Article TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC HISTORIANS.—No. I. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC HISTORIANS.—No. I. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC HISTORIANS.—No. I. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
RITUALPreliminary Meeting 63 THE CRAFTMetropolitan 63 and 64 Provincial ... ... ... ... ... 64 R OYAL
Festival of the Benevolent Institution 6 S Mark Masonry ... ... ... ... ... 68 Was Henry Price ever appointed Prov . G . M . of America ? 6 S and 69 OUR EXCHANGES 69 THE CANADIAN DIFFICULTY 69 and 70
Masonic Historians.—No. I.
Bro . FINDEL . BY WILLIAM J AMES HUGHAN . ( Continued from page 25 ., )
We promised in our last communication to refer to a few errors that have crept into Brother Findel ' s "History of Freemasonry . "
Certainly not so pleasant a task as recounting its many excellencies . We know , however , that the author will pay more heed to our hurried corrections than to our commendations , as the former will be of more
real value to him . Bro . Findel , in reviewing the records of the "Ancients" from 1756 to 1762 , says " They had no Grand Master of noble birth . . . but at length in 1772 the Duke of
Athol became their Grand Master" ( p . 174 ) . The following list of Grand Masters of the seceding Grand Lodge will exhibit the fact that noblemen were connected with that body long before 1772 : —
Robert Turner A . D . 1753 . Edward Vaughan A . D . 1755 . Earl of Blessington A . D . 1757 . Earl of Kelly A . D . 1761 . The Hon . T . Matthew ... A . D . 1767 .
The 3 rd Duke of Athol ... A . D . 1772 * The 4 th Duke of Athol ... A . D . 1775 . Earl of Antrim A . D . 1782 . The 4 th Duke of Athol ... A . D . 1791 . H . R . H . Duke of Kent ... A . D . 1813 .
No doubt our brother has been misled by Brother Preston in his "Illustrations of Masonry , " who declares that the "Ancients
after the secession , continued to hold their meetings without acknowledging a superior till 1772 . " It seems strange that this mistake has been continued in the valuable
work edited by Bro . the Rev . Dr . George Oliver , yet so it is . In another part of the " History " some of the above-named Grand Masters are enumerated , so after all the mistake is virtually corrected .
At page 168 , the author seems in doubt respecting the constitution granted to the Lodge of Antiquity by the "Grand Lodge of all England held at York . " It was granted ; and by virtue of such , the Lodge
of Antiquity was constituted the " Grand Lodge of England South of the Trent , " and actually issued warrants to lodges to work underits authority . The celebrated " manifesto " of the Lodge of Antiquity , of which
we have a copy , was issued in 1778 , and a most interesting production it is . It mainly consists of a recognition of the priority or superiority of the claims of the Grand Lodge of All England at York , and an epitome of
Masonic Historians.—No. I.
the supposed injustice done to the lodge by the "nominal Grand Lodge in London , constituted a Grand Lodge pro tempore 1717 . " Authorities are quoted extensively in confirmation of the ancient privileges of this time-immemorial lodge .
We observe that Bro . Findel falls into the same error that we did respecting the records of St Mary ' s Chapel Lodge , Edinburgh , and the year A . D . 1600 . At page 113 of the History it is stated that "Thomas Boswell ,
Esquire , of Auchinleek , was chosen as Warden of the lodge in 1600 . " We presume this record is given on the authority of Brother Laurie , the Grand Secretary of Scotland , which we also quoted in the Freemasons
Magazine some little time ago , and about which Brother David Murray Lyon wrote to the following effect , in the same paper , on Sept . 11 , 1869 : "We shall not further anticipate the ' History of the Lodge of
Edinburgh ' ( Mary ' s Chapel ) now in course of preparation , " !* than to say that the minutes of this famous lodge do not afford ground for the assertion to which we have taken
exception . BoswelPs name appears only in one sederunt of the lodge ' s meetings ; and the minutes of that particular meeting show that he was not the Warden of the Lodge . In the course of his remarks anent the
minutes of the old Houghfoot Lodge , to which the respected Prov . G . Sec . of Peebleshire has very properly directed attention , our friend Bro . Hughan quotes the version of Boswell's connexion with the
Lodge of Edinburgh , as given by Laurie ; but it is no fault of his that the statement is incorrect . Like Bro . Findel , and others , he has in this instance been misled by a mis-quotation . " We have been
careful to give this antlwritativc correction in order to remind our readers that the earliest instance of a non-professional architect or builder holding office in a Scotch Masonic Lodge , according to Bro . Lvon , is that of
John , Earl of Cassillus , Deacon of the Mother Lodge Kilwinning , A . D . 1672 . In England we have no record preserved of officers' appointments of anything like so early a date as the one just given .
As Bro . Findel is now preparing a third German edition of his valuable history , no doubt the misquotation will be put straight . Bro . Findel says that it was not until 1865 that the " Sloane MS ., No . 3329 , was
discovered , and that by the author in the British Museum , " page 48 . In the Masonic Press ( page 183 , A . D . 1866 , ) the well-known Mason , Bro . Matthew Cooke observes that this MS . was alluded to in the
Enclyclopojdia Metropolitana twenty-four years ago , and that he had transcribed it several times . That being the case , Bro . Findel is not entitled to the claim of having discovered
this MS ., as it was evidently familiar to one of the best authorities on English Masonic MSS . many years anterior to the publication of the work now under consideration .
We do not know of any authority for the statements that "Five lodges would not accede to or sign " the Constitution of A . D . 1723 . The assertion is quite new to us , and certainly somewhat startling , so early
to occur after the revival of Freemasonry . We must take exception to some of the writer ' sremarks concerning Masonic Knights Templar and Royal Arch Masonry , e . g . " the Order of Knights Templars , revived as
playthings for great children about 1780 , " ( page 170 . ) In the Royal Arch degree , " the unprejudiced observer cannot discover the true principles of Freemasonry , either in their primitive purity or comprehensive fulness , " ( page 183 . )
Masonic Historians.—No. I.
Although we do not intend to enter on the discussion of these matters now , we are quite prepared to give weighty reasons for our objections to Bro . Findel's views as enumerated above , as also to his support of
the German lodges founded in the United States in opposition to the American Grand Lodges . We are strongly in favour
of exclusive Grand Lodge Jurisdiction , and entirely disagree with Bro . Findel and the "German Masonic Union , " in promoting the reverse .
We are sorry to find several important works issued this century unacknowledged , and many of less consequence referred to . Of course this arises from the extensive character of the work , and not from any
want of will on the part of the author to chronicle the progress of Masonic literature . The Masonic Biblography of England and the United States require to be written with as much accuracy as the German
department . Few English Masonic historians are noticed , and rarely do we notice a familiar American author in its pages . Certainly the large Masonic library , published by the " Masonic Publishing Company , " New
York , containing works like the " Masonic Cyclopaedia , " by Bro . Robert Macay ; the " History of Royal Arch Masonry , " by Bro . J . L . Gould ; and the " Early History of Freemasonry , " by Bro . G . W . Steinbrenner , well deserve notice and commendation .
There is also Bro . Brennan s excellent translation of Bro . Rebold ' s History of the Order , a work which deserves the support of the Craft universal . We forbear quoting more names , sufficient that we think this
department the weakest , and therefore most susceptible of improvement in the next edition . The great want of the work is a copious
index . The present is an improvement on the first , but is still very far from being what we would like to see offered as an index to the capital " History of Freemasonry" by our friend , Bro . Findel .
Obituary .
BRO . WILLIAM WHITE , 31 ° A short but severe illness has deprived the Craft at krg 1 , and the Province of West
Yorkshire in particular , of Bro . William White , the well-known publisher of Borough and County Directories and Gazetteers , who died at his residence , Collegiate-crescent , Sheffield , on Saturday the 22 nd ult .
Up to the time of his death , Bro . White took an active part in the affairs of the Craft in Sheffield , being Secretary and Treasurer of two lodges , one encampment , and the Rose Croix Chapter , and was looked upon by the brethren as being one of the most energetic and zealous
Masons in the province . None took a livelier or greater interest in the prosperity of its various charities—he being a Life-Governor of the whole . He was P . M . of the Britannia Lodge , No . 139 ; P . Z . of the Chapter of Paradise , No . 139 ; and P . P . G . D . C . of West Yorkshire . He was the founder of the Mark Lodge , No . 53 , of the
Talbot Rose Croix Chapter , and the De Furnival Encampment of Knights Templar , and a G . I . I . Commander of the 31 st degree . He was also a member of the British Archaeological Association , and of the Royal Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland , and a leading member of the Sheffield Architectural and Archaeological Society .
He was interred on Wednesday , the 26 th ult , in the quiet and secluded church-yard at Fulwood , when upwards of-40 brethren ( including the W . M . 's of 139 , 296 , and 1239 , and many P . M . 's and P . Z . ' s ) , paid the last sad
tribute of respect to departed merit , by following the remains of their much lamented brother to their last earthly resting-place . Bro . White leaves a wife and four young children to lament their sad bereavement ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
RITUALPreliminary Meeting 63 THE CRAFTMetropolitan 63 and 64 Provincial ... ... ... ... ... 64 R OYAL
Festival of the Benevolent Institution 6 S Mark Masonry ... ... ... ... ... 68 Was Henry Price ever appointed Prov . G . M . of America ? 6 S and 69 OUR EXCHANGES 69 THE CANADIAN DIFFICULTY 69 and 70
Masonic Historians.—No. I.
Bro . FINDEL . BY WILLIAM J AMES HUGHAN . ( Continued from page 25 ., )
We promised in our last communication to refer to a few errors that have crept into Brother Findel ' s "History of Freemasonry . "
Certainly not so pleasant a task as recounting its many excellencies . We know , however , that the author will pay more heed to our hurried corrections than to our commendations , as the former will be of more
real value to him . Bro . Findel , in reviewing the records of the "Ancients" from 1756 to 1762 , says " They had no Grand Master of noble birth . . . but at length in 1772 the Duke of
Athol became their Grand Master" ( p . 174 ) . The following list of Grand Masters of the seceding Grand Lodge will exhibit the fact that noblemen were connected with that body long before 1772 : —
Robert Turner A . D . 1753 . Edward Vaughan A . D . 1755 . Earl of Blessington A . D . 1757 . Earl of Kelly A . D . 1761 . The Hon . T . Matthew ... A . D . 1767 .
The 3 rd Duke of Athol ... A . D . 1772 * The 4 th Duke of Athol ... A . D . 1775 . Earl of Antrim A . D . 1782 . The 4 th Duke of Athol ... A . D . 1791 . H . R . H . Duke of Kent ... A . D . 1813 .
No doubt our brother has been misled by Brother Preston in his "Illustrations of Masonry , " who declares that the "Ancients
after the secession , continued to hold their meetings without acknowledging a superior till 1772 . " It seems strange that this mistake has been continued in the valuable
work edited by Bro . the Rev . Dr . George Oliver , yet so it is . In another part of the " History " some of the above-named Grand Masters are enumerated , so after all the mistake is virtually corrected .
At page 168 , the author seems in doubt respecting the constitution granted to the Lodge of Antiquity by the "Grand Lodge of all England held at York . " It was granted ; and by virtue of such , the Lodge
of Antiquity was constituted the " Grand Lodge of England South of the Trent , " and actually issued warrants to lodges to work underits authority . The celebrated " manifesto " of the Lodge of Antiquity , of which
we have a copy , was issued in 1778 , and a most interesting production it is . It mainly consists of a recognition of the priority or superiority of the claims of the Grand Lodge of All England at York , and an epitome of
Masonic Historians.—No. I.
the supposed injustice done to the lodge by the "nominal Grand Lodge in London , constituted a Grand Lodge pro tempore 1717 . " Authorities are quoted extensively in confirmation of the ancient privileges of this time-immemorial lodge .
We observe that Bro . Findel falls into the same error that we did respecting the records of St Mary ' s Chapel Lodge , Edinburgh , and the year A . D . 1600 . At page 113 of the History it is stated that "Thomas Boswell ,
Esquire , of Auchinleek , was chosen as Warden of the lodge in 1600 . " We presume this record is given on the authority of Brother Laurie , the Grand Secretary of Scotland , which we also quoted in the Freemasons
Magazine some little time ago , and about which Brother David Murray Lyon wrote to the following effect , in the same paper , on Sept . 11 , 1869 : "We shall not further anticipate the ' History of the Lodge of
Edinburgh ' ( Mary ' s Chapel ) now in course of preparation , " !* than to say that the minutes of this famous lodge do not afford ground for the assertion to which we have taken
exception . BoswelPs name appears only in one sederunt of the lodge ' s meetings ; and the minutes of that particular meeting show that he was not the Warden of the Lodge . In the course of his remarks anent the
minutes of the old Houghfoot Lodge , to which the respected Prov . G . Sec . of Peebleshire has very properly directed attention , our friend Bro . Hughan quotes the version of Boswell's connexion with the
Lodge of Edinburgh , as given by Laurie ; but it is no fault of his that the statement is incorrect . Like Bro . Findel , and others , he has in this instance been misled by a mis-quotation . " We have been
careful to give this antlwritativc correction in order to remind our readers that the earliest instance of a non-professional architect or builder holding office in a Scotch Masonic Lodge , according to Bro . Lvon , is that of
John , Earl of Cassillus , Deacon of the Mother Lodge Kilwinning , A . D . 1672 . In England we have no record preserved of officers' appointments of anything like so early a date as the one just given .
As Bro . Findel is now preparing a third German edition of his valuable history , no doubt the misquotation will be put straight . Bro . Findel says that it was not until 1865 that the " Sloane MS ., No . 3329 , was
discovered , and that by the author in the British Museum , " page 48 . In the Masonic Press ( page 183 , A . D . 1866 , ) the well-known Mason , Bro . Matthew Cooke observes that this MS . was alluded to in the
Enclyclopojdia Metropolitana twenty-four years ago , and that he had transcribed it several times . That being the case , Bro . Findel is not entitled to the claim of having discovered
this MS ., as it was evidently familiar to one of the best authorities on English Masonic MSS . many years anterior to the publication of the work now under consideration .
We do not know of any authority for the statements that "Five lodges would not accede to or sign " the Constitution of A . D . 1723 . The assertion is quite new to us , and certainly somewhat startling , so early
to occur after the revival of Freemasonry . We must take exception to some of the writer ' sremarks concerning Masonic Knights Templar and Royal Arch Masonry , e . g . " the Order of Knights Templars , revived as
playthings for great children about 1780 , " ( page 170 . ) In the Royal Arch degree , " the unprejudiced observer cannot discover the true principles of Freemasonry , either in their primitive purity or comprehensive fulness , " ( page 183 . )
Masonic Historians.—No. I.
Although we do not intend to enter on the discussion of these matters now , we are quite prepared to give weighty reasons for our objections to Bro . Findel's views as enumerated above , as also to his support of
the German lodges founded in the United States in opposition to the American Grand Lodges . We are strongly in favour
of exclusive Grand Lodge Jurisdiction , and entirely disagree with Bro . Findel and the "German Masonic Union , " in promoting the reverse .
We are sorry to find several important works issued this century unacknowledged , and many of less consequence referred to . Of course this arises from the extensive character of the work , and not from any
want of will on the part of the author to chronicle the progress of Masonic literature . The Masonic Biblography of England and the United States require to be written with as much accuracy as the German
department . Few English Masonic historians are noticed , and rarely do we notice a familiar American author in its pages . Certainly the large Masonic library , published by the " Masonic Publishing Company , " New
York , containing works like the " Masonic Cyclopaedia , " by Bro . Robert Macay ; the " History of Royal Arch Masonry , " by Bro . J . L . Gould ; and the " Early History of Freemasonry , " by Bro . G . W . Steinbrenner , well deserve notice and commendation .
There is also Bro . Brennan s excellent translation of Bro . Rebold ' s History of the Order , a work which deserves the support of the Craft universal . We forbear quoting more names , sufficient that we think this
department the weakest , and therefore most susceptible of improvement in the next edition . The great want of the work is a copious
index . The present is an improvement on the first , but is still very far from being what we would like to see offered as an index to the capital " History of Freemasonry" by our friend , Bro . Findel .
Obituary .
BRO . WILLIAM WHITE , 31 ° A short but severe illness has deprived the Craft at krg 1 , and the Province of West
Yorkshire in particular , of Bro . William White , the well-known publisher of Borough and County Directories and Gazetteers , who died at his residence , Collegiate-crescent , Sheffield , on Saturday the 22 nd ult .
Up to the time of his death , Bro . White took an active part in the affairs of the Craft in Sheffield , being Secretary and Treasurer of two lodges , one encampment , and the Rose Croix Chapter , and was looked upon by the brethren as being one of the most energetic and zealous
Masons in the province . None took a livelier or greater interest in the prosperity of its various charities—he being a Life-Governor of the whole . He was P . M . of the Britannia Lodge , No . 139 ; P . Z . of the Chapter of Paradise , No . 139 ; and P . P . G . D . C . of West Yorkshire . He was the founder of the Mark Lodge , No . 53 , of the
Talbot Rose Croix Chapter , and the De Furnival Encampment of Knights Templar , and a G . I . I . Commander of the 31 st degree . He was also a member of the British Archaeological Association , and of the Royal Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland , and a leading member of the Sheffield Architectural and Archaeological Society .
He was interred on Wednesday , the 26 th ult , in the quiet and secluded church-yard at Fulwood , when upwards of-40 brethren ( including the W . M . 's of 139 , 296 , and 1239 , and many P . M . 's and P . Z . ' s ) , paid the last sad
tribute of respect to departed merit , by following the remains of their much lamented brother to their last earthly resting-place . Bro . White leaves a wife and four young children to lament their sad bereavement ,