saint Malylebone ; and Walls , S . D . Kennington , jvhr , briefl y replied . Amongst the visitois also were Bros . Mollis , P . M . 197 ; Rowe , S . W . 167 ; Croaker , I . G ,
•< TII , » f . wler ' ' ' 3 ° S' In proposing the toast of the I . M . ' s , " the I . P . M . made a funny allusion to their wing not only the " pillows" but the " pillars" of the tial a " d Called at , ention t 0 the venerable and substanlai appearance they presented , and congratulated them pon possessing amongst their number those who held
c ^ it ^ t l , our 3 - ' This toast having been well resnon ' Wa , for d and Ferguson made excellent re-Lr , H < r ' u ' Health of thc Fa " " '" l Treasurer of the intr h A , , 0 Seph SmUh ' - - '' -. " followed , and havom , n ,, f " . I y non ° uredi gave that worthy brother an " Th c y maW , ig one of his paternal and able replies , he & . « V" * ' Br ° - W'ianis , " was duly toasted , and Oft > erS ^ L T . ' anks - ln 8 i ^ ng the toast of "The ulcers of the Lodge , " the I . P . M . paid a very high com-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
pliment to the -Wardens , Bros . Willing and Palmer , and their subordinates , for the great ability they displayed in the discharge of their respective duties . Bros . Willing and Palmer , in the course of their replies , expressed a hope that when the time arrived for them to solicit the suffrages of the brethren for the high distinction of W . M ., that they would be successful , and in the event of their occupying
the position that they would use their best endeavours to keep up the prestige of the lodge by following in the steps of the long and distinguished array of P . M . ' s who had filled the chair of the Domatic with credit to themselves , and to the satisfaction of their brethren . Bros . Buscall , Clark , White , and Spink also replied . In the intervals Bros . Palmer , Walls , Butt and others , vocally
entertained the brethren . The Tyler ' s toast , at half-past ten , terminated the proceedings , and the brethren separated until the second Fiiday in November . LEWIS LODGE ( No . 1185 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held on Saturday , the 21 st October , at the King ' s Arms Hotel , Wood Green , and was numerously attended . Bro . Alfred Durrant , W . M .,
presided ; Bro . Berrie , acting as S . W . ; Bro . Thos . Holmes Turner ( W . M . elect ) J . W ., and the other officers , all being present , together with the following visitors : —Bros . Vesper , Yarboro ' , 554 ; Davis , Zetland , 551 ; Cushion , Great Northern , 1287 ; Brooks-Fowler and Mendy , High Cross , 754 ; and A . McKenzie , Fitz Roy , 5 69 . The lodge having been opened , and the minutes of the last
meeting read and signed , the W . M . proceeded to initiate Messrs . Kennett Harris , George Powell , William George Kildreth , " and John Thomas Chase into the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry . The next business was the installation of Bro . Thos . Howes Turner as W . M ., and a Board of Installed Masters having been formed , Bro . Turner was in due form installed by the
outgoing Master , Bro . Durrant . The W . M . having received the customary salutes , proceeded to invest his officers as follows : —Bro . Shipwright , S . W . ; Layer , J W . ; W . Bro . May , P . M ., Treas . ; W . Bro . Lcared , P . M ., Sec ; Bro . Bone , S . D . ; Bro . Berrie , J . D . ; Bro . Hooper , I . G . ; W . Bro . Row , P . M ., D . C ; Bro . Meen , Org . ; Bro . Conolly , Stvvd . ; and Bro . C . T . Speight , P . M .,
Tyler . Bro . Durrant , the retiring and Installing Master , then delivered the customary addre 5 ses ; and it must be remarked that though , comparatively speaking , a young Mason , be has worked well during his year of office , and having closed it with satisfaction to himself and the members of thc lodge , he has well earned the handsome Past Master ' s jewel of the lodge , which was presented to him
on his vacating the chair . The report of thc Audit Committee was received and adopted . The other business of the evening having been disposed of , the lodge was closed in due form with solemn prayer . MIDDLETON . — Imperial George Lodge ( No . 78 ) . —The above lodge held its monthly meeting on Thursday , the 22 nd ult ., at-the Assheton Arms Hotel .
Present : Bros . David Reid , W . M . ; John Dyson , P . M ., acting S . W . ; S . H . Chatham , P . M ., acting J . W . ; F Fothergill , Sec . ; John Hatton , I . G . ; John Kent , Tyler ; Wilson , Fatton , Brunt , Hewitt , Valentine , Newton , P . Lawton , Jones , Lees , Burtles , Beresford , and Howard . Visitors : Bros . Mackie , P . M . of the Architect and Integrity , and Ferndale . The lodge was opened at 6 p . m .
when Bros . Brunt , Valentine , and Beresford were raised to the Degree of Master Mason by the W . M , assisted by Bro . Mackie . The lodge being lowered to the E . A . Degree , the Secretary announced to the brethren that permission had been kindly given by the M . W . G . M . for the lodge to wear the Centenary jewel ; also that the November meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of East
Lancashire would be held under the auspices of the above lodge at Middleton . The lodge was then closed according to ancient custom , when the brethren sat down to a delicious repast , ably provided by the hostess , Mrs . Harrison . After the cloth was removed , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , the Tyler ' s toast bringing the evening to a close .
LANCASTER . —Lodge of Fortitude ( No . 281 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held in the Masonic Rooms , Athensum , Lancaster , on the nth ult ., Bro . T . Atkinson , the W . M ., presiding . There was not a large attendance . The lodge was opened in the First Degree with solemn prayer , and the minutes of the previous meeting lead and confirmed . There being no
special business before the lodge , Bro . Dr . Moore , P . G . S . B . of E ., gave an exposition of the " Masonic Institutions , past and present . " At the close a hearty vote of thanks was accorded him . The usual proclamations having been made , the lodge closed in peace , love , and harmony , and with the formalities of the Craft . BEDFORD . —Stuart Lodge ( No . 540 ) . —At the
monthly meeting on Wednesday , the 25 th ult ., the W . M ., Capt . Green , was , as usual , in his place ; the I . P . M ., Wardens , and Deacons , being unavoidably absent , seme , being out of England at the time , their places were filled as follows . —Bros . Rev . Faussett Ward , J . M . Cuthtiert , P . M . ; A . Cookson , P . M . ; E . Billson , P . M . ; and F . Thompson , jun . The Chaplain , Treasurer , Secretary , and
I . G ., Bros . Rev C . Brereton , Alderman Sergeant , Dr . Prior , and R . H . Coombs , were present , as was also Bro . Alderman J . R . Bull , Steward , and very many brethren ; amongst whom we noticed Bros . VV . J . Nash , P . M . ; Harris , Roe , Tafford , Kilpin , Whittaker , Leslie Pick , and others . The minutes of the last meeting having been read and confirmed , the lodge unanimously voted the
sum of £ 10 to the widow of a deceased P . M . New coll irs were ordered for the lodge . A vote of condolence was passed , andj the Chaplain requested to convey the same to the family of the late Rev . E . 1 . Lockwond , D . Prov . Grand Master of Suliolk , oi whom an Obituary nolice appeared in the " Freemason " of October 28 th . Bro . Lockwood , who was formerly of St . Mary ' s , Bedford , was one of th ; original members of the Stuatt Lodge .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Afterwards the election of officers for the ensuing year took place with the following unanimous result : —W . M ., Bro . Col . Wm . Stuart , P . G . S . W ., S . W . ; Treas ., Bro . Alderman Sergeant ; Tyler , Bro . George Reynolds . Lodge having been closed , about twenty brethren sat down to a very good supper , after which a very pleasant evening was spent .
FLEETWOOD . —Hesketh Lodge ( No . 950 ) . — The regular meeting of this lodge was held on the 19 th ult ., in th * Masonic Rooms , Fleetwood . Bro . W . Stewardson , the W . M ., presided . All the members appeared in mourning , as a mark of respect to the I . P . M ., whose wife had died very suddenly since last meeting . During the evening the I . P . M . was presented with a Past Master ' s
jewel , as a token of respect and esteem . The usual proclamations were made , and the lodge was closed with thc customary formalities . SOUTHEND . —Priory Lodge ( No . rooo ) . —The regular meeting of this flourishing lodge was held at tlv Middleton Hotel , Southend-on-Sea , on Thursday , the 26 '' ult . The W . M . Bro . Dr . E . E . Phillips , P . M . 579 , Pre
J . G . D . presided , supported by a good muster of trethrcn , amongst whom were the following : —Bros . A . Lucking , P . M . 160 , Prov . A . G . D . C ., I . P . M .: F , D . Grayson , acting S . W . ; S . Cox , P . M . acting J . W . ; F . Wood , P . M ., P . I ' . S . G . W ., Treas . ; I . D . Wardell , P . M . 160 and 1000 , P . P . G . D ., Sec ; J . R . Hemmann , P . M ., P . P . G . D . Organist ; J . C . Johnstone , P . M . 20 , I . G ., D . C . ; Rev . H . Hayes , Chap . ;
W . Chignell , I . G . ; A . F . Godward , W . S . ; H . Rowley , P . M ., P . P . G . D . ; W . H . Lockey , A . Briggs , G . F . Wood , English , Hassall , G . Berry , W . J . Bullen , jun ., J . W . 160 ; G . F . Jones , H . l . uker , W . D . Merritt , F . Canton , L . Warren , and W . R . Bishop . Visitors : —Bros . E . B . Grabham , W . M . 19 , Prov . S . G . W . Middlesex ; W . R . Marsh , P . M . a ** , & c ; W . Pissey , P . M . 160 , P . P . G . W . E ? sex ;
and Sir Thos . Kirkpatrick , Bart ., 257 . After the usu 3 l preliminary business , the W . M . passed Bro . H . Smith to the Second Degree , and afterwards raised Bro . W . H . Norman to the sublime degree of a M . M . The ballot having proved favourable to Mr . R . Dibden Lewis and Mr . Alex . Cole , and the latter being prrsent he was duly initiated in the mysteries of the Craft . The three degrees
were very ably performed . The lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and well received , and the Tylei ' s toast brought a very enjoyable meeting to a close . WESTERHAM . —Amherst Lodge ( No . 1223 ) . —The last meeting of the present season took place 011 Thursday , the iqlh ult ., when the lodge was opened in
due form by the W . M ., Bro . A . Durtncll , and after the minutes were confirmed . Mr . Alfred Sidney Cven , the Principal of the Boys' Collegiate fchool , at vYcsterham , was initiated into the mysteries and privileges of thc First Degree ; the ceremony being performed , by permission of the W . M ., by Bro . R . B . Newson , P . M ., P . P . G . O . of Kent , in a most impressive manner , and at the banquet which
followed , the table was served in a most recherche manner by the host , Bro . Ridley , P . M . 493 . A most enjoyable evening was spent , and a vote of thanks unanimously accorded to , P . M . Hadley , for the admirable way he had catered for the brethren during the short time he had been resident in Witherham . SEACOMBE . — "Warren Lodge ( No . 1276 ) . —
The regular meeting of this flourishing lodge was held on Tuesday , 17 th ult , at the Stanley Arms Hotel . Present : Bros . Jas . Ridehalgh , W . M . ; W . R . Bainbridge , I . P . M . and P . M . 721 ; J . Taylor , S . W . ( W . M . elect ); Wm . Jones , J . W . ; the other officers of the lodge , and 51 brethren . The lodge was opened in the First Degree , and the minutes of thc last meeting were read and confirmed , when
the ballot box was sent round for Mr . J . H . Cant , who was afterwards initiated by Bro . J . Ridehalgh , W . M . The lodge was then opened in the Second Degree , when the W . M . invited Bro . T . Marwood , V . W . P . J . G . W . Cheshire , to assume the chair , and instal his successor . Bro , J . Ridehalgh , W . M ., and Bro . W . R . Bainbridge , P . M ., then presented Bro . John Taylor , the W . M . elect , to the
Installing Master , and a Board of Installed Master having been formed he was presented , and formally installed into the chair of K . S . After having been proclaimed and sa . luted in the customary form , Bro . Taylor was then pleased to appoint the following brethren as his officers : —Bros . J Ridehalgh , I . P . M . ; Wm . Jones , S . W . ; H . Skinner , J . W . ; W . Price , Treas . ; H , Matthews . Sec . ; T . Veates ,
S . D . ; J . Hindley , J . D . ; W . . R . Bainbridge , P . M ., D . C . ; Henderson , I . G . ; T . Gray and J . Looney , Stewards ; and Gamble , Tyler . The lodge was then closed , when the brethren adjourned to the Seacombe Hotel for the banquet , The W . M . occupied the chair , supported by Bros . T . Marwood , V . W . P . J . G . W . ; J . P . Piatt , V . W . P . P . J . G . W , and Tr » as . of the C . E . M . I . ; Hignett , P . P . D . C . ; Holt ,
P . M . ; Jas . Ridehalgh , I . P . M . ; W . K . Bainbridge , P . M . and D . C . ; R . C , Mellor , P . P . J . G . D . foe North Wales ; Vaughan , W . M . ; McNerney , W . M . 605 ; J . T . Lea , P . P . G . S . of W . j T . Shaw , S . W . 605 ; E . Jones , J . W . 605 ; D . F . Ranking , S . D . 959 ; and 45 other brethren sat down to the banquet . Grace having been said , the following loyal and Masonic toasts were given : — " Thc Queen and the
Craft , " "God Save the Queen , " by B'o . Parker ; " Our Royal Bro . Albert Edward Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M ., the Prince of Wales , and the rest of the Royal Family , " ( Royal Honours ) , "The Earl of Carnarvon , M . W . Pro Grand Master , " "The Rt . Hon . Lord De Tabley , R . W . P . G . M ., and the Officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge . Bro . T . Marwood , V . W . P . J . G . W ., returned thanks for
having his name coupled with that of the R . W . P . G . M ., the Lord De Tabley , and stated that the next Provincial Grand Lodge would be held in SeacomDe , and trusted that the brethren of both lodges would woik together to make it a successful meeting . Bro . J . P . Piatt , V . W . P . P . J . G . W ., and Bro . J . B . Higr . ett , P . P . D . C , returned thauki . Uro . J . Ridehalgh , I . P . M ., then siid it gave him great plea , sure to propose " The Health of the W . M . " Bto . John
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
REPORTS OF M ASONIC MEETINGS : - 'craftMasonry 487 I nstruction •)»» Roval Arch 489 Ma , k Masonry . 489 Provincial Grand Lodge of Durham 400 firand Mark Lodge 49 ° o . „ vincial Grand Mark Lodge of Lancashire 490 El Grand Chapter 490
rr-mA Lodge yueocc ArchKological Section of the Falcon Lodge , Thirsk 491 institution of a Mark Lodge at Leicester 491 S" Roval Visit to Norwich ... 4 o . Hobart ' Town 1-reemasons Hall Company 491 SwedenbJrg ian Rite 49 , The Present Aspects of French Freemasonry 492 The Legal Status of Freemaso nry 49 a f-haritv OrRanisation 491
The Arctic Expedition 493 C ORBE ,, ? ' = — . ,. Hermelicism and Long Livers 494 A" Marked" Mason 494 The Albury MS 49 ( Spurious Freemasonry 494 Instruction --- —• : ••• 494
. , . Freemasonry and the Home Rulers 494 The Hamcr Benevolent Fund 495 Masonic and General Tidings .. 49 S Grand Lodge of New Brunswick 495 Masonic Meetings for next Week 49 6 Advertisements i . ii . iii . iv , v . vi .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
( teft Blasmtrg
DOMATIC LODGE ( No . 177 ) . —The first meeting alter the recess of this old and prosperous lodge was held at Anderton ' s Hotel , on Friday , the 13 th ult . There were present at the opening of the lodge Bros . G . Everett . I . P . M ., W . M . 1381 , acting for the W . M ., Bro . Treadvvell , who could not be present in consequence of his having met with a very severe accident ; Willing , jun , S . W . ; Palmer ,
j . W . ; Smith , P . G . P ., & c , Treas ; Williams , See . ; Buscall , S . D . ; Clark , J . D . ; White . I . G . ; Spink , D . C . ; Maclean , A . S . ; Adams , P . G . P ., P . M . ; Tims , P . M . ; Walford , P . M . ; Haydn , P . M . ; Ferguson , P . M . The minutes of the ptevious meeting having been read and confirmed , the I . P . M . raised Bros . Killingback , Jewell , and Stevens , and initiated Mr . Hillden . The ceremonies
were performed with Bro . Everett's uaual ability . A petition to the Board of Benevolence from a distressed member of the lodge having been signed , the lodge was closed , and the brethren , to the number of nearly 100 , adjourned to the banquet , which was will served in the Pillar-room under the management of Bro . Smith . Upon the removal of the cloth , the toast of " The Queen and
Craft ,, " "The M . W . G . M ., and the Pro G . M ., D . G . M ., and the rest of the Grand Officers , Past and Present , " were given by the I . P . M . —prefaced by a few pertinent remarks —and they were duly honoured . " The Health of the W . M . " was proposed by Bro . Smith , P . M . In the course of his speech , he referred to the lamentable accident that had befallen Bro . Treadwell , but he said it was a pleasure
to think that the duties of the lodge and convivial board had been so well discharged in the W . M . 's absence by the I . P . M ., who , at a great sacrifice of time , had come many miles to preside over them . He should therefore couple the name of Bro . Everett with the toast . This pledge having been well received , the acting W . M . made an excellent reply , in which he feelinelvalluded to the untoward
accident that had befallen the W . M ., but hoped that he ( Bro . Treadwell ) would be in his place at the next meeting . In proposing "The Health of the Initiate , " the I . P . M . dwelt upon the good effects engendered by Freemasonry , which was one of the most ancient institutions in existence , and in conclusion he congratulated the initiate upon having entered the mysterious portals of the Craft ,
whose principles were Brotherly Love , Relief , and Truth . The newly > admitted brother made a very brief reply , which was to the effect that he felt proud at having been initiated into this honourable society , that he was profoundly impressed with the ceremony , and that he hoped to obtain a better knowledge of its principles of on a future occasion . The toast of " The Visitors " followed . In
introducing this , the I . P . M . made some very amusing allusions . He stated that he had heard that the members o ( the Domatic were considered rather given to undue merriment at the convivial board , but if that were so , it was strange that theie should be so many visitors at the lodge meetings , who always appeared pleased at the reception they received , and the cry was " still they come !"
r ' or his own part he preferred the free and easy behaviour of No . 177 to the starchiness that prevailed in some lodges he could name , and in conclusion , he stated chat there were nearl y 100 members present that evening , which spoke well for the vitality of the lodge , and on their behalf he offered the good right hand of fellowship to the visiting brethrenand assured them that they—the mem
, . bers of the Domatic—were heartily glad to see them . ' toast was coupled with the nanus of Bros . Draper , hi . - Saint Malylebone ; and Walls , S . D . Kennington , jvhr , briefl y replied . Amongst the visitois also were Bros . Mollis , P . M . 197 ; Rowe , S . W . 167 ; Croaker , I . G ,
•< TII , » f . wler ' ' ' 3 ° S' In proposing the toast of the I . M . ' s , " the I . P . M . made a funny allusion to their wing not only the " pillows" but the " pillars" of the tial a " d Called at , ention t 0 the venerable and substanlai appearance they presented , and congratulated them pon possessing amongst their number those who held
c ^ it ^ t l , our 3 - ' This toast having been well resnon ' Wa , for d and Ferguson made excellent re-Lr , H < r ' u ' Health of thc Fa " " '" l Treasurer of the intr h A , , 0 Seph SmUh ' - - '' -. " followed , and havom , n ,, f " . I y non ° uredi gave that worthy brother an " Th c y maW , ig one of his paternal and able replies , he & . « V" * ' Br ° - W'ianis , " was duly toasted , and Oft > erS ^ L T . ' anks - ln 8 i ^ ng the toast of "The ulcers of the Lodge , " the I . P . M . paid a very high com-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
pliment to the -Wardens , Bros . Willing and Palmer , and their subordinates , for the great ability they displayed in the discharge of their respective duties . Bros . Willing and Palmer , in the course of their replies , expressed a hope that when the time arrived for them to solicit the suffrages of the brethren for the high distinction of W . M ., that they would be successful , and in the event of their occupying
the position that they would use their best endeavours to keep up the prestige of the lodge by following in the steps of the long and distinguished array of P . M . ' s who had filled the chair of the Domatic with credit to themselves , and to the satisfaction of their brethren . Bros . Buscall , Clark , White , and Spink also replied . In the intervals Bros . Palmer , Walls , Butt and others , vocally
entertained the brethren . The Tyler ' s toast , at half-past ten , terminated the proceedings , and the brethren separated until the second Fiiday in November . LEWIS LODGE ( No . 1185 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held on Saturday , the 21 st October , at the King ' s Arms Hotel , Wood Green , and was numerously attended . Bro . Alfred Durrant , W . M .,
presided ; Bro . Berrie , acting as S . W . ; Bro . Thos . Holmes Turner ( W . M . elect ) J . W ., and the other officers , all being present , together with the following visitors : —Bros . Vesper , Yarboro ' , 554 ; Davis , Zetland , 551 ; Cushion , Great Northern , 1287 ; Brooks-Fowler and Mendy , High Cross , 754 ; and A . McKenzie , Fitz Roy , 5 69 . The lodge having been opened , and the minutes of the last
meeting read and signed , the W . M . proceeded to initiate Messrs . Kennett Harris , George Powell , William George Kildreth , " and John Thomas Chase into the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry . The next business was the installation of Bro . Thos . Howes Turner as W . M ., and a Board of Installed Masters having been formed , Bro . Turner was in due form installed by the
outgoing Master , Bro . Durrant . The W . M . having received the customary salutes , proceeded to invest his officers as follows : —Bro . Shipwright , S . W . ; Layer , J W . ; W . Bro . May , P . M ., Treas . ; W . Bro . Lcared , P . M ., Sec ; Bro . Bone , S . D . ; Bro . Berrie , J . D . ; Bro . Hooper , I . G . ; W . Bro . Row , P . M ., D . C ; Bro . Meen , Org . ; Bro . Conolly , Stvvd . ; and Bro . C . T . Speight , P . M .,
Tyler . Bro . Durrant , the retiring and Installing Master , then delivered the customary addre 5 ses ; and it must be remarked that though , comparatively speaking , a young Mason , be has worked well during his year of office , and having closed it with satisfaction to himself and the members of thc lodge , he has well earned the handsome Past Master ' s jewel of the lodge , which was presented to him
on his vacating the chair . The report of thc Audit Committee was received and adopted . The other business of the evening having been disposed of , the lodge was closed in due form with solemn prayer . MIDDLETON . — Imperial George Lodge ( No . 78 ) . —The above lodge held its monthly meeting on Thursday , the 22 nd ult ., at-the Assheton Arms Hotel .
Present : Bros . David Reid , W . M . ; John Dyson , P . M ., acting S . W . ; S . H . Chatham , P . M ., acting J . W . ; F Fothergill , Sec . ; John Hatton , I . G . ; John Kent , Tyler ; Wilson , Fatton , Brunt , Hewitt , Valentine , Newton , P . Lawton , Jones , Lees , Burtles , Beresford , and Howard . Visitors : Bros . Mackie , P . M . of the Architect and Integrity , and Ferndale . The lodge was opened at 6 p . m .
when Bros . Brunt , Valentine , and Beresford were raised to the Degree of Master Mason by the W . M , assisted by Bro . Mackie . The lodge being lowered to the E . A . Degree , the Secretary announced to the brethren that permission had been kindly given by the M . W . G . M . for the lodge to wear the Centenary jewel ; also that the November meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of East
Lancashire would be held under the auspices of the above lodge at Middleton . The lodge was then closed according to ancient custom , when the brethren sat down to a delicious repast , ably provided by the hostess , Mrs . Harrison . After the cloth was removed , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , the Tyler ' s toast bringing the evening to a close .
LANCASTER . —Lodge of Fortitude ( No . 281 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held in the Masonic Rooms , Athensum , Lancaster , on the nth ult ., Bro . T . Atkinson , the W . M ., presiding . There was not a large attendance . The lodge was opened in the First Degree with solemn prayer , and the minutes of the previous meeting lead and confirmed . There being no
special business before the lodge , Bro . Dr . Moore , P . G . S . B . of E ., gave an exposition of the " Masonic Institutions , past and present . " At the close a hearty vote of thanks was accorded him . The usual proclamations having been made , the lodge closed in peace , love , and harmony , and with the formalities of the Craft . BEDFORD . —Stuart Lodge ( No . 540 ) . —At the
monthly meeting on Wednesday , the 25 th ult ., the W . M ., Capt . Green , was , as usual , in his place ; the I . P . M ., Wardens , and Deacons , being unavoidably absent , seme , being out of England at the time , their places were filled as follows . —Bros . Rev . Faussett Ward , J . M . Cuthtiert , P . M . ; A . Cookson , P . M . ; E . Billson , P . M . ; and F . Thompson , jun . The Chaplain , Treasurer , Secretary , and
I . G ., Bros . Rev C . Brereton , Alderman Sergeant , Dr . Prior , and R . H . Coombs , were present , as was also Bro . Alderman J . R . Bull , Steward , and very many brethren ; amongst whom we noticed Bros . VV . J . Nash , P . M . ; Harris , Roe , Tafford , Kilpin , Whittaker , Leslie Pick , and others . The minutes of the last meeting having been read and confirmed , the lodge unanimously voted the
sum of £ 10 to the widow of a deceased P . M . New coll irs were ordered for the lodge . A vote of condolence was passed , andj the Chaplain requested to convey the same to the family of the late Rev . E . 1 . Lockwond , D . Prov . Grand Master of Suliolk , oi whom an Obituary nolice appeared in the " Freemason " of October 28 th . Bro . Lockwood , who was formerly of St . Mary ' s , Bedford , was one of th ; original members of the Stuatt Lodge .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Afterwards the election of officers for the ensuing year took place with the following unanimous result : —W . M ., Bro . Col . Wm . Stuart , P . G . S . W ., S . W . ; Treas ., Bro . Alderman Sergeant ; Tyler , Bro . George Reynolds . Lodge having been closed , about twenty brethren sat down to a very good supper , after which a very pleasant evening was spent .
FLEETWOOD . —Hesketh Lodge ( No . 950 ) . — The regular meeting of this lodge was held on the 19 th ult ., in th * Masonic Rooms , Fleetwood . Bro . W . Stewardson , the W . M ., presided . All the members appeared in mourning , as a mark of respect to the I . P . M ., whose wife had died very suddenly since last meeting . During the evening the I . P . M . was presented with a Past Master ' s
jewel , as a token of respect and esteem . The usual proclamations were made , and the lodge was closed with thc customary formalities . SOUTHEND . —Priory Lodge ( No . rooo ) . —The regular meeting of this flourishing lodge was held at tlv Middleton Hotel , Southend-on-Sea , on Thursday , the 26 '' ult . The W . M . Bro . Dr . E . E . Phillips , P . M . 579 , Pre
J . G . D . presided , supported by a good muster of trethrcn , amongst whom were the following : —Bros . A . Lucking , P . M . 160 , Prov . A . G . D . C ., I . P . M .: F , D . Grayson , acting S . W . ; S . Cox , P . M . acting J . W . ; F . Wood , P . M ., P . I ' . S . G . W ., Treas . ; I . D . Wardell , P . M . 160 and 1000 , P . P . G . D ., Sec ; J . R . Hemmann , P . M ., P . P . G . D . Organist ; J . C . Johnstone , P . M . 20 , I . G ., D . C . ; Rev . H . Hayes , Chap . ;
W . Chignell , I . G . ; A . F . Godward , W . S . ; H . Rowley , P . M ., P . P . G . D . ; W . H . Lockey , A . Briggs , G . F . Wood , English , Hassall , G . Berry , W . J . Bullen , jun ., J . W . 160 ; G . F . Jones , H . l . uker , W . D . Merritt , F . Canton , L . Warren , and W . R . Bishop . Visitors : —Bros . E . B . Grabham , W . M . 19 , Prov . S . G . W . Middlesex ; W . R . Marsh , P . M . a ** , & c ; W . Pissey , P . M . 160 , P . P . G . W . E ? sex ;
and Sir Thos . Kirkpatrick , Bart ., 257 . After the usu 3 l preliminary business , the W . M . passed Bro . H . Smith to the Second Degree , and afterwards raised Bro . W . H . Norman to the sublime degree of a M . M . The ballot having proved favourable to Mr . R . Dibden Lewis and Mr . Alex . Cole , and the latter being prrsent he was duly initiated in the mysteries of the Craft . The three degrees
were very ably performed . The lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and well received , and the Tylei ' s toast brought a very enjoyable meeting to a close . WESTERHAM . —Amherst Lodge ( No . 1223 ) . —The last meeting of the present season took place 011 Thursday , the iqlh ult ., when the lodge was opened in
due form by the W . M ., Bro . A . Durtncll , and after the minutes were confirmed . Mr . Alfred Sidney Cven , the Principal of the Boys' Collegiate fchool , at vYcsterham , was initiated into the mysteries and privileges of thc First Degree ; the ceremony being performed , by permission of the W . M ., by Bro . R . B . Newson , P . M ., P . P . G . O . of Kent , in a most impressive manner , and at the banquet which
followed , the table was served in a most recherche manner by the host , Bro . Ridley , P . M . 493 . A most enjoyable evening was spent , and a vote of thanks unanimously accorded to , P . M . Hadley , for the admirable way he had catered for the brethren during the short time he had been resident in Witherham . SEACOMBE . — "Warren Lodge ( No . 1276 ) . —
The regular meeting of this flourishing lodge was held on Tuesday , 17 th ult , at the Stanley Arms Hotel . Present : Bros . Jas . Ridehalgh , W . M . ; W . R . Bainbridge , I . P . M . and P . M . 721 ; J . Taylor , S . W . ( W . M . elect ); Wm . Jones , J . W . ; the other officers of the lodge , and 51 brethren . The lodge was opened in the First Degree , and the minutes of thc last meeting were read and confirmed , when
the ballot box was sent round for Mr . J . H . Cant , who was afterwards initiated by Bro . J . Ridehalgh , W . M . The lodge was then opened in the Second Degree , when the W . M . invited Bro . T . Marwood , V . W . P . J . G . W . Cheshire , to assume the chair , and instal his successor . Bro , J . Ridehalgh , W . M ., and Bro . W . R . Bainbridge , P . M ., then presented Bro . John Taylor , the W . M . elect , to the
Installing Master , and a Board of Installed Master having been formed he was presented , and formally installed into the chair of K . S . After having been proclaimed and sa . luted in the customary form , Bro . Taylor was then pleased to appoint the following brethren as his officers : —Bros . J Ridehalgh , I . P . M . ; Wm . Jones , S . W . ; H . Skinner , J . W . ; W . Price , Treas . ; H , Matthews . Sec . ; T . Veates ,
S . D . ; J . Hindley , J . D . ; W . . R . Bainbridge , P . M ., D . C . ; Henderson , I . G . ; T . Gray and J . Looney , Stewards ; and Gamble , Tyler . The lodge was then closed , when the brethren adjourned to the Seacombe Hotel for the banquet , The W . M . occupied the chair , supported by Bros . T . Marwood , V . W . P . J . G . W . ; J . P . Piatt , V . W . P . P . J . G . W , and Tr » as . of the C . E . M . I . ; Hignett , P . P . D . C . ; Holt ,
P . M . ; Jas . Ridehalgh , I . P . M . ; W . K . Bainbridge , P . M . and D . C . ; R . C , Mellor , P . P . J . G . D . foe North Wales ; Vaughan , W . M . ; McNerney , W . M . 605 ; J . T . Lea , P . P . G . S . of W . j T . Shaw , S . W . 605 ; E . Jones , J . W . 605 ; D . F . Ranking , S . D . 959 ; and 45 other brethren sat down to the banquet . Grace having been said , the following loyal and Masonic toasts were given : — " Thc Queen and the
Craft , " "God Save the Queen , " by B'o . Parker ; " Our Royal Bro . Albert Edward Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M ., the Prince of Wales , and the rest of the Royal Family , " ( Royal Honours ) , "The Earl of Carnarvon , M . W . Pro Grand Master , " "The Rt . Hon . Lord De Tabley , R . W . P . G . M ., and the Officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge . Bro . T . Marwood , V . W . P . J . G . W ., returned thanks for
having his name coupled with that of the R . W . P . G . M ., the Lord De Tabley , and stated that the next Provincial Grand Lodge would be held in SeacomDe , and trusted that the brethren of both lodges would woik together to make it a successful meeting . Bro . J . P . Piatt , V . W . P . P . J . G . W ., and Bro . J . B . Higr . ett , P . P . D . C , returned thauki . Uro . J . Ridehalgh , I . P . M ., then siid it gave him great plea , sure to propose " The Health of the W . M . " Bto . John