Article MASONIC TRIALS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article UNIFORMITY OF WORKING AND RITUAL. Page 1 of 1 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 2 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 2 →
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Masonic Trials.
at the expense of , the opposite party , except in the case of a petition wherewith' certificate of service has been produced . 8 . With each petition or answer , appeal or other pleadings , there shall be paid a fee of five shillings . There shall also be paid a fee of one shilling at
each borrowing or returning of the process or productions . 9 . Over and above the foresaid fees there shall be paid , for all extracts of the proceedings , at the rate of two shillings and sixpence for the first sheet , and one shilling and sixpence for each other , by the
party requiring the same ; the like fees being exigible for copies of papers requiring to be made tinder section 7 hereof . 10 . The judgment of the Grand Committee ( when not appealed from ) and of the Grand Lodge shall be held to be final , and not reviewable by any
tribunal whatever ; and any party challenging , or refusing to submit to or implement the same , shall be liable to expulsion from the Grand Lodge , deprivation of his Masonic privileges , or such other punishment or censure as the Grand Lodge may see proper to inflict .
Uniformity Of Working And Ritual.
The preliminary meeting of brethren interested in the success of Bro . Stevens'motion on this subject , and which became a resolution of Grand Lodge at the last Quarterly Communication , was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday evening last , and was attended by about forty brethren . Bro .
Raynham Stewart occupied the chair , and after introducing the object for which the meeting was convened , he called upon Bro . Stevens to read the correspondence received from numerous metropolitan and provincial brethren . Amongst these were offers of zealous assistance from well-known
members of the Craft in the country , and from several of the recognised Preceptors in Masonry . After a spirited discussion it was determined that the committee to be recommended to Grand Lodge , should be selected in reference chiefly to probability of frequent attendance at forthcoming meetings ,
and for inquiry preliminary to recommendations ; that Preceptors should be considered as a most important body for reference by the committee ; and that the majority of the provincial brethren who had proffered assistance should be held in reserve for the purpose of forming sub-committees , should that course be determined upon .
The discussion was characterised by a most unanimous desire to meet all differences of opinion , and the decision above-mentioned was made without a dissentient . The meeting then proceeded to make the necessary selection , and in the result a list of thirty-three
brethren was agreed to as that which Grand Lodge should be asked to endorse . Votes of thanks were passed to Bro . Raynham Stewart for his services as chairman , and to Bro . Stevens for the efforts he had made in so far promoting the success ofthemovemcnt , andthebrethrcn separated .
THF . Grand Lodge of Freemasons at Bayrcuth , in Franconia , have spoken in defence of Freemasonry against the Pope ' s attacks . Freemasonry , even on the continent , but to a still greater extent in England , has ceased to have any political functions , and the manifesto of the brethren at
Bayrcuth , has no significance . In spite of Papal prohibitions there arc thousands of devout Roman Cathlics among the Freemasons , and with them the harmless fulminations of their quondam brother Pius are passed by with a shrug of the shoulders .
The example of the Grand Lodge of Bayrcuth is not likely to be extensively followed , and certainly the brethren of the three kingdoms will not care to be called from refreshment to the labour of framing justifications of the existence of their bodv . —Echo .
MASOXIC FUXKKAU—Last week the remains of the late Bro . John Thirmson of the " Masonic Arms , '' who was for eighteen years a member of the Masonic body , were interred in Annan Cemetery , with the obsequies peculiar to the Craft . The members of the Annan lodges , to the number
of thirty-three , and a deputation from the ( Hihytewollen , Lockerbie , attended the funeral in procession , bearing their insignia . The coffin was borne shoulder high by four of the brethren from the deceased ' s house in Church-street to [ he Bridge , where it was deposited in the hearse and conveyed
to the Cemetery , from the gates of which the bearers again carried the body to its last resting place . Prayer was offered up at the side of the grave by the Kev . Mr . Young . Bro . Thomson had several times been elected Master of the St .
Andrew ' s Lodge , and al ihci lime of his death he tilled the office of Secretary , lie was hi ghly respected among the Craft . for his knowledge and intelligence , and his death is : much lamented by all the brethren .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
Tuscan Lodge , A o . 14 . —This lodge met at the Freemasons' Hall , on Tuesday , January 25 , when Bro . Frank Richardson initiated two candidates into the Order , and afterwards very ably installed his successor , Bro . Fred . J . Cornwell , into the chair of King Solomon , who ( having previously invested his I . P . M . ) appointed his officers as
follows : —Bros . William Bnstow , S . W . ; George Hillyer , J . W . ; Samuel Field , P . M ., Sec . ; McAdam , S . D . ; W . Fred . Nettleship , J . D . ; and Grady I . G . Bro . Samuel Glover , P . M ., was reinvested as Treasurer . Sergeant O'Brien was unanimously elected as a joining brother . The usual jewel was voted by acclamation to Bro
Richardson , for the talent , liberality , and courtesy displayed by him whilst in the chair . The brethren , with sixteen visitors , afterwards adjourned to the tavern and partook of the usual turtle installation banquet , where they were honoured ( as is customary , at the W . M . ' s expense ) with a choral performance by Bro . Ransford ' s party , and the evening swiftly passed away in brotherly love and
harmony . Neptune Lodge , No . 22 . —The lodge met at Radlcy ' s Hotel , on Thursday , 27 th ult ., at half-past two . The minutes of the last regular lodge , 25 th November , and of the emergency , 30 th December , were read and confirmed . Bros . Cooper , Brown , and Restell , were passed to the degree of F . C . Bro . Partridge , P . M ., then , as Installing
Master , assisted by Bro . Ashwell , P . M ., as Director of Ceremonies , proceeded to instal Bro . White in the seat ofK . S . The following appointments were made : Bros . Waterall , S . W . ; Lawrence , J . W . ; Wilcox , P . M ., Treas . ; E . Hughes , II . S . ; H . S . Crawford , S . D . ; Russell , J . D . ; Gray , I . G . ; Fames , D . C . ; Neats , Steward ; Radford , T . The new W . M . then initiated
Mr . Carl Berger mto the mysteries and privileges of Ancient Freemasonry . The annual report of the Audit Committee was then read , and on the motion of Bro . rratt , P . M ., seconded by Bro . Ilarcourt , P . M ., was adopted , and the Secretary . received instruction to enter it on the minutes . Bro . Pratt , P . M ., gave notice of motion for discussion ] at the February meeting , "That
the usual subscriptions be given to the Masonic Charities , and placed on the respective lists of the Stewards , from tin ' s lodge , viz . : —f , $ 5 s . to Boys' School , £$ 5 s . to Girls ' School , and , £ 5 to Annuity Fund . " Bro . Havcouvt , P . M ., gave notice of motion "That £ \ o be given to the Annuity Fund , instead of , £ 5 as heretofore . " Bro . Wilcox , gave notice of motion , "That a Jewel , value
Six Guineas , be presented to Bro . Edward Hughes , Hon . Sec , for his services to the lodge . " Bro . Goodwin , P . M ., proposed " That a jewel of customary character be presented to Bro . Salter , I . P . M ., as a mark of acknowledgment for his services during the past year . " Nothing further being offered , the lodge was closed in due form and with solemn prayer . At the subsequent banquet
the chair was taken by Bro . Salter , I . P . M ., the W . M ., Bro . White , having been obliged to retire from serious illness immediately after closing the lodge . The visitors were Bros . Gluckslein , P . M ., 51 ; fob Austin , P . M ., S 90 ; Dodson , W . M ., 72 ; Wingham / 25 : T . Winghani , 25 ; Macrae , 27 ; White , 45 ; Wright , 72 ; Thompson , 177 ; Reynolds , 179 ; Cohen , 1 S 0 ; Speed , 14 ; Oxford ,
72 ; Thomhill , 72 ; Mondelet , 22 S : Aston , 3 S 4 ; Thomas , 507 ; Adamson , S 34 ; and Child , 115 S . Old King ' s Arms Lodge , No . 2 . S .- -At a meeting of this old lodge , held at Freemasons' Hall , on Monday , the 24 th ultimo , Bro . K . Farmer , W . M ., in the chair , ' the lodge was opened in due form and the minutes of the last meeting ewere read and confirmed . Amongst the
members present were : —Bros , t'harle ; Tighe , S . W . ; | . Horwood , J . W . ; William Pans , P . M ., Treasurer ; William Jaiptcs , P . M ., P . G . S ., Sec . ; J . G . Marsh , P . M ., A . G . P . Middlesex ; George Gurney , " P . M . ; | . Wheeler , P . M . ; G . II . Wright , P . M . ; S . II . Miller , J . ' D . The lodge being opened in the second degree by the W . M ., Bro . f . Wheeler , P . M ., occupied the chair for llio purpose of
installing Bro . Tighe ( his relative and partner in lupines ., ) Mastcr-cleet , in the chair of King Solomon , 'the non-Master having been duly presented by the retiring W . M ., was installed according to ancient cuslon W . M . of this lodge for the ensuing year , 'flic ceremony , as well as the addresses to the Master , Wardens , and Brethren , being performed in a verv creditable manner . The new W . M .
having invested his 1 P . M ., Bro Fanner , then proceeded to appoint his officers , as follows : —Bro-,. J . Ilnrwoud , S . W . ; Charles Baylis , J . W . ; S . !! . Miller , S . D . ; the brethren selected to lili the remaining oilier-, being absent , their investiture of office , was po s tponed till The i : c . \ meeting . The businc ,:, of the lodge having been disposed of , the lodge was closed with solemn prayer . and adjourned .
The brethren then retired lo a sumptuous bamp ' . cl , served a lit Ritss . ; al which Iim . Charles Tighe , the new W . M ., for the lir .-l time presided . 'Flic lir-. l toa -t propped , in appropriate terms , was "The Queen and the Cralt , " which was followed b y the National Anthem . The W . M . then gave " 'the M . W . the Grand Master , the Karl of Zetland , ' ' after which "His R , v . il Hii'lme . s the Prince of
Wales , " luith toasts being received with hearty enthusiasm . The health of the Deputy G . M . nexlfolh / wod and the Grand Officers , Past and Present . Bro . Patten , P . G . S . I ! ., and Bro . Dr . Ri-Ion , G . S ., being pre-enl , the latter returned thanks in appropriate terms . ' Tin : M ; t-:-.: ' s
health having been given by the I . P . M ., and most luartil y responded lo , the W . M . gave the health of the visie :.-, numbering nineteen on this particular o . -ea-io ::, c mpliug whh the toast the name of Bro . Binckes , P . G . S ., and Secretary of the Bojs' School , who returned thanks in an excellent speech . The guests who honoured the
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
lodge with their compan y were : Bros . C . H . Patten , P . G . S . B . ; Dr . R . Risdon , ( W . M . 4 6 ) , G . S . ; Frederick Binckes , P . G . S . ; W . A . Coel ( 1 ) , A . M . Silver ( 14 ) , -W . E . Conucll ( 20 ) , H . J . Purkle ( 176 ) , J . C . Davis ( P . M . 198 ) , A . Francisco ( 485 ) , A . H . Williams ( 534 ) , F . Walters ( W . M . 871 ) , George E . Webber ( 967 ) , J . Corke ( 917 ) , L . Sterne ( 206 , New York ) , S . Norton ( 1063 ) .
The musical brethren who visited the lodge ( and who , - between the toasts , favoured the occasion with exccllenj ; solos and glees , much to the pleasure and enjoyment of the company ) were : Bros . W . Dawson ( 1 S 6 ) , Chaplin Henry ( 20 ) , F . Elmore ( 12 ) , and 1 ' . G . Van Norden , Pianist . The health of the Past Masters , Officers , and , finally , the Tyler ' s toast brought a delightful installation meeting to a close .
United Manners' Lodge , No . 30 . —This flourishing lodge held its monthly meeting on Wednesday , the 19 th ult ., at the George Hotel , Aldermaubmy . Bro . Joseph Driscoll , W . M ., in the chair , assisted by his Wardens , Bros . Hading and Shackill . The lodge being opened in due form , the minutes of the former meeting were read and confirmed , also the report of the Audit Committee . Bros .
Lefiam and Smith , having passed their examination , the lodge was opened in due form in the second degree , when Bros . Lefiam and Smith were introduced and passed tothe degree of F . C . Bro . Fagg , having proved himself efficient in the former degree , was regularly introduced and raised to the sublime degree of M . M . Master Masons having withdrawn , a Board of Installed Masters was
formed , consisting of Bros . R . E . Barnes , P . M ., 1 $ ; Robert Taylor , P . M ., 30 ; William McDonald , P . M ., 30 ; Jesse Turner , P . M ., 30 ; II . T . Lowe , P . M ., 30 ; Joseph Driscoll , W . M .,, 30 ; A . B . Vivian , P . M ., 22 S , who according to ancient usage , installed Bro . Joseph Hading to the chair of the above lodge , and the duty of the Board of Installed Masters was declared to be
concluded , and the lodge resumed in the third degree . The W . M . then appointed and invested the following brethren to the offices annexed to their names , viz . : —Bros . Robert Shackell , as S . W . ; G . J . C . Smith , as J . W . ; W . F . Osborne , as S . D . ; William Ansell , as J . D . ; Henry Bethell , as J . G . ; R . J . Derby , as D . C . ,- E . J . Brown , as Steward ; Jesse Turner , P . M ., as Treasurer ; R . E .
Barnes , P . M ., as Hon . Secretary ; James Grant , Tyler . The lodge being resumed in the first degree , ballots wore taken for the admission of Messrs . Dedej ' , Inglis and Tyrrell , and declared unanimous in their favour . Being in attendance they were introduced and initialed into the order , which ceremony was performed by the newlyinstalled Master , Bro . Marling , in a very masterly and
efficient maimer . Agreeably to resolution passed at-the last meeting , the W . M ., Bro . Harling , then presented lo Bro . Joseph Driscoll , P . M ., a handsome Past Master ' s Jewel , hearing the following inscription : — " Presented by the United Mariners' Lodge , No . 30 , to Bro . Joseph Driscoll , P . M ., to mark their appreciation of the very able and efficient manner in which he discharged the
duties of W . M . during his year of office . Januaiy 1910 , 1870 . " It was received and acknowledged with truly Masonic feeling . Resolved unanimously— "That the best thanks of Ihc lodge be given to Bro . Joseph Driscoll , P . M ., for his kindness in acting as Installing Master , on the occasion , and the masterly manner in which he performed the ceremony . " All business being concluded , the
lodge was closed in ancient form , and ihc brethren , about 40 in number , adjourned to the banouet . The usual loyal toasts being given and responded to , Pro . Driscoll , P . M ., propo-ed the health of Bro . Joseph Hailing , W . M . —Bro . Hailing , in reply , assured the brethren of the great source of gratification he received in th » eulogies pas ., cd on him ; in his endeavour to discharge the duties
devolved on him , as their r . cwiy-appomted Master ; his utmost energies had been called forth during the past year in onlcr to render himself as proficient as possible in the respective ceremonies , and he would use . his utmost endeavours to promote ihc prosperity of the United Mariners' Lodge . —The W . M . then proposed the health of "Bro . Joseph Driscoll , P . M ., " and adverted to the very
able manner in which he had presided over the lodge for the pa-n year ; hi- , admirable woiking of the ceremonies , move especially the ceremony of installation , and he trusted as a P . M ., he would continue to give that support wo nec ( .,.-ar _ v for the well-being of the lodge . — Bro . Driscoll , P . M ., as-uied ihc brethren thai he was greatly indebted to the Lodge for the great mark of respect coiilcrred 011
him that evening , in the presentation of a jewel , as an evidence of the esteem entertained towards him by his brethren ; he should ever wear and consider it as such , and as one of the pillars of the lodge , he . vould be now ready to render any assistance in his po . -, cr for the welfare of No . 30 . The health of "The Past Masters , " viz .: — Bros . R . K . Barnes . Taylor . Turner , Maedonald and
Gr . ive , were next given and responded to . — lhe health ol "The Initiates , " Bros . Deeley , Inglis and Tyrrell , was next giv-.-n and severally responded to , expressive of their admiration of the tenets and princip les of the order .--"The Officers of lhe Lodge , " was next given , and responded to with true Masonic feeling .- —The Tyler , having given the usual toast , the brethren retired , having enjoyed lhe evening in the true spirit of Masonry .
/ e , / , . ••>/ ' / . ' :. ' ' . ' // , A ' . ' . 141 . —Tins lodge met at Andcrton s IlotcC lleei-ireel , !' .. (' ., on Tile-day , the 25 th ultimo , Pro . lames Hill , W . M .. in lhe chair , a-. isted bv Bros . Sped " , S . W . : C . C . Taylor , J . W . ; Hyde . I . P . M ., swiral other P . M . ' .-. and a lull atlem ' anee of brethren .
Aimm . si llif visitors were : Bros . Jaggcr , P . M . ; I ' . While , W . M . ' ( .:: ) ; and Dr . Mondil . y , < I Canada . There were > e \ vral rai-. ii :--:-, ' - as-. lng , an 1 initiations , the ritual in each being' ably n ' ' ' ' !•. ¦' •-d b , ' lh- W . M . After the I-ampv . i . the toasts wire ably responded lo , thai of "Tl e Vi-iioy- 'M ^ . i . i- o I .,- V . o , . •¦ ' ¦ ' .. "' II' ' . ' . ' . ! : t ... " l . v P-i ' . s . v . ' o ' e aid
johu- ' .-. i . an I " 'I i . e P . M . ' .. " n ; , i-ro . ihde . . ' . ' . m' . ervals . 01110 excellent roiigs wereg ' ntii by i r . s . S . Davies and Perkins . After tlu-Tvlcr ' s toasl , the brethren separator
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Trials.
at the expense of , the opposite party , except in the case of a petition wherewith' certificate of service has been produced . 8 . With each petition or answer , appeal or other pleadings , there shall be paid a fee of five shillings . There shall also be paid a fee of one shilling at
each borrowing or returning of the process or productions . 9 . Over and above the foresaid fees there shall be paid , for all extracts of the proceedings , at the rate of two shillings and sixpence for the first sheet , and one shilling and sixpence for each other , by the
party requiring the same ; the like fees being exigible for copies of papers requiring to be made tinder section 7 hereof . 10 . The judgment of the Grand Committee ( when not appealed from ) and of the Grand Lodge shall be held to be final , and not reviewable by any
tribunal whatever ; and any party challenging , or refusing to submit to or implement the same , shall be liable to expulsion from the Grand Lodge , deprivation of his Masonic privileges , or such other punishment or censure as the Grand Lodge may see proper to inflict .
Uniformity Of Working And Ritual.
The preliminary meeting of brethren interested in the success of Bro . Stevens'motion on this subject , and which became a resolution of Grand Lodge at the last Quarterly Communication , was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday evening last , and was attended by about forty brethren . Bro .
Raynham Stewart occupied the chair , and after introducing the object for which the meeting was convened , he called upon Bro . Stevens to read the correspondence received from numerous metropolitan and provincial brethren . Amongst these were offers of zealous assistance from well-known
members of the Craft in the country , and from several of the recognised Preceptors in Masonry . After a spirited discussion it was determined that the committee to be recommended to Grand Lodge , should be selected in reference chiefly to probability of frequent attendance at forthcoming meetings ,
and for inquiry preliminary to recommendations ; that Preceptors should be considered as a most important body for reference by the committee ; and that the majority of the provincial brethren who had proffered assistance should be held in reserve for the purpose of forming sub-committees , should that course be determined upon .
The discussion was characterised by a most unanimous desire to meet all differences of opinion , and the decision above-mentioned was made without a dissentient . The meeting then proceeded to make the necessary selection , and in the result a list of thirty-three
brethren was agreed to as that which Grand Lodge should be asked to endorse . Votes of thanks were passed to Bro . Raynham Stewart for his services as chairman , and to Bro . Stevens for the efforts he had made in so far promoting the success ofthemovemcnt , andthebrethrcn separated .
THF . Grand Lodge of Freemasons at Bayrcuth , in Franconia , have spoken in defence of Freemasonry against the Pope ' s attacks . Freemasonry , even on the continent , but to a still greater extent in England , has ceased to have any political functions , and the manifesto of the brethren at
Bayrcuth , has no significance . In spite of Papal prohibitions there arc thousands of devout Roman Cathlics among the Freemasons , and with them the harmless fulminations of their quondam brother Pius are passed by with a shrug of the shoulders .
The example of the Grand Lodge of Bayrcuth is not likely to be extensively followed , and certainly the brethren of the three kingdoms will not care to be called from refreshment to the labour of framing justifications of the existence of their bodv . —Echo .
MASOXIC FUXKKAU—Last week the remains of the late Bro . John Thirmson of the " Masonic Arms , '' who was for eighteen years a member of the Masonic body , were interred in Annan Cemetery , with the obsequies peculiar to the Craft . The members of the Annan lodges , to the number
of thirty-three , and a deputation from the ( Hihytewollen , Lockerbie , attended the funeral in procession , bearing their insignia . The coffin was borne shoulder high by four of the brethren from the deceased ' s house in Church-street to [ he Bridge , where it was deposited in the hearse and conveyed
to the Cemetery , from the gates of which the bearers again carried the body to its last resting place . Prayer was offered up at the side of the grave by the Kev . Mr . Young . Bro . Thomson had several times been elected Master of the St .
Andrew ' s Lodge , and al ihci lime of his death he tilled the office of Secretary , lie was hi ghly respected among the Craft . for his knowledge and intelligence , and his death is : much lamented by all the brethren .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
Tuscan Lodge , A o . 14 . —This lodge met at the Freemasons' Hall , on Tuesday , January 25 , when Bro . Frank Richardson initiated two candidates into the Order , and afterwards very ably installed his successor , Bro . Fred . J . Cornwell , into the chair of King Solomon , who ( having previously invested his I . P . M . ) appointed his officers as
follows : —Bros . William Bnstow , S . W . ; George Hillyer , J . W . ; Samuel Field , P . M ., Sec . ; McAdam , S . D . ; W . Fred . Nettleship , J . D . ; and Grady I . G . Bro . Samuel Glover , P . M ., was reinvested as Treasurer . Sergeant O'Brien was unanimously elected as a joining brother . The usual jewel was voted by acclamation to Bro
Richardson , for the talent , liberality , and courtesy displayed by him whilst in the chair . The brethren , with sixteen visitors , afterwards adjourned to the tavern and partook of the usual turtle installation banquet , where they were honoured ( as is customary , at the W . M . ' s expense ) with a choral performance by Bro . Ransford ' s party , and the evening swiftly passed away in brotherly love and
harmony . Neptune Lodge , No . 22 . —The lodge met at Radlcy ' s Hotel , on Thursday , 27 th ult ., at half-past two . The minutes of the last regular lodge , 25 th November , and of the emergency , 30 th December , were read and confirmed . Bros . Cooper , Brown , and Restell , were passed to the degree of F . C . Bro . Partridge , P . M ., then , as Installing
Master , assisted by Bro . Ashwell , P . M ., as Director of Ceremonies , proceeded to instal Bro . White in the seat ofK . S . The following appointments were made : Bros . Waterall , S . W . ; Lawrence , J . W . ; Wilcox , P . M ., Treas . ; E . Hughes , II . S . ; H . S . Crawford , S . D . ; Russell , J . D . ; Gray , I . G . ; Fames , D . C . ; Neats , Steward ; Radford , T . The new W . M . then initiated
Mr . Carl Berger mto the mysteries and privileges of Ancient Freemasonry . The annual report of the Audit Committee was then read , and on the motion of Bro . rratt , P . M ., seconded by Bro . Ilarcourt , P . M ., was adopted , and the Secretary . received instruction to enter it on the minutes . Bro . Pratt , P . M ., gave notice of motion for discussion ] at the February meeting , "That
the usual subscriptions be given to the Masonic Charities , and placed on the respective lists of the Stewards , from tin ' s lodge , viz . : —f , $ 5 s . to Boys' School , £$ 5 s . to Girls ' School , and , £ 5 to Annuity Fund . " Bro . Havcouvt , P . M ., gave notice of motion "That £ \ o be given to the Annuity Fund , instead of , £ 5 as heretofore . " Bro . Wilcox , gave notice of motion , "That a Jewel , value
Six Guineas , be presented to Bro . Edward Hughes , Hon . Sec , for his services to the lodge . " Bro . Goodwin , P . M ., proposed " That a jewel of customary character be presented to Bro . Salter , I . P . M ., as a mark of acknowledgment for his services during the past year . " Nothing further being offered , the lodge was closed in due form and with solemn prayer . At the subsequent banquet
the chair was taken by Bro . Salter , I . P . M ., the W . M ., Bro . White , having been obliged to retire from serious illness immediately after closing the lodge . The visitors were Bros . Gluckslein , P . M ., 51 ; fob Austin , P . M ., S 90 ; Dodson , W . M ., 72 ; Wingham / 25 : T . Winghani , 25 ; Macrae , 27 ; White , 45 ; Wright , 72 ; Thompson , 177 ; Reynolds , 179 ; Cohen , 1 S 0 ; Speed , 14 ; Oxford ,
72 ; Thomhill , 72 ; Mondelet , 22 S : Aston , 3 S 4 ; Thomas , 507 ; Adamson , S 34 ; and Child , 115 S . Old King ' s Arms Lodge , No . 2 . S .- -At a meeting of this old lodge , held at Freemasons' Hall , on Monday , the 24 th ultimo , Bro . K . Farmer , W . M ., in the chair , ' the lodge was opened in due form and the minutes of the last meeting ewere read and confirmed . Amongst the
members present were : —Bros , t'harle ; Tighe , S . W . ; | . Horwood , J . W . ; William Pans , P . M ., Treasurer ; William Jaiptcs , P . M ., P . G . S ., Sec . ; J . G . Marsh , P . M ., A . G . P . Middlesex ; George Gurney , " P . M . ; | . Wheeler , P . M . ; G . II . Wright , P . M . ; S . II . Miller , J . ' D . The lodge being opened in the second degree by the W . M ., Bro . f . Wheeler , P . M ., occupied the chair for llio purpose of
installing Bro . Tighe ( his relative and partner in lupines ., ) Mastcr-cleet , in the chair of King Solomon , 'the non-Master having been duly presented by the retiring W . M ., was installed according to ancient cuslon W . M . of this lodge for the ensuing year , 'flic ceremony , as well as the addresses to the Master , Wardens , and Brethren , being performed in a verv creditable manner . The new W . M .
having invested his 1 P . M ., Bro Fanner , then proceeded to appoint his officers , as follows : —Bro-,. J . Ilnrwoud , S . W . ; Charles Baylis , J . W . ; S . !! . Miller , S . D . ; the brethren selected to lili the remaining oilier-, being absent , their investiture of office , was po s tponed till The i : c . \ meeting . The businc ,:, of the lodge having been disposed of , the lodge was closed with solemn prayer . and adjourned .
The brethren then retired lo a sumptuous bamp ' . cl , served a lit Ritss . ; al which Iim . Charles Tighe , the new W . M ., for the lir .-l time presided . 'Flic lir-. l toa -t propped , in appropriate terms , was "The Queen and the Cralt , " which was followed b y the National Anthem . The W . M . then gave " 'the M . W . the Grand Master , the Karl of Zetland , ' ' after which "His R , v . il Hii'lme . s the Prince of
Wales , " luith toasts being received with hearty enthusiasm . The health of the Deputy G . M . nexlfolh / wod and the Grand Officers , Past and Present . Bro . Patten , P . G . S . I ! ., and Bro . Dr . Ri-Ion , G . S ., being pre-enl , the latter returned thanks in appropriate terms . ' Tin : M ; t-:-.: ' s
health having been given by the I . P . M ., and most luartil y responded lo , the W . M . gave the health of the visie :.-, numbering nineteen on this particular o . -ea-io ::, c mpliug whh the toast the name of Bro . Binckes , P . G . S ., and Secretary of the Bojs' School , who returned thanks in an excellent speech . The guests who honoured the
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
lodge with their compan y were : Bros . C . H . Patten , P . G . S . B . ; Dr . R . Risdon , ( W . M . 4 6 ) , G . S . ; Frederick Binckes , P . G . S . ; W . A . Coel ( 1 ) , A . M . Silver ( 14 ) , -W . E . Conucll ( 20 ) , H . J . Purkle ( 176 ) , J . C . Davis ( P . M . 198 ) , A . Francisco ( 485 ) , A . H . Williams ( 534 ) , F . Walters ( W . M . 871 ) , George E . Webber ( 967 ) , J . Corke ( 917 ) , L . Sterne ( 206 , New York ) , S . Norton ( 1063 ) .
The musical brethren who visited the lodge ( and who , - between the toasts , favoured the occasion with exccllenj ; solos and glees , much to the pleasure and enjoyment of the company ) were : Bros . W . Dawson ( 1 S 6 ) , Chaplin Henry ( 20 ) , F . Elmore ( 12 ) , and 1 ' . G . Van Norden , Pianist . The health of the Past Masters , Officers , and , finally , the Tyler ' s toast brought a delightful installation meeting to a close .
United Manners' Lodge , No . 30 . —This flourishing lodge held its monthly meeting on Wednesday , the 19 th ult ., at the George Hotel , Aldermaubmy . Bro . Joseph Driscoll , W . M ., in the chair , assisted by his Wardens , Bros . Hading and Shackill . The lodge being opened in due form , the minutes of the former meeting were read and confirmed , also the report of the Audit Committee . Bros .
Lefiam and Smith , having passed their examination , the lodge was opened in due form in the second degree , when Bros . Lefiam and Smith were introduced and passed tothe degree of F . C . Bro . Fagg , having proved himself efficient in the former degree , was regularly introduced and raised to the sublime degree of M . M . Master Masons having withdrawn , a Board of Installed Masters was
formed , consisting of Bros . R . E . Barnes , P . M ., 1 $ ; Robert Taylor , P . M ., 30 ; William McDonald , P . M ., 30 ; Jesse Turner , P . M ., 30 ; II . T . Lowe , P . M ., 30 ; Joseph Driscoll , W . M .,, 30 ; A . B . Vivian , P . M ., 22 S , who according to ancient usage , installed Bro . Joseph Hading to the chair of the above lodge , and the duty of the Board of Installed Masters was declared to be
concluded , and the lodge resumed in the third degree . The W . M . then appointed and invested the following brethren to the offices annexed to their names , viz . : —Bros . Robert Shackell , as S . W . ; G . J . C . Smith , as J . W . ; W . F . Osborne , as S . D . ; William Ansell , as J . D . ; Henry Bethell , as J . G . ; R . J . Derby , as D . C . ,- E . J . Brown , as Steward ; Jesse Turner , P . M ., as Treasurer ; R . E .
Barnes , P . M ., as Hon . Secretary ; James Grant , Tyler . The lodge being resumed in the first degree , ballots wore taken for the admission of Messrs . Dedej ' , Inglis and Tyrrell , and declared unanimous in their favour . Being in attendance they were introduced and initialed into the order , which ceremony was performed by the newlyinstalled Master , Bro . Marling , in a very masterly and
efficient maimer . Agreeably to resolution passed at-the last meeting , the W . M ., Bro . Harling , then presented lo Bro . Joseph Driscoll , P . M ., a handsome Past Master ' s Jewel , hearing the following inscription : — " Presented by the United Mariners' Lodge , No . 30 , to Bro . Joseph Driscoll , P . M ., to mark their appreciation of the very able and efficient manner in which he discharged the
duties of W . M . during his year of office . Januaiy 1910 , 1870 . " It was received and acknowledged with truly Masonic feeling . Resolved unanimously— "That the best thanks of Ihc lodge be given to Bro . Joseph Driscoll , P . M ., for his kindness in acting as Installing Master , on the occasion , and the masterly manner in which he performed the ceremony . " All business being concluded , the
lodge was closed in ancient form , and ihc brethren , about 40 in number , adjourned to the banouet . The usual loyal toasts being given and responded to , Pro . Driscoll , P . M ., propo-ed the health of Bro . Joseph Hailing , W . M . —Bro . Hailing , in reply , assured the brethren of the great source of gratification he received in th » eulogies pas ., cd on him ; in his endeavour to discharge the duties
devolved on him , as their r . cwiy-appomted Master ; his utmost energies had been called forth during the past year in onlcr to render himself as proficient as possible in the respective ceremonies , and he would use . his utmost endeavours to promote ihc prosperity of the United Mariners' Lodge . —The W . M . then proposed the health of "Bro . Joseph Driscoll , P . M ., " and adverted to the very
able manner in which he had presided over the lodge for the pa-n year ; hi- , admirable woiking of the ceremonies , move especially the ceremony of installation , and he trusted as a P . M ., he would continue to give that support wo nec ( .,.-ar _ v for the well-being of the lodge . — Bro . Driscoll , P . M ., as-uied ihc brethren thai he was greatly indebted to the Lodge for the great mark of respect coiilcrred 011
him that evening , in the presentation of a jewel , as an evidence of the esteem entertained towards him by his brethren ; he should ever wear and consider it as such , and as one of the pillars of the lodge , he . vould be now ready to render any assistance in his po . -, cr for the welfare of No . 30 . The health of "The Past Masters , " viz .: — Bros . R . K . Barnes . Taylor . Turner , Maedonald and
Gr . ive , were next given and responded to . — lhe health ol "The Initiates , " Bros . Deeley , Inglis and Tyrrell , was next giv-.-n and severally responded to , expressive of their admiration of the tenets and princip les of the order .--"The Officers of lhe Lodge , " was next given , and responded to with true Masonic feeling .- —The Tyler , having given the usual toast , the brethren retired , having enjoyed lhe evening in the true spirit of Masonry .
/ e , / , . ••>/ ' / . ' :. ' ' . ' // , A ' . ' . 141 . —Tins lodge met at Andcrton s IlotcC lleei-ireel , !' .. (' ., on Tile-day , the 25 th ultimo , Pro . lames Hill , W . M .. in lhe chair , a-. isted bv Bros . Sped " , S . W . : C . C . Taylor , J . W . ; Hyde . I . P . M ., swiral other P . M . ' .-. and a lull atlem ' anee of brethren .
Aimm . si llif visitors were : Bros . Jaggcr , P . M . ; I ' . While , W . M . ' ( .:: ) ; and Dr . Mondil . y , < I Canada . There were > e \ vral rai-. ii :--:-, ' - as-. lng , an 1 initiations , the ritual in each being' ably n ' ' ' ' !•. ¦' •-d b , ' lh- W . M . After the I-ampv . i . the toasts wire ably responded lo , thai of "Tl e Vi-iioy- 'M ^ . i . i- o I .,- V . o , . •¦ ' ¦ ' .. "' II' ' . ' . ' . ! : t ... " l . v P-i ' . s . v . ' o ' e aid
johu- ' .-. i . an I " 'I i . e P . M . ' .. " n ; , i-ro . ihde . . ' . ' . m' . ervals . 01110 excellent roiigs wereg ' ntii by i r . s . S . Davies and Perkins . After tlu-Tvlcr ' s toasl , the brethren separator