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Provincial Grand Mark Lodge Of Lancashire.
the enthusiastic manner in which his name had been reeved . He earnestly hoped that his action in the chair would ' continue to merit their esteem . No doubt he had a very difficult task to perform , but if they would only help him as the Craft brethren in West Lancashire had done , there was do doubt of their continued prosperity . He asked the assistance of the Masters of lodges in his work , as this
would greatly am mm cauying UUL UIC » office to the entire satisfaction of the brethren . Lord Skelmersdale next gave " The Health of the P . G . Officers , " and after submitting the toast of " The G . M . M . ' s and Officers of other Provinces " his lordship retired , amid general cheering , as he had other engagements elsewhere . . . ....
The P . G . M . M . of Lincolnshire responded f or the tc-ast Bro . F . Binckes next gave " The Masonic Charities , " in an elaborate and eloquent speech , the toast being responded t 0 hy Bro . N . S . Alpass , for W . L ., Bro . Hine for E . L ., and the P . G . M . M . for East Yorkshire . The toast of " The Visiting Brethren " was coupled with the name of the P . G . M . M . of West Yorkshire . A choice selection of music was given by a capitallybalanced quartette party during the evening .
Constitution Of A Mark Master's Lodge In Leicester.
An important meeting- of the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters of England and Wales , and the Colonics and Dependencies of the British Crown , was held in this town on Wednesday , 25 th Oct ., for the purptse of constituting a new Mark Master ' s Lodge , named the Simon de Montfort
Lodge , No . 194 , and of installing the Mayor of Leicester , Bro . W . Barfoot , as its first Worshipful Master , by whose permission the meeting was held in the Council Chamber at the New Town Hall , which presented a brilliant spectacle . The Fowke Lodge , No . 19 , under Bro . C . Stretton , its Worshipful Master , and the Provincial Grand Lodge , under
Bro . W . Kelly , Provincial Grand Mark Master , having been opened , and some preliminary business transacted , the Grand Lodge was received , and the chair taken by the Most Worshipful Grand Mark Master Mason , the Right Hon . the Earl of Limerick . Amongst the other officers present were Bros , the Rev . George Raymond Portal ( rector of Burghclcrc , Hants ) ,
M . W . Past Grand Master j Major-General J . Studholme-Brownrigg , C . B ., Grand Senior Warden ; Dr . Cunningham , Prov . Grand Master for Sussex ; W . Kelly , Prov . Grand Master Leicestershire ; F . Davison , Grand Treasurer ; Rev . — Studholme-Brownrigg , Grand Chaplain ; Rev . Wm . Langley , Past Grand Chaplain ; John Chadwick ( Prov . Grand Secretary Lancashire ) , Grand Master
Overseer ; Frederick Binckes , Grand Secretary ; and others . Among the members of the Provincial Grand Lodge present were Bros . George Toller , jun ., and Clement Stretton , Grand Wardens ; Sir H . St . John Halford , Bart ., Past Grand Master ; J . Waite , Grand Treasurer ; Rev . W . Langley , D . P . G . M . ; and Rev . C . H . Wood , Grand Chaplains ; and E . H . Richardson ( Belgrave ) , and a large
attendance of other brethren . Thc Grand Master then proceeded , with the assistance of his Grand Officers , to constitute the new lodge in ancient form , and to instal the Mayor as Worshipful Master , who afterwards invested the officers for the ensuing year . A vote of thanks to thc Mayor and Corporation for the use of the Council Chamber , was proposed by the Earl of
Limerick , Grand Master , and seconded by the Rev . G . R . Portal , Past Grand Master , who expressed his great admiration of the architectural beauty of the room in which they were assembled . The Reverend brother also took occasion , to state the great pleasure it had afforded him during his tenure of the Grand Mastership , to appoint as Grand Chaplain that eminent Nonconformist Divine , the
late Rev . Dr . Haycroft , and his sense of the great loss which his lamented decease had occasioned . On thc conclusion of the business a banquet took place at the Freemasons' Hall , under the presidency of the Earl ( f Limerick , nearly 100 members of the Ocdcr being present , and a most successful day ' s proceedings weie thus pleasantly brought to a close .
Archæological Section Of The Falcon Lodge, No. 1416, At Thirsk.
ay special invitation the members on the 28 th ult ., visited the ancient mansion of New Building , the property of Bro . Charles Elsley , Esq . J . P ., who received the party most hospitably , and shewed its many points of interest . It was formerly styled Kirby Knowlc Castle , and is supposed to have been built by Sir Roger de LasccIIs , who died
111 1297 . Itafterwards passed into the possession , successivel y , of thc families of Constable , Dauby , Rokeby , Buxton , Smyth , names many of them associated with the county history . In 1827 it was sold to Colonel Elsley , of Mount St . John , whence it came eventually into the Hands of the late Recorder of York and Richmond , whose son succeeded to it . The greater part of the Castle was ilestroyedby fire in itC 8 and of the four towers of which
, 't previousl y consisted , only one remained entire . In J'S . lf then being in a ruinous condition , it was purchased by James Danby of York , who repaired and partially rebuilt it , giving it the name of " New Building " h it if has since retained . Much of the old mansion "an fallen into neglect and dilapidation , but the whole mad rcceml y ' bcel 1 renovated ? nd extensive alterations
Some of the remnants of thc old mansion are very teresting , especiall y a small secret room in the eastern Cast ! narr ° WayS Which fuIfilled their purpose in the old whrV a " u thc extensive vaults , arched with stone , as UnLli £ rranecms P assage leads , tradition says , as far Castled Elevated on a lofty eminence , the Mansion or ' = commands a magnificent prospect over the whole
Archæological Section Of The Falcon Lodge, No. 1416, At Thirsk.
Vale of Mowbray , bounded by the hills of Craven and Wensleydalc , and extending from Darlington to York , the towers of whose minster on a clear day are distinctly visible .
The Royal Visit To Norwich.
A Grand Lodge of emergency for the Province of Norfolk was held on Saturday at Norwich , the D . P . G . M . Designate , Major Penrice , in thc chair , to make arrangements for the approaching visit to Norwich of his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales . A Provincial Grand Lodge will be held on the 20 th of November at the Drill-hall
at Norwich , when several distinguished visitors are expected to be present to witness the installation of Lord Suffield as Provincial Grand Master for Norfolk by his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M . The Prince and Princess of Wales will attend a meeting in St . Andrew ' s Hall , Norwich , on the 20 th of November , on behalf of the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital . This meeting
will be held at 1 p . m ., and at 2 p . m . their Royal Highnesses will lunch with the Bishop of Norwich ; at 3 p . m . thc Provincial Grand Lodge will be held , and at 4 30 p . m . the Prince and Princess will proceed to Gunton on a shoit visit to Lord Suffield . The applications for admission to St . Andrew ' s Hall on the occasion have far exceeded the capacities even of this large building .
Hobart Town Freemasons' Hall Company.
The . annual ordinary meeting of shareholders was held on the 7 th August in the Freemasons' Hall . There was a good attendance . Bro . D . Lewis occupied the chair . The advertisement convening the meeting having been read , the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed .
The Secretary ( Bro . Toby ) read the report of the directors . It stated that the balance-sheet showed ( independently of the paid-up capital £ 2880 ) the iabilitics to be £ 1174 14 s tod , due to the Commercial Bank , and sundry accounts outstanding on 30 th June ( since paid ) £ 25 5 s ., making a total of £ 1199 19 s . iod . The property and assets amounted to X 3987 7 s . 8 d ., leaving to the
debit of profit and loss £ 92 12 s . 2 d ., 1 no shares being still open for allotment . The directors had much pleasure in congratulating the shareholders on the improved position of the company , which was mainly attributable to the increase in sundry rentals of the portion of the premises not set apart solely for Masonic purposes , which with the income from other sources , had reduced the amount
due to the bank from £ 1256 15 s . 6 d ., to £ 1174 14 s . iod ., besides paying for a handsome piano for the use of the hall . The directors begged to call the attention of the shareholders and the members of the Craft generally to the unallotted shares , and to express a hope that during the current year a sufficent number would be applied for as to render the further payment of so large an amount
for interest to be no longer necessary . They regretted the financial position of the company had not hitherto justified them in entertaining a scheme that was suggested for adding building accomodation suited for a Masonic Club ; but they hoped , at no distant time , to place a scheme before the shareholders for accomplishing such object . The present directors were Brothers D . Lewis ,
W . S . Hammond , F . II . Wise , J . T . Robertson , Leo Susman , W . H . Burgess , jun ., L . Riley , John Clark , J . Perkins , jun ., and W . G . Macmichael , who all retired from office , but were eligible for re-election . The financial statements were also read . On the motion of the Chairman , seconded by Bro . Riley , the report and accounts were received and adopted .
Bro . Fitzgerald moved that the retiring directors be re-elected , as he believed they had done their duty to thc satisfaction of the shareholders . Bro . Rheuben seconded the motion . The Chairman said that Bro . Susman was at present out of the colony , but he was expected back shortly . Hro . Wisp said hp had hcen n director sinpp iftfii . when
the company first started , and he should be only too glad to retire in favour of a new man . Perhaps , if some new men were introduced into the directory , they would be able to get off some additional shares . He might suggest Bro . Fitzgerald as a director . Bro . Fitzgerald declined , and said they could not get a mere faithful and zealous director than Bro . Wise .
( Hear , hear . ) The Chairman said that if Bro . Wise retired they would lose a very valuable member of thc board . Thc motion was carried . On the motion of Bro . W . H . Burgess , seconded by Bro . John Clark , Bros . John Hamilton and J . M . Clarke were re-elected auditors . Bro . John Perkins , jun ., moved a vote of thanks to the
Secretary . Iaking into account thc affliction he had suffered under during the last twelve months , Bro . Toby had discharged his duties vvithalarge amount of energy , and with great satisfaction to the shareholders . Bro . J . M . Clarke , in seconding the motion , said that , as one of the auditors , he could bear testimony to the excellent manner in which the books were kept . The motion was carried , and Bro . Toby returned thanks .
Bro . W . H . Burgess moved a vote of thanks to the auditors . He regretted that the company was not in a position to mark its appreciation of their services in the usual way , and therefore it could not do less than accord them a vote of thanks .
Bro . Macmichael seconded the motion , which was carried . Bro . Clarke returned thanks , and moved a vote of thanks to the directors . Bro . Chisholm seconded the motion , which was carried .
Hobart Town Freemasons' Hall Company.
The Chairman , on behalf of the directors , observed . that he could only say they had done their duty . In accepting a position of grave responsibility , it was necessary that they should fill it in a proper way , and if they had satisfied tha shareholders they were ' gratified . He regretted to find
that they were not increasing the number of shareholders , but he thought they must hope to do so by increasing the members of their lodges , by encouraging more young men to come into the fraternity . By that means the debt would be reduced , because new members would each take a few shares .
Bro . Toby remarked that there had not been one new shareholder since last year , the additional shares taken up having been taken by the old shareholders . Since the hall was erected 40 or 50 new members had been initiated into the lodges , and they had not taken up any shares , although some of them were in a' position to do so . A vote of thanks to the Chairman terminated the proceedings .
Grand Lodge Of Quebec.
The following is a list of officers elected for the current year : — M . W . Bro . James Dunbar , of Quebec , Grand Master . R . W . Bro . M . M . Tait , of Montreal , Deputy Grand Master . R . W . Bro . J . T . McMinn , D . D . G . M . Montreal District . R . W . Bro . C . Judge , D . D . G . M . Quebec and Three Rivers
District . R . W . Bro . Herbert B . Newell , D . D . G . M , Bedford District R . W . Bto . James Addie , D . D . G . M . St . Francis District . R . W . Bro . E . B . Eddy , D . D . G . M . Ottawa District . R . W . Bro . Percival L . Cowans , of Cowansvil'e , Grand
Senior Warden . R . W . Bro . M . Burnie , of Richmond , Grand Junior Warden . R . W . Bro . H . W . Nye , of Iron Hill ( re-elected ) , Grand Chaplain . R . W . Bro . H . M . Alexander , of Montreal ( re-elected ) Grand Treasurer .
R . W . Bro . Alex . Chisholm , of Montreal , Grand Registrar . R . W . Bro . J . H . Isaacson , of Montreal ( re-elected ) , Grand Secretary . [ Grand Master Bro . Graham's address will appear in the "Masonic Magazine" for December . ]
Swedenborgian Rite.
The Supreme Grand Lodge and Temple of the Dominion of Canada , 111 . Bros . Col . W . J . B . McLeod , 33 , A . and A . ; J . D . Harrington , 33 , A . and A . ; Geo . C . Longley , 33 ° , A . and P ., have been pleased to grant a charter for a Supreme Grand Lodge and Temple for Great
Britain and Ireland , of the Swedenborgian Rite , a ritual which seems to give great pleasure to Masonic Archaeologists . 111 . Bro . John Yarker has been appointed Supreme G . M ., but has signified his intention of resigning the sane into the hands of 111 . Bro . F . G . Irwin , S . G . S . W .
11 .. Bros . Charles Scott , S . G . J . W . ; S . P . Leather , S . G . Treas . ; Thos . Lee Shaw ; K . R . H . Mackenzie , & c . By this arrangement Emmanuel Lodge and Temple , No . 3 , of Canada , becomes No . r , of Great Britain , and will shortly be transferred to Bristol with 111 . Bro . F . G . Irwia as W . M ., in place of III . Bro . John Yarker .
A Second Edition of the " Freemason " will be issued early Saturday morning , and will contain a full report of thc proceedings at the Consecration of the Canterbury Lodge , No . 1615 , by Bro . the Rt . Hon . Lord Skelmersdale , M . W . D G . M .
EARL OF CARNARVON LODGE , ( No . 164 a ) . — The consecration of this lodge will take place this ( Saturday ) afternoon , at three o ' clock , at Ladbroke Hall , Notting hill . The ceremonies will be performed by Bro . John Hervey , Grand Secretary . Bro . W . J . Murliss , P . M . 1489 , is the W . M , designate . A full report will appear in
our next . The Crichton Lodge , No . 16 41 , will be consecrated by Bro . John Hervey , Grand Secretary , on Saturday next , the nth inst . Bro . J . H . ' Vockins , P . M . 1329 , is the W . M . designate . The oldest member of the English Royal Family , the Princess Caroline , Hereditary Princess of
Denmark , completed on Saturday her eighty-third year . This venerable lady is the granddaughter of the unfortunate Queen Caroline Matilda , sister to George III ., and married to the King of Denmark , Christian VII ., but was sub equently divorced . ST . PAUL ' SCHOOL . —Mr . Frederick W . Walker , M . A ., High Master of Manchester Grammar
School , and late Fellow and Tutor of Corpus College , Oxford , has been appointed High Master of St . Paul ' s School , in the place of the Rev . Herbert Kynaston , D . D ., who will retire at Christmas , having held the position for upwards of 28 years . We have great pleasure in being able to state
that , at the express desire of the Czar , his Excellency Count Schouvaloff recently called on Lord Beacor . sfield to express the utter repudiation by the Imperial Government of the attack made by the " Golos " on the Prime Minister , and thc personal offence and indignation felt by the Czar at the article in question . — " Times . "
BETHNAL GREEN MUSEUM . —Tn consideration of the loan of thc Indian presents by His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , the Lord President of the Council has ordered that this museum shall be opened free ( as an exception ) on Thursday , the 9 th of November , His Royal
Highness ' s birthday , from 10 a . m . to 10 p . m . GAS superseded in day time , and daylight reflected in dark rooms . Health , comfort , and economy promoted by adopting Chappuis' Patent Daylight Reflectors , Manufactory , 60 , Fleet-street , London .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Grand Mark Lodge Of Lancashire.
the enthusiastic manner in which his name had been reeved . He earnestly hoped that his action in the chair would ' continue to merit their esteem . No doubt he had a very difficult task to perform , but if they would only help him as the Craft brethren in West Lancashire had done , there was do doubt of their continued prosperity . He asked the assistance of the Masters of lodges in his work , as this
would greatly am mm cauying UUL UIC » office to the entire satisfaction of the brethren . Lord Skelmersdale next gave " The Health of the P . G . Officers , " and after submitting the toast of " The G . M . M . ' s and Officers of other Provinces " his lordship retired , amid general cheering , as he had other engagements elsewhere . . . ....
The P . G . M . M . of Lincolnshire responded f or the tc-ast Bro . F . Binckes next gave " The Masonic Charities , " in an elaborate and eloquent speech , the toast being responded t 0 hy Bro . N . S . Alpass , for W . L ., Bro . Hine for E . L ., and the P . G . M . M . for East Yorkshire . The toast of " The Visiting Brethren " was coupled with the name of the P . G . M . M . of West Yorkshire . A choice selection of music was given by a capitallybalanced quartette party during the evening .
Constitution Of A Mark Master's Lodge In Leicester.
An important meeting- of the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters of England and Wales , and the Colonics and Dependencies of the British Crown , was held in this town on Wednesday , 25 th Oct ., for the purptse of constituting a new Mark Master ' s Lodge , named the Simon de Montfort
Lodge , No . 194 , and of installing the Mayor of Leicester , Bro . W . Barfoot , as its first Worshipful Master , by whose permission the meeting was held in the Council Chamber at the New Town Hall , which presented a brilliant spectacle . The Fowke Lodge , No . 19 , under Bro . C . Stretton , its Worshipful Master , and the Provincial Grand Lodge , under
Bro . W . Kelly , Provincial Grand Mark Master , having been opened , and some preliminary business transacted , the Grand Lodge was received , and the chair taken by the Most Worshipful Grand Mark Master Mason , the Right Hon . the Earl of Limerick . Amongst the other officers present were Bros , the Rev . George Raymond Portal ( rector of Burghclcrc , Hants ) ,
M . W . Past Grand Master j Major-General J . Studholme-Brownrigg , C . B ., Grand Senior Warden ; Dr . Cunningham , Prov . Grand Master for Sussex ; W . Kelly , Prov . Grand Master Leicestershire ; F . Davison , Grand Treasurer ; Rev . — Studholme-Brownrigg , Grand Chaplain ; Rev . Wm . Langley , Past Grand Chaplain ; John Chadwick ( Prov . Grand Secretary Lancashire ) , Grand Master
Overseer ; Frederick Binckes , Grand Secretary ; and others . Among the members of the Provincial Grand Lodge present were Bros . George Toller , jun ., and Clement Stretton , Grand Wardens ; Sir H . St . John Halford , Bart ., Past Grand Master ; J . Waite , Grand Treasurer ; Rev . W . Langley , D . P . G . M . ; and Rev . C . H . Wood , Grand Chaplains ; and E . H . Richardson ( Belgrave ) , and a large
attendance of other brethren . Thc Grand Master then proceeded , with the assistance of his Grand Officers , to constitute the new lodge in ancient form , and to instal the Mayor as Worshipful Master , who afterwards invested the officers for the ensuing year . A vote of thanks to thc Mayor and Corporation for the use of the Council Chamber , was proposed by the Earl of
Limerick , Grand Master , and seconded by the Rev . G . R . Portal , Past Grand Master , who expressed his great admiration of the architectural beauty of the room in which they were assembled . The Reverend brother also took occasion , to state the great pleasure it had afforded him during his tenure of the Grand Mastership , to appoint as Grand Chaplain that eminent Nonconformist Divine , the
late Rev . Dr . Haycroft , and his sense of the great loss which his lamented decease had occasioned . On thc conclusion of the business a banquet took place at the Freemasons' Hall , under the presidency of the Earl ( f Limerick , nearly 100 members of the Ocdcr being present , and a most successful day ' s proceedings weie thus pleasantly brought to a close .
Archæological Section Of The Falcon Lodge, No. 1416, At Thirsk.
ay special invitation the members on the 28 th ult ., visited the ancient mansion of New Building , the property of Bro . Charles Elsley , Esq . J . P ., who received the party most hospitably , and shewed its many points of interest . It was formerly styled Kirby Knowlc Castle , and is supposed to have been built by Sir Roger de LasccIIs , who died
111 1297 . Itafterwards passed into the possession , successivel y , of thc families of Constable , Dauby , Rokeby , Buxton , Smyth , names many of them associated with the county history . In 1827 it was sold to Colonel Elsley , of Mount St . John , whence it came eventually into the Hands of the late Recorder of York and Richmond , whose son succeeded to it . The greater part of the Castle was ilestroyedby fire in itC 8 and of the four towers of which
, 't previousl y consisted , only one remained entire . In J'S . lf then being in a ruinous condition , it was purchased by James Danby of York , who repaired and partially rebuilt it , giving it the name of " New Building " h it if has since retained . Much of the old mansion "an fallen into neglect and dilapidation , but the whole mad rcceml y ' bcel 1 renovated ? nd extensive alterations
Some of the remnants of thc old mansion are very teresting , especiall y a small secret room in the eastern Cast ! narr ° WayS Which fuIfilled their purpose in the old whrV a " u thc extensive vaults , arched with stone , as UnLli £ rranecms P assage leads , tradition says , as far Castled Elevated on a lofty eminence , the Mansion or ' = commands a magnificent prospect over the whole
Archæological Section Of The Falcon Lodge, No. 1416, At Thirsk.
Vale of Mowbray , bounded by the hills of Craven and Wensleydalc , and extending from Darlington to York , the towers of whose minster on a clear day are distinctly visible .
The Royal Visit To Norwich.
A Grand Lodge of emergency for the Province of Norfolk was held on Saturday at Norwich , the D . P . G . M . Designate , Major Penrice , in thc chair , to make arrangements for the approaching visit to Norwich of his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales . A Provincial Grand Lodge will be held on the 20 th of November at the Drill-hall
at Norwich , when several distinguished visitors are expected to be present to witness the installation of Lord Suffield as Provincial Grand Master for Norfolk by his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M . The Prince and Princess of Wales will attend a meeting in St . Andrew ' s Hall , Norwich , on the 20 th of November , on behalf of the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital . This meeting
will be held at 1 p . m ., and at 2 p . m . their Royal Highnesses will lunch with the Bishop of Norwich ; at 3 p . m . thc Provincial Grand Lodge will be held , and at 4 30 p . m . the Prince and Princess will proceed to Gunton on a shoit visit to Lord Suffield . The applications for admission to St . Andrew ' s Hall on the occasion have far exceeded the capacities even of this large building .
Hobart Town Freemasons' Hall Company.
The . annual ordinary meeting of shareholders was held on the 7 th August in the Freemasons' Hall . There was a good attendance . Bro . D . Lewis occupied the chair . The advertisement convening the meeting having been read , the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed .
The Secretary ( Bro . Toby ) read the report of the directors . It stated that the balance-sheet showed ( independently of the paid-up capital £ 2880 ) the iabilitics to be £ 1174 14 s tod , due to the Commercial Bank , and sundry accounts outstanding on 30 th June ( since paid ) £ 25 5 s ., making a total of £ 1199 19 s . iod . The property and assets amounted to X 3987 7 s . 8 d ., leaving to the
debit of profit and loss £ 92 12 s . 2 d ., 1 no shares being still open for allotment . The directors had much pleasure in congratulating the shareholders on the improved position of the company , which was mainly attributable to the increase in sundry rentals of the portion of the premises not set apart solely for Masonic purposes , which with the income from other sources , had reduced the amount
due to the bank from £ 1256 15 s . 6 d ., to £ 1174 14 s . iod ., besides paying for a handsome piano for the use of the hall . The directors begged to call the attention of the shareholders and the members of the Craft generally to the unallotted shares , and to express a hope that during the current year a sufficent number would be applied for as to render the further payment of so large an amount
for interest to be no longer necessary . They regretted the financial position of the company had not hitherto justified them in entertaining a scheme that was suggested for adding building accomodation suited for a Masonic Club ; but they hoped , at no distant time , to place a scheme before the shareholders for accomplishing such object . The present directors were Brothers D . Lewis ,
W . S . Hammond , F . II . Wise , J . T . Robertson , Leo Susman , W . H . Burgess , jun ., L . Riley , John Clark , J . Perkins , jun ., and W . G . Macmichael , who all retired from office , but were eligible for re-election . The financial statements were also read . On the motion of the Chairman , seconded by Bro . Riley , the report and accounts were received and adopted .
Bro . Fitzgerald moved that the retiring directors be re-elected , as he believed they had done their duty to thc satisfaction of the shareholders . Bro . Rheuben seconded the motion . The Chairman said that Bro . Susman was at present out of the colony , but he was expected back shortly . Hro . Wisp said hp had hcen n director sinpp iftfii . when
the company first started , and he should be only too glad to retire in favour of a new man . Perhaps , if some new men were introduced into the directory , they would be able to get off some additional shares . He might suggest Bro . Fitzgerald as a director . Bro . Fitzgerald declined , and said they could not get a mere faithful and zealous director than Bro . Wise .
( Hear , hear . ) The Chairman said that if Bro . Wise retired they would lose a very valuable member of thc board . Thc motion was carried . On the motion of Bro . W . H . Burgess , seconded by Bro . John Clark , Bros . John Hamilton and J . M . Clarke were re-elected auditors . Bro . John Perkins , jun ., moved a vote of thanks to the
Secretary . Iaking into account thc affliction he had suffered under during the last twelve months , Bro . Toby had discharged his duties vvithalarge amount of energy , and with great satisfaction to the shareholders . Bro . J . M . Clarke , in seconding the motion , said that , as one of the auditors , he could bear testimony to the excellent manner in which the books were kept . The motion was carried , and Bro . Toby returned thanks .
Bro . W . H . Burgess moved a vote of thanks to the auditors . He regretted that the company was not in a position to mark its appreciation of their services in the usual way , and therefore it could not do less than accord them a vote of thanks .
Bro . Macmichael seconded the motion , which was carried . Bro . Clarke returned thanks , and moved a vote of thanks to the directors . Bro . Chisholm seconded the motion , which was carried .
Hobart Town Freemasons' Hall Company.
The Chairman , on behalf of the directors , observed . that he could only say they had done their duty . In accepting a position of grave responsibility , it was necessary that they should fill it in a proper way , and if they had satisfied tha shareholders they were ' gratified . He regretted to find
that they were not increasing the number of shareholders , but he thought they must hope to do so by increasing the members of their lodges , by encouraging more young men to come into the fraternity . By that means the debt would be reduced , because new members would each take a few shares .
Bro . Toby remarked that there had not been one new shareholder since last year , the additional shares taken up having been taken by the old shareholders . Since the hall was erected 40 or 50 new members had been initiated into the lodges , and they had not taken up any shares , although some of them were in a' position to do so . A vote of thanks to the Chairman terminated the proceedings .
Grand Lodge Of Quebec.
The following is a list of officers elected for the current year : — M . W . Bro . James Dunbar , of Quebec , Grand Master . R . W . Bro . M . M . Tait , of Montreal , Deputy Grand Master . R . W . Bro . J . T . McMinn , D . D . G . M . Montreal District . R . W . Bro . C . Judge , D . D . G . M . Quebec and Three Rivers
District . R . W . Bro . Herbert B . Newell , D . D . G . M , Bedford District R . W . Bto . James Addie , D . D . G . M . St . Francis District . R . W . Bro . E . B . Eddy , D . D . G . M . Ottawa District . R . W . Bro . Percival L . Cowans , of Cowansvil'e , Grand
Senior Warden . R . W . Bro . M . Burnie , of Richmond , Grand Junior Warden . R . W . Bro . H . W . Nye , of Iron Hill ( re-elected ) , Grand Chaplain . R . W . Bro . H . M . Alexander , of Montreal ( re-elected ) Grand Treasurer .
R . W . Bro . Alex . Chisholm , of Montreal , Grand Registrar . R . W . Bro . J . H . Isaacson , of Montreal ( re-elected ) , Grand Secretary . [ Grand Master Bro . Graham's address will appear in the "Masonic Magazine" for December . ]
Swedenborgian Rite.
The Supreme Grand Lodge and Temple of the Dominion of Canada , 111 . Bros . Col . W . J . B . McLeod , 33 , A . and A . ; J . D . Harrington , 33 , A . and A . ; Geo . C . Longley , 33 ° , A . and P ., have been pleased to grant a charter for a Supreme Grand Lodge and Temple for Great
Britain and Ireland , of the Swedenborgian Rite , a ritual which seems to give great pleasure to Masonic Archaeologists . 111 . Bro . John Yarker has been appointed Supreme G . M ., but has signified his intention of resigning the sane into the hands of 111 . Bro . F . G . Irwin , S . G . S . W .
11 .. Bros . Charles Scott , S . G . J . W . ; S . P . Leather , S . G . Treas . ; Thos . Lee Shaw ; K . R . H . Mackenzie , & c . By this arrangement Emmanuel Lodge and Temple , No . 3 , of Canada , becomes No . r , of Great Britain , and will shortly be transferred to Bristol with 111 . Bro . F . G . Irwia as W . M ., in place of III . Bro . John Yarker .
A Second Edition of the " Freemason " will be issued early Saturday morning , and will contain a full report of thc proceedings at the Consecration of the Canterbury Lodge , No . 1615 , by Bro . the Rt . Hon . Lord Skelmersdale , M . W . D G . M .
EARL OF CARNARVON LODGE , ( No . 164 a ) . — The consecration of this lodge will take place this ( Saturday ) afternoon , at three o ' clock , at Ladbroke Hall , Notting hill . The ceremonies will be performed by Bro . John Hervey , Grand Secretary . Bro . W . J . Murliss , P . M . 1489 , is the W . M , designate . A full report will appear in
our next . The Crichton Lodge , No . 16 41 , will be consecrated by Bro . John Hervey , Grand Secretary , on Saturday next , the nth inst . Bro . J . H . ' Vockins , P . M . 1329 , is the W . M . designate . The oldest member of the English Royal Family , the Princess Caroline , Hereditary Princess of
Denmark , completed on Saturday her eighty-third year . This venerable lady is the granddaughter of the unfortunate Queen Caroline Matilda , sister to George III ., and married to the King of Denmark , Christian VII ., but was sub equently divorced . ST . PAUL ' SCHOOL . —Mr . Frederick W . Walker , M . A ., High Master of Manchester Grammar
School , and late Fellow and Tutor of Corpus College , Oxford , has been appointed High Master of St . Paul ' s School , in the place of the Rev . Herbert Kynaston , D . D ., who will retire at Christmas , having held the position for upwards of 28 years . We have great pleasure in being able to state
that , at the express desire of the Czar , his Excellency Count Schouvaloff recently called on Lord Beacor . sfield to express the utter repudiation by the Imperial Government of the attack made by the " Golos " on the Prime Minister , and thc personal offence and indignation felt by the Czar at the article in question . — " Times . "
BETHNAL GREEN MUSEUM . —Tn consideration of the loan of thc Indian presents by His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , the Lord President of the Council has ordered that this museum shall be opened free ( as an exception ) on Thursday , the 9 th of November , His Royal
Highness ' s birthday , from 10 a . m . to 10 p . m . GAS superseded in day time , and daylight reflected in dark rooms . Health , comfort , and economy promoted by adopting Chappuis' Patent Daylight Reflectors , Manufactory , 60 , Fleet-street , London .