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Grand Chapter Of England
The quarterly convocation of the Supreme Grand Chapter was held in the Zetland Room , Freemasons ' Hall , on Wednesday , the 2 nd inst ., M . E . Comp . the Rev . J . Huyshe , J ., presided as Z ., supported by Comp . S . Rawson as H ., and Comp . F . Pattison as J ., and among other comps . present , we noticed : Comps . J- Hervey , E . ; J . M . Clabon , N . ; S . L .
Tomkins , P . S . ; W . P . Scott , B . Head , C . C . Dumas , J . Nunn , G . W . K . Potter , B . Baker , H . Empson , H . Browse , J . Smith , N . Bradford , R . J . Spiers , P . Matthews , A . Holman , T . Parker , J . 507 ; J . Boyd , Z . 145 ; J . Graydon , P . Z . 13 ; F . J . Lilley , P . Z . 507 ; J . Tepper , Z . 8 ; W . B . Heath , P . Z . 22 ; H . C . Levander , Z . 720 ; J . Stevens , P . Z . 720 ; W . H .
Hubbard , P . Z . 975 ; F . Walters , P . Z . 73 ; A . Pratt , P . Z . 22 ; S . Noble , P . Z . 206 ; J . W . Halsey , P . Z . 507 ; J . Self , J . ; A . T . Taffs , 13 ; C . Cook , 13 ; F . Bennoch , P . Z . 2 ; H . Carter , H . 382 ; C . Leedham , P . Z . 220 ; G . Lambert , H . 7 ; F . Binckes , P . Z . 10 ; W . Mann , P . Z . 186 ; L . Mercik , Z . 534 ; J . Henderson , P . Z . 13 ; N . Norman , H . 13 ; H .
Radcliffe , P . Z . n ; H . A . Collington , P . Z . 206 ; W . Noak , H . 206 ; A . H . Tattershall , J . 206 ; T . Wescombe , Z . 657 ; T . J . Sabine , J . 73 ; J . Hasler , Z . 206 ; G . W . Edington , P . Z . 206 ; A . L . Brander , Z . 507 ; J . C . Peckham , P . Z . 206 ; W . M . Bywater , P . Z . 19 ; J . T . Tibbals , 16 9 ; G . Bolton , P . Z . 16 9 ; R . E . Barnes , P . Z . ; S . E . Hogg , P . Z . 206 ; W . Ough , P . Z . 749 ; H . E . Frances , P . Z . 463 ; A .
Anderson , J . 46 3 ; W . Bartlett , Z . 168 ; Pierce Egan , Z . ri ; G . S . States , P . Z . 145 ; R . VV . Stewart , P . Z . 12 ; R . Spencer , P . Z . 3 ; G . J . Sharpe , H . 145 ; F . G . Baker , P . Z . 753 ; H . G . Buss , P . Z . 177 . The Grand Chapter was opened in due form and with solemn prayer . The minutes of the November convocation were read by the Grand Scribe E . and confirmed . The following report of the Committee was taken as read : —
To the Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of England . The Committee of General Purposes beg to report that they have examined the accounts from the 20 th October , 1869 , to the 17 th January , 1 S 70 , both inclusive , which they find to be as follows : —• To Balance 19 th October . . . £ 374 14 8 „ Subsequent Receipts . . . 192 10 10
£ 567 5 6 ByDisbursementsdiiringtheQuartcr ^ 143 12 o ,, Balance 423 13 6 ; 65 U 7 5 6 which balance is in the hands of Messrs . Willis , Percival and Co ., bankers of the Grand Treasurer . The committee have also to report a fine of / s 5 s .,
inflicted upon the Chapter of Concord , No . 394 , Southampton , in July last ( for having exalted a candidate on the nth March , 1 S 69 , wdio had only been raised on the 12 th November previously ) , has not been paid , nor has the chapter , which has been written to upon the subject by the Grand Scribe E . three limes , acknowledged the receipt of his letters . Under these circumstances the
committee have deemed it right lo report the case to the Grand Chapter , and to summon the Chapter , No . 394 , to attend their next meeting , to show cause why it should not be recommended to Grand Chapter that the chapter be erased . A correspondence with the recently formed Grand Chapter of Nova Scotia , and a circular upon the same
subject from the Supreme Grand Chapter of Scotland , have been laid before the Committee , which they have carefully perused , and now submit to the consideration of the Supreme Grand Chapter . They suggest , however , that the Grand Lodge of England , having recognised the Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia , the Supreme Grand Chapter of England has scarcely anything to do in the matter . The
Supreme Grand Chapters of England and Scotland are in very dilTcrcnt positions , the former ou / y issuing charters to be attached to lodges under the English constitution , and being in close alliance with the Grand Lodge , such charters would naturally cease upon the severance of the lodges from Nova Scotia from that constitution ; the latter not being united or in any way connected with the lodges
under the constitution of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , issues its charters totally irrespective of that body , and consequently the Supreme Grand Chapter of Scotland is quire at liberty to pursue a totally independent course . The committee have likewise to report lliat they have received petitions . From Companions William Pickup Pickup , as ' / ..,
Joseph Ingram , as II ., Henry Maeaulay , as J ., and nine others , for a chapter to be attached to the Bank Terrace Lodge , No . 4 62 , Accrington , lo be called "The Bank Terrace Chapter , " and to meet at the Hargreaves Arms Hotel , Accrington , Lancashire . From Companions John Henry I lamer Doughncy as Z ., Richard Bonccy , as II ., William Wesl Smith , as J .,
and nine others , for a chapter to be attached to the Pythagorean Lodge , No . 79 , Greenwich , to be called "The Pythagorean Chapter , " and to meet at the Ship Hotel , Greenwich , Kent . The foregoing petitions being in all respects regular ,
lhe committee recommend that the prayers thereof be respectively granted . A petition has also been received from Companions George King , jun ., as Z ., George King , sen ., as II ., Edward Atkins liaber , as J ., and eight others , for a chapter to be attached to the Ilcrvey Lodge , No . 1260 ,
Grand Chapter Of England
to be called "The Hervey Chapter , " and to meet at the George Hotel , Walham Green , Middlesex . This petitionhasbeen carefully considered , but , although in all respects regular in form , the committee are of opinion that it is not desirable that a chapter should be attached to a lodge which has been consecrated for a less period than three years , and they submit their opinion for
the consideration of Grand Chapter . The following notice of motion has been received for the next Quarterly Convocation : — From Companion John Savage , Past Sword Bearer . " That the business of the Quarterly Convocations do commence at ' eight' o ' clock p . m ., and that the word ' eleven' be struck out of the second line of clause 9 > at
page 8 of the Royal Arch regulations , and the word ' ten ' be inserted in lieu thereof . " ( Signed ) W . PULTEMEY SCOTT , President . Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C ., 19 th January , 1870 . The first portions of the report relating to the
Chapter of Concord , No . 394 , and to the recognition of the Grand Chapter of Nova Scotia were received and adopted . Upon motion duly made and seconded , a charterwasgrantedforthe Bank Terrace Chapter , No . 462 , Accrington . Comp . SCOTT proposed , and Comp . BAKER seconded , that a charter be granted for the "
Pythagorean " Chapter , No . 79 , Greenwich . — Comps . Noble and Collington opposed the motion , which was supported by Comps . Raynham Stewart , Stevens , Smith , Nunn and Halsey . The M . E . Z . spoke in favour of the motion , and then put the question , when there appeared in favour of the charter being issued 41 ; against it , 24 . The charter
was accordingly issued , and we consider it a very righteous decision , as the opposition was based upon personal motives which should never find place in Freemasonry . Comp . Radcliffe then proposed , and Comp . Stevens seconded , that a charter be granted to the petitioners for the Hervey Chapter . After
some discussion , in which Comps . Smith , Bennoch , Scott and Nunn took part , the charter was granted . Comp . Savage being absent , his notice of motion necessarily lapsed . The Grand Chapter was closed in due form , and adjourned .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings
For the Week ending February 12 , 1 S 70 . MONDAY , FED . 7 . Lodge 12 , " Fortitude and Old Cumberland , " Ship and Turtle , Leadcnhall-strect . ,, 25 , " Robert Burns , " Freemasons' Hall . ,, 69 , " Unity , " London Tavern , Bishopsgate-street . ,, 72 , "Royal Jubilee , " Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-st .
,, 90 , "St . John ' s , " Radlcy ' s Hotel , Blackfriars . ,, 144 , "St . Luke ' s , " Pier Hotel , Chelsea . ,, 188 , "Joppa , " Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . ,, 256 , " Unions , " Freemasons' Hall . The Brett Testimonial Dinner ( sec advertisement ) . Kent Mark Masters' Lodge of Instruction , Lyceum Tav .,
354 , Strand , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . C . Swan , Preceptor . Sincerity Lodge of Instruction ( 174 ) , Railway Tavern , Fcnchurch-strcct Station , at 7 . Wellington Lodge of Instruction , White Swan Tavern , Deptford , at S . Camden Lodge of Instruction ( 704 ) , Adelaide Tavern , I-Iavcrslock-hUl , at 8 ; Bro . T . A . Adams , Preceptor . Eastern Star Lodgeof Instruction ( 95 ) , Royal Hotel ,
Milcend-road , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . E . Gottheil , Preceptor . TUESDAY , FEU . 8 . Lodge 4 6 , "Old Union , " Radlcy ' s Hotel , Blackfriars . ,, 96 , "Burlington , " Albion Tav ., Aldersgatc-strcet . ,, 166 , "Union , " London Tav ., Bishopsratc-strect . ,, 180 , " St . James ' s Union , " Freemasons'Hall .
,, 19 b , " Percy , " Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-strect . „ 211 , "St . Michael ' s , " Albion Tav ., Aldersgale-sl . „ 22 S , " United Strength , " St . John ' s Gale , Clerken well .
,, 235 , "Nine Muses , " Clarendon , New Bond-street . » . 54 8 . "Wellington , " White Swan Tav ., Deptford . ,, 834 , "Ranelagh , " Windsor Castle , Hammersmith . >> 9 ' 7 . "Cosmopolitan , " Terminus III ] ., Cannon-st . .. 933 > "Doric , ' Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . Chap . 185 , "Jerusalem , " Freemasons' Hall . Metropolitan Chapter of Instruction , George Hotel , Aldcrmanbury , at 7 ; Comp . Brett , Preceptor . Domatic Lodgeof Instruction , Palmcrston Tav ., Grosvenorpark , Cambcrwcll , at 7 . 30 .
Royal Union Lodge of inst ruction ( 3 S 2 ) , Hotel dc Cologne , 60 and 61 , Haymarket , at 8 ; Bro . T . A . Adams , Preceptor . Faith Lodgeof Instruction , Metropolitan Railway , Victoria Station , at 8 ; Bro . C . A . Cottebrune , Preceptor , 3 S 2 Varborough Lodgeof Instruction , Green Dragon , Stepney , at S ; Bro . Isaac Saqui , Preceptor . Prince Frcdk . William Lodgeof Instruction ( 753 ) Knights of St . John ' s Tavern , St . Jolm ' s-wood ; Bro . F . G . Baker , Preceptor . Preslonian Club of Instruction ( for M . M . ' s only ) , Lyceum Tavern , Strand .
WEDNESDAY , FEB . 9 . Committee Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , at 3 . Lodge 3 , " Fidelity , " Freemasons' Mall . ,, 11 , "Enoch , " Freemasons' Hall . ,, 13 , "Union Waterloo , " Masonic Hall , Woolwich . ,, 15 , " Kent , " Guildhall Coffee House , Gresham-sl .
,, 87 , " Vilruvian , " While Hart , Lambeth . „ 147 , "Justice , " White Swan , Deplford . ,, 212 , " Euphrates , " George Hotel , Aldermanbury .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings
Lodge 238 , " Pilgrim , Ship and . Turtle , Leadenhall-street . >> 749 > "Belgrave , " Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . ,, 781 , "Merchant Navy , " Silver Tavern , Burdettroad , Limehouse . ,, 1017 , "Montefiore , " Freemasons' Hall .
,, 1216 , " Macdonald , " Head Quarters First Surrey Rifles , Brunswick-rd ., Camberwell . ,, 122 S , "Beacontree , " private rooms , Leytonstone . ,, 1260 , •'Hervey , " George Hotel , Waltham Green . Mark Lodge , " Kent , " George Hotel , Aldermanbury . Pythagorean Lodge of Instruction ( 79 ) , Prince of Orange , Greenwich , at 8 .
United Strength Lodge of Instruction ( 22 S ) , Bull & Gate , Kentish Town-road , at 8 ; Bro . J . N . Frost , Preceptor . Israel Lodge of Instruction , Rising Sun Tavern , Globeroad , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . Isaac Saqui , Preceptor . Confidence Lodge of Instruction ( 193 ) , Railway Tavern , Railway-place , Fenchurch-street , at 7 .
Strong Man Lodge of Instruction , The Grapes Tavern , Duke-street , Manchester-square , at 8 ; Bro . T . A . Adams , P . G . P ., Preceptor . New Concord Lodge of Instruction , Rosemary Branch Tavern , Hoxton , at S ; Bro . C . H . Pedler , Preceptor . Sydney Lodge of Instruction ( S 29 ) , Cambridge Hotel , Upper Norwood , at 7 . 30 .
THURSDAY , FEB . 10 . Lodge 19 , " Royal Athelstan , " Terminus Hotel , Cannonstreet . ,, 91 , " Regularity , " Freemasons'Hall . ,, 206 , "Friendship , " Ship & Turtle , Leadenhall-st .
,, 263 , "Bank of England , Radley s , Blackfriars . ,, 534 , "Polish National , " Freemasons'Hall . „ 657 , "Canonbury , " Haxel ' s Hotel , Strand . ,, S 60 , "Dalhousie , " Anderton ' s , Fleet-street . ,, 1076 , "Capper , " Marine Hotel , Victoria Docks , West Ham .
Chap . 554 , " Yarborough , " Green Dragon , Stepney . Fidelity Lodge of Instruction ( 3 ) , Yorkshire Grey , London-street , Fitzroy-square , at S ; Bro . T . A . Adams , Preceptor . Finsbury Club of Instruction , Jolly Anglers' Tavern , 42 ,
Bath-street , City-road . United Mariners' Lodge of Instruction , Three Cranes , Mile-end-road , at S ; Bro . T . J . Barnes , Preceptor . St . George's Lodgeof Instruction ( 140 ) , Globe Tavern , Royal Hill , Greenwich , at S .
FRIDAY , FEB . II . Lodge 33 , " Britannic , " Freemasons'Hall . ,, 134 , " Caledonian , " Ship & Turtle , Leadenhall-st . ,, 157 , "Bedford , " Freemasons'Hall .
,, 177 , " Domatic , " Anderton ' s , Fleet-street . Chap . 6 , "Friendship , " Willis ' s Rooms , King-street , St . James ' s . St . Luke's Lodgeof Instruction ( 144 ) , Pier Htl ., Chelsea . Stability Lodge oi Instruction , Guildhall Codec House , Grcsham-strcct , at 6 .
Unions Emulation Lodge of Improvement for M . M . ' s , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 . Metropolitan Lodge of Instmction , George Hotel , Aldermanbury , at 7 ; Bro . Brett , Preceptor . United Pilgrims' Lodge of Instruction , Horns Tavern , Kcnnington , at 7 . Belgrave Lodge of Instruction , Duke of Wellington Htl .,
Spring-gardens , Charing-cross ; Br . Pulsford , Preceptor Doric Lodge of Instruction , Three Cranes Tavern , Mileend-road , at S ; Bro . Isaac Saqui , Preceptor . Duke of Edinburgh Lodge of Instruction , Silver Lion , Penny-fields , Poplar , at 7 ; Br . D . S . Potts , Preceptor . Temperance Lodge of Instruction , Victoria Tav ., Victoriaroad , Deptford , at S .
SATURDAY , FEB . 12 . Lodge 10 S , " London , " Freemasons' Hall . ,, 173 , "Phrenix , " Freemasons'Hall . Mark Lodge , No . 104 , "Macdonald , " Head-quarters 1 st Surrey Rifles , Brunswick-road , Cambcrwcll . Star Lodge of Instruction ( 127 S ) , Marquis of Granby , New Cross-road , at 7 .
A " PYTHAGOREAN " ( suggestive name to Freemasons ) , writes to the Pall Mall Gazette , lamenting the tribulation he has had to undergo in carrying out his vegetarian theories . He relates his experiences at a restaurant not far from Regent-circus , in a somewhat amusing fashion , and sums up by dolefully describing his treatment as the case of
one who dares to choose his own diet in a free country . " EPILEPSY OR FITS . —A sure cure for this distressing complaint'is now made known in a Treatise ( of 4 S octavo pages ) on Foreign and native Herbal Preparations , published by Prof . O . Pnioi . rs BKOWN . The prescription was discovered by him in such a providential
manner that he cannot conscientiously refuse to make it known , as it has cured everybody who has used it for Fits , never having failed in a single case . The ingredients may be obtained from any chemist . —Persons desiring a copy may address Prof . O . PIIKI . I'S BUOWN , No . 2 , King-street , Covent Garden , London , enclosing stamp ; six copies , three stamps . —[ Advt . l
HOLLOWAY ' S OINTMENT AND PILLS . —Biliousness , Dyspepsia . —There is no organ in the human body so liable to derangement as lhe liver . Food , fatigue , climate , and anxiety , all disorder its action and render its secretion—lhe bile—more or less depraved , superabundant , or scanty . The first symptoms should receive attention . A pain in the side or the lop of the
shoulder , a harsh cough and difficulty of breathing , are all signs of liver disease , which are removed without delay by friction with Holloway ' s inestimable Ointment . The Pills should also be taken early . For all diseases of this vital organ lhe action of these conjoined remedies is a specific , by checking the over-supply of bile , regulating its secretion , and giving nervous tone . ADYT .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Grand Chapter Of England
The quarterly convocation of the Supreme Grand Chapter was held in the Zetland Room , Freemasons ' Hall , on Wednesday , the 2 nd inst ., M . E . Comp . the Rev . J . Huyshe , J ., presided as Z ., supported by Comp . S . Rawson as H ., and Comp . F . Pattison as J ., and among other comps . present , we noticed : Comps . J- Hervey , E . ; J . M . Clabon , N . ; S . L .
Tomkins , P . S . ; W . P . Scott , B . Head , C . C . Dumas , J . Nunn , G . W . K . Potter , B . Baker , H . Empson , H . Browse , J . Smith , N . Bradford , R . J . Spiers , P . Matthews , A . Holman , T . Parker , J . 507 ; J . Boyd , Z . 145 ; J . Graydon , P . Z . 13 ; F . J . Lilley , P . Z . 507 ; J . Tepper , Z . 8 ; W . B . Heath , P . Z . 22 ; H . C . Levander , Z . 720 ; J . Stevens , P . Z . 720 ; W . H .
Hubbard , P . Z . 975 ; F . Walters , P . Z . 73 ; A . Pratt , P . Z . 22 ; S . Noble , P . Z . 206 ; J . W . Halsey , P . Z . 507 ; J . Self , J . ; A . T . Taffs , 13 ; C . Cook , 13 ; F . Bennoch , P . Z . 2 ; H . Carter , H . 382 ; C . Leedham , P . Z . 220 ; G . Lambert , H . 7 ; F . Binckes , P . Z . 10 ; W . Mann , P . Z . 186 ; L . Mercik , Z . 534 ; J . Henderson , P . Z . 13 ; N . Norman , H . 13 ; H .
Radcliffe , P . Z . n ; H . A . Collington , P . Z . 206 ; W . Noak , H . 206 ; A . H . Tattershall , J . 206 ; T . Wescombe , Z . 657 ; T . J . Sabine , J . 73 ; J . Hasler , Z . 206 ; G . W . Edington , P . Z . 206 ; A . L . Brander , Z . 507 ; J . C . Peckham , P . Z . 206 ; W . M . Bywater , P . Z . 19 ; J . T . Tibbals , 16 9 ; G . Bolton , P . Z . 16 9 ; R . E . Barnes , P . Z . ; S . E . Hogg , P . Z . 206 ; W . Ough , P . Z . 749 ; H . E . Frances , P . Z . 463 ; A .
Anderson , J . 46 3 ; W . Bartlett , Z . 168 ; Pierce Egan , Z . ri ; G . S . States , P . Z . 145 ; R . VV . Stewart , P . Z . 12 ; R . Spencer , P . Z . 3 ; G . J . Sharpe , H . 145 ; F . G . Baker , P . Z . 753 ; H . G . Buss , P . Z . 177 . The Grand Chapter was opened in due form and with solemn prayer . The minutes of the November convocation were read by the Grand Scribe E . and confirmed . The following report of the Committee was taken as read : —
To the Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of England . The Committee of General Purposes beg to report that they have examined the accounts from the 20 th October , 1869 , to the 17 th January , 1 S 70 , both inclusive , which they find to be as follows : —• To Balance 19 th October . . . £ 374 14 8 „ Subsequent Receipts . . . 192 10 10
£ 567 5 6 ByDisbursementsdiiringtheQuartcr ^ 143 12 o ,, Balance 423 13 6 ; 65 U 7 5 6 which balance is in the hands of Messrs . Willis , Percival and Co ., bankers of the Grand Treasurer . The committee have also to report a fine of / s 5 s .,
inflicted upon the Chapter of Concord , No . 394 , Southampton , in July last ( for having exalted a candidate on the nth March , 1 S 69 , wdio had only been raised on the 12 th November previously ) , has not been paid , nor has the chapter , which has been written to upon the subject by the Grand Scribe E . three limes , acknowledged the receipt of his letters . Under these circumstances the
committee have deemed it right lo report the case to the Grand Chapter , and to summon the Chapter , No . 394 , to attend their next meeting , to show cause why it should not be recommended to Grand Chapter that the chapter be erased . A correspondence with the recently formed Grand Chapter of Nova Scotia , and a circular upon the same
subject from the Supreme Grand Chapter of Scotland , have been laid before the Committee , which they have carefully perused , and now submit to the consideration of the Supreme Grand Chapter . They suggest , however , that the Grand Lodge of England , having recognised the Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia , the Supreme Grand Chapter of England has scarcely anything to do in the matter . The
Supreme Grand Chapters of England and Scotland are in very dilTcrcnt positions , the former ou / y issuing charters to be attached to lodges under the English constitution , and being in close alliance with the Grand Lodge , such charters would naturally cease upon the severance of the lodges from Nova Scotia from that constitution ; the latter not being united or in any way connected with the lodges
under the constitution of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , issues its charters totally irrespective of that body , and consequently the Supreme Grand Chapter of Scotland is quire at liberty to pursue a totally independent course . The committee have likewise to report lliat they have received petitions . From Companions William Pickup Pickup , as ' / ..,
Joseph Ingram , as II ., Henry Maeaulay , as J ., and nine others , for a chapter to be attached to the Bank Terrace Lodge , No . 4 62 , Accrington , lo be called "The Bank Terrace Chapter , " and to meet at the Hargreaves Arms Hotel , Accrington , Lancashire . From Companions John Henry I lamer Doughncy as Z ., Richard Bonccy , as II ., William Wesl Smith , as J .,
and nine others , for a chapter to be attached to the Pythagorean Lodge , No . 79 , Greenwich , to be called "The Pythagorean Chapter , " and to meet at the Ship Hotel , Greenwich , Kent . The foregoing petitions being in all respects regular ,
lhe committee recommend that the prayers thereof be respectively granted . A petition has also been received from Companions George King , jun ., as Z ., George King , sen ., as II ., Edward Atkins liaber , as J ., and eight others , for a chapter to be attached to the Ilcrvey Lodge , No . 1260 ,
Grand Chapter Of England
to be called "The Hervey Chapter , " and to meet at the George Hotel , Walham Green , Middlesex . This petitionhasbeen carefully considered , but , although in all respects regular in form , the committee are of opinion that it is not desirable that a chapter should be attached to a lodge which has been consecrated for a less period than three years , and they submit their opinion for
the consideration of Grand Chapter . The following notice of motion has been received for the next Quarterly Convocation : — From Companion John Savage , Past Sword Bearer . " That the business of the Quarterly Convocations do commence at ' eight' o ' clock p . m ., and that the word ' eleven' be struck out of the second line of clause 9 > at
page 8 of the Royal Arch regulations , and the word ' ten ' be inserted in lieu thereof . " ( Signed ) W . PULTEMEY SCOTT , President . Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C ., 19 th January , 1870 . The first portions of the report relating to the
Chapter of Concord , No . 394 , and to the recognition of the Grand Chapter of Nova Scotia were received and adopted . Upon motion duly made and seconded , a charterwasgrantedforthe Bank Terrace Chapter , No . 462 , Accrington . Comp . SCOTT proposed , and Comp . BAKER seconded , that a charter be granted for the "
Pythagorean " Chapter , No . 79 , Greenwich . — Comps . Noble and Collington opposed the motion , which was supported by Comps . Raynham Stewart , Stevens , Smith , Nunn and Halsey . The M . E . Z . spoke in favour of the motion , and then put the question , when there appeared in favour of the charter being issued 41 ; against it , 24 . The charter
was accordingly issued , and we consider it a very righteous decision , as the opposition was based upon personal motives which should never find place in Freemasonry . Comp . Radcliffe then proposed , and Comp . Stevens seconded , that a charter be granted to the petitioners for the Hervey Chapter . After
some discussion , in which Comps . Smith , Bennoch , Scott and Nunn took part , the charter was granted . Comp . Savage being absent , his notice of motion necessarily lapsed . The Grand Chapter was closed in due form , and adjourned .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings
For the Week ending February 12 , 1 S 70 . MONDAY , FED . 7 . Lodge 12 , " Fortitude and Old Cumberland , " Ship and Turtle , Leadcnhall-strect . ,, 25 , " Robert Burns , " Freemasons' Hall . ,, 69 , " Unity , " London Tavern , Bishopsgate-street . ,, 72 , "Royal Jubilee , " Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-st .
,, 90 , "St . John ' s , " Radlcy ' s Hotel , Blackfriars . ,, 144 , "St . Luke ' s , " Pier Hotel , Chelsea . ,, 188 , "Joppa , " Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . ,, 256 , " Unions , " Freemasons' Hall . The Brett Testimonial Dinner ( sec advertisement ) . Kent Mark Masters' Lodge of Instruction , Lyceum Tav .,
354 , Strand , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . C . Swan , Preceptor . Sincerity Lodge of Instruction ( 174 ) , Railway Tavern , Fcnchurch-strcct Station , at 7 . Wellington Lodge of Instruction , White Swan Tavern , Deptford , at S . Camden Lodge of Instruction ( 704 ) , Adelaide Tavern , I-Iavcrslock-hUl , at 8 ; Bro . T . A . Adams , Preceptor . Eastern Star Lodgeof Instruction ( 95 ) , Royal Hotel ,
Milcend-road , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . E . Gottheil , Preceptor . TUESDAY , FEU . 8 . Lodge 4 6 , "Old Union , " Radlcy ' s Hotel , Blackfriars . ,, 96 , "Burlington , " Albion Tav ., Aldersgatc-strcet . ,, 166 , "Union , " London Tav ., Bishopsratc-strect . ,, 180 , " St . James ' s Union , " Freemasons'Hall .
,, 19 b , " Percy , " Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-strect . „ 211 , "St . Michael ' s , " Albion Tav ., Aldersgale-sl . „ 22 S , " United Strength , " St . John ' s Gale , Clerken well .
,, 235 , "Nine Muses , " Clarendon , New Bond-street . » . 54 8 . "Wellington , " White Swan Tav ., Deptford . ,, 834 , "Ranelagh , " Windsor Castle , Hammersmith . >> 9 ' 7 . "Cosmopolitan , " Terminus III ] ., Cannon-st . .. 933 > "Doric , ' Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . Chap . 185 , "Jerusalem , " Freemasons' Hall . Metropolitan Chapter of Instruction , George Hotel , Aldcrmanbury , at 7 ; Comp . Brett , Preceptor . Domatic Lodgeof Instruction , Palmcrston Tav ., Grosvenorpark , Cambcrwcll , at 7 . 30 .
Royal Union Lodge of inst ruction ( 3 S 2 ) , Hotel dc Cologne , 60 and 61 , Haymarket , at 8 ; Bro . T . A . Adams , Preceptor . Faith Lodgeof Instruction , Metropolitan Railway , Victoria Station , at 8 ; Bro . C . A . Cottebrune , Preceptor , 3 S 2 Varborough Lodgeof Instruction , Green Dragon , Stepney , at S ; Bro . Isaac Saqui , Preceptor . Prince Frcdk . William Lodgeof Instruction ( 753 ) Knights of St . John ' s Tavern , St . Jolm ' s-wood ; Bro . F . G . Baker , Preceptor . Preslonian Club of Instruction ( for M . M . ' s only ) , Lyceum Tavern , Strand .
WEDNESDAY , FEB . 9 . Committee Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , at 3 . Lodge 3 , " Fidelity , " Freemasons' Mall . ,, 11 , "Enoch , " Freemasons' Hall . ,, 13 , "Union Waterloo , " Masonic Hall , Woolwich . ,, 15 , " Kent , " Guildhall Coffee House , Gresham-sl .
,, 87 , " Vilruvian , " While Hart , Lambeth . „ 147 , "Justice , " White Swan , Deplford . ,, 212 , " Euphrates , " George Hotel , Aldermanbury .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings
Lodge 238 , " Pilgrim , Ship and . Turtle , Leadenhall-street . >> 749 > "Belgrave , " Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . ,, 781 , "Merchant Navy , " Silver Tavern , Burdettroad , Limehouse . ,, 1017 , "Montefiore , " Freemasons' Hall .
,, 1216 , " Macdonald , " Head Quarters First Surrey Rifles , Brunswick-rd ., Camberwell . ,, 122 S , "Beacontree , " private rooms , Leytonstone . ,, 1260 , •'Hervey , " George Hotel , Waltham Green . Mark Lodge , " Kent , " George Hotel , Aldermanbury . Pythagorean Lodge of Instruction ( 79 ) , Prince of Orange , Greenwich , at 8 .
United Strength Lodge of Instruction ( 22 S ) , Bull & Gate , Kentish Town-road , at 8 ; Bro . J . N . Frost , Preceptor . Israel Lodge of Instruction , Rising Sun Tavern , Globeroad , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . Isaac Saqui , Preceptor . Confidence Lodge of Instruction ( 193 ) , Railway Tavern , Railway-place , Fenchurch-street , at 7 .
Strong Man Lodge of Instruction , The Grapes Tavern , Duke-street , Manchester-square , at 8 ; Bro . T . A . Adams , P . G . P ., Preceptor . New Concord Lodge of Instruction , Rosemary Branch Tavern , Hoxton , at S ; Bro . C . H . Pedler , Preceptor . Sydney Lodge of Instruction ( S 29 ) , Cambridge Hotel , Upper Norwood , at 7 . 30 .
THURSDAY , FEB . 10 . Lodge 19 , " Royal Athelstan , " Terminus Hotel , Cannonstreet . ,, 91 , " Regularity , " Freemasons'Hall . ,, 206 , "Friendship , " Ship & Turtle , Leadenhall-st .
,, 263 , "Bank of England , Radley s , Blackfriars . ,, 534 , "Polish National , " Freemasons'Hall . „ 657 , "Canonbury , " Haxel ' s Hotel , Strand . ,, S 60 , "Dalhousie , " Anderton ' s , Fleet-street . ,, 1076 , "Capper , " Marine Hotel , Victoria Docks , West Ham .
Chap . 554 , " Yarborough , " Green Dragon , Stepney . Fidelity Lodge of Instruction ( 3 ) , Yorkshire Grey , London-street , Fitzroy-square , at S ; Bro . T . A . Adams , Preceptor . Finsbury Club of Instruction , Jolly Anglers' Tavern , 42 ,
Bath-street , City-road . United Mariners' Lodge of Instruction , Three Cranes , Mile-end-road , at S ; Bro . T . J . Barnes , Preceptor . St . George's Lodgeof Instruction ( 140 ) , Globe Tavern , Royal Hill , Greenwich , at S .
FRIDAY , FEB . II . Lodge 33 , " Britannic , " Freemasons'Hall . ,, 134 , " Caledonian , " Ship & Turtle , Leadenhall-st . ,, 157 , "Bedford , " Freemasons'Hall .
,, 177 , " Domatic , " Anderton ' s , Fleet-street . Chap . 6 , "Friendship , " Willis ' s Rooms , King-street , St . James ' s . St . Luke's Lodgeof Instruction ( 144 ) , Pier Htl ., Chelsea . Stability Lodge oi Instruction , Guildhall Codec House , Grcsham-strcct , at 6 .
Unions Emulation Lodge of Improvement for M . M . ' s , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 . Metropolitan Lodge of Instmction , George Hotel , Aldermanbury , at 7 ; Bro . Brett , Preceptor . United Pilgrims' Lodge of Instruction , Horns Tavern , Kcnnington , at 7 . Belgrave Lodge of Instruction , Duke of Wellington Htl .,
Spring-gardens , Charing-cross ; Br . Pulsford , Preceptor Doric Lodge of Instruction , Three Cranes Tavern , Mileend-road , at S ; Bro . Isaac Saqui , Preceptor . Duke of Edinburgh Lodge of Instruction , Silver Lion , Penny-fields , Poplar , at 7 ; Br . D . S . Potts , Preceptor . Temperance Lodge of Instruction , Victoria Tav ., Victoriaroad , Deptford , at S .
SATURDAY , FEB . 12 . Lodge 10 S , " London , " Freemasons' Hall . ,, 173 , "Phrenix , " Freemasons'Hall . Mark Lodge , No . 104 , "Macdonald , " Head-quarters 1 st Surrey Rifles , Brunswick-road , Cambcrwcll . Star Lodge of Instruction ( 127 S ) , Marquis of Granby , New Cross-road , at 7 .
A " PYTHAGOREAN " ( suggestive name to Freemasons ) , writes to the Pall Mall Gazette , lamenting the tribulation he has had to undergo in carrying out his vegetarian theories . He relates his experiences at a restaurant not far from Regent-circus , in a somewhat amusing fashion , and sums up by dolefully describing his treatment as the case of
one who dares to choose his own diet in a free country . " EPILEPSY OR FITS . —A sure cure for this distressing complaint'is now made known in a Treatise ( of 4 S octavo pages ) on Foreign and native Herbal Preparations , published by Prof . O . Pnioi . rs BKOWN . The prescription was discovered by him in such a providential
manner that he cannot conscientiously refuse to make it known , as it has cured everybody who has used it for Fits , never having failed in a single case . The ingredients may be obtained from any chemist . —Persons desiring a copy may address Prof . O . PIIKI . I'S BUOWN , No . 2 , King-street , Covent Garden , London , enclosing stamp ; six copies , three stamps . —[ Advt . l
HOLLOWAY ' S OINTMENT AND PILLS . —Biliousness , Dyspepsia . —There is no organ in the human body so liable to derangement as lhe liver . Food , fatigue , climate , and anxiety , all disorder its action and render its secretion—lhe bile—more or less depraved , superabundant , or scanty . The first symptoms should receive attention . A pain in the side or the lop of the
shoulder , a harsh cough and difficulty of breathing , are all signs of liver disease , which are removed without delay by friction with Holloway ' s inestimable Ointment . The Pills should also be taken early . For all diseases of this vital organ lhe action of these conjoined remedies is a specific , by checking the over-supply of bile , regulating its secretion , and giving nervous tone . ADYT .