Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 3 of 3 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
" oining member of the lodge , and was unanimously elected . On the rising for the second time , Bro . King , jun ., pronosed that a vote of thanks be recorded on the minutes to nro . Baker for the efficient manner in which he had worked the sections , and on its being seconded and put by the S . W ., the brethren fully expressed their appreciation by their conclusive assent . The W . M ., in reply to the official
announcement of the S . W ., said that as a very old working Mason ( having been preceptor of several lodges of instruction for many years ) , it was not the first time such an honour had been passed on him , nor was it for such that he so assiduously visited lodges on similar occasions . But that it was his wish at all times , when convenient , to afford to less able Masons the knowledge he himself had
acquired during his long connection with the Craft , and in concluding a very able and telling speeh would inform the brethren that he should work the sections at " Lord ' s , " on Tuesday , October 31 st , when he should like to see as many brethren present as possible . On rising for the
third time , Bro . Collins was made an honorary member , and a vote of thanks passed to the visiting brethren for their assistance during the evening . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren dispersed to the different quarters of the metropolis , each expressing himself well satisfied at the very nice manner in which they had been entertained .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
CAVEAC CHAPTER ( No . 176 ) . —The regular convocation of this prosperous chapter was held on Saturday , October 28 th , at the Albion , Aldersgate-street , City . Chapter was opened by Comp . S . Wyman , M . E Z . ; G . H . Lemann , H . ; J . B . Sorrell , J . ; C T . Dorey , P . Z . ( Father of the chapter ); F . Walters , P . G . 1 st A . S . ; Mill , P . Z . Treas . ; and others . The companions were then admitted .
The minutes of the previous convocation were read and unanimously confirmed . Bro . Dr . Charles Browne , P . M ., D . C , being in attendance , was duly exalted into the mysteries of the Royal Arch , the ceremony , as is usual in the chapter , being given in an admirable manner . The usual Five Guinea jewel was voted from the chapter funds to the M . E . Z ., Comp . W . S . Wyman ( as a slight recognition of
valuable services rendered to the chapter during his year of office . ) Business being ended , the chapter was clc s -d , and adjourned to the Installation meeting , which will commence its new year . There were present , besides the above-named companions , S . Pounceby , R . P . Tibb , J . B . Sorrell , jun ., and others . There were not any visitors . GREAT YARMOUTH . —Friendship
Chapter ( No . 100 ) . —A convocation of this chapter was held on Tuesday evening , October 17 th , at the Crown and Anchor Hotel ; Comp . Burstal , M . E . Z ., presiding , supported by Comps . James Bond , H . ; F . J . Bonfellow , J . ; J . Franklin , P . M ., P . Z . ; A . Hanlow , P . M ., P . Z . ( Scribe E . ); R . W . Hubbard , 1 st Soj . ; Hudsforth , 2 nd Soj . j H . J . Mason , P . Z ., 3 rd Soj . ; Jonell , Capt .
Dods , French , Wright , Stanier , Martins , and G . B . Hammond . The list of visitors included Comps . James Mangan , D . D ., LL . D ., No . 3 Ireland , P . M . 133 ; H . J . Mason , P . Z . ; James Dunsford , P . Z . ; and Henry James Moxon , Doric Chapter , and S . W . Marquess of Dalhousie , 1159 , a companion well-known in Metropolitan lodges for his unremitting exertions on behalf of our charitable institutions . The minutes having been
confumed , Bros . Capt . Fisk ( Capper ) , and J . A . Hayes ( Prudence ) , were duly exalted , and at the termination of the ceremony , which was very ably performed , the companions adjourned to the banqueting room , were an unusually excellent spread awaited them . On the withdrawal of the cloth , and after the formal toasts had been given , the M . E . Z . said there was always an important toast before them , and that was to drink the health of
their newly-exalted companions . They hailed ; their coming amongst them , as it was not only an evidence of their progress , but it gave stability to their proceedings . The toast was warmly received , and Comps . Fisk and Hayes suitably replied . The next toast was " The Health of the Visitors , " and the companions had an oppoitunity of listening to an excellent speech in reply by Comp .
Dunslord , V . L ., after which " The Health of the M . E . Z ., Comp . Buistal , " was proposed in an eulogistic speech by Comp . Bond , and Comp . Burstal in thanking the companions for the toast congratulated them on their continued prosperity , and said that he regretted that circumstances of a business nature had prevented him filling the Principal ' s Chair as he oueht . and hoped in future to be more rrcrular
ins attendance . Before resuming his seat he would ask them to drink prosperity and welfare to the new lodge forming at Gorleston , coupled with the name of Comp . louell , the W . M . designate . Thc toast was accepted with all honours , and Comn . Youell . who was heartilv
-..... cu , tne M . b . Z . for proposing the toast , and the companions for the enthusiastic manner in which they l A re , " ''• He felt that with respect to the new Lodge ( St . Andrews ) , he had undertaken a very great » sk , although he fully intended , with the help of his friend captain Dods , and the other brethren who had kindlv
" ;« ca meir assistance , to make it all that was desired , he toast of " Comp . Franklin ( Host ) , and Mrs . Frankn was next proposed , the M . E . Z . expressing satisfaction ' tne very genial way in which both had acted to ensure * Pleasant meetine . Comn . Franklin havino- rrnv „ A » h »
im , 1 u Drougnt the proceedings to a close . The som , b = tween the toasts were pleasantly enlivened with and Frankii ' S ° ngS by Comps- Fiskc ' Stanier > Moxon , » . f IN ?? 0 R —Windsor Castle Chapter ( No . in th * M .. mstal ! ation meeting of this chapter was held there « ,, m ° P le at Winasoron the 19 th ult ., when J . H Toll . ' 2 ient „ M . E . Comps . H . H . Hodges , Z . ; Steve ' nl fe : > E -Grisbrook , J . ; J . Devereux , P . Z . ' ; j "ens , I > Z . . John Rcad ( p z Q w v
Royal Arch.
Powell , N . ; F . Flock , P . S . ; J . O . Carter , A . S . ; Nowell , Janitor ; North Rithcrdon , Barton , Roberts , Bryett , and others ; and visiting Comp . W . Johnson . The chapter having been opened by the Principals present , the companions below the chair were admitted , and the chapter was then opened in due form . After confirmation of the minutes of the previous meeting , Comp . John Read , P . Z .,
installed Comp . John H . Tolley as M . E . Z . ; E . Grisbrook as H . ; and G . W . Dixon as J ., with full and perfect ceremony . The following officers were then invested , viz ., Comps . Powell , S . E . ; Fleck , S . N . ; Strange ( by proxy ) , P . S . ; Carter , 1 st . A . S . ; Cantrell , 2 nd A . S . ; North Ritherdon , D . C . ; Barton , Roberts , and Bryett , Stewards ; and Nowell , Janitor . Bro . Joseph Johnson , of the Windsor
Castle Lodge , No . 771 , was approved and exalted into the Supreme Degree , the newly-appointed officers working the entire ceremony in an extremely creditable manner . . A P . Z . jewel was presented to the I . P . Z ., Ex . Comp . H . H . Hodges , accompanied by highly-eulogistic remarks from the M . E . Z . A cordial vote of thanks to Ex . Comp . John Read , P . Z ., as Installing First Principal , was recorded in the minutes , and the services of Ex . Comps . Devereux and
Stevens , in assisting him , were acknowledged from the chair . Propositions having been taken , the chapter was closed , and the companions adjourned to the Castle Hotel , for necessary sustenance after arduous labour . The exigencies of the railway arrangements precluded a long sitting , but the loyal and principal Masonic toasts were duly honoured , and a pleasant hour spent by the members of this now well-established chapter .
WILLIAM PRESTON CHAPTER ( No . 766 ) . —A mournful meeting of this chapter was held on thc 26 th ult ., at Cannon-street Hotel . Since the previous meeting in May , when the Principals were installed , the chapter had had the misfortune to lose its M . E . Z ., the worthy Dr . Whiteman , who had risen to that high position , having been called to the Grand Chapter above , and
all the companions appeared with their badges craped , the banner of the late M . E . Z . bearing also the like melancholy contrast on its brilliant emblazonment . The chapter was summoned by Comp . Captain G . J . Kain , P . Z ., as acting M . E . Z . ; Comp . George Newman , as H . j and Comp . Augustus Brann , as J . Unfortunately Comp . Newman had to be absent , and Comp . Garrod took the chair of
M . E . Z ., Comp . Kain , that of H ., and Comp . Braun kept his own position . The other positions were thus filled , Dr . Kcmpster , as S . N ., also assisting in the work ; Wm . Worrell , P . Z ., S . E . ; E . Newton , sen ., as P . S . ; Dr . Cutmorc , as First Assistant S . ; J . T . Gibson , as Second Assistant S . ; and there were also present Comps . Williams , Newton , jun ., Steinmade , While ( " Freemason " ) ,
Davidson , Partridge , Klench , Incc , Barnes , Rickwood , and Comp . Taylor , W . M . of the Doric Lodge , who , with another visitor , represented other chapters at work and board . Thc business was to take the ballot for five brothers for exaltation , —Bros . Arthur Southam , M . D ., W . M . of the Earl Spencer , 1420 ; J . J . Joseph , J . D . of the same lodge ; J . Sinclair , S . of"r 420 , J . T . Pilditch ,
of the same lodge , and I . G . of the Grosvenor ; and Robt . Tynn , of the William Preston Lodge . The ballot was unanimous , and all but the last named being present , the ceremony was proceeded with in favour of those four . Comp . Gibson was particularly efficient in his working of a new office , and took the position of P . S . with great credit to himself and pleasure to the companions . Comp . Garrod
was , unfortunately , not in the best of health , and had taken the chair of M . E . Z . at a moment's notice , yet he was ready and equal to the arduous labour of working the degree . Comp . Taylor also assisted in the addresses . After the work , when the M . E . Z . rose for the third time , Comp . Kcmpster stated that he was with the late Dr . Whiteman , in his last few hours , and knew that
their late companion ' s latest thoughts werewilh his Masonic duties , his hopes being that he should be able to join his companions and brothers in lodge and chapter . Not speaking of the late M . E . Z . as a Mason , but as a lay member of thc world , the speaker said he could truly say that Dr . Whiteman was held in the hi ghest esteem by all classes with whom he had come into contact in his busy
life . Some of the chapter , and some of his Masonic brethren paid the last tribute of respect to their companion and brother , and according to ancient custom they dropped a sprig of acacia into his last resting place . Comp . P . Z . Worrell said that if the companions and brethren had known of the loss earlier many more would have attended the funeral , and Comp . Dr . Kempstcr explained that it
was necessary to inter the body soon after the death , and that it was impossible to make the death known . The chapter then proceeded to the consideration of thc notice of motion to raise the exaltation fee after the next ( Feb . ) meeting , to take effect in May next . The motion was carried , as was another to raise thc annual subscription to two guineas . Both were proposed by Dr . Kempster . The
chapter was then closed , and the companions adjourned to the dining room , and partook of a pleasant repast . Thc M . E . Z . then in felicitous terms proposed " The Health of the Exaltees , " to whose merits , as Masons , he paid a high tribute , and congratulated . the chapter upon having received additions so worthy of the Craft , and the exaltees upon joining a chapter in which there were many working
Masons . The exaltees severally replied , and expressed their gratification upon having acquired the R . A . grade under the pleasant circumstances of that evening . Comp . Taylor responded for "The Visitors" in a speech of more than ordinary merit , and then the acting M . E . Z . said that would be the time when he should have had to call upon the companions , to drink to "The Health of the M . E . Z ., " but now that their M . E . Z . had been exalted to the Grand
Chapter they would dnnk to his memory . Dr . Whiteman was scarcely ever absent from lodge or chapter , and at the last lodge meeting of the William Preston the speaker had addressed the brethren in a speech , which , for fear of repeating himself , he would now read .: To the melancholy
Royal Arch.
pleasure of the companions , the acting M . E . Z . read the eloquent speech reported in the " Freemason " as having been delivered at the last meeting of the William Preston Lodge , and the companions drank to the memory of the late loved M . E . Z . in solemn silence . Comp . Worrell then proposed " fhc Acting M . E . Z ., " and spoke of the great services Comu . Kain had rendered to the chapter in taking
upon himself the duty of M . E . Z . for the rest of the year . The toast was drunk with enthusiasm , as was that of the P . Z ., Comp . Worrell , who the M . E . Z . stated , came to the William Preston Lodge a mere beardless boy , and had won his honours by sheer hard work and merit . Regret was expressed at the absence of Comp . Newman , and then the officers were toasted , and Comps . Garrod , Braun ,
and Kempster spoke , the latter in a jesting speech drawing attention to the fact that their Comp . Worrell , with his usual perseverance , had gone through another ceremony since the last meeting , and , with his usual fidelity had kept the secrets . The ceremony was that of marriage , and
Dr . Kempster congratulated Comp . Worrell upon the evident agreement of that state of life with him as shown in his good looks , ai . d , amid the cheers of the companions expressed the warmest and best wishes for the welfare of the happy couple . The evening ended with the Janitor's toast .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
MACDONALD LODGE ( No . 104 ) . —A reguk meeting of this lodge was held at Masons' Hall , Masons ' Avenue , E . G ., on Saturday last . The W . Bro . Thomas W . White , W . M ., was supported by a goodly attendance of officers and brethren , amongst whom were the W . Bros . G . Ward Verry , P . P . G . D . C ., as S . W . ; North Ritherdon , P . G . Supt . of Wcrks , J . W . ; Edward Moody , P . P . G .
Standard Bearer , M . O . ; W . P . Collins , P . P . G . Sword Bearer , J . O . ; theV . W . Bros . Thomas Meggy , P . G . S . O ., P . M . ; James Stevens , P . G . J . O ., P . M . ; thc W . Bros . W . Worrell , P . G . Org ., P . M . ; M . C . Hale , P . G . Sword Bearer ; T . K . Pitt , P . G . D . C ; Bros . Bastien , H . F . Partridge , W . Johnson , J . R . Williams , and others , and Bro . J . Iiawles , acting for Bro . Grant , Tyler . The
lodge was specially visited by the W . Bro . C . Pulman , Prov . G . S . O ., and P . M . of the Panmure Mark Lodge , who had , whilst W . M . of that lodge , kindly advanced a brother to the tlegree for , and during the recess of , the Macdonald Mark Lodge . The lodge was duly opened , and minutes read . Api logics from several brethren " out of town " were received . Candidates for advancement being
unable to attend on this occasion , for a like reason , no ceremony was performed , and ample time was therefore devoted to the discussion of an important notice of motion by Bro . Meggy for alteration of date of meeting . This , however , resulted in a further adjournment of the question . A very cordial vote of thanks to the late W . M . and Panmure Maik Lodge was ordered to be recorded on the
minutes , and was responded to by the W . Bro . Pulman in highly appreciative terms . Candidates for next meeting were proposed , the lodge closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to the Tomahawk Restaurant , in London Wall , where , under the provident care of the worthy Treasurer , Bro . Meggy , a very recherche repast had been provided . Excepting only the formal toasts , and " The
Health of the Visitor , " and " Success to the Panmure Mark Lodge , " ceremony was dispensed with , and an enjoyable hour or two spent in harmony and social intercourse , the brethren separating about half-past eight for their respective homes . ERA LODGE ( No . 176 ) . —On Friday , Oct . 13 th , at the Bridge House Hotel , Southwark , this well
estabusneu louge us meeting , mc of Bio . John Baxter Langley , W . M ., who was in Liverpool , the lodge was opened by Bro . H . A . Dubois , I . P . M ., who was supported by Bros , the Rev . P . M . Holdcn , S . W . and Chaplain ; T . Morton , J . W . ; R . P . Tebb , as M . O . ; A . F . Loos , S . O . ; J . Johnson , J . O . ; H . A . Dubois , I . P . M ., Treas . ; T . Poore , as R . of M . ; F .
Walters , P . G . P ., P . M ., Sec ; H . C . Levandcr , as S . D . ; J . B . Shacklett-n , J . D . ; B . Meyer , Org . ; F . H . Dodson , I . G . ; and other brethren . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed unanimously . Ballots , taken separately , were in each instance declared to be unanimous in favour of the admission of all the candidates for advancement . Bro . T . Poore , in his usual able
manner , advanced Bros . G . S . Elliott , J . W . 1623 ; Henry Meyer , I . G . 1524 ; D . Smith , 1326 ; and W . Prattant , 1326 , to the ancient and honourable degree of M . M . M . Bro . David Smith was appointed Assistant Secretary . Bro . James Stevens , P . P . G , Sec . Middlesex and Surrey , Ac , was unanimously elected an honorary member . Some brethren were proposed as candidates for advancement .
An important notice of motion was given . The lodge was closed and adjourned until Friday , February , 9 th , 1877 , at half-past six o'clock p . m . The usual good banquet was served . The regular toasts were given and responded to . An agreeable evening was happily spent . MARYPORT . —Whitwell Lodge of Mark Master Masons ( No . 157 ) . —The regular meeting
of this lodge was held on Thursday , the 19 th October , when there was an excellent number of brethren present . The chair was occupied by the W . M . M ., Bro . James Gardiner , P . G . M . I . of W ., supported by his officers , viz ., Bros . P . de E . Collin , P . G . M ., Sec , I . P . M . j J . R . Tickle , P . G . M . S . D ., as S . W . j Mandle , J . W . ; J . R . Banks , M . O . ; G . M . Tickle , S . O . j J . H . Banks ,
J . O . ; Joseph Nicholson , P . M . G . S . W ., Treas . ; R . Dodgson , Sec ; Nicholson , S . D . ; Robinson , J . D . j Smith , P . G . M . Org . ; Mitchell , I . G . Amongst the brethren we noticed Bros . John Lawson , James Quay , W . B . Gibson , P . G . M . S . B . ; and others . The W . M . M . commenced the business of the evening by balloting for Bro . E . Tyson . P . G . M . I . G . of the Becttve Mark Lodge ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
" oining member of the lodge , and was unanimously elected . On the rising for the second time , Bro . King , jun ., pronosed that a vote of thanks be recorded on the minutes to nro . Baker for the efficient manner in which he had worked the sections , and on its being seconded and put by the S . W ., the brethren fully expressed their appreciation by their conclusive assent . The W . M ., in reply to the official
announcement of the S . W ., said that as a very old working Mason ( having been preceptor of several lodges of instruction for many years ) , it was not the first time such an honour had been passed on him , nor was it for such that he so assiduously visited lodges on similar occasions . But that it was his wish at all times , when convenient , to afford to less able Masons the knowledge he himself had
acquired during his long connection with the Craft , and in concluding a very able and telling speeh would inform the brethren that he should work the sections at " Lord ' s , " on Tuesday , October 31 st , when he should like to see as many brethren present as possible . On rising for the
third time , Bro . Collins was made an honorary member , and a vote of thanks passed to the visiting brethren for their assistance during the evening . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren dispersed to the different quarters of the metropolis , each expressing himself well satisfied at the very nice manner in which they had been entertained .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
CAVEAC CHAPTER ( No . 176 ) . —The regular convocation of this prosperous chapter was held on Saturday , October 28 th , at the Albion , Aldersgate-street , City . Chapter was opened by Comp . S . Wyman , M . E Z . ; G . H . Lemann , H . ; J . B . Sorrell , J . ; C T . Dorey , P . Z . ( Father of the chapter ); F . Walters , P . G . 1 st A . S . ; Mill , P . Z . Treas . ; and others . The companions were then admitted .
The minutes of the previous convocation were read and unanimously confirmed . Bro . Dr . Charles Browne , P . M ., D . C , being in attendance , was duly exalted into the mysteries of the Royal Arch , the ceremony , as is usual in the chapter , being given in an admirable manner . The usual Five Guinea jewel was voted from the chapter funds to the M . E . Z ., Comp . W . S . Wyman ( as a slight recognition of
valuable services rendered to the chapter during his year of office . ) Business being ended , the chapter was clc s -d , and adjourned to the Installation meeting , which will commence its new year . There were present , besides the above-named companions , S . Pounceby , R . P . Tibb , J . B . Sorrell , jun ., and others . There were not any visitors . GREAT YARMOUTH . —Friendship
Chapter ( No . 100 ) . —A convocation of this chapter was held on Tuesday evening , October 17 th , at the Crown and Anchor Hotel ; Comp . Burstal , M . E . Z ., presiding , supported by Comps . James Bond , H . ; F . J . Bonfellow , J . ; J . Franklin , P . M ., P . Z . ; A . Hanlow , P . M ., P . Z . ( Scribe E . ); R . W . Hubbard , 1 st Soj . ; Hudsforth , 2 nd Soj . j H . J . Mason , P . Z ., 3 rd Soj . ; Jonell , Capt .
Dods , French , Wright , Stanier , Martins , and G . B . Hammond . The list of visitors included Comps . James Mangan , D . D ., LL . D ., No . 3 Ireland , P . M . 133 ; H . J . Mason , P . Z . ; James Dunsford , P . Z . ; and Henry James Moxon , Doric Chapter , and S . W . Marquess of Dalhousie , 1159 , a companion well-known in Metropolitan lodges for his unremitting exertions on behalf of our charitable institutions . The minutes having been
confumed , Bros . Capt . Fisk ( Capper ) , and J . A . Hayes ( Prudence ) , were duly exalted , and at the termination of the ceremony , which was very ably performed , the companions adjourned to the banqueting room , were an unusually excellent spread awaited them . On the withdrawal of the cloth , and after the formal toasts had been given , the M . E . Z . said there was always an important toast before them , and that was to drink the health of
their newly-exalted companions . They hailed ; their coming amongst them , as it was not only an evidence of their progress , but it gave stability to their proceedings . The toast was warmly received , and Comps . Fisk and Hayes suitably replied . The next toast was " The Health of the Visitors , " and the companions had an oppoitunity of listening to an excellent speech in reply by Comp .
Dunslord , V . L ., after which " The Health of the M . E . Z ., Comp . Buistal , " was proposed in an eulogistic speech by Comp . Bond , and Comp . Burstal in thanking the companions for the toast congratulated them on their continued prosperity , and said that he regretted that circumstances of a business nature had prevented him filling the Principal ' s Chair as he oueht . and hoped in future to be more rrcrular
ins attendance . Before resuming his seat he would ask them to drink prosperity and welfare to the new lodge forming at Gorleston , coupled with the name of Comp . louell , the W . M . designate . Thc toast was accepted with all honours , and Comn . Youell . who was heartilv
-..... cu , tne M . b . Z . for proposing the toast , and the companions for the enthusiastic manner in which they l A re , " ''• He felt that with respect to the new Lodge ( St . Andrews ) , he had undertaken a very great » sk , although he fully intended , with the help of his friend captain Dods , and the other brethren who had kindlv
" ;« ca meir assistance , to make it all that was desired , he toast of " Comp . Franklin ( Host ) , and Mrs . Frankn was next proposed , the M . E . Z . expressing satisfaction ' tne very genial way in which both had acted to ensure * Pleasant meetine . Comn . Franklin havino- rrnv „ A » h »
im , 1 u Drougnt the proceedings to a close . The som , b = tween the toasts were pleasantly enlivened with and Frankii ' S ° ngS by Comps- Fiskc ' Stanier > Moxon , » . f IN ?? 0 R —Windsor Castle Chapter ( No . in th * M .. mstal ! ation meeting of this chapter was held there « ,, m ° P le at Winasoron the 19 th ult ., when J . H Toll . ' 2 ient „ M . E . Comps . H . H . Hodges , Z . ; Steve ' nl fe : > E -Grisbrook , J . ; J . Devereux , P . Z . ' ; j "ens , I > Z . . John Rcad ( p z Q w v
Royal Arch.
Powell , N . ; F . Flock , P . S . ; J . O . Carter , A . S . ; Nowell , Janitor ; North Rithcrdon , Barton , Roberts , Bryett , and others ; and visiting Comp . W . Johnson . The chapter having been opened by the Principals present , the companions below the chair were admitted , and the chapter was then opened in due form . After confirmation of the minutes of the previous meeting , Comp . John Read , P . Z .,
installed Comp . John H . Tolley as M . E . Z . ; E . Grisbrook as H . ; and G . W . Dixon as J ., with full and perfect ceremony . The following officers were then invested , viz ., Comps . Powell , S . E . ; Fleck , S . N . ; Strange ( by proxy ) , P . S . ; Carter , 1 st . A . S . ; Cantrell , 2 nd A . S . ; North Ritherdon , D . C . ; Barton , Roberts , and Bryett , Stewards ; and Nowell , Janitor . Bro . Joseph Johnson , of the Windsor
Castle Lodge , No . 771 , was approved and exalted into the Supreme Degree , the newly-appointed officers working the entire ceremony in an extremely creditable manner . . A P . Z . jewel was presented to the I . P . Z ., Ex . Comp . H . H . Hodges , accompanied by highly-eulogistic remarks from the M . E . Z . A cordial vote of thanks to Ex . Comp . John Read , P . Z ., as Installing First Principal , was recorded in the minutes , and the services of Ex . Comps . Devereux and
Stevens , in assisting him , were acknowledged from the chair . Propositions having been taken , the chapter was closed , and the companions adjourned to the Castle Hotel , for necessary sustenance after arduous labour . The exigencies of the railway arrangements precluded a long sitting , but the loyal and principal Masonic toasts were duly honoured , and a pleasant hour spent by the members of this now well-established chapter .
WILLIAM PRESTON CHAPTER ( No . 766 ) . —A mournful meeting of this chapter was held on thc 26 th ult ., at Cannon-street Hotel . Since the previous meeting in May , when the Principals were installed , the chapter had had the misfortune to lose its M . E . Z ., the worthy Dr . Whiteman , who had risen to that high position , having been called to the Grand Chapter above , and
all the companions appeared with their badges craped , the banner of the late M . E . Z . bearing also the like melancholy contrast on its brilliant emblazonment . The chapter was summoned by Comp . Captain G . J . Kain , P . Z ., as acting M . E . Z . ; Comp . George Newman , as H . j and Comp . Augustus Brann , as J . Unfortunately Comp . Newman had to be absent , and Comp . Garrod took the chair of
M . E . Z ., Comp . Kain , that of H ., and Comp . Braun kept his own position . The other positions were thus filled , Dr . Kcmpster , as S . N ., also assisting in the work ; Wm . Worrell , P . Z ., S . E . ; E . Newton , sen ., as P . S . ; Dr . Cutmorc , as First Assistant S . ; J . T . Gibson , as Second Assistant S . ; and there were also present Comps . Williams , Newton , jun ., Steinmade , While ( " Freemason " ) ,
Davidson , Partridge , Klench , Incc , Barnes , Rickwood , and Comp . Taylor , W . M . of the Doric Lodge , who , with another visitor , represented other chapters at work and board . Thc business was to take the ballot for five brothers for exaltation , —Bros . Arthur Southam , M . D ., W . M . of the Earl Spencer , 1420 ; J . J . Joseph , J . D . of the same lodge ; J . Sinclair , S . of"r 420 , J . T . Pilditch ,
of the same lodge , and I . G . of the Grosvenor ; and Robt . Tynn , of the William Preston Lodge . The ballot was unanimous , and all but the last named being present , the ceremony was proceeded with in favour of those four . Comp . Gibson was particularly efficient in his working of a new office , and took the position of P . S . with great credit to himself and pleasure to the companions . Comp . Garrod
was , unfortunately , not in the best of health , and had taken the chair of M . E . Z . at a moment's notice , yet he was ready and equal to the arduous labour of working the degree . Comp . Taylor also assisted in the addresses . After the work , when the M . E . Z . rose for the third time , Comp . Kcmpster stated that he was with the late Dr . Whiteman , in his last few hours , and knew that
their late companion ' s latest thoughts werewilh his Masonic duties , his hopes being that he should be able to join his companions and brothers in lodge and chapter . Not speaking of the late M . E . Z . as a Mason , but as a lay member of thc world , the speaker said he could truly say that Dr . Whiteman was held in the hi ghest esteem by all classes with whom he had come into contact in his busy
life . Some of the chapter , and some of his Masonic brethren paid the last tribute of respect to their companion and brother , and according to ancient custom they dropped a sprig of acacia into his last resting place . Comp . P . Z . Worrell said that if the companions and brethren had known of the loss earlier many more would have attended the funeral , and Comp . Dr . Kempstcr explained that it
was necessary to inter the body soon after the death , and that it was impossible to make the death known . The chapter then proceeded to the consideration of thc notice of motion to raise the exaltation fee after the next ( Feb . ) meeting , to take effect in May next . The motion was carried , as was another to raise thc annual subscription to two guineas . Both were proposed by Dr . Kempster . The
chapter was then closed , and the companions adjourned to the dining room , and partook of a pleasant repast . Thc M . E . Z . then in felicitous terms proposed " The Health of the Exaltees , " to whose merits , as Masons , he paid a high tribute , and congratulated . the chapter upon having received additions so worthy of the Craft , and the exaltees upon joining a chapter in which there were many working
Masons . The exaltees severally replied , and expressed their gratification upon having acquired the R . A . grade under the pleasant circumstances of that evening . Comp . Taylor responded for "The Visitors" in a speech of more than ordinary merit , and then the acting M . E . Z . said that would be the time when he should have had to call upon the companions , to drink to "The Health of the M . E . Z ., " but now that their M . E . Z . had been exalted to the Grand
Chapter they would dnnk to his memory . Dr . Whiteman was scarcely ever absent from lodge or chapter , and at the last lodge meeting of the William Preston the speaker had addressed the brethren in a speech , which , for fear of repeating himself , he would now read .: To the melancholy
Royal Arch.
pleasure of the companions , the acting M . E . Z . read the eloquent speech reported in the " Freemason " as having been delivered at the last meeting of the William Preston Lodge , and the companions drank to the memory of the late loved M . E . Z . in solemn silence . Comp . Worrell then proposed " fhc Acting M . E . Z ., " and spoke of the great services Comu . Kain had rendered to the chapter in taking
upon himself the duty of M . E . Z . for the rest of the year . The toast was drunk with enthusiasm , as was that of the P . Z ., Comp . Worrell , who the M . E . Z . stated , came to the William Preston Lodge a mere beardless boy , and had won his honours by sheer hard work and merit . Regret was expressed at the absence of Comp . Newman , and then the officers were toasted , and Comps . Garrod , Braun ,
and Kempster spoke , the latter in a jesting speech drawing attention to the fact that their Comp . Worrell , with his usual perseverance , had gone through another ceremony since the last meeting , and , with his usual fidelity had kept the secrets . The ceremony was that of marriage , and
Dr . Kempster congratulated Comp . Worrell upon the evident agreement of that state of life with him as shown in his good looks , ai . d , amid the cheers of the companions expressed the warmest and best wishes for the welfare of the happy couple . The evening ended with the Janitor's toast .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
MACDONALD LODGE ( No . 104 ) . —A reguk meeting of this lodge was held at Masons' Hall , Masons ' Avenue , E . G ., on Saturday last . The W . Bro . Thomas W . White , W . M ., was supported by a goodly attendance of officers and brethren , amongst whom were the W . Bros . G . Ward Verry , P . P . G . D . C ., as S . W . ; North Ritherdon , P . G . Supt . of Wcrks , J . W . ; Edward Moody , P . P . G .
Standard Bearer , M . O . ; W . P . Collins , P . P . G . Sword Bearer , J . O . ; theV . W . Bros . Thomas Meggy , P . G . S . O ., P . M . ; James Stevens , P . G . J . O ., P . M . ; thc W . Bros . W . Worrell , P . G . Org ., P . M . ; M . C . Hale , P . G . Sword Bearer ; T . K . Pitt , P . G . D . C ; Bros . Bastien , H . F . Partridge , W . Johnson , J . R . Williams , and others , and Bro . J . Iiawles , acting for Bro . Grant , Tyler . The
lodge was specially visited by the W . Bro . C . Pulman , Prov . G . S . O ., and P . M . of the Panmure Mark Lodge , who had , whilst W . M . of that lodge , kindly advanced a brother to the tlegree for , and during the recess of , the Macdonald Mark Lodge . The lodge was duly opened , and minutes read . Api logics from several brethren " out of town " were received . Candidates for advancement being
unable to attend on this occasion , for a like reason , no ceremony was performed , and ample time was therefore devoted to the discussion of an important notice of motion by Bro . Meggy for alteration of date of meeting . This , however , resulted in a further adjournment of the question . A very cordial vote of thanks to the late W . M . and Panmure Maik Lodge was ordered to be recorded on the
minutes , and was responded to by the W . Bro . Pulman in highly appreciative terms . Candidates for next meeting were proposed , the lodge closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to the Tomahawk Restaurant , in London Wall , where , under the provident care of the worthy Treasurer , Bro . Meggy , a very recherche repast had been provided . Excepting only the formal toasts , and " The
Health of the Visitor , " and " Success to the Panmure Mark Lodge , " ceremony was dispensed with , and an enjoyable hour or two spent in harmony and social intercourse , the brethren separating about half-past eight for their respective homes . ERA LODGE ( No . 176 ) . —On Friday , Oct . 13 th , at the Bridge House Hotel , Southwark , this well
estabusneu louge us meeting , mc of Bio . John Baxter Langley , W . M ., who was in Liverpool , the lodge was opened by Bro . H . A . Dubois , I . P . M ., who was supported by Bros , the Rev . P . M . Holdcn , S . W . and Chaplain ; T . Morton , J . W . ; R . P . Tebb , as M . O . ; A . F . Loos , S . O . ; J . Johnson , J . O . ; H . A . Dubois , I . P . M ., Treas . ; T . Poore , as R . of M . ; F .
Walters , P . G . P ., P . M ., Sec ; H . C . Levandcr , as S . D . ; J . B . Shacklett-n , J . D . ; B . Meyer , Org . ; F . H . Dodson , I . G . ; and other brethren . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed unanimously . Ballots , taken separately , were in each instance declared to be unanimous in favour of the admission of all the candidates for advancement . Bro . T . Poore , in his usual able
manner , advanced Bros . G . S . Elliott , J . W . 1623 ; Henry Meyer , I . G . 1524 ; D . Smith , 1326 ; and W . Prattant , 1326 , to the ancient and honourable degree of M . M . M . Bro . David Smith was appointed Assistant Secretary . Bro . James Stevens , P . P . G , Sec . Middlesex and Surrey , Ac , was unanimously elected an honorary member . Some brethren were proposed as candidates for advancement .
An important notice of motion was given . The lodge was closed and adjourned until Friday , February , 9 th , 1877 , at half-past six o'clock p . m . The usual good banquet was served . The regular toasts were given and responded to . An agreeable evening was happily spent . MARYPORT . —Whitwell Lodge of Mark Master Masons ( No . 157 ) . —The regular meeting
of this lodge was held on Thursday , the 19 th October , when there was an excellent number of brethren present . The chair was occupied by the W . M . M ., Bro . James Gardiner , P . G . M . I . of W ., supported by his officers , viz ., Bros . P . de E . Collin , P . G . M ., Sec , I . P . M . j J . R . Tickle , P . G . M . S . D ., as S . W . j Mandle , J . W . ; J . R . Banks , M . O . ; G . M . Tickle , S . O . j J . H . Banks ,
J . O . ; Joseph Nicholson , P . M . G . S . W ., Treas . ; R . Dodgson , Sec ; Nicholson , S . D . ; Robinson , J . D . j Smith , P . G . M . Org . ; Mitchell , I . G . Amongst the brethren we noticed Bros . John Lawson , James Quay , W . B . Gibson , P . G . M . S . B . ; and others . The W . M . M . commenced the business of the evening by balloting for Bro . E . Tyson . P . G . M . I . G . of the Becttve Mark Lodge ,