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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Taylor , W . M ., then said—Bro . Ridehalgh , P . G . Officers and brethren , I thank you lor the very kind and handsome manner you have proposed my health , and also most cordially do I wish to thank the brethren for their equally hearty response , and while so doing I wish to observe that I am not insensible to the important and dignified position in which I have been placed .
Every effort will be put forward on my part for the good and welfare of the Warren Lodge . I feel it my duty to appeal to the officers , and the brethren to give me their hearty co-operation , and with me to lift up their voices to thc G . A . O . T . U . that peace , prosperity , and tranquillity , may through his wisdom and goodness be vouchsafed to us . Bro . P . M ., I
thank you again for your kindness , and equally so do I thank my brethren . The W . M . then proposed "The Health of the Past Masters . " Bro . Holt briefly returned thanlcs . Bro . W . B . Bainbridge , P . M ., and D . C ., thanked thc W . M ., the P . G . Officers and brethren for the kind way the toast had been proposed , and received by the brethren , he especially thanked the W . M . for investing
him as one of his officers ; he could now say that he had been appointed an officer of thc Craft for the fourteenth year . Bro . J . Ridehalgh , I . P . M ., said it gave him great pleasure to inlorm the brethren that the last two years had been very successful , and that thc brethren initiated would reflect honour on the Craft . Thc W . M . then said he had a pleasing duty to perform , which was to present
the I . P . M . with a Past Master ' s jewel . It was of gold , bearing thc following inscription : — " Presented to Bro . James Ridehalgh by the brethren of the Warren Lodge , No . 1276 , as a token of their appreciation of his Masonic worth and usefulness , 17 th October , 1876 . '' He then again thanked the brethren for their kindness . The next toast was that of " The Officers of the Lodge . " Bro ? .
W . Jones , Skinner , and II . Matthew , Sec , returned thanks . The W . M . said the next toast was that of "The Cheshire Masonic Educational Institution , " and he had very great pleasure in coupling the name of Bro . J . P . Piatt , P . P . J . G . Warden , the Hon . Treas . Bio . J . P . Piatt thanked thc W . M . and brethren for the manner this toast was proposed and received by the brethren . He said Freemasonry was
something , or it was nothing ; without brotherly love , relief , and truth , it was nothing , and he hoped the brethren would not only support thc Cheshire Masonic Educational Institution , but also thcMasonic Institutions of London . The Secretary then announced that thirty brethren gave their names as subscribers . The next toast was that of " The Initiate . " Thc next toast was that of " The Visitors . "
The W . M . said he felt highly honoured by havingso many present , and had great pleasure in coupling the name of Bro . McNerncy , W . M . of the Combermcre Lodge . Bro . McNerney , in a first-class speech , thanked the W . M . and brethren of the Warren Lodge , and expressed a hope that both lodges would work with unanimity and concord , so fiat the next Provincial Grand Lodge meeting , which is to
be held in Seacombe , should be a successful meeting . The other visitors returned thanks , after which the Tyler ' s toast brought the meeting to a close . The evening was spent very pleasantly , and the brethren separated highly pleased . HAMPTON . —Hemming Lodge ( No . 1512 ) . —1 he third installation meeting since its foundation in
1874 of this thriving provincial lodge was held at the Lion Hotel , on Thursday , 19 th ult . There were present at the opening of the lodge Bros . Hopwood , P . M . 141 , W . M . ; Hill , P . M . Canonbury , S . W . ; Hurst , J . W ., W . M . elect ; Fox , J . D . ; Jcssett , I . G . ; W . Hammond , P . P . J . G . D . of Middlesex , I . P . M . ; B . Sharp , P . M . j Bond , W . M . Dobie . The visi ' ors were Bros .
Elsam , P . M . Dobie , S . W . Jordan , P . P . G . D . C . of Surrey ; Wilson , P . M . Etonian ; W . Fisher , S . W . Raleigh ; Giiterbock , Phoenix . The minutes of the meetings held in March , Apiil , May , June , and August , having been read and confirmed , thc W . M . passed Bros . Errington , Finch , and Murphy to the Degree of Fellow Craft . The ccrcmoiy of installing Bro . John
Hurst , J . W ., into the chair of K . S . then commenced , and was carried out up to a certain point by thc retiring W . M . The M . M . ' s having retired a Board of Installed Masters was opened in full Masonic form by the I . P . M ., Bro . Wm . Hammond , who appointed Bros . Hopwood , B . Sharp , and Elsam respectively as S . W . and J . W . and I . G . The impressive ceremony of installation was then duly and
fully proceeded with , at its conclusion thc Board of Installed Masters was closed with the most complete formality . Thc remaining portion of the ceremony , including thc charges to the W . M ., Wardens , and brethren , was performed by Bro . Wilson , P . M . Etonian , in a highly satisfactory manner , the addresses being most forcibly and clearly delivered . The officers appointed for the ensuing year
were Bros . J . Hammond , P . M . Jordan , S . W . ; Hill , P . M . ( Canonbury ) , J . W . ; E . Hopwood , I . P . M ., Treas . i W . Hammond , P . M ., & c , Sec . ; C . W . Fox , S . D . ; J . C . Jessett , J . D . ; T . W . Ockendcn , I . G . ; T . C , Walls , D . C . ; Gutteridge , W . S . ; Kent , A . W . S . The Auditor's repoit having been received and adopted , the interesting ceremony of presenting the I . P . M ., Bro . Hop .
( food , with a handsome jewel , took place . The P . M . ' s jewel of this lodge , out of compliment , as a distinction , tears the " coat armour " of the late distinguished scholar and Mason , Dr . Hemming . The lodge having been dosed , the brithrcn adjourned to an excellent banquet , well catered for by Bro . H . C . T . Murphy , " mine host " c ( the "Lion . " . The toasts c , f "The Qurcn and the
Craft , " "H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M ., "" Lord Carnarvon , M . W . Pro G . M ., " "Lord Skelmersdale , D . G . M . and the rest of the Grand Officers , Past and Present , " and "The Prov . G . M ., Col . Burdett , " were given quickly , and with commendable brevity by thc W . M ., who stated at thc commencement of the proceedings that it was not his inttntion during his year of office to bore his brethren with
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
long speeches . In proposing " The Health of the D . P . G . M . of Middlesex , and thc rest of the Grand Officers , Past and Present , " the W . M . made a few remarks upon the great honour thc Hemming Lodge possessed in having a P . M . bearing the distinctive grade of P . J . G . D . of the Province , and he should , therefore , couple Bro . Wm . Hammond ' s name with the toast . That worthy brother in
response greatly regretted thc absence that evening of several prominent members of the Provincial Grand Lodge who had promised to attend . He also , in the course of his reply , stated that it had always been his endeavour to discharge every Masonic post that he held to the satisfaction of all , and he was pleased tn say that his efforts in that direction had always been successful . In conclusion
he said he was proud at holding past rank in so powerful and influential a Province as Middlesex , and , moreover , he hoped to be spared many years to bear , in addition to his Provincial Grand Lodge honours , the honourable appellation of Past Master of thc Hemming Lodge . The I . P . M . proposed " The Health of thc W . M . " in fitting terms , and rvinrliiHpH Kv rrmarVin ( r . that if tVlp W . M . went on
discharging in the same able manner as he had commenced that evening the arduous duties of his position , he would be an ornament to the lodge . This toast having been received with excellent fire , the W . M . made a very neat reply , in the course of which he stated that he had arrived at the goal of Masonic ambition , namely , the chair of K . S ., much sooner than he had anticipated . He hoped
to carry out the duties of the position to their satisfaction , but at the same time he impressed upon the officers the necessity of supporting him upon all occasions , as otherwise it would be impossible for him to efficiently discharge the functions of thc chair . In conclusion he stated that he hoped that the work of the lodge during his year would be rarried out hv the officers without havinff
occasion to depend upon the efforts of the Past Masters to keep the ceremonies going . In giving " The Health of the Installing Officers " the W . M . complimented the brethren upon having bad an opportunity of witnessing the installation ceremony so ably and fully performed as it had been that day by Bros . Hopwood , Hammond , Sharp , Bond , Elsam , and Wilson . This toast was responded to
by all the brethren named , with the exception of Bro . Wilson , who had left . Bro . B . Sharp in speaking of the latter brother ' s impressive woiking , gave , as his opinion , that it had never been exceeded in any lodge for proficiency or style . "The Visitors " toast followed , and it was amusingly acknowledged by Bro . Elsam ( Dobie and Jordan ) . In the nrosrress of his renlv , he stated that he
had been present at thc consecration of the lodge , and he was . greatly suipriscd , that in thc short space of two years , which had elapsed since that memorable event , that the members of thc " Hemming" had deemed it necessary to close their list of members . He wished to assure them that he had spent a most enjoyable and instructive day , and that he , as a Mason of some years standing , fully
endorsed the remarks of Bro . Sharp , that the charges and other details of the installation entrusted to Bro . Wilson , had been carried out in a manner that very few Past Masters could equal , much less exceed . " The Health of thc Past Masters " was then given by the W . M ., and having been most cordially received , Bros . Hopwood , Treas ., and Hammond , Sec , replied . " The Officers of thc Lodge "
was the closing toast , with the exception of the lyler ' s , and gave Bros . Hill , Jessett , Ockcnden , Walls and Kent , an opportunity of thanking thc W . M . for the kind rt marks used by him in recognizing their past and present services to thc lodge . During the evening vocal and other selections were given by Bros . J essett , Ockcnden , Walls , and others . The next meeting of the lodge will be held on the third Thursday in November .
MORECAMBE . — Morecambe Lodge ( No . 1561 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held in the Masonic Rooms , Morecambe , on thc 6 th ult . Bro . Dr . Moore , P . G . S . B . of E ., in the unavoidable absence of the W . M . ( Bro . Capt . Garnett ) , occupied the chair of K . S ., Bro . H . Longman , W . M . 281 , occupying the I . P . M . 's chair . There was a good attendance of members and
visiting brethren . I he lodge was opened in the First Degree with solemn prayer , and thc minutes of last meeting read and confirmed . The lodge was afterwards raised to the Second Degree , when Bro . R . Gregson having given evidence of his proficiency as a F . C , was entrusted and retired . The lodge was then opened in the Third Degree , and Bro . Gregson having been re-admitted , he was raised
to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason by Bro . Moore , thc working tools being presented by Bro . T . Atkinson , W . M . 281 . Thc lodge was then closed down to the First Degree , when some conversation took place relative to occupying the new lodge , which is in course of erection in Edward-street . Bro . Moore announced that the W . M ., ( Bro . Capt . Garnett ) had intimated his intention of
presenting the lodge with a Master s chair , and he would present it with a I . P . M . 's chair , both on the model of those now in use in the Lodge of Fortitude . This announcement was received with much applause . It was subsequently proposed that chairs for the Senior and Junior Wardens should also be procured at the expense of the lodge , similar to those of the Fortitude . The usual
proclamations were made , which elicited hearty responses from the visiting brethren , and the lodge was closed in peace , love , and harmony . LIVERPOOL . —Dramatic Lodge ( No . 1609 ) . — The usual monthly meeting of the members of this lodge was held on Tuesday week at the Masonic Hall ,
Hopestreet , Liverpool ; Bro . Joseph Bell , W . M ., presided , and he was supported by Bros . B . B . Marson , P . M . ; W . J , Chapman , S . W . ; JL . Courtcnay , J . W . ; A . Wcolrich , Treas . ; W . Sandbrook , J . D . ; J . Atkinson , I . G . ; Collinson and Pyer , Stewards ; and W . H . Ball , Tyler . There was a very large attendance of visitors , including several well-known and 'highly respected professional
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
brethren . Messrs . R . Burgess , L . F . Lablache , W . s . Cook , and John Dale were initiated into the mysteries and privileges of the Order , and Bros . F . Wilkinson , P . Shrap . nell , and W . L . Peacock were raised to the Third Degree . Three guineas were voted for the relief of a brother ' s widow , and after hearty good wishes had been given from about a dozen lodges , _ the brethren adjourned to the banqueting room .
INSTRUCTION . PRINCE FREDERICK -WILLIAM LODGE ( No . 753 ) . —This lodge of instruction held its half-yearly meeting on Tuesday evening last at Lord ' s Hotel , St . John ' s Wood , when thc Fifteen Sections were worked by Bro . F . G . Baker , the Preceptor , who was assisted by Bro . Rogers , S . W ., Bro . Long , J . W ., and nearly
forty brethren . The working was admirably performed by the different brethren , who gave the answers ; after which a vote of thanks was unanimously passed to Bro . Baker for the excellent way in which he bad conducted thc business of the evening . Bro . Baker closed thc day ' s proceedings by delivering an eloquent address on the
princip les of Freemasonry and the duties of its members ; exhorting the brethren to carry out into thc world thc practices they were taught in the lodge . Since the establishment of this lodge of Instruction no less than fifty guineas have been subscribed from its funds to the Masonic Institutions .
WHITTINGTON LODGE OF INSTRUCTION ( No . 862 ) . —The Fifteen Sections were worked in the above lodge , on Wednesday , the 25 th October , by thc members of the Constitutional Lodge of Instruction , No . 55 , at the Black Bull Hotel , Holborn , Bro . J . Bingemann ,
P . M . 55 , and W . M . 1599 , taking the chair of K . S ., assisted by Bro . Long-, P . M . 435 , as S . W ., and Bro . W . H . Lee , P . M . 1524 , as J . W ., and a very numerous company . The lodge having been opened in thc three degrees , the sections were worked as follows : —
FinsT LECTURE . 1 st Section , Bro . Woods , 145 . 2 nd „ „ Tate , 862 . 3 rd „ „ Abell , 55 . 4 th „ „ Brown , 862 . 5 th „ „ W . H . Lee , 1524 . 6 th „ „ Cull , 1441 . 7 th „ 1 , „ „
SECOND LECTURE . 1 st Section , Bro . Abell , 55 . 2 nd „ ,, Marston , 55 . 3 rd „ „ Whitakcr , 765 . 4 th „ ,, Farwig , 180 . 5 th ,, „ „ „
THIRD LECTURE . 1 st Section , Bro . Robertson , 55 . 2 nd „ „ Woods , 145 . 3 rd „ „ Long , 435 . The whole of the work was done in an admirable manner , and at its conclusion a proposition to make Bro . Bingemann an honnrarv memher of the lodce . was carried
enthusiastically . Bro . Bingemann then proposed a vote of thanks to those brethren who had assisted him in the work , which was also carried unanimously . Sixteen new members having been elected , the lodge , was closed , and we trust this very successful meeting will inaugurate a new career of prosperity for the lodge which meets every Wednesday evening as above at 8 p . m .
HERVEY LODGE ( No . 1260 ) . —It has been frequently stated by disbelievers in the Craft , that it is a mistake to say _ that Freemasonry is a " progressive science , " and that it stands in exactly the same condition as it did a century ago . A better answer to this erroneous statement could not be given than by calling attention to the numerous reports of the working of the brethren in the
various lodges of instruction in the metropolis and provinces . And if a more convincing proof were required , thc work done by the members of thc above lodge , on Friday , the 27 th ult ., would furnish it . Briefly , the members met on that evening to work the fifteen sections of the lectures in the three degrees , and the very perfect working of each section did great credit to the able Preceptor . The lodge was onened at seven o ' clock n . m .. in due form with solemn
prayer , the following being the officers present : —Bros . Baker , W . M . ; Collings , S . W . ; Southwood , J . W . ; Spalding , S . D . ; J . Sandilands , Ward , J . D . ; Harrison , J . G . j King , P . M . ; and King , jun ., P . M ., Sec , and Preceptor . After the minutes had been read and confirmed , the W . M . opened the lodge in the Second and Third Degrees , and then resumed to the First for thc purpose of proceeding with the business . The following is a list of the brethren who respectively woiked the Sections : —
FIRST LECTURE . 1 st Section , Bro . J . Sandilands Ward . 2 nd „ „ Ganbert . 3 rd „ „ Harrison . 4 th „ „ Spalding . 5 th „ „ Baker . 6 th „ „ Carlstrom . 7 th „ „ Long .
SECOND LECTURE . 1 st Section , Bro . Goodacre . 2 nd „ „ King . 3 rd „ „ King , jun . 4 th „ ,, Collings . 5 th „ „ Carlstrom . THIRD LECTURE .
1 st Section , Bro . Southwood . 2 nd „ „ Carlstrom . 3 rd „ „ Collings . Thc W . M . gave the introductory and closing charges in a manner that it would be very difficult to excel , and which , it is needless to add , received the approbation of all who had the pleasure of listening to them . On the W . M . riting for the first time , Bro . Carlstrom was proposed as a
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Taylor , W . M ., then said—Bro . Ridehalgh , P . G . Officers and brethren , I thank you lor the very kind and handsome manner you have proposed my health , and also most cordially do I wish to thank the brethren for their equally hearty response , and while so doing I wish to observe that I am not insensible to the important and dignified position in which I have been placed .
Every effort will be put forward on my part for the good and welfare of the Warren Lodge . I feel it my duty to appeal to the officers , and the brethren to give me their hearty co-operation , and with me to lift up their voices to thc G . A . O . T . U . that peace , prosperity , and tranquillity , may through his wisdom and goodness be vouchsafed to us . Bro . P . M ., I
thank you again for your kindness , and equally so do I thank my brethren . The W . M . then proposed "The Health of the Past Masters . " Bro . Holt briefly returned thanlcs . Bro . W . B . Bainbridge , P . M ., and D . C ., thanked thc W . M ., the P . G . Officers and brethren for the kind way the toast had been proposed , and received by the brethren , he especially thanked the W . M . for investing
him as one of his officers ; he could now say that he had been appointed an officer of thc Craft for the fourteenth year . Bro . J . Ridehalgh , I . P . M ., said it gave him great pleasure to inlorm the brethren that the last two years had been very successful , and that thc brethren initiated would reflect honour on the Craft . Thc W . M . then said he had a pleasing duty to perform , which was to present
the I . P . M . with a Past Master ' s jewel . It was of gold , bearing thc following inscription : — " Presented to Bro . James Ridehalgh by the brethren of the Warren Lodge , No . 1276 , as a token of their appreciation of his Masonic worth and usefulness , 17 th October , 1876 . '' He then again thanked the brethren for their kindness . The next toast was that of " The Officers of the Lodge . " Bro ? .
W . Jones , Skinner , and II . Matthew , Sec , returned thanks . The W . M . said the next toast was that of "The Cheshire Masonic Educational Institution , " and he had very great pleasure in coupling the name of Bro . J . P . Piatt , P . P . J . G . Warden , the Hon . Treas . Bio . J . P . Piatt thanked thc W . M . and brethren for the manner this toast was proposed and received by the brethren . He said Freemasonry was
something , or it was nothing ; without brotherly love , relief , and truth , it was nothing , and he hoped the brethren would not only support thc Cheshire Masonic Educational Institution , but also thcMasonic Institutions of London . The Secretary then announced that thirty brethren gave their names as subscribers . The next toast was that of " The Initiate . " Thc next toast was that of " The Visitors . "
The W . M . said he felt highly honoured by havingso many present , and had great pleasure in coupling the name of Bro . McNerncy , W . M . of the Combermcre Lodge . Bro . McNerney , in a first-class speech , thanked the W . M . and brethren of the Warren Lodge , and expressed a hope that both lodges would work with unanimity and concord , so fiat the next Provincial Grand Lodge meeting , which is to
be held in Seacombe , should be a successful meeting . The other visitors returned thanks , after which the Tyler ' s toast brought the meeting to a close . The evening was spent very pleasantly , and the brethren separated highly pleased . HAMPTON . —Hemming Lodge ( No . 1512 ) . —1 he third installation meeting since its foundation in
1874 of this thriving provincial lodge was held at the Lion Hotel , on Thursday , 19 th ult . There were present at the opening of the lodge Bros . Hopwood , P . M . 141 , W . M . ; Hill , P . M . Canonbury , S . W . ; Hurst , J . W ., W . M . elect ; Fox , J . D . ; Jcssett , I . G . ; W . Hammond , P . P . J . G . D . of Middlesex , I . P . M . ; B . Sharp , P . M . j Bond , W . M . Dobie . The visi ' ors were Bros .
Elsam , P . M . Dobie , S . W . Jordan , P . P . G . D . C . of Surrey ; Wilson , P . M . Etonian ; W . Fisher , S . W . Raleigh ; Giiterbock , Phoenix . The minutes of the meetings held in March , Apiil , May , June , and August , having been read and confirmed , thc W . M . passed Bros . Errington , Finch , and Murphy to the Degree of Fellow Craft . The ccrcmoiy of installing Bro . John
Hurst , J . W ., into the chair of K . S . then commenced , and was carried out up to a certain point by thc retiring W . M . The M . M . ' s having retired a Board of Installed Masters was opened in full Masonic form by the I . P . M ., Bro . Wm . Hammond , who appointed Bros . Hopwood , B . Sharp , and Elsam respectively as S . W . and J . W . and I . G . The impressive ceremony of installation was then duly and
fully proceeded with , at its conclusion thc Board of Installed Masters was closed with the most complete formality . Thc remaining portion of the ceremony , including thc charges to the W . M ., Wardens , and brethren , was performed by Bro . Wilson , P . M . Etonian , in a highly satisfactory manner , the addresses being most forcibly and clearly delivered . The officers appointed for the ensuing year
were Bros . J . Hammond , P . M . Jordan , S . W . ; Hill , P . M . ( Canonbury ) , J . W . ; E . Hopwood , I . P . M ., Treas . i W . Hammond , P . M ., & c , Sec . ; C . W . Fox , S . D . ; J . C . Jessett , J . D . ; T . W . Ockendcn , I . G . ; T . C , Walls , D . C . ; Gutteridge , W . S . ; Kent , A . W . S . The Auditor's repoit having been received and adopted , the interesting ceremony of presenting the I . P . M ., Bro . Hop .
( food , with a handsome jewel , took place . The P . M . ' s jewel of this lodge , out of compliment , as a distinction , tears the " coat armour " of the late distinguished scholar and Mason , Dr . Hemming . The lodge having been dosed , the brithrcn adjourned to an excellent banquet , well catered for by Bro . H . C . T . Murphy , " mine host " c ( the "Lion . " . The toasts c , f "The Qurcn and the
Craft , " "H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M ., "" Lord Carnarvon , M . W . Pro G . M ., " "Lord Skelmersdale , D . G . M . and the rest of the Grand Officers , Past and Present , " and "The Prov . G . M ., Col . Burdett , " were given quickly , and with commendable brevity by thc W . M ., who stated at thc commencement of the proceedings that it was not his inttntion during his year of office to bore his brethren with
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
long speeches . In proposing " The Health of the D . P . G . M . of Middlesex , and thc rest of the Grand Officers , Past and Present , " the W . M . made a few remarks upon the great honour thc Hemming Lodge possessed in having a P . M . bearing the distinctive grade of P . J . G . D . of the Province , and he should , therefore , couple Bro . Wm . Hammond ' s name with the toast . That worthy brother in
response greatly regretted thc absence that evening of several prominent members of the Provincial Grand Lodge who had promised to attend . He also , in the course of his reply , stated that it had always been his endeavour to discharge every Masonic post that he held to the satisfaction of all , and he was pleased tn say that his efforts in that direction had always been successful . In conclusion
he said he was proud at holding past rank in so powerful and influential a Province as Middlesex , and , moreover , he hoped to be spared many years to bear , in addition to his Provincial Grand Lodge honours , the honourable appellation of Past Master of thc Hemming Lodge . The I . P . M . proposed " The Health of thc W . M . " in fitting terms , and rvinrliiHpH Kv rrmarVin ( r . that if tVlp W . M . went on
discharging in the same able manner as he had commenced that evening the arduous duties of his position , he would be an ornament to the lodge . This toast having been received with excellent fire , the W . M . made a very neat reply , in the course of which he stated that he had arrived at the goal of Masonic ambition , namely , the chair of K . S ., much sooner than he had anticipated . He hoped
to carry out the duties of the position to their satisfaction , but at the same time he impressed upon the officers the necessity of supporting him upon all occasions , as otherwise it would be impossible for him to efficiently discharge the functions of thc chair . In conclusion he stated that he hoped that the work of the lodge during his year would be rarried out hv the officers without havinff
occasion to depend upon the efforts of the Past Masters to keep the ceremonies going . In giving " The Health of the Installing Officers " the W . M . complimented the brethren upon having bad an opportunity of witnessing the installation ceremony so ably and fully performed as it had been that day by Bros . Hopwood , Hammond , Sharp , Bond , Elsam , and Wilson . This toast was responded to
by all the brethren named , with the exception of Bro . Wilson , who had left . Bro . B . Sharp in speaking of the latter brother ' s impressive woiking , gave , as his opinion , that it had never been exceeded in any lodge for proficiency or style . "The Visitors " toast followed , and it was amusingly acknowledged by Bro . Elsam ( Dobie and Jordan ) . In the nrosrress of his renlv , he stated that he
had been present at thc consecration of the lodge , and he was . greatly suipriscd , that in thc short space of two years , which had elapsed since that memorable event , that the members of thc " Hemming" had deemed it necessary to close their list of members . He wished to assure them that he had spent a most enjoyable and instructive day , and that he , as a Mason of some years standing , fully
endorsed the remarks of Bro . Sharp , that the charges and other details of the installation entrusted to Bro . Wilson , had been carried out in a manner that very few Past Masters could equal , much less exceed . " The Health of thc Past Masters " was then given by the W . M ., and having been most cordially received , Bros . Hopwood , Treas ., and Hammond , Sec , replied . " The Officers of thc Lodge "
was the closing toast , with the exception of the lyler ' s , and gave Bros . Hill , Jessett , Ockcnden , Walls and Kent , an opportunity of thanking thc W . M . for the kind rt marks used by him in recognizing their past and present services to thc lodge . During the evening vocal and other selections were given by Bros . J essett , Ockcnden , Walls , and others . The next meeting of the lodge will be held on the third Thursday in November .
MORECAMBE . — Morecambe Lodge ( No . 1561 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held in the Masonic Rooms , Morecambe , on thc 6 th ult . Bro . Dr . Moore , P . G . S . B . of E ., in the unavoidable absence of the W . M . ( Bro . Capt . Garnett ) , occupied the chair of K . S ., Bro . H . Longman , W . M . 281 , occupying the I . P . M . 's chair . There was a good attendance of members and
visiting brethren . I he lodge was opened in the First Degree with solemn prayer , and thc minutes of last meeting read and confirmed . The lodge was afterwards raised to the Second Degree , when Bro . R . Gregson having given evidence of his proficiency as a F . C , was entrusted and retired . The lodge was then opened in the Third Degree , and Bro . Gregson having been re-admitted , he was raised
to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason by Bro . Moore , thc working tools being presented by Bro . T . Atkinson , W . M . 281 . Thc lodge was then closed down to the First Degree , when some conversation took place relative to occupying the new lodge , which is in course of erection in Edward-street . Bro . Moore announced that the W . M ., ( Bro . Capt . Garnett ) had intimated his intention of
presenting the lodge with a Master s chair , and he would present it with a I . P . M . 's chair , both on the model of those now in use in the Lodge of Fortitude . This announcement was received with much applause . It was subsequently proposed that chairs for the Senior and Junior Wardens should also be procured at the expense of the lodge , similar to those of the Fortitude . The usual
proclamations were made , which elicited hearty responses from the visiting brethren , and the lodge was closed in peace , love , and harmony . LIVERPOOL . —Dramatic Lodge ( No . 1609 ) . — The usual monthly meeting of the members of this lodge was held on Tuesday week at the Masonic Hall ,
Hopestreet , Liverpool ; Bro . Joseph Bell , W . M ., presided , and he was supported by Bros . B . B . Marson , P . M . ; W . J , Chapman , S . W . ; JL . Courtcnay , J . W . ; A . Wcolrich , Treas . ; W . Sandbrook , J . D . ; J . Atkinson , I . G . ; Collinson and Pyer , Stewards ; and W . H . Ball , Tyler . There was a very large attendance of visitors , including several well-known and 'highly respected professional
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
brethren . Messrs . R . Burgess , L . F . Lablache , W . s . Cook , and John Dale were initiated into the mysteries and privileges of the Order , and Bros . F . Wilkinson , P . Shrap . nell , and W . L . Peacock were raised to the Third Degree . Three guineas were voted for the relief of a brother ' s widow , and after hearty good wishes had been given from about a dozen lodges , _ the brethren adjourned to the banqueting room .
INSTRUCTION . PRINCE FREDERICK -WILLIAM LODGE ( No . 753 ) . —This lodge of instruction held its half-yearly meeting on Tuesday evening last at Lord ' s Hotel , St . John ' s Wood , when thc Fifteen Sections were worked by Bro . F . G . Baker , the Preceptor , who was assisted by Bro . Rogers , S . W ., Bro . Long , J . W ., and nearly
forty brethren . The working was admirably performed by the different brethren , who gave the answers ; after which a vote of thanks was unanimously passed to Bro . Baker for the excellent way in which he bad conducted thc business of the evening . Bro . Baker closed thc day ' s proceedings by delivering an eloquent address on the
princip les of Freemasonry and the duties of its members ; exhorting the brethren to carry out into thc world thc practices they were taught in the lodge . Since the establishment of this lodge of Instruction no less than fifty guineas have been subscribed from its funds to the Masonic Institutions .
WHITTINGTON LODGE OF INSTRUCTION ( No . 862 ) . —The Fifteen Sections were worked in the above lodge , on Wednesday , the 25 th October , by thc members of the Constitutional Lodge of Instruction , No . 55 , at the Black Bull Hotel , Holborn , Bro . J . Bingemann ,
P . M . 55 , and W . M . 1599 , taking the chair of K . S ., assisted by Bro . Long-, P . M . 435 , as S . W ., and Bro . W . H . Lee , P . M . 1524 , as J . W ., and a very numerous company . The lodge having been opened in thc three degrees , the sections were worked as follows : —
FinsT LECTURE . 1 st Section , Bro . Woods , 145 . 2 nd „ „ Tate , 862 . 3 rd „ „ Abell , 55 . 4 th „ „ Brown , 862 . 5 th „ „ W . H . Lee , 1524 . 6 th „ „ Cull , 1441 . 7 th „ 1 , „ „
SECOND LECTURE . 1 st Section , Bro . Abell , 55 . 2 nd „ ,, Marston , 55 . 3 rd „ „ Whitakcr , 765 . 4 th „ ,, Farwig , 180 . 5 th ,, „ „ „
THIRD LECTURE . 1 st Section , Bro . Robertson , 55 . 2 nd „ „ Woods , 145 . 3 rd „ „ Long , 435 . The whole of the work was done in an admirable manner , and at its conclusion a proposition to make Bro . Bingemann an honnrarv memher of the lodce . was carried
enthusiastically . Bro . Bingemann then proposed a vote of thanks to those brethren who had assisted him in the work , which was also carried unanimously . Sixteen new members having been elected , the lodge , was closed , and we trust this very successful meeting will inaugurate a new career of prosperity for the lodge which meets every Wednesday evening as above at 8 p . m .
HERVEY LODGE ( No . 1260 ) . —It has been frequently stated by disbelievers in the Craft , that it is a mistake to say _ that Freemasonry is a " progressive science , " and that it stands in exactly the same condition as it did a century ago . A better answer to this erroneous statement could not be given than by calling attention to the numerous reports of the working of the brethren in the
various lodges of instruction in the metropolis and provinces . And if a more convincing proof were required , thc work done by the members of thc above lodge , on Friday , the 27 th ult ., would furnish it . Briefly , the members met on that evening to work the fifteen sections of the lectures in the three degrees , and the very perfect working of each section did great credit to the able Preceptor . The lodge was onened at seven o ' clock n . m .. in due form with solemn
prayer , the following being the officers present : —Bros . Baker , W . M . ; Collings , S . W . ; Southwood , J . W . ; Spalding , S . D . ; J . Sandilands , Ward , J . D . ; Harrison , J . G . j King , P . M . ; and King , jun ., P . M ., Sec , and Preceptor . After the minutes had been read and confirmed , the W . M . opened the lodge in the Second and Third Degrees , and then resumed to the First for thc purpose of proceeding with the business . The following is a list of the brethren who respectively woiked the Sections : —
FIRST LECTURE . 1 st Section , Bro . J . Sandilands Ward . 2 nd „ „ Ganbert . 3 rd „ „ Harrison . 4 th „ „ Spalding . 5 th „ „ Baker . 6 th „ „ Carlstrom . 7 th „ „ Long .
SECOND LECTURE . 1 st Section , Bro . Goodacre . 2 nd „ „ King . 3 rd „ „ King , jun . 4 th „ ,, Collings . 5 th „ „ Carlstrom . THIRD LECTURE .
1 st Section , Bro . Southwood . 2 nd „ „ Carlstrom . 3 rd „ „ Collings . Thc W . M . gave the introductory and closing charges in a manner that it would be very difficult to excel , and which , it is needless to add , received the approbation of all who had the pleasure of listening to them . On the W . M . riting for the first time , Bro . Carlstrom was proposed as a